The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1910 The method is wrong

"Beibei, what are you going to do next?" Xiaofang asked.

Zhang Xiangbei said: "I plan to start in Hangzhou, one community at a time. If Hangzhou is successful, I will go to Shanghai. In this way, step by step, we will launch it city by city across the country, and we will do it steadily."

Xiaofang looked at Zhang Xiangbei and asked: "Beibei, the premise for you to think this way is that the entire market is static, waiting for you to develop slowly, right?"

Zhang Xiangbei was stunned for a moment. He was thinking about what Aunt Xiaofang meant. Xiaofang smiled slightly and continued:

"This entire model, Beibei, have you ever thought about it? It is very replicable. There is no core technology in it that other companies cannot obtain. It can constitute your core competitiveness and prevent other companies from imitating you. This whole model is a bit like a courier company. You can do it, but you can't stop others from doing it.

"I'm afraid that before you have occupied all of Hangzhou, other companies have started to do it. Before you have developed to Shanghai, there are already people in Shanghai doing it. In this case, as I said before, as long as you Once a cabinet is put up, others will understand it at a glance. Needless to say, even if it is express cabinets, there are many companies in Hangzhou, let alone the whole country."

Xiaofang spoke unhurriedly and eloquently. Zhang Xiangbei listened, but felt like he was breaking out in a cold sweat. Hearing what Xiaofang said, he felt that it made sense. Yes, it was just a business model, and there was no patent. Yes, it cannot be said that if you can sell vegetables like this, other people cannot. As long as it is profitable, I am afraid that many companies will follow suit soon.

This is not too common in the Internet industry. When started a food delivery business, Meituan could follow suit. After that, no one could tell who started the food delivery business first.

Your "No. 1 store" has started to build an online supermarket, and I can also build an online supermarket on is awesome enough, but you still can't stop Pinduoduo from starting to develop.

Zhang Xiangbei felt that he had been thinking about how to improve his model, but Aunt Xiaofang dispelled it with one sentence. In his entire thinking, he had always assumed that the entire market was static, and he had forgotten that compete.

I have even forgotten that there are so many people who are best at imitating. They may not start as fast as you, but they can rely on their own financial strength and experience to run faster than you by taking three steps and two steps at a time. You throw it behind you.

When Xiaofang said this, even Zhang Chen frowned, feeling that competition was inevitable and would come very quickly. This Internet company sounds very high-end, but in fact, the actual operation is similar to what they first did in Sijiqing. The same goes for clothing, but the techniques are also very crude, and copying and counterfeiting are hard to guard against.

Zhang Xiangbei sighed secretly, looking a little depressed. He looked at Xiaofang and almost cried.

Xiaofang sighed, stretched out her hand, held the hand of Zhang Xiangbei opposite her, and said to him slowly:

"Beibei, what Auntie said is a reality, but let's not lose heart, okay? Auntie said that your idea is very good, and she meant it. She said that your plan impressed me, and it is also true. This project of yours is a Only good projects have the possibility of being imitated by others. On the other hand, it also shows that this project is worth doing. However, the method you mentioned is wrong, and this is not how it is done."

Zhang Xiangbei looked up at Xiaofang, with a look of help in his eyes. He really wanted Aunt Xiaofang to continue talking and tell him what the correct method was. Since this could be done, what should be done? How to do it? He believed that when Aunt Xiaofang told him this, she must have already figured out a way.

Xiaofang looked at Zhang Chen and saw that Zhang Chen was also looking at her with questioning eyes. Xiaofang smiled and said to Zhang Xiangbei:

"Beibei, have you ever thought about it? There are so many people selling clothes. Your parents also came to sell clothes back then. They sold well and started a company. Do you know why?"

Zhang Xiangbei thought hard, but he felt as if his brain had just been hit hard and was now a little sluggish. He shook his head.

"First, the market itself is large enough."

Xiaofang said: "The business of selling vegetables is very similar to selling clothes. The market itself is big enough. Let's not think too much. Think of the whole country as a Hangzhou. How many people buy vegetables every day? You just monopolize this market." Not to mention all, one in 10 Hangzhou residents buy food through your platform every day, which is an astonishing number.

"In such a huge market, don't think about monopoly. As long as you are always one step ahead of others, lead the way, and get a piece of the market, then this market is very scary. Why do all kinds of APPs and e-commerce companies have grown up very quickly, not because these people are so good, but because the market itself is big enough.

"Any APP has a basic number of users, including the operating system. When you reach a certain number of users, you have passed a life-and-death line. In China, an APP may have a large number of downloads in a few days. It can reach tens of millions, which is impossible in other countries. Even in the United States, there is no such ecology and it cannot be done.

"There are 1.4 billion people and more than 900 million Internet users. The total population of the United States is only more than 300 million. China's Internet users are almost four times that of the United States. How does this compare?"

"For example, apps like and Meituan are difficult to do in the United States or Europe. Why? The population base is different, and people's living habits are also different. There are very few cities in the world that are like the Chinese. Work and life are concentrated in cities. You should know that in many cities in the United States and Europe, living areas and work areas are separated.

