The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 2085 What to do?

After noon, Zhang Xiangbei and his colleagues began to increase their orders for "Home Delivery" in Shanghai and Hangzhou, but the quantity was still much lower than before.

Zhang Xiangbei and Wu Huan said: "At ten o'clock in the evening, after today's data comes out, we will convene a meeting with people from Shanghai and Hangzhou."

Wu Huan said yes, I will inform you.

Zhang Xiangbei walked outside to take a look at the large office area. Here, the people in the customer center were still very busy. They were responsible for handling business across the country. Shanghai and Hangzhou were only a small part of them. In other cities, the number of orders today was has increased, so for them, the volume of business has not decreased.

In contrast, they no longer have the same nervousness they felt when Zhang Xiangbei first arrived in the morning. As long as people are busy, they will forget all the tension, anxiety, etc.

Zhang Xiangbei walked to the workshop downstairs to take a look. It was still very busy here. The demand from unit users, especially those in hotels, had increased today, so it was not that busy here.

Zhang Xiangbei and Wu Huan are not so naive. They know that the launch of "Daily Fresh" today will definitely have an impact on them, so they have reduced the purchase quantity in Shanghai and Hangzhou, but it does not seem to be the case in the workshop. Not that obvious.

Even the cold chain trucks for delivery still have to leave. In each community, the number of customers purchasing their products has decreased, but there are still some. Even if there is only one company, they still have to deliver.

Zhang turned around to the north. He saw that the entire company was still normal, and he was slightly relieved. At this time, what he was most afraid of was that people inside were panicking, which would make management more difficult.

I just don’t know how long this normality can last, whether the loss of customers in Hangzhou and Shanghai will worsen, and whether will speed up its deployment in other cities across the country. If so, it won’t be two o’clock blooming. Instead, they had to deal with their challenges all over the country.

All of this is unknown to Zhang Xiangbei. All he knows is that in recent years, as Dibao has become a unicorn company, when they launch an attack on a certain company, they rarely fail. For example, if it fails, it is because the opponent must be large enough.

For example, their challenge to WeChat failed because Tencent had enough strength to compete with them. But if it really blossomed into a price war and burned each other's money, Zhang Xiangbei knew that he would burn them. But, that's asking for death.

Zhang Xiangbei definitely cannot take the road of burning money. He told himself that he must be firm on this. But besides burning money and fighting a price war, is there any other way?

Zhang Xiangbei stood at the gate and sighed. He felt that there was chaos in front of him and he couldn't see the direction clearly.

Zhang Xiangbei felt a little bored. He walked out, walked through the logistics base, and walked to the opposite side. Gu Gu was on a break today and did not go to work. Zhang Xiangbei walked into the "Food and Drink" and saw that it was very busy, but Xiaoli Neither Du Tao nor Du Tao were there.

Zhang Xiangbei asked, and someone told him that there was no way. Today was too busy and there were really not enough manpower. They themselves also went to the guests' homes to serve. By the way, your dad was upstairs.

Zhang Xiangbei did not go upstairs, but turned around and walked out. He knew that if he went upstairs, his father would definitely ask him how his day was. The last thing Zhang Xiangbei wanted to tell anyone now was how his day was.

Zhang Xiangbei walked back to his company, went upstairs, and walked into the office. For the next whole day, he sat in his office blankly. Even dinner was brought to him by Wu Huan. of.

Wu Huan came in twice and saw Zhang Xiangbei sitting there blankly. Wu Huan didn't say anything and left.

At ten o'clock in the evening, Wu Huan walked into Zhang Xiangbei's office. It was dark inside. Wu Huan reached out and turned on the light. He saw Zhang Xiangbei's eyes open. He had been sitting in the dark. Wu Huan and Zhang Xiangbei said :

"It's time, everyone is waiting for you."

Zhang Xiangbei said yes.

He stood up, walked into the bathroom, stood in front of the sink, and looked at his face in the mirror. His face was ugly, like a zombie face. He soaked his hands under the faucet and slapped himself. face, open your mouth wide, move your chin left and right, move the nerves on your face, and then wipe it with a towel.

He looked at the face in the mirror, which was not so ugly. Zhang Xiangbei smiled at himself in the mirror and tried "hehe" twice before walking out and going to the conference room.

In the conference room, CEO Wu Huan, COO Li Wei, CTO Wu Yue, CFO Ma Lin, and CPO Sun Xiangyang are all here. The general manager of their Hangzhou branch is concurrently served by Li Wei. On the screen, Xiao Wu, Zhou Ruoyi, Ding Miuli, Ma Jian and four others were in a conference room in Shanghai.

Wu Yue announced the figures they estimated. If we add the number of individual orders from residents that should have increased today but did not, the actual decrease in their individual orders today should be about 46%. Many of them were placed last night. Tonight, so far, no further orders have been placed.

"This is easy to understand." Wu Huan said, "'Daily Fresh' was launched at nine o'clock this morning. Some people who are used to ordering the next day's menu at night saw the prices of 'Daily Fresh' today. , I felt I was at a disadvantage, so I turned around and placed an order with them.”

Wu Yue looked at Zhang Xiangbei and said to him, "There is another situation."

