The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 2299 Hi, Hemingway (Thank you Brokeback Mountain for becoming the leader!)

Zhang Chen was sitting in the airport VIP lounge when a young waitress came over and asked, "Sir, do you want coffee, tea or a drink?"

Zhang Chen talks about tea.

The waiter came over with a cup of tea and two plates of snacks. He first placed a cardboard coaster on the table, then put the tea on the coaster. Then he put down the two plates of snacks and smiled slightly at Zhang Chen:

"Sir, please use it slowly."

Zhang Chen said thank you!

Zhang Chen sat there drinking tea and took out his mobile phone. He looked at the WeChat messages of Zhang Xiangbei and Gu Gong. Neither of their friend circles were updated. He tried calling their mobile phones, but they were both turned off. It means that they haven't come out yet, and they should still be at the police station. If they come out, Zhang Xiangbei will turn on his cell phone immediately and call Xiang Nan. He still understands this.

Zhang Chen put down his mobile phone and sat there bored. When the waiter saw Zhang Chen sitting blankly, she took a stack of magazines from the newspaper rack, came over, and gently placed them on the table in front of Zhang Chen. He retreated silently.

Zhang Chen casually picked up a magazine and flipped through it. There was nothing to read. He put it down and looked at a few other magazines. They were all about the same, either financial or fashion. They probably thought that the guests who could sit here would The tastes should be similar, but Zhang Chen wasn't interested in them and didn't look through them again.

He picked up the cup, took the cardboard coaster, stood it up, and twisted his fingers, trying to make the coaster spin in a circle, but the coaster was too light and fell down before it could complete a circle.

The front of the coaster was printed with HNA's LOGO, and the back was white. On a whim, Zhang Chen took out a sketch pen from his bag and started drawing on the back of the coaster.

After so many years, Zhang Chen has been accustomed to using his own sketch pen, that is, taking a pen, holding the tip of the pen with needle-nose pliers, and carefully bending the tip. Such a sketch pen is easy to use and falls on the The lines on the paper can be thick or thin. When you turn it sideways and scrape the paper, it has the effect of an oil painting scraper scraping across the cloth.

Zhang Chen looked at this round coaster and wanted to draw a person's head. He almost immediately thought of it, drawing a Hemingway. When Zhang Chen was young, he painted Lu Xun, Gorky, etc. for the Yongcheng Library. Rabindranath Tagore and Einstein also painted Hemingway. Hemingway was one of the few Western modernist writers who could be seen in China at that time.

There is another one, who is holding a pipe and wearing a pair of glasses. The eyes behind the glasses look aloofly at the French existentialist writer Sartre outside the screen.

When Zhang Chen painted Hemingway, the portrait he referred to was the photo in the volume of "Encyclopedia of China: Foreign Literature" collected in Yongcheng Library. Hemingway was wearing a turtleneck sweater, with a round face, and his A thick trademark beard makes his face appear rounder.

It's just right to draw such a round face and a big beard on this round coaster, or you can draw Li Kui or Zhang Fei.

Or Hemingway.

There is no rule, but almost all painters like to start from the eyes when drawing portraits, probably because the eyes are the most expressive. Once the eyes are drawn well, the eyes themselves can lead and inspire. As you continue to draw, your eyes can bring out the spirit of the whole person, and the atmosphere on the paper will be there.

Zhang Chen drew Hemingway's eyes based on his memory. He found that the eyes of Hemingway, who looked like Li Kui and Zhang Fei, were actually very peaceful, even a little naughty. Zhang Chen thought for a while, but he couldn't help it. Memory Caspian Hemingway's eyes just gave him this feeling. This was unmistakable.

Probably for this reason, although Hemingway went to the battlefield, he could not become Patton. He could only become a writer and write novels such as "A Farewell to Arms".

Zhang Chen remembers that he was looking at Hemingway's information and was attracted by the title "A Farewell to Arms". He went to the library's library to look for the book, but couldn't find it. The old librarian saw it and asked him what he was looking for. , Zhang Chen said, do you not have Hemingway's "A Farewell to Arms" here?

Yes, come with me. The old curator led him through rows of bookshelves, and finally walked to a bookshelf, reached out and pulled out a book from the shelf, handed it to him, and told him, this is it.

Zhang Chen took it over and took a look. The title of the book was "Battlefield Dreams". The lower half of the cover was black, with woodcut silhouettes of battlefields and barbed wire. The upper half had a green background, with a white woodcut portrait of a woman embedded in it.

Zhang Chen looked at the old curator in confusion, meaning you lied to me?

"I'm not lying to you. I read this book when I was young and in college. It was very good. Hemingway also had a book called "For Whom the Bell Tolls," which at that time was translated into "The Bell Tolls." "The old curator said to Zhang Chen.

When the old curator was young, it was before liberation. The university he studied at was Henan University.

Whether it was "Battlefield Dreams" or "Battlefield Bells", Zhang Chen felt that the translation of this title was too vulgar, and it was nowhere as exciting as "A Farewell to Arms" and "For Whom the Bell Tolls".

