The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 2084 The first day of the war

The four people entered the conference room and sat down in a row facing the big screen. Wu Yue opened the laptop in front of him and stared at it.

On the big screen on the wall, the browser had already been opened, and the URL of "Daily Fresh" had been entered in the address bar. Wu Yue updated it over and over again, but there was no response so far.

Zhang Xiangbei knew that news should have begun to ferment this morning. He asked:

"Good news or bad news?"

"Bad news." Wu Yue said, "As of 8:50 a.m., our individual user orders in Hangzhou and Shanghai have dropped by 37.8% compared to yesterday."

Zhang Xiangbei's heart sank and he asked, "So many?"

The other three people nodded. Wu Huan and Li Wei already knew this.

Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, a day off, and most people are at home. It stands to reason that today’s individual orders from residents would have skyrocketed compared to yesterday. But instead of increasing, they actually dropped by 37.8% compared to yesterday.

In addition to the parts that should have been increased, the actual decrease is far more than this. There is no doubt that the reduced parts are all waiting to see and wait for "Daily Fresh" to be launched. They are waiting to compare the two sides. Vegetable prices.

Last night, although they won a round of "Home Delivery", this victory did not translate into today's order. It is one thing to watch online and applaud you, but actually to place an order is related to your own pocket. At that time, it was another matter.

What's more, most of the people cheering for them online last night were young people. Even the locals in Hangzhou and Shanghai did not control the purchasing power at home. Most of these can only be their future customers, but not their current customers. , their main customers, the middle-aged and elderly people, are always very rational when it comes to their wallets.

The atmosphere in the conference room was a little dull, and just when they felt a little lost, the screen on the wall flashed, and then a line of orange words appeared: "Want fresh, fresh every day!"

Then, this line of words immediately disappeared, and another line of words appeared: "It's better to come sooner than later!"

After this line of text also faded, the "Daily Fresh" website appeared on the screen.

"Go to hell!" Wu Yue cursed.

Everyone wanted to curse at this time, but Wu Yue cursed before them. They saw that the layout of "Daily Fresh" and the catalog of products could almost be said to be a replica of their "Zhai Xian Delivery". The only difference is that the main color of their "Zhai Xian Delivery" is light green, while the main color of "Daily Fresh" is grass green.

Zhang Xiangbei smiled bitterly and shook his head. He said: "This is a very smart move. This way, even if our customers go to them, there will be no browsing obstacles at all and they can connect seamlessly."

Wu Huan sighed and said, "Yes, in this way, you don't even have to change your original shopping habits."

"Look at their vegetable prices." Zhang Xiangbei said.

Wu Yue clicked and opened the lower-level menu. What came out were pictures and prices of leafy vegetables. Pulling down all the way, everyone present took a breath. The prices of the vegetables on "Daily Fresh" were higher than They are cheap.

Wu Yue then ordered roots and tubers, the same was true, mushrooms were the same, even meat, eggs, poultry and aquatic products were the same.

The menu of "Daily Fresh" is set based on the prices of their "Zhai Xian Delivery" dishes. Each item is basically 10% cheaper.

"How is that possible?" Li Wei said, "Don't they buy their vegetables at the wholesale market? They should be more expensive than us. The purchase price of meat and aquatic products is not cheaper than ours. At this price, not only do they not have You make money, but you also lose money.”

Wu Huan cursed: "Here we go again!"

It was obvious that she was familiar with what was doing and how they behaved.

Zhang Xiangbei said: "Isn't it obvious? They are dumping, buying high and selling low. Relying on their strong funds, they want to fight a price war with us. If we want to fight with them and want to seize the market at a low price, we We have to drop it by 20% to have a price advantage, and then our profits will be basically gone.”

"I'm afraid that when we reduce the price by 20%, they will continue to reduce it. According to Lao Ma's style, he will not give up until he achieves his goal." Wu Huan said.

"Then what should we do?" Li Wei asked.

Zhang Xiangbei and Wu Huan were silent. To be honest, they didn't know what to do. was very wealthy and really wanted to start a price war. Everyone had lowered their prices to the floor. could not afford to lose money, but they could They couldn't afford the loss, and they had no idea how long they could hold on.

In terms of the current market share and scale of fresh food delivery, "Zhai Xian Delivery" is more than ten times that of "Daily Fresh". But if they really want to fight a price war, scale will not be their advantage, but will become their liability. , can quickly bring them down.

The prices of Zhang Xiangbei's "Zhai Xian Delivery" vegetables are somewhat different depending on the differences in different cities in the north and south. Especially for individual varieties, those close to the place of origin will definitely be cheaper, while those farther away will be more expensive. But on average, all the dishes are roughly the same.

There is a city option in the upper left corner of their website. Generally speaking, when consumers open the website, the system will automatically match your city based on your IP address and the location shown in your registration information, but if consumers manually select For example, if consumers in Beijing want to choose Shanghai, they can also go to the Shanghai page and see the food prices in Shanghai.

For "Daily Fresh", they currently only have two cities, Shanghai and Hangzhou. Even if they sell at a loss and sell at a loss, they will only lose money in these two cities. If "Zhaixian Delivery" needs to be adjusted, it must Adjustment across the board, all cities will be adjusted downwards, you can't say only Shanghai and Hangzhou are adjusted.

