The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 220 Let’s sing together

"By the way, there is one more thing." Liu Ligan and Mr. Xie said.

"What's up?"

"When we were discussing, we also considered Mr. Xie's current factory. We thought..."

"You think it looks ugly on the side, don't you? Don't think about it. It's a small thing. If it doesn't work, just push it away and incorporate the land." Mr. Xie waved his hand and said.

"No, no." Liu Ligan quickly explained, "That one doesn't need to be demolished, just renovate it. You think, such a large complex with so many goods and staff will definitely need warehouses and staff dormitories. These are not If people are willing to put it in China Town, it will definitely need supporting buildings. Mr. Xie will only need to make some modifications and it can be used."

Mr. Xie stopped talking, and just nodded secretly in his heart. He understood that these two young men were considerate enough, and they also liked to keep things clear and clear. Bridges lead to bridges and roads lead back. They didn't want to rub off on themselves at all. For both parties, if everyone has such an attitude, that would of course be the most ideal.

Mr. Xie said yes, this is also a solution. Thank you for being so considerate.

"Mr. Xie, if you have no objection, then I will start thinking about how to make this design plan." Zhang Chen and Mr. Xie said.

"Okay, no objection, I'm just thanking you for the hard work."

"It's not hard work. It's your own business. You deserve to die from exhaustion!" Liu Ligan said.

Mr. Xie chuckled. He raised his cup and said to them: "Celebrate first, then finish it."

When the cups of Mr. Xie and Liu Ligan touched each other, Mr. Xie said meaningfully to Liu Ligan: "I will reward you later. Young people, you must be able to work and play." You have to have fun playing.”

"Meituo!" Mr. Xie shouted to the door. The door opened immediately, and the girl with a round face walked in and stood at the door, pressing the door with her feet to prevent it from closing automatically.

"Help me find Manager Cao." Mr. Xie said to the girl.

The girl giggled, and a clear voice came from behind her: "I'm here, I'm here, boss, I'm right here."

As soon as they stopped talking, a person followed from outside the door. Zhang Chen and the others saw that it was the woman who had just come in with the documents for Mr. Xie to sign in Mr. Xie's office. Manager Cao smiled at them and said, "I will I know the boss is looking for me, so I’ll wait outside.”

"You're smart." Mr. Xie cursed lightly, with a hint of intimacy in his voice: "Take Mr. Zhang and Reporter Liu up and relax."

Manager Cao pursed his lips and smiled, looked at Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan, and said hello.

Mr. Xie turned to Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan and said, "I won't accompany you anymore, and I won't be able to play with you young people."

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan didn't know what Mr. Xie meant by relaxing, but they just thought that since this was an entertainment city, they would just be invited to the box to sing and drink.

They thanked Mr. Xie, stood up and followed Manager Cao.

Manager Cao took them to the KTV on the second floor and took them into a private room. When Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan sat down on the sofa, what Manager Cao said to them shocked the two of them. Jump.

Manager Cao smiled slightly and said to them, his voice a little squeaky: "I will bring the little girl here in a while. You must choose carefully. Choose carefully. Pick two you like. After singing, you can take them upstairs. Come on, there is a guest room upstairs.”

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan both knew what these words meant, and they also understood what Mr. Xie just said about rewarding you and having fun while having fun.

Liu Ligan suddenly became excited, "Fuck, I didn't expect Lao Xie to have this here. Is this a new trick he came up with when the business was bleak?" Then I would rather be respectful than obey your orders.

Before Liu Ligan could speak, Zhang Chen told Manager Cao, "No, we can just sing."

"Really? Don't be so polite. The girls are pretty good. They are all Hunan girls. Don't regret it if you don't want her."

Manager Cao looked at them with a smile, his eyes were a little narrow, and he was a little surprised. Manager Cao was in his thirties, and her face was not red when she said this. It seemed that she had experienced such scenes a lot, and she had a certain interest in men. Knowing enough, these two today are a bit unexpected.

"It's really not necessary, thank you, Manager Cao!" Zhang Chen also smiled.

"Okay, then I'll call some singers for you," Manager Cao said.

"No need, we can just sing it ourselves." Zhang Chen said.

