"Mr. Wu said, this is one of them." Zhang Xiangbei said, "Have you ever thought about it, if we start a price war with Daily Fresh in Hangzhou and Shanghai and lower the vegetable prices, what will happen in other cities? How will customers feel when they see the prices of food in these two cities? They don’t have this pressure. They only have business in these two cities anyway, what about us?”

"What the hell, then we will be scolded." Zhou Ruoyi sighed.

"Yes, we will bet on the credibility of our company. Of course, there is another way." Zhang Xiangbei paused and continued: "That is to adjust prices in other cities to follow these two cities."

"Then we will take our own lives." Ma Lin said.

There is no need to go on about this issue. Everyone knows that if they start a price war with "Daily Fresh", it will be a dead end for them. And "Daily Fresh", they have enough capital to watch "Zhai Xian" "Fresh Delivery", the largest and currently only competitor, died, and they began to raise vegetable prices again, raising the prices to higher than the original normal.

They exchanged money for time and space, and then they can get back what they lost earlier.

"Zhai Xian Delivery" has become a talking point and a laughing stock. In this world, no one will truly sympathize with the weak or the guy who lost. He will only become a negative example. People will say, "Zhai Xian Delivery" "Send" was how it was in the past, and it is how it is now.

"Home delivery" may even turn into a bloody case that will make latecomers afraid to enter this industry again and challenge the treasure hunting.

Zhang Xiangbei said: "I know it is difficult to position ourselves, and it is also difficult to admit our weaknesses. In a price war, we have no advantage compared with Daily Fresh. It can even be said that we are not their opponent at all. , the power of capital is powerful, but we do not have this capital.

"The current situation is that we are the defender, and the opponent is the attacker, and the attack is fierce. What we have to do now is not to think about how to fight with them, or in other words, we are to temporarily avoid their edge and adopt On the defensive, we must focus on how to defend our existing customers.

"We must also admit that under the other party's price offensive, it is unrealistic to expect that customers will not be lost. What we want to think about is how to slow down this trend as much as possible and reduce our losses. As long as we hold on to this wave, we can reduce the losses of both parties." Only when the battle becomes a protracted one can we win back the customers we lost little by little. The first step is to hold on.

"As long as we hold on and fight a protracted war, I believe they will not be our opponents. Why? I haven't figured it out, I just have this feeling. When I figure it out, I will tell you that Hangzhou and Shanghai are now Don’t think about how to expand our business and increase our market share. In a word, just hold on, and holding on means victory.”

In the two conference rooms, everyone was deep in thought after hearing Zhang Xiangbei's words. Ding Mian tried his best to break the silence first. He said:

"Mr. Zhang, Mr. Wu, I have an idea."

"Say." Zhang Xiangbei said.

"Of course, this is just my personal thought. I have not yet reported it to President Wu, President Zhou, and President Ma. I just listened to what President Zhang said..."

Zhang Xiangbei interrupted him: "Don't be rigid in the meeting. There is no big or small meeting room. You can say whatever comes to mind. You can say anything."

"Okay." Ding said with all his strength, "I think it is almost impossible for us to secure each residential customer now. They are choosing by hand. If they think it is cheaper, they will choose that one. For a while, I felt that it was better to stay here, they would come back naturally, and we just had to do our own thing well."

When Ding Mianli spoke, he used the words "daily fresh" and "zhai fresh delivery" instead of "daily fresh" and "daily fresh" because he felt that the words "daily fresh" were a bit hard to say.

"Tell me the key points." Wu Huan said.

"Okay, I think there is one thing we can do, and that is to first stabilize the big customers. A big customer is equivalent to the purchase volume of a community or even several communities. It is also our main source of profit. As long as these big customers are If our customers are stable, our fundamentals will be maintained.

"There are two other advantages of big customers. First, they don't care so much about the price of vegetables. Second, we have already had contacts with these big customers. During the holidays, we always remember them, and the emotional foundation is there." , I think, now, we should visit them one by one, listen to their opinions in person, communicate with them, and stabilize them."

As soon as Ding Mianli finished speaking, Wu Huan shouted:

"I think this is a good idea. Mr. Ding is right. Although it is a holiday now, these big customers are not on holiday. We can start visiting them tomorrow."

The so-called big customers are large hotels, universities, hospitals and other units. Hotels and hotels are their busiest time at this time. Of course they will not have holidays. The canteens of universities and hospitals are also open as usual and are responsible for the general affairs of procurement. People in the office and logistics department also work overtime, so it's not difficult to find them.

"I think it's okay. Here in Shanghai, Lao Ding and I will split up tomorrow and visit them one by one. Try to spend a week to visit all the big customers and stabilize them." Zhou Ruoyi said, and Ding reluctantly agreed.

"Here in Hangcheng, Li Wei and I will work separately." Wu Huan said, "There are a few big customers, so we don't need to visit them and leave them to Mr. Zhang."

Everyone laughed, knowing that the big customers Wu Huan mentioned were Tuxiangyuan Hotel, "Catering Men and Women", "Splendid China" Group, Black Forest Food and LinkedIn Foreign Language School.

Zhang Xiangbei also thought Ding Mianli’s suggestion was very good. He said:

"Another point is that if we encounter big customers who really care about the price, we can give them separate discounts in the form of rebates, so that the impact will not spread."

