The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 221 Orgasm in the dead of night

It was already past twelve o'clock when Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan left Mr. Xie's place. Mr. Xie invited them to have a midnight snack. The two of them saw that Mr. Xie and Manager Cao were singing to the depths of their love, so they excused themselves.

They rode their motorcycles and returned to Wanghai Tower first. They parked the car in the parking lot. When walking back, Liu Ligan saw a figure. His eyes lit up and he hurriedly wanted to chase after him, but Zhang Chen caught him. They saw Jia Jia getting off a motorcycle, entering the lobby, trotting all the way to the elevator, obviously rushing to the scene.

"What the hell do you want to do?" Zhang Chen asked.

"I didn't want to do anything, just wanted to say hello."

"Whoever believes your lies, I warn you, don't be too troublesome. If you feel itchy, just take a few steps outside."

"Forget it, let's go back to Wenwen Qianqian later." Liu Ligan muttered.

When the two people walked back, they could not hide their excitement. A grand plan was about to unfold, and the journey towards their great career had begun. Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan could not feel sleepy as they walked through Wanghai Mall. , when it was time to turn into the alley on the right, Liu Ligan said, "You go there first, I will come right away."

Zhang Chengu walked to the office by himself, opened the door, turned on the light, picked up the electric teapot from the floor next to the desk, took away the four cups on the table, went to the sink, received the pot of water, and put Wash the cup and return to the office.

Zhang Chen plugged in the electric teapot and put four cups on the table. Two contained tea leaves and two more. He turned around and took out a bottle of wine from the cabinet. This time he was reluctant to take the Jiugui wine. Instead, he took a bottle of Yanghe Daqu with a blue wine label, opened it, and filled a glass with half a glass. He knew without asking that Liu Ligan was going to buy food.

The electric teapot made a sharp squeak, and the water in the pot boiled. The lid of the pot puffed and puffed against the lid. Zhang Chen stretched out his foot and stepped on the electric teapot's wire on the ground. He rubbed it hard, and the plug came out of the wall socket. After it fell off, he stood up and filled up the two glasses, and poured the remaining water into the thermos bottle beside it.

He placed a cup of tea in front of his seat, next to the half glass of wine. Another cup was placed on the side of his desk, next to the other half glass of wine. He also moved a chair to the side of his desk. After putting it away, he returned to his seat and sat down.

After a while, Liu Ligan came back. He was carrying two plastic bags in his left hand and one in his right hand. He entered the door and took a look here, shouting: "Yes, the battlefield has been opened. How did you know that I Going to buy this?"

As Liu Ligan spoke, he lifted the plastic bags in his hands, and Zhang Chen cursed: "Who are you, who am I? If your butt is raised, I know what you are going to do." "

Liu Ligan stopped and said, "Okay, guess what I bought?"

Zhang Chen thought for a moment and said, "Grilled squid, oysters, mutton, beef, grilled shrimp, and leeks."

"anything else?"

"No, if there is, it's the pomfret bream."

Liu Ligan laughed, put the two bags in his left hand on the table, and shouted: "Everything is correct here."

Then he put the two bags in his right hand on the table and shouted: "You didn't guess this."

Zhang Chen peeled the bag open with his hands. Inside were two foam fast food boxes. When he opened it, one was fried salted fish and the other was fried duck head. Zhang Chen was overjoyed. He really didn't expect this.

Liu Lipole sat down, and as usual, the two of them clinked glasses, took a sip of wine, and then started eating.

"Your plan has passed the test of Lao Xie, so I feel more relieved." Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen said, "This old turtle has been in the mall for many years, and he thinks there are things he can do. , then it’s definitely worth doing.”

"It's worth doing in the first place. We don't need his confirmation. We just don't have the strength ourselves and need to use his funds." Zhang Chen said confidently.

"There are also connections. Let me tell you, when doing business, connections are sometimes more important than money. If it weren't for him, we wouldn't be able to get this land even if we had money." Liu Ligan said.

"That's true." Zhang Chen agreed.

"Also, why do you think Lao Xie is willing to give up? His entertainment city is not very profitable. He also has private rooms in the company, invites special chefs, and raises a group of girls to put in his entertainment city. Upstairs, these are all his investments, investments in human connections. The reason why human connections become veins, as thick as mountains, is that they need to be constantly cultivated and nourished."

