The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 194 People are gone

"What should we do now?" Jin Lili asked.

"What should I do?" Mr. Xia sneered, "I'm waiting for him to deal with me."

"Is there no way to save it? I think it's fate that we can work together. To be honest, I...I didn't expect Lao Bao to be such a person." Jin Lili said.

"I never thought that I brought him up with my own hands. I never thought that one day my Xia Zhiqing's backyard would catch fire." Mr. Xia sighed, "But people will change, and things are difficult. Material!"

"Do you want me to call Lao Bao?" Jin Lili asked.

Mr. Xia shook his head: "It's not necessary. Everyone is already at odds, so we can only prepare for the worst."

"What's the worst that could happen?"

Mr. Xia did not answer Jin Lili's question. The two of them were silent for a while. Mr. Xia clapped his hands on his thighs and said to Jin Lili: "Pack up, we will go to Sanya immediately."

Jin Lili said yes.

Mr. Xia stood up, took two steps, turned around, and asked Jin Lili: "By the way, are you going to learn to drive today?"

"Hey, it's such a small thing, no matter what, I will detain my master immediately."

"Okay, then we'll leave in ten minutes."

Mr. Xia said and went back to his room. Jin Lili quickly ran to his office and grabbed the master. After two or three minutes, the phone on the table rang. Jin Lili grabbed the phone and said in one breath:

"Master, master, listen to me. I know you will be very angry after hearing this, but please don't be angry. There is something urgent in my company. I need to go to Sanya immediately. I can't learn to drive today. Bye!"

After Jin Lili finished speaking, she hung up the phone. She knew that the master on the other end of the phone must have been furious. Will the other phone suffer from this?

If you suffer a disaster, you will suffer a disaster. At the worst, you will have to pay for a phone.

Jin Lili returned to her room. She didn't know how long she would be there. Jin Lili stuffed a change of clothes for half a month into her bag and cursed in her heart, "I'm a stinky old man. I didn't expect you to come here again." Hand, if you don’t curse me to death when I arrive!

The two of them got on the road. Mr. Xia's face was still livid. He drove the car very fast, jumping up and down on the bumpy road, raising a huge amount of dust, and all the vehicles passing by them were shaken off. Swearing through the car window.

Jin Lili was sitting in the passenger seat, her face was livid, and she kept mumbling: "My master told me that a driver, first of all, cannot drive a gas car, secondly, he cannot drive a gas car, and thirdly, he still cannot drive a gas car. car."

Of course Mr. Xia understood Jin Lili's intention. He looked at her and cursed: "Did you find a master or a DVD player? He can only loop singles?"

Jin Lili kept nodding: "Master's words still make sense. Some people just like to drive a gambling car."

Mr. Xia was annoyed by her nagging and shouted, "Stop talking nonsense. Do you think I would risk my own safety for that bastard? I'm not that stupid."

Jin Lili kept nodding: "It's fine if it's not, it's fine if it's not, but you have to do what you say."

Mr. Xia shook his head helplessly. He slowed down the car and said to Jin Lili, "Okay, find some topic and tell it to me."

The figures of Chen Ming and Xiao Zhao immediately appeared in Jin Lili's mind, and she almost shouted, "I saw Chen Ming."

Jin Lili thought about it for a while, but still didn't say it. She felt that saying this now might be another blow to Mr. Xia. She thought of her master's words of "taking pleasure in hardship".

Jin Lili thought for a while and then told Mr. Xia what Liu Ligan told her yesterday. Mr. Xia seemed to calm down slowly as he listened. He listened carefully to Jin Lili's words and clapped his hands. Steering wheel, praised:

"Okay, this is a good step, and you have good sense!"

"What kind of vision do they have? Both of them have made themselves paupers."

"Woman's opinion!" Mr. Xia scolded, "If a person doesn't even have the courage to risk everything, how can he achieve anything great?"

"Why didn't I see you put all your money into it, and you would be empty-handed..." Jin Lili said halfway, but couldn't continue. She felt that the rest of it was a bit unpleasant.

"A white wolf with nothing, right?"

Jin Lili nodded.