"It's better not to use it. It's better to unify the sales policy, otherwise it will be chaotic. As long as we do our job well, the big customers really won't care about the price difference." Wu Huan said, "But we can communicate with them and explain the truth. Tell them, if our 'Zhaixianshu' disappears, they will be waiting to be slaughtered, I think they should know this."

"Okay, it's up to you." Zhang Xiangbei said, "But when you go to visit customers, you can't go empty-handed."

"Ask the consultant." Wu Huan said, "The things he sells are not embarrassing and the customers are happy."

Zhang Xiangbei immediately called Gu Gong and asked him if he had anything new that could be used as a souvenir?

"To whom?" asked the consultant.

Zhang Xiangbei told him, and Gu Gong immediately said, "You have only eaten salami, but you don't know that sausages can be eaten raw, right? I just made a batch of sausages that can be eaten raw, and they can be used as companions for you." Hand gift."

"Great!" Zhang Xiangbei shouted.

"When do you want it?" asked the consultant.

"Tomorrow morning." Zhang Xiangbei said, "Both Hangzhou and Shanghai will go there."

"Unfortunately, it's too late." Gu Gong said.

"Why, didn't you say it was already done?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

"The sausages have been made, but the outer packaging has not yet been delivered. I originally wanted to wait for the outer packaging to arrive. After it was packaged, I would take pictures and launch it on the 'Zhaixian Delivery' website." Gu Gong said.

Zhang Xiangbei thought for a moment and said: "It doesn't matter, just use a plastic bag to simply vacuum-pack it. It is a new product, so it is normal to have no packaging. It can be said that it is for them to try."

"That's right, the customer dares to accept it like this. It looks like a small gift, not like a bribe." Zhou Ruoyi shouted.

"Okay, I'll rush to the factory right now and organize the workers to pack it. The Shanghai side will tell me how much it needs. It can be sent out at about five or six in the morning." Gu Gong said.

The first step in the response plan is to stabilize the big customers. Wu Huan then told everyone that if the delivery staff encounters "Daily Fresh" personnel in the community, they should not conflict with them and pay attention to protecting the company. The second one is that the customer center should provide services to customers more patiently and meticulously.

"Especially the elderly customers who call to place orders." Zhang Xiangbei said, "Daily Fresh probably can't take care of them. We now have to do a good job in maintaining the orders no matter how small they are. Every customer needs Go for it.”

Li Wei said I know and I will explain it.

Today's meeting ends here. Everyone stood up and prepared to leave. Zhang Xiangbei stopped Wu Yue and Ma Lin and asked them to wait.

Two people came over and Zhang Xiangbei said to them:

"Theoretically, the orders we lost are the current orders of 'Daily Fresh'. You two can make statistics and do the calculations. Using this number of orders as the base, combined with the vegetable price and the purchase price of other commodities, you will see Look at the current selling price of 'Daily Fresh' and figure out how much money they will lose in a day."

Wu Yue agreed with Ma Lin and walked out.

"Why, are you still worried about them?" Wu Huan asked.

"No, I want to calculate how long they can last." Zhang Xiangbei said.

Zhang Xiangbei was so busy today that he ignored one issue, that is, today is the first day that "Daily Fresh" goes online. Those people from their "Zhai Xian Delivery" are not the only ones who care about this matter. .

There are also several shareholders at the back, Zhang Chen, Xiaofang, Liu Yun and Xiaohu. They are also concerned. They are concerned but they don’t even call to ask. This is too abnormal. Zhang Xiangbei is too busy today to put such a Abnormal things were taken for granted, without even thinking about them.

In the afternoon, Zhang Chen returned from "Food and Drink" to his office in Banmutian Building. Xiaofang and Liu Yun were waiting for him here. The three of them had visited the "Daily Fresh" website in the morning and were interested in the dishes on the website. The three of them didn't feel strange at all. Even Zhang Chen expected that Teacher Ma would do something like this.

This is not a new trick. This is the simplest, most direct and crude trick to attack competitors. Merchants and vendors have been using it for thousands of years, and it is still used frequently today. Galanz uses this trick to make everything into microwave ovens. Are all the companies beaten down?

What they are worried about is that Zhang Xiangbei will suddenly increase the pressure today. Can he bear it? They knew that every phone call with even concern would only add more pressure to Zhang Xiangbei today, so they did not call. Even Zhang Chen, who had already arrived at the "Eating and Drinking Man and Woman", did not call. come and see.

Xiaofang and Liu Yun are calculating the margin, that is, in order to fight a price war this time, Mr. Ma's psychological bottom line is, how much food and grass he may spend, no matter how much money you have in your pocket, he will not give it all. All come to fight a price war.

In particular, "Daily Fresh" is not all of Mr. Ma, but only a part of him. It is impossible for him to risk everything and give it a go. That would not be a business, but a desperate effort.

The two people calculated a number, which was 20 billion. They felt that this was the limit of Teacher Ma. "Daily Fresh" could burn up to 20 billion, and it couldn't be more, otherwise their annual report would be ugly, right? Investors have no way to explain.

After calculating this, Liu Yun and Xiaofang felt confident. Liu Yun called Xiaohu, and Xiaohu said yes, I will fly to Hangzhou tomorrow.

Thank you zsq_, My Heart Dances, and Book Friends 20180906223204934 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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