Zhang Xiangbei drove his car and walked aimlessly on the road, thinking about what Liu Yun and Xiaofang had just said in the conference room. Zhang Xiangbei felt that he had begun a search process again, just like when he had Just like he was looking for the key to unlock the last kilometer problem, what he needed to find now was still a key, a key that could unlock the predicament in front of him.

However, this time there is a time limit. Both Xiaofang and Liu Yun are right. "Zhaixianshu" is now like the Chinese football team. It can be accompanied by the classic commentary, "There is not much time left for them." ".

Zhang Xiangbei must find this key within two days, otherwise, he will have to bite the bullet and fight this price war that is destined to be tragic and money-burning.

Zhang Xiangbei is not afraid of burning money, but he feels that this is not money he earned. Whether it is 20 billion or 200 billion, it is really boring and has no technical content at all.

Just like when I was at Yale, I could lie down every day, and the money in the card would automatically come in. Dad would give him money, and Aunt Xiaofang would give him money. Even his grandfather and grandma would receive their monthly pensions. They would also give him money when they came down. They knew that Zhang Xiangbei was not short of money, but they would still give him money. Giving him money itself had become a concern.

That is, Zhang Xiangbei is their grandson. His grandson is studying outside and has no job yet. They have to do their best for his grandson. It is not about the amount of money, but about their heart. They pay money on time every month and become They have learned about the important things they must do every month and have a sense of ritual. Otherwise, they would not even need to receive their pensions.

Every month, Xiaofang would put a lot of money in the kitchen drawer, just like when Xiaozhao was alive. The money was already far greater than the family expenses, but grandpa and grandma would not use this money to buy things. If they give it to Zhang Xiangbei, they will definitely use their pension to call Zhang Xiangbei.

The same applies to the money for Zhang Xiangxi's kindergarten. Xiaofang will put it in a drawer, but they will still use their own pension to pay for the tuition. It is their granddaughter, and they think it is natural.

There is always no shortage of money in Zhang Xiangbei's card. He also has the supplementary card of his father's credit card, which he can swipe at will. However, Zhang Xiangbei still feels that he needs to make money, first to earn his own living expenses, and after earning, He felt that even the food tasted delicious.

Then he went to earn his own tuition. After earning it, he felt that learning was for himself. The time he spent studying in school could be monetized and calculated in currency, and these currencies could also be used in his own sweat. And those who calculate hard, in this way, if you don't study hard, you will be sorry for yourself.

Then, Zhang Xiangbei went to earn money to buy gifts for Xiangnan. Zhang Xiangbei felt that it would be very shameful for a man to spend his parents' money even to give gifts to girls. If so, you Even if you can give away a world, so what? Is that world yours? Save it.

Zhang Xiangbei felt that it would be the same when he started his own company. If he had no other choice, he really hoped that "fresh food delivered to home" could be started slowly, but the reality was cruel. Aunt Xiaofang persuaded him and he had to accept it. That two billion, otherwise this project would not be possible, so Zhang Xiangbei could only choose to accept it.

After accepting it, he wanted to earn back the two billion as soon as possible. He did it. Now he has earned an unknown number of two billion from "Zhaixianshu". He feels that he has the ability to cooperate with any company. At this time, Zhang Xiangbei was unwilling to accept the 25 billion in a price war.

If he had earned the two hundred and fifty billion by himself, he might not feel as tight in his chest as he does now, but that is not, it was not earned by you, let alone yours, it is twenty-five billion, What does it have to do with you? Save it.

Zhang Xiangbei doesn't want to do this kind of thing that has no technical content and requires almost no brain, and he doesn't want to become unkempt and unkempt by "delivery at home". If a person is unkempt and embarrassed to go out, why do you still do it when your company is unkempt? Can you accept it calmly and speak out without shame? Don't you have a split personality?

Just save it.

Companies are used to make money. Only when a company makes money can it be able to do a lot of things and change the world a little bit, not to lose money. Zhang Xiangbei despises the kind of people who keep burning money and burning money. Zhang Xiangbei thinks that such people are shameless and no different from liars.

You clearly have no ability to make money. All you know is deception. You deceived investors before going public and defrauded stockholders after going public. For such a person, how dare you say that you are a business owner? Save it.

Zhang Xiangbei hopes that his company will be a clean company, a company that truly has the ability to make money cleanly. That day at home, sitting in front of his mother, Zhang Xiangbei asked his mother why it was so difficult to do this. Didn't say anything, just looked at him with a smile.

Zhang Xiangbei understood that his mother's look was telling him, Beibei, you know what to do, you know.

Zhang Xiangbei was thinking about it when he suddenly woke up and realized that he had somehow arrived at the expressway toll gate. There was a car following behind him and it was too late to turn back.

Zhang Xiangbei got the card, got on the highway, stepped on the accelerator, and the car kept accelerating faster and faster. Only then did Zhang Xiangbei feel that he was on the highway and could finally breathe.

He let out a long breath.

These days, Xiangnan and the others perform in the small theater in the center of Yongcheng at night, and have to rehearse every afternoon. Because it is a new play, and these ten days in Yongcheng are the premieres, Xiangnan and the others have to show up for the evening performance every day. The small mistake was corrected in the rehearsal the next day.

