Yao Fen and Zhang Chen are used to calling Zhang Chen "boss", Zhang Xiangbei is used to calling Tan Shuzhen "aunt" and Liu Ligan "uncle". Xiang Nan is also used to calling Zhang Chen "uncle". They have been calling Zhang Chen "uncle" since they were little. , I can’t change it. If I change the name, not only the person calling me, but also the person being called will feel a little awkward.

In addition, at home, grandma is still grandma, grandpa is still grandpa, and grandparents are still grandparents. It seems that nothing has changed.

When the call was connected, Zhang Chen asked, "Xiang Nan, what's the matter?"

"Uncle, have you contacted Zhang Xiangbei tonight?" Xiangnan asked anxiously.

"No, what's wrong?" Zhang Chen asked.

"I can't contact him, no, no, not even Zhou Ruoyi, Sun Xiangyang, and Xiang Yiyun. No one can call him," Xiang Nan said.

Zhang Chen laughed and said, "I'm probably still working on the project. Hainan is different from us. It's ice and snow here, but it's still summer there. At this time, I might still be working overtime on the ranch."

"I know, uncle, but there is no signal in the ranch. I tried to find them on WeChat, but there was no response, saying they couldn't get through." Xiang Nan said.

Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment. Yes, even in the project, there will be no mobile phone signal there. Moreover, the network has been connected for a long time. Zhang Xiangbei and the others can already live broadcast there, and he and Gu Gong can also live broadcast. Know how many times the video was played.

Zhang Chen thought for a moment and said: "It's okay, Xiangnan. Maybe they went to Wuzhishan on a whim to go exploring and camping or something. Maybe it doesn't matter which Li village they are in now. By the way, you have beaten Lao Is it packed?"

"It's the same if I beat him," Xiang Nan said.

"That's for sure. It's okay. There are so many of them, and Bao Tianbin is so familiar with the local area. If something happened, someone would have called over long ago. They must be together in a place with no signal, in the mountains or at the seaside. ."

Xiang Nan said "Oh" and felt that what Zhang Chen said made sense. She said "Goodbye, uncle" and hung up the phone.

Zhang Chen held the cell phone, tilted his head and thought for a while. He dialed Gu Gong's number, and what sounded on the phone was "The phone you dialed has been turned off."

"What's wrong with Nannan?" Xiaoshu asked when he heard the call was from Xiangnan.

Zhang Chen shook his head and said, "It's nothing. I couldn't get through to Zhang Xiangbei, so he called me."

"Is Beibei okay?" Yao Fen asked.

"It's okay, it's okay. There are a lot of them together. What can happen? If something happens, there will definitely be a call. The young people are together. They probably went into some ravine. There is no signal." Zhang Chen said, Xiaoshu and Yao Fen nodded.

Although he said this, Zhang Chen also felt a little strange in his heart, especially since he couldn't even get through Gu Gong's phone call, which made Zhang Chen feel a little uneasy.

Zhang Chen stood up and said to Xiaoshu Yao Fen, "You continue painting, I'll leave first."

Yao Fen and Xiao Shu were stunned for a moment and looked at each other. Xiao Shu asked:

"Brother-in-law, is there really nothing wrong with Beibei?"

"It's okay, it's okay. There is a big group of people. They are all smart people. Don't worry about it." Zhang Chen waved his hand, took his coat, opened the door and went out.

Zhang Chen walked to the Mishi River. The biting cold wind blew over, clearing his mind and tightening his heart. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong. It was not as simple as he said.

It's possible that they all went somewhere without signal, but in that case, the phone would ring with "The number you dialed is temporarily unavailable" instead of "The number you dialed has been turned off."

The lights and shadows swaying along the Mishi River were all the shadows of the trees. Late in the winter, there was no one on the entire riverside. Even the stars in the sky and the moonlight falling on the water seemed to be frozen.

