The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 2298 I still have to go to Haicheng

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Chen lowered his head and thought for a while. He and Xiaoshu said:

"I still have to go to Haicheng tomorrow. Your sister hasn't come back. Xiaoshu and Yao Fen, you should go home for dinner tomorrow night. If the old people ask about it, just tell them that I will help Bei. Bei designs something.”

Xiaoshu and Yao Fen both agreed, and Xiaoshu asked: "Mr. Xie said that there is no big problem and it can be solved tomorrow. Brother-in-law, why are you still going to do it?"

Zhang Chen said: "Solving this kind of thing requires money. If you hurt someone, if you don't want them to pursue the case, you don't need to say good things to them. How much should you pay them? You can't let Lao Xie help and pay for it." Yes, if Zhang Xiangbei gives it to him, Lao Xie will definitely not take it. I am also worried that with Zhang Xiangbei’s temper, if he thinks he is justified, he will not even pay the money.

"If you are aggressive and make the other party angry, an injury assessment must be done and you must be held criminally responsible. Even the police will not be able to do anything."

Xiaoshu nodded, and Zhang Chen continued:

"Besides, I have to teach them a lesson. How old are Zhang Xiangbei and Gu Gong? When things happen, no one is calm. When it comes to fights, if there is one person in a group who is calm, At one point, we can't even try to persuade and persuade people to make peace. It's so old. If you are still fighting and killing people outside, aren't you bringing trouble to yourself?"

Xiaoshu thinks Zhang Chen’s words make sense. Especially in other places, this kind of thing should be avoided as much as possible, otherwise the family will worry to death. And these words are useless for others to say. There are really only It would only work if Zhang Chen went to talk to him.

The three of them went downstairs. Xiaoshu and Yao Fen accompanied Zhang Chen to the door of the house. The three of them said goodbye to each other.

After taking a shower and lying on the bed, Zhang Chen picked up his phone and looked at it. After dawn, the earliest flight from Hangzhou to Haicheng was at 8:20 am. If he took this flight, he would be there at 6:30 at the latest. To start from home, Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen hadn't gotten up yet, and they didn't know if Xiangnan called them last night.

Besides, if the four old people wake up early in the morning and find that Zhang Chen has gone away without a word, they will definitely have a lot of thoughts. If they meet Tan Shuzhen again and hear that Zhang Xiangbei was nowhere to be found last night, then what? Don't make a mess.

Zhang Chen felt that he could talk to Liu Ligan about this matter, but not to Tan Shuzhen. Once he told Tan Shuzhen, several old people would know that she did not know how to lie in front of them, and Tan Shuzhen might be the first to tell it to her. I was panicking, knowing that Zhang Xiangbei and the others were still at the police station, and the situation was unclear, so there would still be chaos here.

The other flights from Hangcheng to Haicheng were all after noon. Zhang Chen thought to himself that he would let Lao Xie handle things there in the morning. When he arrived, he was still in the way. It would be a good time to meet them in Haicheng in the afternoon.

Zhang Chen chose the earliest flight at noon, the Hainan Airlines flight at 12:10, so that when he arrived in Haicheng, from Haicheng Airport to the city, it happened to be just before 4 pm. At this time, for Haicheng people, It hasn't been long since people woke up from their nap, and the afternoon has just begun.

After making up his mind, Zhang Chen booked the flight tickets, set the alarm on his mobile phone, and went to sleep.

When Zhang Chen went downstairs to have breakfast, Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen were there, and his mother and Xiaofang's mother had just returned from seeing off Zhang Xiangxi and Liu Wenqian.

Liu Wenqian was not old enough to go to kindergarten. Tan Shuzhen said that it would only be beneficial to go to school earlier. At worst, she would have to go to school for an extra year. Besides, if she goes to school now, she will have a companion with Zhang Xiangxi in kindergarten, and Zhang Xiangxi can still take her with her. , otherwise by the time Liu Wenqian goes to kindergarten next year, Zhang Xiangxi will already be in elementary school.