This time they performed a new play by Lao Tuo. It was written at the request of the Propaganda Department of the Hangzhou City Party Committee and was based on the activities of "Fresh Delivery at Home" and "Helping at Home". Of course, in the play, the words "home delivery" were not used. "Fresh Delivery" and Zhang Xiangbei's name are suspected of helping the company to promote the company, but "Suishuibang" is still "Suishibang", and everyone thinks this name is good.

In the play, Xiang Nan can be said to be acting in his true colors. He plays the girlfriend of the male protagonist in the play. The male protagonist Ling Zheng is actually Zhang Xiangbei. However, the boss did not write him as a rich second generation, but as a poor person. The son of a farmer, he had excellent grades. After graduating from college, he was admitted to Yale and studied abroad. After completing his studies, he returned to China, still thinking of serving the countryside and farmers.

After the performance in Yongcheng, Xiangnan and the others will start a tour in all districts and counties in Hangzhou.

When they were rehearsing, Xiang Nan and Lao Tuo repeatedly encouraged Zhang Xiang Bei to look. Lao Tuo and Zhang Xiang Bei said, "Go and see how much you are reflected in Ling Zheng's body. I will follow your instructions." of.

Zhang Xiangbei said: "Save it, you won't go even if you kill me. I don't want to see Lan Hua pointing at me."

Xiang Nan laughed on the edge.

The male actors in the troupe, because of their profession, have to step off the stage. In real life, their behavior and style will inevitably be a bit stage-like and look a bit girly. Of course, the actor who plays Ling Zheng in the drama also It's inevitable.

Zhang Xiangbei looked at Xiangnan and smiled.

Xiang Nan asked: "Why are you laughing?"

Zhang Xiangbei said: "I didn't expect you to like sissy men."

"What did you say?" Xiang Nan raised his eyebrows and pointed at Zhang Xiangbei: "Zhang Xiangbei, try it again."

Zhang Xiangbei chuckled: "I didn't say anything."

Zhang Xiangbei finally did not come to watch the performance or rehearsal of this play. In the past, he could say that he would not be absent from every play of Xiang Nan, but this one.

Xiang Nan was rehearsing on the stage. When Ling Zheng decided to leave Shanghai and go back to his hometown in the countryside, his girlfriend and he were having an argument. Xiang Nan's eyes suddenly opened wide and he looked at the back of the theater, where the actor who played Ling Zheng Being taken away from the scene by Xiang Nan's sudden appearance, he was curious and couldn't help but turn his head and follow Xiang Nan's line of sight.

"Stop, stop, stop, you two, what's going on?"

Ding Yousong, who was the director, shouted loudly and stopped the rehearsal. He turned around and couldn't help laughing. He saw Zhang Xiangbei sitting in the corner of the theater at the back. Looking at the stage, he didn't know that this guy was sitting here. How long have you been sitting?

Ding Yousong clapped his hands: "Okay, that's it for today."

"No, it's not finished yet, continue." Xiang Nan said.

The rehearsal continued, and Xiang Nan on the stage never looked towards Zhang Xiangbei again until the whole play was finished.

Actors' peripheral vision is very powerful. When they perform on stage, they often need to observe the reaction of the audience from the corner of their eyes.

Xiangnan didn't seem to look at Zhang Xiangbei again, but she had actually been observing Zhang Xiangbei with her peripheral vision. He was sitting here, but his eyes were dull, and his thoughts had already flown to nowhere. If you ask him what is happening on stage at this time, he will definitely not know.

Xiang Nan is too familiar with this guy and this expression. Growing up, when Zhang Xiangbei has such an expression, something big must have happened. At this time, his eyes are empty. When you look at him, It's as if your whole being will fall into it.

Ding Yousong also knew that it was unusual for Zhang Xiangbei to appear here at this time. After the rehearsal, when Yin Tao wanted to step down and walk towards Zhang Xiangbei, Ding Yousong grabbed him and took him away.

Xiangnan walked to the corner where Zhang Xiangbei was sitting, sat down next to him, and asked, "Why are you here? What's the matter?"

"It's okay." Zhang Xiangbei said with a smile, "I drove it and drove it here."

Xiang Nan also smiled and said nothing more. Instead, he took Zhang Xiangbei's hand and held it in his own. Xiang Nan knew that something must be wrong, but at this time, if you ask him, he will definitely tell you It's okay, you just have to wait, wait slowly, wait for him to warm up, wait until he is ready to tell you, and then he will talk endlessly as soon as he opens his mouth.

The lights in the auditorium in the theater were not turned on. Only the stage was brightly lit due to rehearsal. Now that the rehearsal was over, the last person to leave the backstage turned off the lights on the stage, and the entire theater suddenly fell into darkness. .

Xiang Nan's head leaned over, and the two turned sideways and hugged each other, kissing in the dark.

After a while, Xiang Nan burst into laughter.

"Why are you laughing?" Zhang Xiangbei asked in the darkness.

"Have you seen it?" Xiang Nan asked.

"what did you see?"

"That orchid refers to myself."

"No." Zhang Xiangbei sighed, "I just saw you."

The two men then kissed.

Thank you Qdragon for your monthly pass! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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