Zhang Chen sat down on a terrazzo chair by the river. The coldness of the cement was still refreshing on his skin through the cashmere coat and layers of clothes, but Zhang Chen no longer felt it. He took out his mobile phone. I called Zhang Xiangbei's number, but the phone was turned off. Then I called Gu Gong and Bao Tianbin, but they were also turned off.

Zhang Chen then dialed Zhou Ruoyi, Sun Xiangyang, Xiang Yiyun and Ding Jianli. All the phones were turned off. Zhang Chen felt shuddering and his body was shaking uncontrollably. He tried hard to tell himself that it was okay, there were so many people, what could happen? The others are all children, not sensible. Isn’t there Gu Gong? Gu Gong is thoughtful and thoughtful. If anything happens, he will definitely call me and tell me.

The more Zhang Chen thought about it, the tighter his heart became and the more his body shivered. He sat there blankly, the wind blowing the leaves in front of and behind him, making bursts of rustling sounds. These sounds made him My heart was broken little by little.

Something must have happened, Zhang Chen told himself.

He opened Zhang Xiangbei's WeChat and took a look. The latest update was at about four o'clock in the afternoon, and the photos showed the cattle they had just shipped.

Zhang Chen couldn't see any signs of trouble from WeChat.

Open Gu Gong's WeChat and see the update from Huaxi, Guizhou more than a week ago.

There was a "bang" sound, and something fell down somewhere in the darkness and hit the ground with a loud noise, which startled Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen wiped his forehead with his hand and couldn't help but smile bitterly. It was so cold. Despite the weather, sitting in the cold wind, his forehead was actually covered with sweat. And he didn't feel anything yet.

Zhang Chen picked up the phone and found Liu Ligan. He wanted to call but resisted. At this time, waking up Liu Ligan also woke up Tan Shuzhen. Then, the whole world was not peaceful, and Hangzhou was forever The city is full of panicked people.

Zhang Chen sighed and just put down the phone. His heart trembled. He immediately picked up the phone. He thought of a person, Lao Tan, Lao Tan who ran a restaurant in Qiongzhong, and Lao Bao's comrade-in-arms.

Zhang Chen immediately dialed the phone. The phone rang a few times and the call was connected. The first thing that came in was a noisy sound. Lao Tan was playing mahjong over there. Then, Lao Tan's voice broke through the air:

"It's so rare, Mr. Zhang, hello!"

"Hello, Lao Tan, have you seen Lao Bao and the others today?" Zhang Chen asked.

"No, Lao Bao, Mr. Zhang and the others all had dinner at my place last night. I haven't seen them today." Lao Tan said, "What's the matter, Mr. Zhang?"

Zhang Chen sighed and said, "I don't know what's wrong. They can't get through even a single phone call."

"Is there such a thing? Mr. Zhang, just wait."

As Old Tan said, someone urged him to hurry up. Old Tan cursed:

"You will die if you wait a minute. Didn't you see me answering the phone?"

Lao Tan then dialed Lao Bao's number, and heard on the phone, "The phone you dialed has been turned off." Lao Tan pressed Lao Bao's phone number, but Zhang Chen's was still connected. Lao Tan said to Zhang Chen:

"It's really like this, strange."

Lao Tan stood up, and several other people shouted, Lao Tan, Lao Tan, what the hell are you doing?

"No fight, I have something to do."

Lao Tan walked out as he said this, and said to Zhang Chen as he walked:

"Mr. Zhang, wait a minute. I'll go to where they live and have a look. I'll call you when I get there."

Zhang Chen quickly said yes, thank you for your hard work, Lao Tan.

The office building and dormitories of Zhang Xiangbei and his ranch have not yet been built. They rented a three-story house in Qiongzhong County. The first floor is used as an office, and the second and third floors are used as dormitories. Zhang Xiangbei and other managers They all live here, and the workers they recruit will be temporarily placed in the already built visitor center to make it easier for them to commute to get off work.

Lao Tan rode his motorcycle and arrived at the building where Zhang Xiangbei and his friends lived. In front of the building was a small street. Lao Tan could see from a distance that the whole building was dark, whether it was the office downstairs or the dormitory upstairs. , no one.