"Haha, that's okay, I agree." Zhang Chen said with a smile.

"That's how it is. Anyone can improvise. Those who are willing to invest in connections are business wizards with strategic vision. Hu Xueyan is like this." Liu Ligan glanced at Zhang Chen and continued: "Of course, I'm not bad either."

Zhang Chen took a sip of wine, almost spitting it out, and cursed: "Just brag. When it comes to bragging, you can be considered a genius."

"It's not bragging, it's a fact. Think about it, why can Lao Xie do this? As soon as he opens his mouth, he will give me 10% of the shares. That's not because he trusts me and thinks I am a good person. It's reliable. How did the impression I gave him come from my investment? Let me tell you, we poor people can't invest in connections with money, so we use emotions and sincerity.

"I have a very good relationship with all the office directors and vice presidents that I have come into contact with now. Even if they don't have any business, if they want to drink tea, I will invite them to tea, if they want to eat, I will invite them to dinner, and if they want to chat, I will accompany them. They chatted, and you see, in a few years, many of these people will definitely climb up. By then, I, Liu Ligan, will have established a network of contacts.

"It's not unusual for a person to be nice to you when he's proud, because everyone is nice to him at that time, and it's even less unusual for you to be nice to him when you ask for something from him, because everyone will shake their heads and tails at him at this time. It's strange. Be nice to him when you have nothing to ask for from him. Only then will he feel it and recognize you as a friend.

Once I recognize you as a friend, other things will be easier to handle. Some things are not that simple. Everyone loves money, but only fools and people who are desperate will dare to accept money from anyone. It’s not nonsense, Zhang Chen, believe it or not, if I gave you 100,000 yuan and asked you to give it to a designated person, I guarantee that you would not be able to give it away. Of course, if you ask me to give it away now, I can't give it away either. "

Zhang Chen listened to Liu Ligan's eloquent remarks and was convinced. He thought of the 100,000 yuan he gave to Mr. Qin. The reason why Mr. Qin received it so lightly was not entirely because of Mr. Fu's foreshadowing. If it weren't for Mr. Fu's level Guanxi, I really can’t give away my money. If I can’t give away the money, things will naturally become even worse.

"You seem to feel it quite deeply." Zhang Chen smiled.

"Of course, I'm not a fool." Liu Ligan said, "I clean buildings every day, and when I see those good companies, I wonder how they are successful. They have no business, so I go there again and again. First, this is People who work in companies tend to be more aggressive, and it is often more difficult to establish relationships. But if you go there often, and you know how to proceed and retreat, you will naturally become familiar with them.

"Haha, people are also strange. This guy comes here again and again and never talks about business. I don't have any business to talk to him about. Why is he here? I don't care if he comes or not. When people think like this , in fact, he has let down his guard. It’s not that there is no business or conflict of interest. Of course, people will not be wary of you. How could they know that I am here to learn.

"When it comes to those bad companies, as long as the people in them are not crazy, it's generally easier to deal with them. He has nothing to do all day long. It's nice to have someone to brag with him and look like he's talking about work. , don’t think that there is nothing to learn from such a company, there is still something to learn from them, and I will learn from them why they suck.

"Zhang Chen, look at why I am so happy to wash the buildings every day. I am all studying. This city is my social university, and these buildings are my classrooms. Only in this way, look at me as a student of Zhejiang University. , it’s no worse than Qihang’s Peking University.”

Zhang Chen laughed loudly and cursed, "You still have the nerve to say that you are from Zhejiang University. By the way, does Liu Yun know now that you are a fake Zhejiang University?"

"Heroes don't care where they come from. In society, who cares how big you are? When you fall in love, it depends on your personality, and society depends on your ability. Not to mention, I have actually met a few people from Zhejiang University. To be honest, I don't know anything about it. I don’t feel like I’m worse than them.”

"Okay, I respect your confidence." Zhang Chen raised his glass.

The construction site is busy 24 hours a day. If Zhang Chen is not there, he will not be there anymore. As long as he is here, the lights in the office are still on and the door is open, and people passing by will come in and report something to Zhang Chen. The reports were actually trivial things that could be said or not. When these people came in, Zhang Chen asked them to eat and drink.

Some shook their heads and refused to drink or eat, and then left after finishing their talk. Others picked up Zhang Chen's cup and took a sip, then went out with a grilled squid or half a duck head.

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