The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 219 The plan is grand

After drinking for three rounds, the three of them gradually turned the topic to the land they rented. Mr. Xie said, you young people are active in thinking, let’s talk about any good ideas.

Liu Ligan looked at Zhang Chen and told Mr. Xie that Mr. Zhang had an idea that I thought was very good.

Mr. Xie immediately became interested and said, come and listen.

"This is what I really felt when I was renovating Wanghai Tower and other projects." Zhang Chen and Mr. Xie said, "The existing hotels and entertainment venues in Haicheng are generally deficient. Their houses are not newly built according to needs. It was rebuilt from other buildings, such as Nanzhuang, Lion Tower, Hailongwang, Dilongwang, Hele Seafood, etc. It turned out that it was not a hotel at all.

"Some of them are rented office buildings and warehouses, some are simply renovated private houses, and there are also some entertainment venues such as Wanghai Building and VIP Building, such as Taoyuan Hotel and Golden Palm nightclub. They are either the original size Too small, expanded, or changed careers, a common problem is that they are too restricted by objective conditions.

"You are like Nanzhuang, the business is so good, but its door is always so small and stingy. Outside the restaurant, the place is so cramped, there is not even a decent hall. When the business is good, the people waiting for dinner are just You can stand in the parking lot at the gate.

"The luxury box is located on the third floor, but there is no elevator to the third floor. When the guests come, there is nothing, but after eating, especially those who are happy after drinking wine, they have to climb down from the third floor. I am worried that they will Rolling down the stairs, all of this is too inconsistent with its status as a high-end hotel.

"There is also the parking lot. When these old buildings were built, parking was not considered at all. After reconstruction, the inside of the house can be renovated, but there is still no solution to the parking problem. Who would have thought that there would be so many in Haicheng? cars, and the customers who go to these places to spend money basically drive their own cars.”

"Yes, we have such a problem, and so does our entertainment city." Mr. Xie nodded.

Zhang Chen continued: "I just thought that our land is large enough, and it is right on the future Longkun South Road. The transportation is very convenient, and I understand the pole. From now on, it will still be Haicheng's urban main road. So can we position it accurately from the beginning, that is, to build the most high-end leisure, entertainment and food complex in Haicheng? From the beginning of the design, we have focused on this goal.

"We can consider building a large parking lot underground or on the roof, with an area of ​​hundreds of thousands of square meters, which is enough to accommodate dozens or hundreds of Haicheng's most upscale nightclubs, hotels, cinemas, bowling alleys, billiards rooms, saunas, etc. Wait, provide guests with one-stop service for food, drink and entertainment.”

As Zhang Chen spoke, Mr. Xie's eyes gradually widened. He thought that most of the people who went to these places were to treat guests. If there was such a high-end place, of course everyone would flock to it. He agreed with Zhang Chen's positioning, economical Despite the slump, business at high-end hotels such as Nanzhuang and Wanghailou and high-end entertainment venues such as Taoyuan Hotel and Golden Palm is still good.

What's tragic is that an entertainment city like his own doesn't slip through the cracks. Mr. Xie felt this too deeply. He felt that whether it was a hotel or an entertainment venue, it should be the best or the cheapest. It must not be... Medium, otherwise, your cost is there. Compared with high-end products, your price difference is limited, and compared with low-end products, your price is extremely expensive.

If someone has an important guest, he will definitely bring the highest-end one. For the sake of face, it doesn’t matter if he spends a little more money. He won’t think of you. I just want to eat and have fun without wasting money. And he would rather go to the cheapest one. Thinking of you, Mr. Xie really felt that he had made a mistake in his decision-making at the time. He only thought about doing what he could, and ended up investing in something that was neither good nor bad.

Mr. Xie pondered and said, "This is a good idea, but to build such a large place and operate so many projects requires too much investment, which we can't bear."

"We won't build it ourselves," Zhang Chen said.

"Don't you want to build it yourself?" Mr. Xie was surprised.

"Yes, we don't build it ourselves. We only set the standards. The landowners are not only landowners, but also managers."

"Oh, what do you mean? Tell me."

