The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 195 Making arrangements for the funeral

Jin Lili detained Lao Bao, but Lao Bao never called back. Mr. Xia said that this bastard was planning to go all the way until the darkest time. He knew we were looking for him and would not call back.

Jin Lili went to find people at the hotel. They didn’t know when Lao Bao left. Finally, a security guard said that he saw Lao Bao leaving in a taxi at noon. Jin Lili calculated the time. After talking to Mr. Xia, Lao Bao felt that they would come to Sanya, packed up his things, and left.

Jin Lili told the front desk of the hotel not to open the office door to Lao Bao if he came again. She checked out the room where Lao Bao lived and told the front desk that if he saw Lao Bao, he should call her.

Mr. Xia and Jin Lili went to the construction site. They called the second guy over first. They felt it was inconvenient to tell him directly that Lao Bao was no longer in their company. Mr. Xia thought about it and told the second guy that if Lao Bao tells you What are you doing? Don't listen.

"Did this bastard rebel?"

The second-rate guy asked them. The two of them were stunned. Mr. Xia asked, "How do you know?"

"This forced guy came to me yesterday and told me to stop working, and I felt it was wrong. I told him that I don't listen to your Party A's instructions. If he wants to stop working, then we, Mr. Tan, should notify me, and I ignored him. "The second-hand guy said.

Mr. Xia praised: "You did the right thing. Yes, he is no longer from our company."

"I know this guy who was forced to come. I guess he won't dare to come. If he dares to come, I will tie him up and wait for you to deal with it." The second guy shouted.

After the bastard left, Mr. Xia and Jin Lili looked at each other and laughed. Mr. Xia said, "I didn't expect this bastard to have a clear mind. It seems that Lao Tan did not make a mistake in sending him here."

Mr. Xia then called Manager Cai of the construction team and told him that Lao Bao is no longer in our company. If you have anything to do with the project, you can call me directly or ask Xiao Jin.

Manager Cai said yes.

Jin Lili left her BB phone number and office phone number with Manager Cai. Seeing Manager Cai's expression flashing when he was talking to them, Mr. Xia became confused and asked, "Do you know where Lao Bao is?" ?”

Manager Cai seemed to be taken aback and quickly said, "I don't know, Mr. Xia, I really don't know."

"Then is there anything else you haven't told me?" Mr. Xia asked.

Manager Cai hesitated for a while, then finally plucked up the courage and said, "Hey, that bastard, Lao Bao, took 50,000 yuan from me yesterday."

Jin Lili was surprised. She looked at Mr. Xia. Mr. Xia didn't seem surprised. He asked Manager Cai: "Kickback?"

"Yes." Manager Cai nodded, "This guy said that he could find a way to give me the one million as soon as possible. He also told me that he could help me expand the project volume. He asked me for 50,000. Now Look, this guy is tricking me."

"Get a fortune before leaving, huh, of course he is tricking you." Mr. Xia sneered, "Lao Cai, remember, in this project of mine, as long as you do the job well, you will get the money you deserve." , I promise I won’t delay you for a day.”

Manager Cai quickly said yes.

"If I see someone else, I will get this fifty thousand back for you." Mr. Xia said, "It's not easy for you to earn this amount of money."

Manager Cai quickly said thank you, thank you!

Manager Cai stood up to leave, but Mr. Xia stopped him and told him, why did he take the 50,000 yuan from you? Write down everything he said to you, so that when I see him, I will I can get it back for you, otherwise, if he denies it and says he doesn’t have it, I can’t do anything about it.

Manager Cai said yes, but immediately became embarrassed. He scratched his head and said to Mr. Xia: "Only the few characters I know, I can't even read a comic book. How can I write them?"

Mr. Xia asked him to talk while Jin Lili memorized it. After he finished memorizing it, Jin Lili read it to him. He said, "That's right. Mr. Jin is so awesome. Why do you write as if you are right next to me?"

Both Mr. Xia and Jin Lili laughed.

Mr. Xia asked Manager Cai if there was anything wrong.

"That's right, that's it." Manager Cai said.

Mr. Xia asked Manager Cai to sign the piece of paper, and then put the piece of paper into his bag.

After Manager Pan left, Mr. Xia and Jin Lili said that we should rush back to Haicheng immediately. I guess this bastard also went to Haicheng.

"Then here...?"

