The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 2297 A call from the fat man

Zhang Chen felt himself become hard, as hard as a sculpture by the river, as hard as if he was welded to the terrazzo chair and became one with it.

He calmed himself down. He felt that he was calm enough. It was as cold as the wind and as quiet as the winter night sky above his head.

Just as he often boasts and warns himself, no matter what happens, he must first imagine the worst result. Only after imagining the worst result can he face it when the result really comes.

Zhang Chen said to Xiaoshu: "You go back, Xiaoshu, I will sit here for a while."

The little tree didn't move or get up. He still sat there and smoked silently. He was like another statue by the river.

Zhang Chen picked up his mobile phone and called Lao Xie. Lao Xie had already gone to bed. He got up immediately after receiving Zhang Chen's call. He said, "I'll go look for it. I probably know some of the places Xiaobao used to go." I'll go to these places first.

"Thank you, Mr. Xie, for your hard work." Zhang Chen said.

"Why are you thankful? Beibei is not one of my own?" Lao Xie said, "Mr. Zhang, don't worry. Hainan now is not as chaotic as when we came here, so nothing will happen."

Zhang Chen said okay, I'm not worried.

Lao Xie was about to hang up the phone when Zhang Chen said, "Mr. Xie, can you go to the hospital and see if there have been any large-scale car accidents near Haicheng during the evening and whether anyone has been sent here for rescue."

Lao Xie was stunned for a moment, and then he said yes, I will first call the 120 emergency center to ask if there is any emergency today, and then I will go to several major hospitals to check. If it is really... I will ask them to do everything possible to rescue him.

Zhang Chen said yes, thank you.

Zhang Chen hung up the phone, Xiaoshu handed over a lit cigarette, and Zhang Chen took it.

"It's impossible, brother-in-law." Xiaoshu said, "Even in the situation you mentioned, it's impossible for all the calls to go unreachable. At most, no one will answer. Even if they don't go through, it means they can't be connected, and it won't be turned off."

Xiaoshu said, feeling timid himself, and said: "It's right to go to the hospital first, just in case. You're right, brother-in-law, there's a difference between someone being there during the rescue and not being there."

Zhang Chen didn't say anything. He was thinking about whether to call the general manager of the Hainan branch of "Food and Drink" and ask him to mobilize people to conduct a search all over the city.

Zhang Chen thought for a while and rejected his idea. He didn't know anything yet, so he couldn't make a big fuss and mobilize them. They didn't know Zhang Xiangbei and Lao Bao. Zhang Chen could only send photos to Let them hold their mobile phones and compare photos to find people. That would make too much noise and is unnecessary.

The most important thing is that if nothing happens, or if Zhang Xiangbei is found in that place, how embarrassing it will be for Zhang Xiangbei, and the people who are looking for him will not care about it. If anyone can shut their mouths, they might just treat this as news and forward it to their circle of friends tonight.

The son of the owner of "Food and Drink", a rich second generation, used the money from selling "fresh food for home delivery" to spend his time in Hainan, drinking and visiting pornographic places, and so on. There are pictures that reveal the truth. This news may become popular in one night. All over the circle of friends.

It's better to wait. Zhang Chen felt that since it was handed over to Lao Xie, Lao Xie would be sensible. He really needed people. Lao Xie also had people under his command. Those people all knew Bao Tianbin. Lao Xie knew what to do.

Time passed little by little. Zhang Chen sat there and looked at the Mishi River in front of him. After the bright lights on the bank were extinguished, the Mishi River became dull, like a deep black ravine. It sucks in everything that comes toward it and spits it out again, letting everything float on the surface.

Those stars and obscure moonlight, those intertwined shadows of trees on the water and the shadows of surrounding buildings. A certain house still has a light on, and where it is lit, there are ripples in the water. Stack this bit of light into it.

Zhang Chen stared at that place, with a spark of fireworks hanging from his mouth, and the fireworks were clearly extinguished.

That place was finally extinguished, and the water waves were folded into the darkness. The fireworks on the lips were burned to the end, and a new cigarette came over. The old fire connected with the new fire. The old fire was extinguished, and cigarette butts fell around them. , a piece of white, like petals falling from their bodies.

Zhang Chen's cell phone rang suddenly, and both of them were startled. Zhang Chen picked up the cell phone and looked at it, and jumped up from his chair in shock. Zhang Chen shouted:

"Fat man, it's Fat Man calling!"

"Hurry up, hurry up!" Xiaoshu also shouted urgently.

Zhang Chen hurriedly pressed the button. In desperation, he pressed the wrong button and hung up the phone. He hurriedly dialed and saw a busy signal from the other party. Zhang Chen knew it was the fat man who was also redialing, so he hurriedly hung up the phone. Sure enough, the ringtone sounded. It rang again, Zhang Chen picked it up and asked:

"Fat man, where are you?"

"Uncle." Sun Xiangyang lowered his voice and said, "Uncle, we are at the Longhai Police Station in Haicheng. The brothers here knew that I was also a policeman, so they asked me to make this call..."

"At the police station, why?" Zhang Chen asked.

"A fight." Sun Xiangyang said, "Uncle, don't worry, Zhang Xiangbei and we are both fine. The other party was knocked down several times..."

"Hey, hey, it's almost done, brother." Zhang Chen heard someone say from behind, followed by Sun Xiangyang's voice: "Okay, I'll be ready soon."

Sun Xiangyang turned around and continued to talk to Zhang Chen: "Uncle, I can't say anything anymore. It's at Longhai Police Station, Longhai."

"Okay, I understand, Fatty." Zhang Chen said quickly, and the phone was hung up.