"Every morning and evening during commuting time, everyone is on the expressway in and out of the city. At night, the city is just like during the Chinese New Year. There are very few people and everyone lives in the suburbs. In this case, how do you take out food? Delivery? I have to deliver ten orders from the city to the suburbs, and my legs will break even if I deliver ten orders a day. How much service fee and tip should I charge?

"This is why companies like and Meituan find it difficult to survive in these places. Whether it is the Internet or e-commerce, it has only changed the mode of circulation of goods, but it has not changed the necessity of transactions between buyers and sellers. Point-to-point nature, so a large and dense population base is the fertile ground for the Internet and APPs.

"Back to your project, Beibei, it is a project that is very suitable for survival and development in China. As you said before, one cold chain truck and two or three staff can complete the project for hundreds of thousands of households. Delivery, this is only possible in our country.

"In our domestic cities, everyone seems to live closely together. A small road like Peach Blossom Land already feels far away to us. If it were placed in the United States, it would be nothing. Are you right? Beibei ?”

Zhang Xiangbei grinned. He felt that Aunt Xiaofang was right. Everyone hugged each other tightly and lived together. This metaphor was very vivid. Indeed, it was this kind of life that allowed many industries to develop rapidly. quick.

"I'm going a bit far. Come to think of it, why are so many people selling clothes, but your parents can still do it? Firstly, as I just said, the market is big enough, and secondly, they have given full play to their own advantages, that is, your father himself You can design and use your own advantages, which is equivalent to becoming a tall person in a group of short people.

"You can keep imitating me, but you can't surpass me. Why? Because you can only do what I have done, but there is no way to do what I want to do. This is the advantage. This advantage also allows you to overcome no threshold. The industry has set up a threshold, making it difficult for latecomers to pursue you. This is why your parents opened specialty stores and engaged in franchising.

"If you have the ability, if you want to imitate me, you must at least be able to open a specialty store. You must have enough products and be able to engage in franchising. You must at least have your own design capabilities and factories. This will allow many imitators to Those who were discouraged were deterred.”

Xiaofang said, and Zhang Chen nodded. He felt that the truth was still the same. Zhang Chen remembered similar words. Liu Ligan seemed to have said it back then. He meant that real estate in Hangzhou, where there are no standards, should be built. In the market, set a standard and draw a line so that those who are empty-handed can consciously withdraw.

"Aunt Xiaofang, what do you think of my project?" Zhang Xiangbei couldn't help it and asked.

"This project of yours? The advantage of your project now is that when others haven't figured out how to solve the last mile problem, you thought of it, so that you can start faster than others. But this alone is not enough. You must also Faster, you have to bring out the advantages that others don’t have and only you have, or put them together.

"Slow development like you said before, one community after another, is definitely not enough. The fresh food delivery industry is very similar to the situation of the real estate industry when it just started. You have to quickly seize the land and wait until others wake up. At that time, you will find that many markets have already been occupied by you.

"When people start out at this time, you are already the leader in this market. When people start chasing you, you have already moved forward quickly. The characteristic of this industry is that whoever runs fast can gain popularity. First of all, whoever takes the lead can bring about a crushing effect, deterring many small companies.

"It's the express delivery industry. When Wu Zhaohui, Wei Wenfang and others first started, they could rent a store and quickly expand. But now the market has matured. If anyone still wants to copy what they did, they will give you another ten years. Time, you can't do it.

"It's very simple. In a market that is already fully developed, leading companies will pose a threat of crushing new companies that follow."

Xiaofang looked at Zhang Xiangbei and saw that he was impatient. Xiaofang said:

"As for your project, it's very simple. It's not like you said before, doing it one by one. Instead, you have to choose three cities: Hangzhou, Shanghai and Nanjing. Start preparations and start work at the same time. Wait until people discover you. , you are already a giant company. At this time, even if Dibao and want to suppress you, it will not be that simple.

"In this area, if you move faster than them, they can only be a follower. You have many advantages that they don't have. Also, Beibei, believe me, in the end, this industry will definitely be different. Competition among large companies leaves little room for small companies to survive.

"Think about it. A small company brings him a truckload of cabbage from Shandong every day. He can't even digest it on the same day. But you need dozens of trucks of cabbage a day. How can he compete with you?"

Zhang Xiangbei nodded, and Xiaofang asked: "If you want to do this, Beibei, do you think your five million is enough?"

Zhang Xiangbei was stunned for a moment, then shook his head. Are you kidding? Three cities are doing it together, and nothing else needs to be done. Just recruit as many people as you need, five million. How many months will it take to pay wages? Not to mention the need to make equipment, rent space, and purchase a large number of transportation vehicles.

"Do you know how much your project will cost, Beibei?" Xiaofang asked.

Zhang Xiangbei was asked, he really hadn't thought about this.

"How much do you need, Aunt Xiaofang?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

"Two billion." Xiaofang said.

"Ah!" Zhang Xiangbei was shocked.

Thank you for your monthly votes from Wangmei Chingke, Guandian Electromechanical, Yunlong Frogyu, Da Zhi Lao, Zhang Yuanwai, Lao Shen Xisang, Hu Hu, and My Heart Dances! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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