"There won't be anything going on at the construction site for the time being. Manager Cai and the second-hand guys are keeping an eye on it. There are other things that are still being done. It's useless for us to stay here. We didn't see this bastard take everything away. We We can only find a way to find him first."

When Mr. Xia said this, he looked worried. He said: "What I'm most worried about is that this guy doesn't know the heights of the world and will go to those important connections in our company, thinking that he can poach us."

"Isn't it that simple?" Jin Lili asked.

"It's not that simple, but as long as we go there, we will lose face. People who run a business like ours are most afraid that we will not be able to control ourselves and there will be a fire in the backyard."

Jin Lili nodded. As soon as Mr. Xia said it, she understood the truth. Indeed, what people are most worried about is that a fire in your backyard will affect his pond fish.

"Whether he goes or not, I will go and vaccinate each one first." Mr. Xia said, "to minimize the possible losses."

The two people left the construction site and did not even go to Jinling Resort. Instead, they went directly back to Haicheng. On the way, Jin Lili had one thing that he didn't want to understand and asked Mr. Xia: "This guy, Lao Bao, even wants to come to Manager Cai to cheat." The money is in my safe, more than 30,000 yuan, why hasn’t he touched any of it?”

"He doesn't dare." Mr. Xia said.


"Whether it's money or cars, if he dares to touch it, it's a theft of company property. We can call the police directly. He also knows our relationship with the police."

Jin Lili nodded and understood. She asked, "What about those contracts? Isn't that company property?"

"Yes, and no, those things, in turn, have a word called evidence. He can say that the reason why he took these away was because he was afraid that we would destroy the evidence that could prove our illegal behavior."

"This guy is really scheming. It seems he has a good..." Jin Lili looked at Mr. Xia and stopped talking.

Mr. Xia smiled bitterly, took over Jin Lili's words and said, "He has a good master, right?"

When they returned to Haicheng, it was already past ten o'clock in the evening. As soon as they parked the car, someone got out of a police car opposite. Jin Lili saw that it was Zhou Zheng, from the Political Department of Haicheng City Public Security Bureau, or Mr. Xia. Some relative of mine often comes to their company to play.

While he was still on the road, Mr. Xia called him and told him the matter.

Zhou Zheng came over and handed them a bunch of keys. He told Mr. Xia that that guy had never been here before. I had already asked someone to change the lock on your office.

Mr. Xia said yes, thank you for your hard work, and kept watch all afternoon.

Zhou Zheng shook his head, why bother? Your business is not my business.

Mr. Xia handed the key to Jin Lili and told her, "Go upstairs. If someone knocks on the door, don't open it. I have to go to several places."

"You can give me a ride. I'm exhausted after driving for a day." Mr. Xia said to Zhou Zheng, and Zhou Zheng agreed to take my car.

The two people arrived at the opposite side, got into Zhou Zheng's car, and drove away.

Jin Lili knew that Mr. Xia was here to deal with the emergency crisis and take care of the funeral. She turned around and went upstairs alone. When she reached the elevator entrance in the basement, she suddenly became nervous. She thought, if Lao Bao was waiting at the door upstairs, What should I do if I encounter myself?

What evidence would he take away if he wanted to enter the company? I definitely want to stop him, and he will definitely refuse. So if a fight breaks out, how can I beat this bucktooth? Will he bite me?

The more Jin Lili thought about it, the more frightened she became. After thinking about it, she ran to the gate of the community and saw that the security guard on duty tonight was the "wild boar vehicle" that Zhang Chen and the others were familiar with. The "wild boar vehicle" saw Jin Lily came over and smiled at her too.

Jin Lili told him that when she just went upstairs and got out of the elevator, she saw what seemed to be a person squatting there in the corridor, and she was so frightened that she ran away.

"Wild Boar's vehicle" told her that it was either from the company next door, and it couldn't be anyone else. He was on duty and not a single mosquito could fly in.

"Wild Boar's Vehicle" called through the intercom. After a while, another security guard came over. "Wild Boar's Vehicle" said to Jin Lili, "Come on, I will accompany you up."

The two people went upstairs, but there was no one in the corridor. "Wild Boar's Vehicle" clapped his hands and said to Jin Lili, look, isn't it? I just said there was no one.

"Wild Boar's Vehicle" watched Jin Lili open the door and go in. Then he said goodbye to Jin Lili and turned to go downstairs.

Jin Lili thanked "Wild Boar's Vehicle", closed and locked the door, and then breathed a long sigh of relief.

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