Later, Zhang Chen went to Hainan, rented video cassettes in a video store, and saw the Hollywood movie "Battlefield Dreams". Only then did he realize that the translation of the book title was to match the movie, probably to sell the book.

Sure enough, later I saw the Hollywood movie "The Bell Tolls," starring Ingrid Bergman.

Hemingway wrote a lot of tough guys, and people have always mistakenly thought that Hemingway himself was also a tough guy. Although in some records, he also looked like a tough guy. Zhang Chen had read Miró's memoirs. Miró recalled that he was a tough guy just after World War II. The first time he met Hemingway was at the apartment of his fellow Spanish artist Picasso in Paris.

That day, Picasso was imparting experience to Miró, teaching him how to use all kinds of tricks to raise his own value and deal with the art dealers in Paris.

Unannounced, a Yankee suddenly burst in from outside the door. He claimed to be the writer Hemingway. He placed a box on the table with a bang. It was a gift he had brought to Picasso. It was not wine or wine. It was not food, but a box of German-made hand grenades. Picasso's face turned green with fright, and he pretended to be calm. Miró was already trembling with fear.

Although there are legends like this and Hemingway is regarded as a tough guy, Zhang Chen always feels that Hemingway is a pessimistic person, not a tough guy. If he was a tough guy, he would not kill himself with a shotgun in Havana, Cuba. Blast off.

Death is the ultimate hiding place for people. Hemingway could not stand the pain or the boredom of this noisy world. He completely avoided it. He was not like the old fisherman in "The Old Man and the Sea". was defeated.

Zhang Chen drew Hemingway's hair. His hair was soft and golden, as soft as sheep's wool. It didn't stand upright like a hedgehog.

Then draw his lips. His lips hidden under the mustache are very thin, like an old lady. Zhang Chen couldn't help but smile. He once watched Taiwanese TV. When Taiwanese historical writer Wang Feng talked about Chiang Kai-shek, He called old Chiang Kai-shek "Mr. Jiang" and said:

"If you look at Mr. Jiang's photo, his face is the combination of a strict father and a loving mother. The upper part is the strict father and the lower half is the loving mother."

Zhang Chen found a photo of Chiang Kai-shek when he was young and covered the lower part with a book. He really saw a pair of majestic and majestic eyes. When he covered the upper part, what he saw was a flat picture. The mouth is like an old lady's thin, flat mouth, with the corners of the mouth raised.

Hemingway's beard from his chin to his ears was well trimmed and neat, like an open folding fan. Zhang Chen thought to himself that he would sit in front of the mirror every day and spend a lot of time and carefully trim himself like a woman putting on makeup. How can a man with a beard be a tough guy?

Zhang Chen finished drawing the beard, and finally drew the turtleneck sweater. With a few arcs, the sweater was outlined.

The waiter came over and said softly to Zhang Chen: "Sir, you can board the plane."

Then he couldn't help but sigh: "The painting is so good!"

Zhang Chen smiled, picked up the coaster and said to the waiter, "It's for you."

"Really, great!" the waiter called softly, and then thought again: "Sir, you haven't signed yet."

Zhang Chen smiled again, agreed, and signed his name.

The waiter held the coaster and murmured: "Zhang Chen? Isn't he famous? He seems to be famous. I've seen it."

Zhang Chen laughed loudly and said, you can find out by Baidu.

There were not many people riding in the overhead cabin today. There were only three people in the minibus, including Zhang Chen. The car drove to the gangway and stopped. Zhang Chen got on the plane, sat down on his seat, waited for the shuttle bus, and took the economy class seat at the back. The guests brought it over.

Zhang Chen's cell phone rang. He looked at it and saw that it was Lao Xie. Zhang Chen quickly picked it up. Lao Xie said:

"Mr. Zhang, things are a bit troublesome. Beibei's case has been taken over by the branch. The police station can no longer make the decision."

Zhang Chen's heart trembled, Liu Ligan really hit the target, this crow's mouth!

"How could this happen?" Zhang Chen said.

"There is another person. The result of today's examination is that his spleen is injured. This is not the main thing. The main thing is the guy whose nose was broken. He has some background in the family. He wants to be held accountable." Lao Xie said.

"What's the background?" Zhang Chen asked.

"I'm still checking. In addition, I have someone contact Director Fu of their branch. Director Fu means that it is best for the parents of Beibei to come and meet the parents of both parties. This matter will be easier to handle." Lao Xie explain.

"Okay, Mr. Xie, I was planning to come here today. I'm already on the plane now." Zhang Chen said.

"Great, Mr. Zhang, then you send me the flight and I will pick you up at the airport. We will meet and talk later." Lao Xie said.

Zhang Chen said yes, the shuttle bus had arrived, economy class passengers began to board the plane, and the cabin suddenly became lively.

Zhang Chen sent his flight information to Lao Xie, turned off his phone, leaned back, and let out a long sigh.

Thank you Brokeback Mountain, two fishes one at a time, and Liangliang for the reward! Thank you, okay? I don’t want it, On the Road-Tiantian, zpengyong1, Purple Ha, Yunlong Frog Fish, Void Broken Dream, Book Friends 20190808151127738’s monthly pass! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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