The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 2093 This is not what I want

While Liu Yun was talking, Zhang Xiangbei sat there silently. Liu Yun saw this and asked:

"Beibei, what do you think?"

Zhang Xiangbei expressed what he was most worried about. He said:

"Once a price war starts, for 'Daily Fresh', their scope is Hangzhou and Shanghai. We are not. All our cities across the country will be affected. It is impossible to say that the prices in Shanghai and Hangzhou have been adjusted. Other cities will not move. Customers in these cities can see the prices in Hangzhou and Shanghai. We will be scolded to death.

"And if other cities follow suit and the limit of 'daily fresh food' is 20 billion, then even 200 billion won't be enough for us, and we will be dragged to death."

Liu Yun looked at Xiaofang, and both of them laughed. Zhang Xiangbei looked at them, wondering what was so funny about his words. Zhang Xiangbei asked:

"Isn't that right?"

"Beibei, we have thought about what you said. It is indeed a very troublesome problem. We were worried that you didn't think of it. But we are very happy that you did." Xiaofang said, "But this problem, It can be broken.”

"How to break it?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

"Fight in a high profile." Xiaofang said.

"A high-profile fight? What do you mean?" Zhang Xiangbei didn't understand and continued to ask.

"Before the war begins, we must vigorously publicize that we are prepared to engage in a price war with Daily Fresh in Hangzhou and Shanghai. We will publicize this war to everyone. Everyone knows that our two companies are in Shanghai and Hangzhou. There is a price war in the city. When I see such a price, I know and understand it. I know that this price is abnormal. Where can I buy a pound and a half of potatoes for fifty cents?

"After everyone understands that we are in their city and the price has not been adjusted, they will understand that this is the normal price because Daily Fresh did not go there and there was no price war there. That's what I said, The advantage of our high-profile fight is to fight it until everyone understands it," Xiaofang said.

"But in this case, everyone will look forward to the arrival of 'Daily Fresh' in their cities, and hope that price wars will also occur in their cities." Zhang Xiangbei said.

"Beibei, let me ask you, can we decide which city "Daily Fresh" will enter? After they enter that city, do you think they will not move the ones in Shanghai and Hangzhou? ? Even if we don’t want to fight a price war with him, he will still fight with us. Just like now, if you haven’t done anything here, they still keep increasing the price. Has it stopped?

"Now in Hangzhou and Shanghai, we have lost more than half of our market share. When they arrive in the new city, they will continue to fight, and we will continue to be gentle, courteous and thrifty? Then there is only one answer. Even if we are in that city, we will also lose more than half of our market share. market share.

"'Daily Fresh' hasn't grown up yet. When they really grow up, we won't have a chance to fight them. We will have to be the second child. When the whole country is beaten, we will have no chance to stand up. You Have you ever thought about this?”

Xiaofang's words made Zhang Xiangbei stunned. Thinking about it carefully, it seemed that what Xiaofang said was reasonable. Such a situation would probably happen. If so, he would have no choice but to cope with it. The whole country is being chased and beaten by "Daily Fresh".

"If we want to prevent this from happening, we cannot let the war spread. We must snipe on the spot, limit the scope to Shanghai and Hangzhou, and fight him head-on. We will beat him until he is hurt and scared. We have paid a heavy price here." The price, in this way, can actually achieve the purpose of promoting peace through war, so that they will not dare to fight us in other cities.

"Our current advantage is that we are one step ahead of them. As long as we continue to maintain this leading advantage, our number one position will be unshakable. Beibei, you are with Gu Gong every day. He must have told you that in the Historically, appeasement policy has never brought peace. Neither Chamberlain's appeasement policy in Britain nor Pétain's passive defense in France could stop the German attack.

"In China, Wang Jingwei and other 'peaceful factions' have also brought disaster to the country and the nation. Victory is always won. This is true of traditional wars, and the same is true of business wars. No great company is born without cruelty. stand out from the competition.”

Liu Yun and Zhang Xiangbei said: "The high-profile fight that Xiaofang said has another advantage, that is, it will make the other party very passive, but we do not have such pressure. The two sides really started to fight in Shanghai and Hangzhou. War, competition burns money, and if everyone at home and abroad knows about it, by then, even if they want to burn money, will their shareholders be willing?

"Many shareholders, when they first bought their stocks, wanted to make short-term speculation and make a profit. When they saw them burning money like this, they knew that this would definitely be detrimental to the company's profits. These shareholders would Express their opinions and put pressure on Dibao to stop them from continuing to burn money like crazy. By then, Dibao will be at a loss.

"On the other hand, you, 'Zhaixianshui', don't have this pressure. The shareholders of 'Zhaixianshui' are all in this conference room today, and our shareholders have all reached a unanimous resolution and agreed to compete with them to burn money. So, at this time, As long as we persist, they may be forced to withdraw from the competition due to pressure.”