"You? Just two men?" When Manager Cao's eyes widened, they were round.

Zhang Chen laughed: "Why, two men can't sing?"

"Okay, okay." Manager Cao smiled. She tilted her head slightly, thought for a while, and said to Zhang Chen, "Wait a minute, I'll sing with you, and I'll go make some arrangements first."

Zhang Chen said yes.

As soon as Manager Cao walked out, Liu Ligan jumped up and yelled: "Zhang Chen, what do you mean, you don't know that I'm frugal and haven't seen Dingdong for a long time? This is delivered to your door for free, why don't you still want it? What the hell do you want?" If you don’t want to, you want me to suffer the same fate?”

Zhang Chen looked at him and sneered: "When I go back later, I will give you the money and you have to find it."

"Are you cheating? There is so much money and nowhere to go?" Liu Ligan continued to scold.

Zhang Chen looked at him and said to him: "How do you know that this is not Mr. Xie testing us? To do such a big thing, think about it, who is willing to cooperate with two perverts? Do you think Mr. Xie himself is really Are you unable to climb up or down?"

Liu Ligan was stunned for a moment. He sat there and thought about it carefully. He felt that Zhang Chen's words still made sense. He really had to guard against this.

"Okay, leave him alone and sing first. There's nothing wrong with singing, right?" Liu Ligan stared at Zhang Chen and asked.

Zhang Chen said with a smile: "That's okay, you can continue until tomorrow."

As soon as Zhang Chen finished speaking, Manager Cao came back. Behind her were two young masters, carrying trays and bringing them red wine, fruits and snacks. Manager Cao looked at Zhang Chen and said, OK, I'm fine tonight. I will accompany you.

After Manager Cao finished speaking, he sat down next to Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen looked at Manager Cao and asked, "Manager Cao used to be in a theater troupe, right?"

Manager Cao was surprised: "How do you know?"

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "It feels like, and when we came here earlier, we heard several people shouting, and you seemed to be among them."

"Hey, I have nothing to do." Manager Cao lowered his head and smiled shyly, "Almost half of our troupe is here. Our troupe is next door to Boss Xie's house. We all know each other. He also said that he is addicted to listening to us singing our voices every day. When he comes here, he can't hear the emptiness in his heart, so he accepts all the people from our troupe when they come."

Zhang Chen and Liu Lipole looked at each other and smiled. They didn't expect that Mr. Xie had a complex with the troupe.

Zhang Chen and Manager Cao said, "We used to be members of a theater troupe."

"Really? You guys?" Manager Cao turned around, looked at them seriously, and finally shook his head: "No, you don't look like a troupe at all."

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "We are not actors, I am an artist and he is a screenwriter."

"Haha, it looks similar." Manager Cao clapped his hands and laughed, "It makes sense now. By the way, what kind of theater troupe are you?"

"Wu Opera Troupe, does Manager Cao know about Wu Opera?"

"I don't know." Manager Cao shook his head, "I know Yue Opera. We used to refer to it when we performed "Butterfly Lovers"."

The door of the box opened, and to Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan's surprise, it was Mr. Xie who walked in. He told Zhang Chen and the others that if nothing happened, they would come up and listen to you sing.

Liu Ligan looked at Zhang Chen and found that Zhang Chen was also looking at him with a smile. Both of them understood. It seemed that Zhang Chen was right. Manager Cao, who had just gone out, must have thanked them for their rejection. The general manager reported, and then Mr. Xie went upstairs and joined them.

The four of them sang happily. Liu Ligan still performed his "Hey Hey Hey Hey", Zhang Chen sang his "Young Aspirations Don't Say Sorrows", and Mr. Xie and Manager Cao not only sang Zhang Chen's familiar "Liu Hai Chopping Wood" and "Fighting Birds", and with the encouragement of their constant applause, they also sang "Double Delivery of Food", "Mending the Pot", "On the Road to Delivery", "Wild Duck Island" and so on.

It seems that there are quite a few people who thank the President.

Both Mr. Xie and Manager Cao have very good voices. They sang and performed at the same time. One was charming and the other was lively and playful. While the two were singing, they kept making eye contact. You could tell at a glance that they were partners who had been performing for a long time. .

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