"What's going on?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

"The transfer of orders from unit customers is faster than we imagined. According to the data just compiled, many customers have not placed orders." Wu Yue said.

Zhang Xiangbei was shocked. Orders from corporate customers are the most stable. They are different from individual customers. Individual customers may not place orders one day for one reason or another. Corporate customers will not, except for government agencies. The cafeteria will be closed on rest days. On other days, it is almost untouchable. Moreover, the demand is also best estimated.

Orders from unit customers will also be concentrated between after dinner and before ten o'clock every day. After ten o'clock, the data for today's unit customers will have been released.

During the three-day long break, the canteens of government agencies were closed. Wu Yue knew this situation, and the reduction he was talking about definitely did not refer to this part.

"What types of customers are they? Have the data been released?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

"It's out." Wu Yue said, "They are basically small restaurants."

Yes, these roadside shops are the most sensitive to prices, even more sensitive than many residential customers. When they opened the website of "Daily Fresh", they found that the prices of the dishes on it were so much cheaper that the restaurant owners did not care. Without hesitation, they turned around and went there to buy the groceries they needed for tomorrow. They didn't need to ask any leader for instructions.

"It's all bad news, Wu Yue, don't you have any good news?" Li Wei asked.

Wu Yue stared at the computer in front of him without raising his head, and kept tapping the keyboard with his fingers. He said:

"I just discovered a phenomenon. I don't know if it's good news."

"What's happening?" Wu Huan asked.

“Members who participated in our ‘Suishoubang’ activity have a high proportion of placing orders, and it seems that there are very few transfer orders,” Wu Yue said.

"Of course this is good news!" Wu Huan said, "It means they are our most loyal customers. What they value is not the price of food, but..."

"Value determination." Zhang Xiangbei said, "Wu Huan is right. These are indeed our most loyal customers. They have financial ability themselves and are not so sensitive to vegetable prices. They buy vegetables online just for the sake of profit. Convenient, this is indeed good news for us, indicating that they recognize our services and the company's values.

"The 'Suishibang' activity, from a certain perspective, has tied them to our company, and their recognition of our company is the highest."

Zhang Xiangbei thought for a moment and said to Wu Yue:

"You should pay close attention to the trends of these customers. If even they start to wander, it means that not only do we have no advantage in price, but we also lag behind in terms of service and other aspects. Then we really deserve to be damned. We can The movements of this group of customers serve as a wake-up call for us."

The other people nodded, and Wu Yue said okay. I will immediately find a way to design a model when I get back, so that I can monitor their movements.

Wu Huan looked at everyone and said to them:

"The emergence of 'Daily Fresh' has diverted a large part of our customers. This is already a fact. I don't know whether the situation will continue to get worse and to what extent it will get worse. I think Mr. Zhang also feels the same in his heart." There is definitely no bottom. I only know that the pressure on us from Daily Fresh will definitely not stop.

"If they only have this one move, it won't be a treasure hunt as I understand it. We must be mentally prepared for worse situations. At the same time, everyone should also think of a way. Since the opponent has already made a move, let's think about it. How should we act?"

"Didn't they reduce the price by 10%? I think we can also reduce it by 10%." Zhou Ruoyi said, "Their dishes are all wholesale. They have no profit by reducing it by 10%. We can reduce it by 100%." Ten times there is profit.”

"If we all reduce prices by 10%, we will be at most the same as them. Wouldn't we have a price advantage?" Sun Xiangyang said.

"But this way, if everyone has the same price, we can at least stop losing customers so quickly." Zhou Ruoyi said.

"Actually, I haven't calculated whether there will be any profits from a 10% reduction. I think it's quite embarrassing." Ma Lin, the company's CFO and chief financial officer, said: "You must know that the 10% reduction is a general reduction, including meat, poultry and aquatic products. , seasonings, etc., our purchasing price for this part is similar to theirs, and our gross profit is only six to nine percent."

Everyone understands, that is to say, as long as the price is reduced by 10%, they will also lose money on this part. They have to use the profits from vegetables to make up for this part of the loss. Whether they can make up for it depends on actuarial calculation, because in the same order , this part is often of high value and accounts for a large proportion, while the proportion of vegetables is relatively small.

"However, I agree with Mr. Zhou's suggestion." Ma Lin changed the subject and said, "Since we have been forced to this point, it is impossible not to fight. I agree to reduce the price of vegetables in Hangzhou and Shanghai by 100%. 10. As long as we can maintain an overall balance and avoid losses, it doesn't matter to us.

"Our other cities have good profitability. If we look at the big picture, even if Shanghai and Hangzhou are not profitable and basically remain flat, our company's overall profitability will probably not drop by more than a percent."

"What if they lower it by another 10% the day after tomorrow, and we will also lower it by 10%?" Wu Huan asked, "Moreover, once the price war starts, there will be no end. I can guarantee that as long as we lower it by 10%, they will definitely It will be reduced by another 10% soon, and if we follow suit, they will definitely continue to reduce it until all the food is given away, and they will fight us."

Wu Huan's words made everyone look at each other in shock.

Thank you for the reward of two fishes! Thank you to Evergreen Yan Dadi, Lu Jingwei, Shachen Mood, lulu6717p11, winsonliu, Feng Conghu 1974, 13906281900, and Book Friends 20181130105305944 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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