The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 228 Great Emotion

They still went to Daying Road to eat hot pot. When they got home, it was already past four o'clock. Zhang Chen was no longer sleepy. He was lying on the bed, recalling the scenes of going to the field scene by scene. He thought of those fireflies, so Small luminous objects, when gathered together, can form such a large piece of bright light.

Zhang Chen recalled that bright light, that cold tone, a clear and transparent color, with a dreamlike feeling, cold, but also made people feel a little warm and longing. If hope has color, Zhang Chen I think it should be that blue and that green.

Zhang Chen suddenly had an idea. Isn't this the brilliance he wants? On the road south of Longkun, a huge building shines like this 24 hours a day or at night. It is impossible for anyone passing by to ignore it.

Thinking of this, Zhang Chen seemed to have some idea in his mind, and felt like a stone had fallen to the ground. After the general tone was set, the next step was to think carefully about what materials to use, what form, and how to turn this idea into paper. Reality.

There is ample time.

At least tonight, Zhang Chen can sleep peacefully.

At 8:40, Zhang Chen woke up on time. He spent two minutes brushing his teeth and washing his face. The next ten minutes were enough for him to walk to the office.

Zhang Chen picked up his bag and was about to go out. He picked up the BB player on the table and took a look. He was pleasantly surprised again. He saw vague words appearing on the screen. Zhang Chen understood that it must be the water vapor inside that gradually Evaporated, BB machine is recovering.

It doesn't matter if it is soaked in water like this. It seems that this Motorola is really trustworthy.

Zhang Chen put the BB camera into his waist and walked out of the room. When he saw Xiao Lin going out, Zhang Chen and Xiao Lin said, "Thank you!"

Xiao Lin was stunned for a moment, not knowing what he was thanking. Zhang Chen pointed to the clothes hanging on the iron rack outside the corridor. Xiao Lin muttered. Zhang Chen didn't understand, but he knew that he meant that I didn't wash them. It was Caizhen who washed it.

Zhang Chen suddenly thought that Xiao Lin had no idea who he was talking to, but when he talked to Caizhen and the others, his speech became clearer. He was in a daze last night and could hear him clearly. When I talked to Caizhen in the corridor, this was not the first time this happened.

"What happened to your motorcycle?"

Xiao Lin asked Zhang Chen, and Zhang Chen smiled and said: "It's okay, it's okay, park well in the parking lot now."

Zhang Chen put his arm around Xiao Lin's shoulders and went downstairs, asking quietly: "How are you, Lin Zai, have you touched Caizhen's hand?"

Xiao Lin's face suddenly turned red. He didn't say yes or no. He was anxious to get rid of Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen refused to let him go and continued: "If you touch me, I will invite you to karaoke."



"Then, let's go tonight."

Zhang Chen laughed loudly: "So you have already touched it?"

Xiao Lin blushed and nodded, struggled to break away from Zhang Chen, and ran away. Zhang Chen shouted at his back: "What time has the appointment been? Let me know in the afternoon."

Xiao Lin waved his hand.

Zhang Chen walked to the door of the office. The sun had already heated the door. Zhang Chen opened the door, took off the BB player from his waist, and placed it where he could see it from his seat at the door, with his back to the sky and basking in the sun.

After a while, Xiao Wu and Liu Ligan came. Liu Ligan looked at the BB camera on the ground at the door and shouted, "Fuck, I don't want the video recorder anymore, and I don't want the BB camera either?"

"Fell into the water." Zhang Chen said angrily.

"Then use a hair dryer, just blow it off."

"Where can I find a hair dryer here?"

"In the room upstairs, you, Mr. Zhang, are in Wanghai Tower and can't borrow a hair dryer? Half-brain, if you dry yourself like this, won't it explode?"

Zhang Chen thought that Liu Ligan's words made sense, and quickly walked to the door, picked up the BB machine, and looked at it again. For a while, the BB machine was all hot when it was held in the phone. He turned it over and looked at it. The screen has actually recovered. In Haicheng at the end of May, the sun is really too strong.

"We just went to see the construction site on Longkun South Road. Damn, it's just four words. It's changing with each passing day. By the way, how are you doing here?" Liu Ligan asked.

"I have some ideas, I have to keep thinking about it."

"Don't worry, don't miss the trip. In this way, I will report the progress of the project to you every day."

"No, no, I don't want to hear this. Damn it, when will I be unable to catch up?" Zhang Chen scolded, "You should go buy some breakfast for me. I haven't eaten breakfast."

Liu Li stood at attention with a snap and saluted: "Yes, because you are a great designer, you can come here without breakfast every day, and I will give it to you every day."

Liu Ligan turned around and went out after saying that.