Tan Shuzhen used connections to send Liu Wenqian to the public kindergarten where Zhang Xiangxi was studying early.

Zhang Chen sat down to have breakfast and deliberately pretended to be understated and told them that I was going to Haicheng at noon.

"Why are you going to Haicheng?" Liu Ligan asked.

Zhang Chen said: "Zhang Xiangbei wants to add two open-air hot springs. He asked me to help him select the site, design it, and enrich it."

Liu Ligan kept nodding, but there was no reaction on Tan Shuzhen's face. Zhang Chen felt relieved. He felt that Xiang Nan probably didn't call Tan Shuzhen yesterday.

"Oh, why didn't you tell me earlier? Wait a minute. There will be two pieces of bacon and dried fish later. You can bring them to Beibei. He likes to eat. In Hainan, you can bring bacon. Stewed salted fish and stir-fried dried fish with chili peppers are delicious." Zhang Chen's mother said from the side.

"Don't worry about this." Zhang Chen said, "Where is Gu Gong? You are still worried that Zhang Xiangbei has nothing to eat. I'm afraid they have more food than you have here."

Zhang Chen's mother was discouraged when she heard about Gu Gong. She knew that the food he made was delicious. She looked at Xiaofang's mother and said:

"Where is Teacher Gu? Oh, what should we bring to Beibei?"

When Xiaofang's mother heard about Gu Gong, she also frowned. She knew that she had met a tough opponent. No matter what dish she cooked, she couldn't compare with Gu Gong. There were many, so they still learned from Gu Gong. How could this be good?

Zhang Chen was so happy when he saw them, he said:

"Don't bring anything. I'm too lazy to bring it and I don't have anywhere to put it. I'll just bring a small bag. I'll go there today and come back tomorrow."

Zhang Chen's mother had no choice but to give up after hearing what Zhang Chen said.

After breakfast, Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan said, "I won't drive today. I'll take your car to the company. Will you take me to the airport later?"

Liu Ligan said yes.

The two of them went out and just got in the car when Zhang Chen's cell phone rang. He looked at it and saw that it was Xiang Nan. Zhang Chen held the cell phone but did not answer it. He thought for a moment and said to Liu Ligan:

"Call to the south."

Liu Ligan said: "Then you take it."

"Zhizhi, no matter what you hear later, don't interrupt. Just shut up. If you have anything to say, wait until I finish the call."

Zhang Chen said that Liu Ligan looked at him sideways, as if he were a monster.

Zhang Chen picked up the phone and said anxiously to Nan: "Uncle, why are they still unable to get through all their calls today?"

Zhang Chen asked: "Xiang Nan, are you driving now?"

"No, I'm already in the office." Xiang Nan said.

"Okay, Xiang Nan, listen to me slowly and don't get excited. Fatty called me after yesterday. They are all at the police station in Haicheng." Zhang Chen said.

Xiang Nan exclaimed: "Police station? What did they do?"

Zhang Chen told Xiang Nan everything he knew. He repeatedly told Xiang Nan, "It's okay, it's okay. Xiang Nan, don't worry."

"Your uncle Xie has already gone to the police station last night and met all of them. They are fine and very happy. This morning, right now, your uncle Xie should have gone to find someone. I will take the flight at noon today. Haicheng, I’ll call you when I get to Haicheng.”

Zhang Chen said, and Xiang Nan breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhang Chen hung up the phone and looked at Liu Ligan. Liu Ligan kept driving quietly without saying a word. Zhang Chen felt a little strange and asked:

"Hey, Zhang Xiangbei entered the police station. How come you, my father-in-law, didn't react at all?"

"What reaction do you want?" Liu Ligan said, "Isn't it just a fight? What's there to make a fuss about? Didn't I hear you say before that Beibei and the others didn't suffer, but the other party suffered, so that's fine. If Beibei encounters something and can't get out his fists, like Erwu did, that's what we have to worry about."