Lao Tan knocked on two dark doors on the first floor, then ran to the second and third floors and knocked on the doors of Zhang Xiangbei and Lao Bao. It was quiet inside. Lao Tan picked up the phone and called Zhang Chen. , the phone rang and was picked up. Zhang Chen asked urgently on the phone:

"How's it going, Lao Tan?"

"No one, there's no one here." Lao Tan said, "Don't worry, Mr. Zhang, don't worry, I'll go to the farm right away to check. They might be working overtime there."

Zhang Chen couldn't say anything else except thank you.

Zhang Chen wanted to stand up, but felt that his legs were so weak that he couldn't stand up. He could only continue to sit. A figure came towards him in the darkness. Zhang Chen quickly turned sideways and turned his back to him. , but the black shadow rang out and asked:

"Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, is that you?"

Zhang Chen turned around and said, "It's me, Xiaoshu, why are you here?"

Xiaoshu walked a few steps quickly and walked up to him. Xiaoshu said, "I'm not worried. Come and have a look. Brother-in-law, what's wrong with Beibei?"

Zhang Chen shook his head and said, "I don't know, I don't know either, Xiaoshu, I have called him all the time, but I just can't contact him."

"It's okay, brother-in-law. For a man as big as Beibei, you forget that even if two or three people hit him, they can't beat him. He will be fine for sure. What will happen if Fatty and the others are together?" Xiaoshu In turn, he comforted Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen sighed and said, "I hope so, Xiaoshu, I was just thinking, if something happens to Zhang Xiangbei, how will I explain it to your sister? I won't even dare to go home."

Xiaoshu knew that the sister Zhang Chen was talking about at this time was not Xiaofang who was far away in the United States, but Xiao Zhao, who had been in the study upstairs.

Xiaoshu sat down next to Zhang Chen. He took out his cigarettes, smoked two of them, put them in his mouth, lit them, and gave one to Zhang Chen, who took it.

Xiaoshu said: "No, brother-in-law, my sister will protect Beibei, don't worry."

The two people sat there, with the biting wind blowing in front of and behind them. The two people were silent, finishing one cigarette and then another, until Zhang Chen's phone rang.

It was Lao Tan again. Lao Tan had already arrived at the ranch. He said to Zhang Chen:

"Both Lao Bao and Mr. Zhang are not here, but don't worry, Mr. Zhang. I have already inquired. Someone here told me that they all went to Haicheng in the evening. Haha, Mr. Zhang, these guys , I must have been suffocating in this ravine, and I went to Haicheng sauna. Don’t turn off your sauna phone, haha, Mr. Zhang, it’s a false alarm.”

Zhang Chen laughed twice. He felt bitter in his mouth. He didn't believe that Zhang Xiangbei would go to that kind of place. Even if Zhang Xiangbei could go, he wouldn't be so big-hearted as to take Zhou Ruoyi and Xiang Yiyun with him. ? Zhang Chen immediately rejected this possibility in his heart.

"By the way, Mr. Zhang, do you want me to go to Haicheng to find them? I know which sauna this bastard Lao Bao usually goes to," Lao Tan said.

Zhang Chen quickly said: "No, Lao Tan, I will feel relieved knowing they are going to Haicheng. Thank you!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Chen's heart became very heavy. Knowing that Zhang Xiangbei and the others were going to Haicheng, his heart became even heavier. If they went to Wuzhishan as he guessed, Zhang Chen could rest assured. No, they went to Haicheng. In Haicheng, there was no place and no need to turn off all their mobile phones.

"No, brother-in-law, Beibei is not that kind of person, he will not go to that kind of place." Xiaoshu said from the side.

Zhang Chen nodded: "I know."

Thank you Hu Hu, Extraordinary Life 502, Yunlong Frog Fish, and Book Friends 20180224112201712 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the reading and votes! Have a good evening everyone!

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