After dinner, Zhang Chen was sitting in the office. He was about to ask Jin Lili when she left in the morning and why he didn't know at all. The phone on the table rang. Zhang Chen picked it up and there was a small phone inside. The girl called: "Is it Mr. Zhang?"

Zhang Chen said yes.

"Your people are in front, and they are about to start a fight."

Zhang Chen was startled, quickly threw away the phone, and ran to the training hall in the work shed, looking for Xiao Wu. Xiao Wu's dozen apprentices and Yi Lin were all there, but Xiao Wu was not seen. Zhang Chen immediately I couldn't care so much, so I told the dozen or so people, "Follow me, there was a fight."

Everyone cheered and followed Zhang Chen. They ran to the front and saw a large circle of people surrounding the hotel parking lot. A security guard saw Zhang Chen coming and quickly told him to pull your people away. Now here , is busy.

Zhang Chen squeezed into the crowd and was startled. He saw Xiao Wu in the crowd, and Jianqiang standing beside him. Opposite them, there were seven or eight tall guys standing. Zhang Chen seemed to understand something. He asked Xiaowu and Jianqiang, what happened?

Jianqiang's face turned pale with fright, and he was trembling and speechless. Xiao Wu said disdainfully: "It's okay, a few dickheads are just trying to find trouble."

The leader of the other party pointed at Jianqiang and asked, is he this idiot?

The person behind him nodded, it was him, Brother Zheng, we have been waiting for him for two days, and we bumped into him here today.

"Take him away!" Brother Zheng said to his men.

"Who dares!" Xiao Wu shouted.

Brother Zheng's men wanted to come over to arrest Jianqiang. Xiao Wu's dozen apprentices and Yi Lin all squeezed into the crowd. They lined up around Xiao Wu and the others. When those people saw so many people, they were a little hesitant. He stood still.

Brother Zheng clasped his hands on his chest and sneered: "You idiots outnumber people, right? Well, believe me or not, everyone is here and I can scare you to death."

"Only idiots need more people. It's just a few of you. I can do it alone." Xiao Wu said.

Brother Zheng and his men looked at him and laughed. At this time, motorcycles kept coming, forcing their way into the parking lot. The security guards couldn't stop them. Most of the motorcycles came with three people. One car came down and walked behind Brother Zheng and the others. They were all Brother Zheng's men.

In addition, it was dinner time again, and customers and a dozen security guards from Wanghai Tower also gathered around. In just a few minutes, the parking lot was filled with people.

Manager Yan from the Wanghailou Security Department also squeezed into the crowd. He obviously knew Brother Zheng, and he asked Brother Zheng what was going on.

Brother Zheng pointed at Jianqiang and said to Manager Yan, this idiot broke my rules.

Manager Yan asked Zhang Chen: "Mr. Zhang, is this from your company?"

Before Zhang Chen could answer, Xiao Wu said, this has nothing to do with the company, he is my brother.

Manager Yan knew that Xiao Wu was Zhang Chen's subordinate, but did not know him. Manager Yan looked at Brother Zheng, then at Zhang Chen, and told them that we are busy here now...

Brother Zheng said: "I know, I'll take the people and leave. Otherwise, I'm afraid there will be more and more people here."

Manager Yan and Zhang Chen said: "Mr. Zhang, if this person is not from your company, just let someone take him away. Why is he meddling in so many other things?"

"No, he is my friend." Xiao Wu said.

Zhang Chen nodded: "He's also my friend. If you want to talk, you can. Let's go to the office behind to talk. We can't take him away."

Manager Yan rubbed his hands and said awkwardly: "Oh, what can I do? You two are my friends."

Manager Yan pointed at Zhang Chen and said to Brother Zheng specifically: "Mr. Zhang is also a good friend of Mr. Fu. This reputation..."

"I'll give it." Brother Zheng said, "Today's matter has nothing to do with Mr. Zhang, nor does it have anything to do with their company. I understand."

Xiao Wu smiled and said: "Then it has something to do with me. That's fine. I'll bear the responsibility alone. How do you want to solve it, fist or knife?"

Brother Zheng smiled slightly: "It's quite loud, that's okay. I haven't heard anyone talk to me like that for a long time."

"Okay, one to one or several to several, you decide. I'm the only one here anyway. How many can you send? You can send them yourself."

Xiao Wu said, and everyone on Brother Zheng's side laughed. The people around Xiao Wu yelled back, with both southern and northern accents. At this time, dozens of people surrounded Xiao Wu, not only his apprentices, but also people on the construction site. Other workers came too.

"Okay, okay, you are all heroes. If you want to solve the problem, I will provide a venue." Manager Yan looked around. He saw the original lobby and knew that it had been demolished. It was very spacious now. He said, "Let's go inside and solve the problem." Well, let me be the middleman."

Brother Zheng agreed and walked towards the old lobby after saying that. His people also wanted to follow. Manager Yan shouted: "Why the hell are there so many people there, starting a group fight? I don't care if there is a group fight."