Zhang Chen burst out laughing when he heard this. Erwu was a boxer from Yongcheng. He was a martial artist who practiced martial arts since he was a child, dancing with spears, wielding sticks and boxing. He was pretty good at it and won a bronze medal in Tiangang Boxing in the Zhejiang Provincial Wushu Competition. Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan were all familiar with them, and they were about the same age.

This guy is very famous in Yongcheng, not because he is good at boxing, but because he is famous for being unable to punch. No matter how big things happen, or when he gets into an argument with someone, he always gets a stiff neck, exposed veins on his face, and his face becomes red. His hands were red, his hands were clenched tightly, his knuckles were cracking, and his whole body was shaking. He shouted at people:

"What did you say? Say it again if you dare!"

But don't worry, for him, this has reached its peak. Even if the person opposite him says the same thing ten times, his fists won't be able to come out, which makes the people watching the fun on the side even more anxious than he is. He and Xiao Wu are completely different types of people. When people in Yongcheng talk about Er Wu, they are almost synonymous with "embroidered pillows".

"I'll go with you." Liu Lizhan said suddenly.

"What?" Zhang Chen asked, "What are you going to do?"

"Go handle things. If you can't handle this kind of thing, you still need me to go." Liu Ligan said.

"Get lost!" Zhang Chen scolded, "How big of a deal can I handle it? Besides, Lao Xie is already handling it. I just want to teach Zhang Xiangbei a lesson and say a few words to Gu Gong. It's such a big deal. He is a doctor from Fudan University and is as excited as a young man when something happens."

Zhang Chen laughed as he spoke. He said: "Yesterday at the police station, Lao Xie told me that even Gu Gong was rushing to take the blame. He said that he was the one who punched the man who broke his nose. I didn't need to watch the surveillance. I know, Zhang Xiangbei must have been the one to fight. How about it, Zhang Xiangbei has so many dead soldiers, isn’t it easy? He has the skills to control them?”

Liu Ligan shook his head and said, "I'm afraid you may oversimplify things."

"What's wrong?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Haicheng, you don't know yet. If you have people, others might also have people. Haicheng is not a big city, but there are many bastards in Chiqian. It's not like you only found out today." Liu Ligan said.

Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment, and after a while, he said:

"It's okay. If it doesn't work, I'll go find Xiao Zheng. You'd better stay here. If you leave suddenly, there are a few old people here in Tan Shuzhen. They think something big has happened. They're very verbose. You'd better give it to me. Hold the battle here."

Xiao Zheng turned out to be Lao Tan's subordinate. Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan had met him many times and were already very familiar with him. After Xiao Zheng changed careers, he is now the deputy director of a certain department.

Liu Ligan said: "Okay, I understand, but don't lose face. If you know, if it doesn't work, go to Xiao Zheng. Xiao Zheng can work. If you are embarrassed, just call me." , I asked Lao Tan to call Xiao Zheng."

"I know, it's so long-winded." Zhang Chen cursed.

Zhang Chen arrived at the office and arranged things in the company. At ten o'clock, Liu Li came up and told Zhang Chen, "Let's go, it's almost time."

Liu Ligan sent Zhang Chen to the airport. He kept complaining all the way, saying that Zhang Chen was a pig and didn't know what he was thinking. Why didn't he call him last night to discuss today? "I thought about it, No matter what, it's best for me to go to Hainan and you wait at home." Liu Ligan said.

When he arrived at the departure hall, Liu Ligan pulled over and said, "Just call me and let me know what happens when you get there. Do you know?"

Zhang Chen glared at Liu Li: "When did you become so damn verbose?"

"That can't be helped. Your son is not only your son, but also my son-in-law." Liu Ligan said.

"Get out!" Zhang Chen cursed, pushed open the car door and got out. Behind him, Liu Ligan's burst of laughter chased him. Zhang Chen walked to the door of the departure hall and turned around to look. Liu Ligan was driving the car, already in high gear. And go.

Thank you to Lao Chentang, Hu Hu, Shachen Mood, four plus one equals five, book friend 150516132336392, and book friend 20200910010827635 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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