The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1911: Just started, he was taken in

"Beibei, I'm talking to you now as a professional investor. You have to trust my judgment, okay?" Xiaofang looked at Zhang Xiangbei and said to him.

Zhang Xiangbei nodded.

Xiaofang said: "This project of yours can be done, and I am very optimistic about it, but you alone, plus the abilities of Zhou Ruoyi and Sun Xiangyang, will definitely not be able to do it. It is very likely that you will be killed just after you start." In your infancy, Beibei, Auntie told you this, do you still want to continue this project?"

Zhang Xiangbei thought.

"Okay, then I'll tell you what you should do." Xiaofang said, "I know you don't want to rely on us and want to make a career on your own. Beibei, this is very good. I'm not talking to you now. As your aunt, but as an investor, what follows is a normal and fair business negotiation between us. This is very important, do you understand?"

Zhang Xiangbei nodded.

"I want to do this for this project. I will give you a valuation of two billion for your company. Your entire investment and the concept of this project will account for 20% of the company's shares, and the other 80% will be used for the price." Two billion, I will be responsible for the financing of these two billion, okay? After the new company is established, you will serve as the chairman and be responsible for the company's entire strategic arrangement.

"In addition, I will look for a general manager to be responsible for the entire company's business activities. Managing such a large company is not child's play. If there is no actual management experience, it will be very scary. This is also what I want as an investor. I must make a request, Beibei, do you agree?"

Xiaofang asked Zhang Xiangbei, Zhang Xiangbei thought for a while, and he said yes, I agree, as long as the project can be carried out, but I have an idea. I know that once the company starts operating, as investors, what you will definitely pursue is Prioritize interests and maximize interests. This idea of ​​mine may conflict with the interests of the company.

"Tell me what you think." Xiaofang and Zhang Xiangbei said.

"Actually, when I first wanted to do this project, of course I wanted to make money, but making money was not my only purpose. I also wanted to..."

"What else are you thinking about? Just say it, Beibei." Xiaofang encouraged him.

“I also want to help people.”

When Zhang Xiangbei said these words, both Xiaofang and Zhang Chen were a little surprised. Want to help people? Who is this going to help? Who among the people around Zhang Xiangbei still needs Zhang Xiangbei’s help?

"Beibei, who do you want to help?" Xiaofang asked.

"Now in our country, places like Shanghai and Hangzhou are indeed very good. People in China are also very good when they go abroad. When they come to the United States, their favorite thing to say is that New York is not as good as Shanghai, Beijing, etc., but I know that the gap is still very big. The big one, if nothing else, is Hangzhou. It seems to be developing very fast, and it looks like it is going to plunge into the ranks of mega cities.

"But even in a place more than 100 kilometers away from Hangzhou, it still belongs to Hangzhou and the countryside of Yongcheng. There are not too many people who can't live and have a difficult life. Many times, we are trapped in the city and in front of us. The prosperity has obscured my eyes, making me a little forgetful, and I don't even know my true identity.

"Do you still remember the place where I went to harvest rice and participated in the double robbery? Dad should know that the mountains in that place are all limestone mountains. The local area used to have small cement factories run by the village and the township, which dug the Stone is used to make cement. Now these small cement factories have stopped, and the mountains can no longer be dug. No decent economic forests can grow on those mountains, only weeds and shrubs.

"Local farmers cannot rely on the mountains, but what about the land? Because it is a mountainous area, there is not much arable farmland. Each person can only get a few plots, and the yield is still low. At most, he can only grow one piece of land for his family. With a year's worth of food rations, what do I rely on for daily expenses? I rely on raising two or three pigs, a dozen chickens, and growing some vegetables in the vegetable fields in front of and behind the house. Life is too hard.

"I originally thought that after having this platform, I could find ways to help them..."

"How are you going to help?" Xiaofang asked.

"I haven't thought about it yet, but I know I will definitely think of a way." Zhang Xiangbei said.

Xiaofang and Zhang Chen looked at Zhang Xiangbei and felt very relieved after listening to what he said. They felt that he was still a kind child. Zhang Chen thought of President Salovey's speech at Zhang Xiangbei's Yale graduation ceremony. In his speech "Improving the World," isn't Zhang Xiangbei practicing improving the world?

"Zhang Xiangbei, what do you want to tell that old Su, use your power to change the world?" Zhang Chen asked, Zhang Xiangbei nodded.

Xiaofang looked at Zhang Chen, who smiled. Xiaofang turned to Zhang Xiangbei and said:

"Beibei, are you worried that once capital comes in and you want to do these things that conflict with the interests of the company, we will stop you?"

"Yes, isn't that what capital is like?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

"Not entirely." Xiaofang said, "Whether it is domestic or foreign, not all companies are bloodthirsty. In fact, such companies cannot go far. All respectable companies are pursuing their economic benefits. When doing business, you must also shoulder your own social responsibilities. If you have such an idea, not only will I not stop you, but I will encourage you.

"Not to mention other things, just from the company's image, we are a company that serves thousands of households. If you think about such a company, if it is a black-hearted company, this company can still go far without being followed by others. Are you driven out of your home or community? Not only do I have this idea, I think other investors will also understand this, so please rest assured."

"That's good." Zhang Xiangbei said, "Then I have no other worries."

"Okay." Xiaofang smiled and nodded. She turned to Zhang Chen: "My company will invest 500 million yuan, accounting for 20% of the shares. Boss Zhang, what do you think? Can you invest 500 million yuan?"