"We have built the house and only rent it out. We do not operate it ourselves, but we do not rent it to everyone. If you want to build a nightclub here, fine, I will examine your investment scale and financial strength, and even your decoration renderings. , it also needs to be reviewed by us. We have to ensure that you can at least meet the requirements of Haicheng No. 1 in terms of hardware before I will rent the house to you.

"At the same time, we are still in charge of the security, cleaning and logistics of the entire complex. They only need to pay us a management fee every month based on the leased area. This can increase our operating income in addition to rent, and for them It’s cost-effective, as they don’t need to hire security guards, cleaners, chefs, plumbers and other messy people, they can just focus on their own business.”

Zhang Chen's idea seems unremarkable today, as almost all commercial complexes in cities do this, but at the time, it could be said to be something that no one had thought of before.

The more Mr. The money is definitely better than recruiting people yourself.

What makes Mr. Xie feel embarrassed is that although these projects are not operated by himself and do not require investment, the amount of money required to build hundreds of thousands of square meters of houses is not a small amount and is beyond his ability.

Liu Ligan seemed to see Mr. Xie's hesitation, and he said to Mr. Xie: "Mr. Zhang and I have finally passed. Even if we build a house in the early stage, we don't need to invest a lot of money."

Mr. Xie's eyes lit up and he quickly said: "How can we do this? Tell me quickly."

"We can first make the renderings of the house and the project document. Design is Mr. Zhang's specialty. You don't need to spend money to hire other companies to do this. The effect will definitely be eye-catching. I have a friend who has done the project document. She can help us and it doesn’t cost any money.”

When Liu Ligan said this, he thought of Liu Yun. He thought that Liu Yun would definitely help with this. Besides, all he needed was her guidance. He could write the content himself. Isn't it just like the legend of the king? , the rhetoric is gorgeous, the imagination is unrestrained, and it can whet the appetite of others. This is not difficult for you.

Liu Ligan continued: "After the renderings come out, we will choose the time to do a full-page advertisement in Hainan Daily to attract investment. At the same time, we will contact some possible companies that have money but don't know what projects to invest in. I know where these companies are, and if they agree with our concept and are ready to sign a contract, they will ask them to pay a deposit.

"Now, construction companies can't find work. We can talk to construction companies and let them advance part of the project money for construction. We use the deposit collected to the construction company as the down payment. After the house is built, the second installment collected will One year's rent is also given to them as project payment, and we sign an agreement with them to pay the remaining part in annual installments in three to five years."

"I know this. It should be no problem to let them advance the funds, but after the project is accepted, the balance will have to be paid over several years. I think few companies are willing to do it." Mr. Xie said.

"We pay the interest." Liu Ligan said, "This is easier than going to the bank for a loan ourselves."

"If this is the case, those state-owned construction companies that are not short of money or can easily get loans will do it. The receivables will also be recorded in the accounts, and interest will be collected every year. It is also cost-effective for them." Zhang Chen said on the side. .

Mr. Xie kept nodding his head and said, "If that's the case, this can be done and it's not difficult. By the way, how big a scale do you envision?"

"Considering the lease period, it cannot be a permanent building. I think it can be built with four floors. The parking lot can be placed underground or on the roof." Zhang Chen said.

"I think it is better to put it underground, and the roof of the building can also be used, like the Lion Tower. The good thing about Hainan is that there is no winter all year round, so the late-night snack business can be done all year round." Mr. Xie said.

"Yes, we can also make purposeful choices when it comes to investment promotion. For example, we recruit the best Cantonese restaurants, the best Sichuan restaurants, Northeastern cuisine, and Huaiyang cuisine, and include several major cuisines. This is also in line with Hainan cuisine. This city has the characteristic that there are more people from all over the country than locals." Zhang Chen said.

"In this way, my 'Zu'an Hunan Cuisine' is now in place, and Fatty Fu is going to be extremely happy." Mr. Xie said with a smile.

"We are so happy that we can visit more often." Liu Ligan said, "By the way, Mr. Zhang has already thought of a name for this complex."

Mr. Xie asked: "What's your name?"

"Chinatown." Liu Ligan said.

"Okay!" Mr. Xie shouted, "When I went to Hong Kong, I went to the 'Chinatown Nightclub' in Hong Kong. It was such a high-end place. I was extremely envious at that time. I never thought that one day I could do it in Haicheng. Create a Chinatown and decide on this name."

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