"I agree with the opinions of Mr. Liu and Mr. Kan. I also think that we should go to war with them head-on. I was originally worried that our own capital chain would not be enough to support us in a price war with them. But now that there is no problem with funds, I I support fighting them." Wu Huan looked at Zhang Xiangbei and said.

In the conference room, everyone looked at Zhang Xiangbei, waiting for him to express his position.

"Then what?" Zhang Xiangbei raised his head and asked.

"What then, Beibei?" Liu Yun asked.

"We started a price war with them and lowered the prices in Shanghai and Hangzhou, even lower than them. I admit that we have this condition better than them because our other cities are still making money, namely Shanghai and Hangzhou. Even if the city does not make money, or even loses money, it will not affect the overall structure of our company. In addition, your new funds will come in, and we have the capital to win.

"What I want to ask is, if we win the price war and clear them out, what will we do next?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

"Then treat this as an interlude, and we will continue to develop according to our established steps. And I am sure that by then, the environment of 'Zhai Xian Delivery' will definitely be much better than it is now. It is not the case now. I know how many people are ready to start a war with us. If we can hit you with a painful blow, others will have to consider it." Liu Yun said.

"What about Hangzhou and Shanghai?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

"Hangcheng and Shanghai?" Liu Yun said, "Of course they are cleaning up the battlefield and regaining lost ground."

"How to regain it?" Zhang Xiangbei smiled and said: "My understanding is that by that time, there will be no 'Daily Fresh' anyway, at least no 'Daily Fresh' as ​​aggressive and ferocious as today. , we can start adjusting the price back, right?”

"Of course." Liu Yun said.

"What about customers? What will happen from the customer's point of view?" Zhang Xiangbei said, "Customers are very realistic. What they will do is scold us every time we adjust the price, right? They are just It doesn’t matter whether we lowered the price in order to fight a price war with Daily Fresh, they will really miss the days when we were fighting a price war.”

"So what?" Wu Huan asked.

Zhang Xiangbei said: "I know they can't do anything. By then, they have no choice because 'Daily Fresh' is no longer available, and if we return it to normal prices, it will still be better than other small grocery shopping websites." Because of the low prices at the farmer's market, they had no choice but to accept us, but they were forced to accept us unwillingly and full of anger.

“Does ‘Zhai Xian Delivery’ really want to grow and survive in such an environment?”

Liu Yun sighed and said, "Beibei, you are too idealistic."

"Yes, I know." Zhang Xiangbei said, "I know it's silly to cherish feathers too much, but I still don't want 'Home Fresh Delivery' to be like this. The 'Home Fresh Delivery' in my mind is not Such.

“I hope that it will be honest with its customers, our suppliers, employees, and the farmers we help, and will not use them as pawns or tools.

"I won't say, I need you now, I'll give you a little sweetness, and when I don't need you anymore, I'm sorry, no matter how you scold me, I don't care, I still have to get what I should get from you. I took it in my hand without saying a word.

"Furthermore, from a corporate governance perspective, I feel that if such a trend and style is formed from top to bottom, the gains will definitely outweigh the losses in the end. In this company, everyone will be fooling you in the end. Fool me, I'll fool you, you can fool the people above, you can fool the people below, you just have to find a way to get through the hurdle in front of you, you can do whatever it takes.

"Do you really hope that 'Zhaixianshui' will become such a company? When others have no bottom line, we will also have no bottom limit? How easy is it to start a price war? Just throw money at it. What kind of technical content does this have? Even fools can do it Do, but I don’t want to be such a fool.”

"Beibei, it's urgent now and time waits for no one. So tell me, if you don't start a price war with Daily Fresh, how can you stabilize the current situation?" Xiaofang asked.

"No, I haven't thought of a good way yet." Zhang Xiangbei said, "However, I think there will be. Time really waits for no one now. We are all about to be cleared. So, give me two days. , let me think about it, if I can't think of any way, I will admit it. In order for the more than 10,000 employees of the Shanghai and Hangcheng companies to survive, I must fight."

"Okay, Zhang Xiangbei, I believe you, I will wait in Hangzhou." Xiaohu said.

Zhang Xiangbei nodded and said: "Thank you, Xiaohu! Thank you also to my godmother, Aunt Xiaofang and my father. Thank you for being able to support me like this and support me with 'fresh home delivery'. I know that two hundred and five billion is not a small number." , it must be very difficult for you to make such a decision, so I have to be more cautious."

This time the meeting ended like this, with no conclusion or consensus. When a few people went downstairs, Liu Yun and Zhang Chen Xiaofang Xiaohu said that we still have to prepare first, Beibei here, let him think about it.

"Even if we don't use this money, we still have to prepare it. We don't know what crazier things 'Daily Food' will do if we are really pushed into a hurry," Liu Yun said.

Several other people said yes.

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