In that case, when consumers see that the prices in their own city are so different from those in Shanghai and Hangzhou, they will be drowned in curses and saliva. There is no need for "Daily Fresh" to fight again, and consumers will scold them. I'm so obsessed with the Internet.

Especially those cities in the same region, the Yangtze River Delta, such as Nanjing, Suzhou, Ningbo, Shaoxing, Wuxi, Changzhou, Jiaxing, etc., they saw that the prices of vegetables in Shanghai and Hangzhou were actually 20 to 30% cheaper than in their own cities, and they were like profiteers. The hat will fly over soon.

At that time, Zhang Xiangbei and the others couldn't argue. They couldn't tell everyone because we wanted to have a price war with "Daily Fresh" in Shanghai and Hangzhou. If that happened, citizens in other cities would eat their pots. They welcome Master Wang by beating gongs and drums to welcome "Daily Fresh" to enter their city, and they are also welcome to come to our city to fight a price war.

For "Daily Fresh", they are definitely losing money now, but they are losing money to two cities, and they can afford it. Teacher Ma has a big pocket and is not short of money. As for "Zhaixianshui", if they are Losing means losing dozens of cities, which they cannot afford.

Before "Daily Fresh" launches a price war, it must have already calculated this score, knowing that with this step, it can force the other party into a corner.

"These hooligans!" Li Wei cursed angrily.

Zhang Xiangbei asked Wu Yue: "What is the growth of orders in these two cities now?"

"It's almost negligible." Wu Yue said.

"It's so cruel, it's going to push us to death!" Wu Huan cursed.

Zhang Xiangbei rested his arms on the conference table, intertwined his fingers, and pressed his two thumbs together against his upper lip. He stared at the screen on the wall for a while, then turned to ask Wu Yue:

"How is the situation with the company's customers?"

Wu Yue said: "Orders from unit customers have been normal since yesterday until today. As before, the number of orders has dropped slightly, but the amount has increased."

Wu Huan reminded: "Starting from today, it is a short holiday, with three days of rest. The school is on holiday, but the canteen is not on holiday. All hotels and hotels are doing better business than before. The ones that have decreased are only government agencies, factories and mines. About half are those who are resting and those who are still working.”

"Yes, orders for 'Food and Drink' have more than tripled," Wu Yue said.

Zhang Xiangbei said "ha" and smiled a little ugly. He said:

"It's true that when the east is dark and the west is bright, some people are happy and some are sad. At this time, Xiaoli and the others are laughing."

The other three people in the conference room couldn't laugh. Li Wei said:

"The order for the unit was placed last night, and it will not be changed tomorrow if it is placed today. The changes in the order for the unit will not be visible until at least this short holiday."

Zhang Xiangbei nodded and felt that what Li Wei said made sense. The main reason why unit orders had not changed was that compared with individual residents, unit users were more cautious about changing suppliers. At the very least, they had to ask for approval from their leaders. The leaders are on vacation today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, so they have to wait until they get back to work. Changes in the unit's customers can be seen in at least four days.

Zhang Xiangbei said: "The decrease in orders from individual customers may also be due to the long holiday. Many families may be traveling, etc. Wu Yue, three days is a cycle. For individual customers, if there is no order for three days, we can It is determined that this customer has been lost, and using this standard, you can calculate the loss of customers."

Wu Yue said yes.

Wu Huan looked at his watch. It was already half past nine. According to their experience, "Daily Fresh" went online at nine o'clock. After half an hour, the first wave of climax should have passed. Wu Huan asked Wu Yue:

"Has the situation in Hangzhou and Shanghai improved now?"

Wu Yue shook his head.

Someone knocked on the door, Wu Huan said come in, the door opened, and it was Sun Xiangyang who came in. Sun Xiangyang looked pale. When Zhang Xiangbei saw him, his heart sank again, knowing that there was no good news.

Sure enough, Sun Xiangyang said: "There's news from over there."

The side Sun Xiangyang was talking about was referring to "Daily Fresh". There was a worker in the workshop below them. His sister worked at the "Daily Fresh" Hangzhou branch and was the customer service staff at the customer center. Sun Xiangyang and her brother asked her out. After having a meal, she added Sun Xiangyang's WeChat account and promised to send him a WeChat message if anything happened at Daily Fresh.

"What do you say?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

"She said that it was too late for them to process the orders. Just now, they were all cheering. She also said that a manager came and said that in addition to three times the salary today, everyone will receive overtime red envelopes." Sun Xiangyang said.

People in the conference room had mixed feelings after hearing this. They had experienced days like this more than once. Orders were pouring in. Everyone's eyes were shining with excitement and their faces were flushed. They were filled with such applause and cheers. , all come from the heart, and can’t be stopped.

Now, things have turned, and they are no longer the ones cheering.

Zhang Xiangbei thought about it. This was especially true for the people at "Daily Fresh". They had just lost a battle last night and were holding their breath in their hearts. At this time, when faced with the snowflakes of orders, they The breath that I was holding could finally be let out.

Thank you Mr_Sgn, Don’t see a future but remember the original intention, Shachen Mood, hmzsm, Book Friends 20180810203913495 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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