Xiao Wu smiled on the side: "Brother Chen, there is an extra horse boy."

"Young man, you just can't speak." Liu Lipole pointed at Xiao Wu with his finger as he walked: "This is a great emotion created by fighting together, do you understand? Alas, I guess you don't understand either. How would you in the underworld know? These."

Zhang Chen laughed and scolded: "My great emotion brought my motorcycle back yesterday. Can you do it?"

Liu Ligan was stunned for a moment, then waved his hand and walked out of the door.

At almost nine o'clock in the evening, Zhang Chen went to the nightclub on the fourth floor of the hotel. In the afternoon, Xiao Lin came and told Zhang Chen that Caizhen and the others would get off work at nine o'clock in the evening. They wanted to go to the nightclub in Wanghailou. Zhang Chen agreed to let her They went directly after get off work.

Zhang Chen arrived at the fourth floor. The greeters and waiters here all knew Zhang Chen and took Zhang Chen to the reserved box. Zhang Chen saw that there were only two microphones in the box and asked the young master if he could go there again. Find one, the young master went out, and after a while he took back a microphone and plugged it into the remaining jack in front of the amplifier.

It was only five minutes past nine o'clock when Xiao Lin came with Caizhen and the others. When the young master saw Caizhen and the others coming in, he was stunned for a moment and asked, "Are you coming to sing?"

"Yes, Brother Zhang asked us to sing!" Caizhen said to the young master with a proud look like "It's not possible."

Zhang Chen asked them what they wanted, red wine or beer. The three of them wanted nothing but Sprite and Coke. Zhang Chen asked the young master to bring in a fruit platter.

Xiao Lin and Caizhen, as soon as they entered the box, ran to the song ordering station, called the young master over, and asked him to teach them how to order songs. The three of them ordered a long list of songs in one breath, and there was no one at all. Thinking of turning around and asking Zhang Chen what song he wanted to sing, Zhang Chen felt that he was redundant here now.

After Zhang Chen heard them sing two songs, he stood up and said to Xiao Lin, I have to go down first because I have something to do. You can order whatever you want to eat later and I will buy the order.

The prelude of the next song had already sounded, and Xiao Lin couldn't wait to get ready to sing. He hurriedly said to Zhang Chen, "Okay, you can leave quickly."

Zhang Chen felt as if he had been kicked out.

Caizhen saw Zhang Chen going out and asked Xiaolin, what was Brother Zhang doing?

Just leave it alone, Xiao Lin said, and Caizhen just left it alone.

"In our Asia, the mountains are like high heads/In our Asia, the rivers are like streams of hot blood/In our Asia, the trees are all rooted to the roots/In our Asia, the clouds are also holding hands/The wilderness is wrapped with jade belts, and the fields are weaving colorful silks/The Asian wind suddenly arises, and the Asian wind is majestic The sky-shattering roar..."

Zhang Chen walked to the corridor and couldn't help but laugh. He thought that these three people were really holding themselves back. They probably held the microphone for several hours today, holding the microphone so tightly that water could come out of it. , people describe the hungry as the reincarnation of a starving ghost. What are these three? Mute reincarnated? Or a tone-deaf reincarnation?

Zhang Chen arrived at the cashier and told the cashier that I had to leave first. If they want to eat or drink in my private room, they can ask the young master to bring it in. I will come and settle the bill tomorrow morning.

The cashier said yes, Mr. Zhang.

Zhang Chen arrived downstairs and met Jianqiang in the parking lot. The two walked to the flower bed and sat down. They took out the cigarettes in their pockets almost at the same time. Jianqiang looked at the cigarettes in Zhang Chen's hand and smiled. He said with a smile: "If you feel better, I'll slap you."

He stuffed his cigarette back into his pocket and took the cigarette from Zhang Chen's hand.

"Are the people under Brother Zheng still causing trouble for you?" Zhang Chen asked.

"I stopped looking for them. We became friends. Now, they sometimes help me with business."

"That's good." Zhang Chen nodded, "It seems that Brother Zheng is not a bad person, and he is quite trustworthy."

"That's not because of you and Xiao Wu. Brother Zhang Chen, thank you!"

"Is there anything to be grateful for? We are all friends and we should help each other."

Jianqiang lowered his head: "It's a pity that I don't have anything that can help you."

"Don't talk about this. By the way, Jianqiang, I'm usually in the office at night. If you have time, you can come and sit here."

Jianqiang said yes.

Zhang Chen was worried that he would think too much, so he told him: "The poles are not even there."

Jianqiang shook his head and said it was okay. I have met Brother Zhanzi several times. We are fine now, but it was just a moment of anger.

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