Brother Zheng and the people below yelled: "Get away!"

However, seven or eight people still followed him.

Xiao Wu and Jian Qiang said, you come in with me and no one else comes.

Xiao Wu’s disciples said, OK!

Those disciples all listened to Xiao Wu's words and stood there stupidly. Only Yilin followed.

Manager Yan walked up to Zhang Chen and whispered, are you people idiots?

Zhang Chen understood, and he ordered seven or eight of Xiao Wu's apprentices to follow him.

Manager Yan and the security guard said, "Okay, keep everyone else outside. If there's anything interesting to see, just disperse."

Manager Yan and Zhang Chen also entered the old lobby.

"Turn on all the lights. If you want to fight, let's fight clearly." Manager Yan shouted, and immediately a worker ran over and turned on the few temporary small suns installed in the old lobby. The lobby was as bright as day.

Zhang Chen walked over and pulled Yilin and Jianqiang to his side. He pressed Yilin's shoulders with both hands, fearing that the little guy would be impulsive and run in to join the fight later.

Manager Yan walked between the two groups of people and told them that no matter what, everyone should be reasonable when they come out to fool around. In this way, he is the only one here. What is your name?

"Xiao Wu." Zhang Chen said.

"Okay, here is Xiao Wu alone, and there will be one from your side, Azheng, until one of them is knocked down, okay?"

Xiao Wu said whatever.

Ah Zheng said yes.

"Azheng, if you win, what do you want?"

"That's a long way to go JB, just hit him, we'll talk about it after the fight."

As Brother Zheng said, he took off his clothes and became shirtless. His upper body, chest, back and arms were all covered with tattoos. Yilin exclaimed in amazement.

Xiao Wu turned his head and smiled at Yi Lin.

The two stood still, Brother Zheng was a head taller than Xiao Wu, he glanced sideways at Xiao Wu, and Xiao Wu lifted up his pants out of habit.

There was no need for Manager Yan to shout start. Brother Zheng had already come over with a punch. Xiao Wu was already prepared. He lowered his head, took a step closer and hit Brother Zheng in the lower abdomen with an elbow. Brother Zheng grinned and retreated. The next two steps.

Xiao Wu took another step closer, wanting to take the opportunity to attack. Unexpectedly, Brother Zheng took two steps back and stood still, and then took a step forward. The two of them were close. Brother Zheng hit Xiao Wu in the face with an uppercut. Xiao Wu was about to retreat. It was too late, and he turned to one side and did a side somersault to avoid it. Brother Zheng and his men were stunned. After so many fights, they had never come across someone doing somersaults during a fight.

Is this a martial arts movie?

Brother Zheng was stunned for a moment, and when he turned around again, his reaction was already too late. Xiao Wu did a side somersault, stood firm, and launched a straight punch. Brother Zheng was turning around, but it was too late to avoid him. In addition, he was taller and Xiao Wu was taller. Short, this punch hit his neck. Brother Zheng felt suffocated for a moment, staggered twice and fell to the ground.

"Okay!" Yi Lin and Xiao Wu's disciples shouted and applauded desperately.

As soon as Brother Zheng fell to the ground, he got up. He was a little angry and forgot about the agreement that Manager Yan just said, whoever falls to the ground will lose. He rushed towards Xiao Wu again. Xiao Wu turned sideways and raised his feet. One kick, this one didn't hit, but it frightened Brother Zheng and made him lean back.

Xiao Wu followed up with a straight punch with his right hand, and Brother Zheng also followed up with a straight punch to meet Xiao Wu's fist. If the two of them met, their hands would definitely be smashed, and everyone around was shocked. Call out.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Wu's punch was a feint. He pulled back halfway through the punch. Brother Zheng's punch was too strong and he stumbled forward. Xiao Wu made a swinging punch with his left hand. This punch was the real one. The actual move hit Brother Zheng firmly on the right cheek, causing Brother Zheng to fall to the ground again.

When Brother Zheng's men saw it, they all rushed over. Xiao Wu's apprentice here also rushed over. The stun gun in Manager Yan's hand crackled and he shouted loudly:

"Everyone, get back! Everyone, get back! There's going to be another fucking gang fight?!"

Not long after the stun gun came out at that time, the rumors about it in the society were very mysterious, so everyone was still a little afraid of it. People on both sides retreated when they heard the crackling sound of the stun gun.

Xiao Wu pressed his knee against Brother Zheng's chest. Brother Zheng struggled but couldn't get up. Manager Yan went to pull Xiao Wu and said to him: "Let go, the victory or defeat is decided!"

Xiao Wu shouted to Brother Zheng: "Remember clearly, my name is Xiao Wu. I work right behind here. I go home alone at around nine o'clock every night. If you don't accept it, bring someone to block me." , or we’ll have another fight!”

Manager Yan pulled Xiao Wu away, and two of Brother Zheng's men quickly helped Brother Zheng. Brother Zheng threw them both away, turned around and left.

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