"Didn't you say it's best not to get entangled with each other? Fanhua Network, I was kicked out by you. Now, if you invest in Beibei's company, and I will invest with you, won't it become a family business?" Zhang Chen was surprised. ,ask.

"It's different. This company really needs your investment. If you invest, it will be very beneficial to the development of this company." Xiaofang said.

"Okay, I'll invest 500 million." Zhang Chen said.

"I don't want you personally, I want your company, Banmutian Group to invest, you go and convince those shareholders." Xiaofang shook her head and said to Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen was confused. He said, "Isn't it just money? What's the difference between my investment and Banmutian Group's investment?"

"The difference is huge. The investment of half an acre of land is a strong alliance, and everything that follows is justifiable." Xiaofang said.

"Why?" Zhang Chen and Zhang Xiangbei both looked at Xiaofang, feeling that Xiaofang's words were a bit strange.

"The next most critical thing for this project is logistics. It must rely on the logistics base of Banmutian Group, including branches in each city, which must be opened in the logistics base. All vegetables are shipped from various places and concentrated at The logistics base carries out sorting, sorting, and distribution. Shouldn’t the logistics base of Half an Acre Field be used instead of renting a separate warehouse?”

As soon as Xiaofang said this, Zhang Chen and Zhang Xiangbei suddenly realized that what Xiaofang said was really important. There were so many vegetables to be sorted and distributed every day, and there really was only a logistics base with half an acre of land that could provide such a large amount of food. Although Zhang Chen personally contributed to the venue, the logistics bases below would also help, but after all, it was just for Zhang Chen's sake.

If Banmutian Group invests, it will be their company's own business. This is different, especially after Banmutian Group's demutualization.

"Also, logistics bases in various places already have a distribution team. All we need to do is expand the scale of this distribution team. This way, it will be much easier than building a distribution team from scratch."

Xiaofang told them, and the two nodded repeatedly.

"And..." Xiaofang said.

"Anything else?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Of course." Xiaofang smiled and said, "Beibei, since you have started delivering food, you must not only focus on the delivery of fresh food to households, but also the delivery of units, which is also a huge market. Tuxiangyuan If the hotel and e-commerce industrial park, as well as the fresh food delivery of the logistics base itself, are handed over to you, will they all become your big customers?"

Zhang Xiangbei smiled, nodded repeatedly, and cupped his hands towards Zhang Chen: "Please help me, Dad."

Zhang Chen said okay, I will do the shareholder work. Also, I will let Tan Shuzhen and their project departments, Lin Shuwan and their school, Sister Tian Lin, Old Tang, Brother Liu and their factories, as well as Wu Zhaohui and his express company, They all become your big customers, okay?

"Then I'll have a good start." Zhang Xiangbei said quickly.

"Beibei, Auntie told you earlier that you have a lot of resources that others don't have. To run a company, you must make full use of the resources you have. Do you know now?" Xiaofang asked.

Zhang Xiangbei said with a smile: "I never thought that these can be connected together."

"Of course, you still have a good resource that you can use." Xiaofang said.

Zhang Xiangbei asked: "What else? What else?"

"Where's your Aunt Guihua?" Xiaofang said with a smile, "'Splendid Service' has a good reputation in the industry. In the three cities of Shanghai, Hangzhou and Nanjing, they manage more than just 'Splendid China' self-developed In many communities developed by other companies, property management will also be entrusted to them.

"I know that in these three cities, their 'Jinxiu Service' manages more than 400 communities. These more than 400 communities contain millions of households. You don't even need to expand, you just need to go Ask Auntie Guihua to help you, and you can be one of the first communities you settle in?"

Zhang Xiangbei suddenly realized it and nodded repeatedly. It turned out that he really had so many resources that he could use. After using these resources, not only the structure of his company was established, but also the first business was won. , this is really something that other companies want to do but cannot do.

"Okay, Zhang Xiangbei, let me help you again. Those fresh-keeping cabinets of yours can be sent to Shentu Hongyan for trial production. She has the ability to test them until the product is finalized and mass production begins." Zhang Chen and Zhang Xiangbei said.

"There is one more thing." Xiaofang raised a finger and said to Zhang Chen, "Dad, you still have to help Beibei with something."

"What's up?"

"Your Banmutian Group is going to send two people to help Beibei prepare for the establishment of this company. One is Xiao Wu, who is responsible for logistics. Without Xiao Wu's experience and ability, this area cannot be managed. What's more, Shanghai and Nanjing Logistics The people at the base are originally Xiao Wu’s subordinates.”

Zhang Chen thinks Xiaofang is right. Logistics cannot be managed by people like Zhang Xiangbei and Fatty Sun who have little social experience. The drivers and loaders in the base alone are enough to give you a headache, and in the future , when there is really competition, there will be people from all walks of life coming to compete with you for territory.

Zhang Chen said yes.

"Also, Li Wei is assigned to be responsible for online orders and customers. A large number of orders come in every day. People without experience in this area will be in a hurry. Customer service directly faces thousands of households, so this is also very important." Fang said.

Zhang Chen nodded.

Thank you for the reward of two fishes! Thank you for my heart dancing, zpengyong1, Zhou Zhiya, exercise, the empire is not closed at night, book friend 20181028224043944, book friend 20200911160109750, really annoying, Zhongkai 727’s monthly ticket! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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