Zhang Chen let out a long breath. He and Xiaoshu almost laughed. Although the police station was not a good place, it was the safest place for them at this time.

"The little fat guy is quite clever and knows how to find opportunities to tip off the news." Zhang Chen smiled, and Xiaoshu also laughed.

When it comes to fights and fights, once you enter the police station, the first thing you do is to find connections and try to prevent the incident from tilting to your disadvantage. This is the most important thing. As for whether someone was injured or sent to the hospital , how the injury is, that’s a matter of compensation later, it’s not a big deal, as long as no one is killed and there are no injuries, money can’t settle it.

After all, Sun Xiangyang had been a policeman and knew how to direct the call for help to the most useful person at this time.

Zhang Chen immediately dialed Lao Xie's phone number and told him that the man was found at the Longhai Police Station. There seemed to be a fight.

"Okay, okay, I understand, Mr. Zhang, I'm going to find someone and go there right away." Lao Xie said on the phone.

After hanging up the phone, both Zhang Chen and Xiao Shu laughed, and Zhang Chen cursed:

"You little brat, you've learned how to fight."

Xiaoshu said: "Don't worry, if there is a fight, Beibei will not suffer."

Next, there was nothing else to do except wait for Lao Xie's call. Zhang Chen knew that he would not be able to fall asleep even if he went back, including Xiaoshu. There would be no results tonight and it would be impossible to leave him. Zhang Chen stood up. Only then did I feel that my whole body was freezing.

Zhang Chen said: "Let's go to the studio, it's almost freezing here."

Xiaoshu said okay and stood up.

The two of them walked back to the "Riverside Oil Painting Gallery" and saw that Yao Fen was not upstairs, but waiting for them at the security guard downstairs. Zhang Chen and Xiao Shu both ran out. Yao Fen was also anxious. She was in the studio. After waiting for a while, Xiaoshu didn't come back.

Yao Fen walked to the security room downstairs. She didn't know where Zhang Chen and Xiaoshu had gone. She wanted to visit Zhang Chen's house, but it was late at night outside. If she wanted to go there, she would have to cross the road by the Mishi River. road.

Yao Fen was chatting with the security guard on duty. She had already agreed with the security guard that when the two security guards who went upstairs to patrol came back, the security guard would accompany her to Zhang Chen's house. The two of them were waiting when they saw Zhang Chen. Chen and Xiaoshu are back.

The three of them went upstairs to the studio. Xiaoshu picked up the phone and asked Zhang Chen: "Are you hungry, brother-in-law?"

Zhang Chen smiled and said, "I'm really hungry. I've been tortured by this guy Zhang Xiangbei this night."

Xiaoshu and Yao Fen looked at each other and laughed.

The three of them were eating and drinking. At about two o'clock in the morning, Lao Xie called and told Zhang Chen that he had seen Beibei and was fine.

"Why are they fighting?" Zhang Chen asked.

"I'll talk about the details tomorrow. It seems that I was in a nightclub to celebrate a girl's birthday. As a result, I got into a conflict with a bunch of bad guys in the booth next door and got into a fight. Fortunately, Beibei and the others didn't suffer. There were two of them being raped. They were sent to the hospital. One of them was determined to have a broken nose, and the condition of the other one is not known yet, but what is certain is that none of them are life-threatening."

"Is this important?" Zhang Chen asked.

"In matters like this, nowadays, there is no distinction between right and wrong. When it comes to fighting, what is right or wrong depends on who is seriously injured. In the end, it is determined by the severity of the injury. Generally, you will pay some money, and the other party will not pursue it. , the two parties settled the matter through mediation and compensation." Lao Xie said.

Zhang Chen breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Thank you, Mr. Xie. This guy Zhang Xiangbei got into trouble, and he still needs you to wipe his ass."

"Hey, it's a small thing." Lao Xie said with a smile, "You are young and energetic. Who hasn't had a fight when you were young? The person who accompanied me is a friend of their instructor. There is nothing we can do tonight. Beibei and the others can only eat here. It’s hard to wait until tomorrow for the official appraisal results to come out, but I’ve already asked him to take care of it.”

"He deserves it, and he deserves to endure hardship." Zhang Chen said, "Let him have a long memory."

"Not bad, Mr. Zhang."

Lao Xie laughed on the phone, and Zhang Chen asked, "What's wrong?"

"Here at the police station, he said that he had never seen such a person. The other people who were fighting were all bragging outside. As soon as they entered here, they all absolved themselves of the responsibility, saying that they didn't do it, they were just on the side. Look, Beibei and the others all take responsibility for themselves. They all say that the fat guy on the other side punched him in the nose. If he wants to be detained, then he will be detained.

"Two women, even the fat middle-aged man, said this. It's really rare. Haha, Mr. Zhang, these are the police's exact words."

Zhang Chen also laughed and said, "It's not bad. Are you all quite loyal?"

"That's right, Mr. Zhang, I will go find someone tomorrow morning and try to smooth this matter over as soon as possible. The main thing is that Beibei should not have any records, otherwise there will be trouble in and out of the country in the future." Lao Xie said.

Zhang Chen said okay, thank you, Mr. Xie.

"By the way, Mr. Xie, don't talk to Director Tan about this..."

"I know, I know, I don't want her to know that I have such a brave son-in-law." Lao Xie interrupted Zhang Chen and hung up the phone with a smile.

Thank you Brokeback Mountain for the reward of two fishes! Thank you for your monthly votes from Feng Conghu 1974, ZHAO1017, Zhongxing Mingchen, Zhenwu Longyi, Little Gatekeeper, Tamagotchi, ﹉I Love Purple﹉, Shachen Mood, Book Friends 20220324185843375! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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