"The stages and projects are different. If we all use our own funds to do this Sanya project, it will be far beyond our capabilities. Even if the hotel can be built, we will not have the follow-up funds to support it until it pays off. One day, if I make a desperate move, it will be suicide and I will end up with the same fate as Chen Ming.

"They are different. Fifty thousand yuan is still within their ability. If they don't dare to gamble, then they might as well go home. Even if they lose fifty thousand yuan, it won't affect them. At most, it will teach them a lesson. ,"

"To put it lightly, fifty thousand dollars will buy you a lesson. Do you think anyone is as rich as you?" Jin Lili said.

Mr. Xia smiled: "Do you think I spent less money to buy lessons? There are many thanks. You have to taste it yourself and feel the pain in your heart. Only then will you understand. Others tell you ten thousand It's no use. You, fellow countryman, are too smart. I'll leave it here. This guy will become a great person in the future.

"By the way, this reminds me. After we return to Haicheng, we have to look for it to see if there are any such opportunities on both sides of Longkun South Road. I estimate that within three months, everyone will see what's going on here. business opportunities.”

Jin Lili stopped talking and felt her face burning. She thought, Mr. Xia is an expert. He is an expert. He can see clearly at a glance. What he said last night was really nonsense and pretending to be an expert. It turns out that he is the expert. A fool.

"Is this 10% clearly divided between Xiao Zhang and Xiao Liu? Let me tell you, in one or two years, this 10% will not be a small number." Mr. Xia said.

"Really?" Jin Lili shouted excitedly.

"of course it's true."

"It doesn't matter to them. Those who wear a pair of pants are just like..." Jin Lili said, and thought of Chen Ming again, so she did not continue.

"Just like me and Chen Ming, right? But in the end, didn't I still play tricks on him." Mr. Xia's face sank.

After a while, he continued: "It's better to make a clear division. The so-called brothers will settle the scores, but don't talk about it now. What hurts the brotherhood is often the woman talking behind the scenes."

"Fuck you, you look down on people so much." Jin Lili scolded, "But I won't tell them, and they don't need others to tell me. Their relationship is really different."

"Well, I hope you're right."

They stopped at a roadside restaurant, had a quick lunch, and continued walking. They arrived in Sanya at around three o'clock in the afternoon. When they drove to Jinling Resort, Jin Lili saw Lao Bao's car parked in front of the door. In the parking lot, Jin Lili shouted: "Lao Bao is still in the company."

Mr. Xia sneered and said, if he is still here, he is stupid.

The two people hurriedly walked inside. When they arrived at the door of the office, it was closed. Jin Lili took out the key from his pocket and opened the door. There was no one inside. Jin Lili saw Lao Bao lying quietly on the table at a glance. car and office room keys.

Jin Lili hurried over and saw that the key to the drawer in Lao Bao's office was also inserted into the keyhole. She opened the drawers one by one, but they were all empty.

"Look at yourself." Mr. Xia shouted.

Jin Lili ran back to her desk to take a look. The lock on the drawer had been picked, and the cash account inside was missing. She touched the cabinet next to her desk with her hand, and the cabinet door opened automatically. Jin Lili hurriedly looked for it. I found that many of the signed agreements were missing.

"Look in the safe." Mr. Xia said.

Jin Lili shook her head: "It's okay, the safe will be fine. Lao Bao doesn't know the password to my safe."

Having said that, Jin Lili still opened the safe. She saw that the more than 30,000 yuan in cash was still there, but she rummaged through the entire safe and could not find a book. In that book, every time they gave money was recorded. The name, time and amount of the gift given by the relevant person.

Jin Lili fell down on the chair. It seemed that Lao Bao had already assigned the key to the safe and peeked at the password when he usually opened the safe.

"This bastard has planned this for a long time!" Mr. Xia was so angry that his teeth were itching.

Jin Lili knew the importance of this book. She almost cried and whispered: "Mr. Xia, I'm sorry!"

Mr. Xia waved his hand: "I don't blame you. If I do, I blame myself. I didn't control myself this morning. I should have stabilized this bastard first, and then settled the accounts with him when we arrived in Sanya."

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