The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1909 The Last Mile

In the afternoon, Xiaofang went to Zhang Chen's office. She went because Zhang Xiangbei told them that he wanted to see them if he had something to do.

When Zhang Xiangbei wanted to find them, it was Zhou Ruoyi and Sun Xiangyang who instigated him from behind. They asked Zhang Xiangbei to talk to Zhang Chen and Xiaofang about his thoughts.

Zhou Ruoyi and Zhang Xiangbei said: "Zhang Xiangbei, we know that you don't want to rely on your family, and neither do we. However, it is still good for you to go to your father and aunt to talk about your ideas and listen to their suggestions. No matter what, the three of us are idiots when it comes to running a company and have never done it before. They have more experience than us. If they teach us, we will avoid a lot of detours."

"That's right, Zhang Xiangbei, this has nothing to do with whether you can rely on your family or not. Don't be so proud. We are just a small company now and have no capital to be proud of." Sun Xiangyang said from the side, "Wait until our company is as good as your father's company." It’s so big, we can be awesome.”

Zhang Xiangbei thought about it and realized that what these two people said made sense. The most business experience he had had was from watching on the sidelines since he was a child. It was still his experience of delivering food in New Haven. Although he had written a plan , but that is just talk on paper, and actual operation are two different things.

Growing up, Zhang Xiangbei watched how his parents and Uncle Zhanzi did things, and also saw how Uncle Zhanzi and Uncle Meng Ping failed him. This made him different from other children. When I started a business, I didn’t have so many romantic ideas. I knew that starting a company was not easy and you had to be cautious.

Zhang Xiangbei decided to take the newly obtained business license to talk to his father and Aunt Xiaofang and ask them to help him come up with ideas.

Zhang Xiangbei told the two people about his purpose. They had already expected that the three of them did not sit on the sofa or face to face at Zhang Chen's desk. Instead, they went to sit in the small meeting room. On both sides of the table, Zhang Xiangbei was on one side, and Zhang Chen and Xiaofang were on the other side, completely talking about business.

Xiaofang followed her habit and opened her laptop to record.

Xiaofang and Zhang Xiangbei said: "Beibei, we are not family now. I will judge your company and projects from the perspective of a professional investor. Your father will judge based on his experience. Okay, you shouldn't judge it either." We treat it as your parents, and... as strategic investors or partners, and you should think carefully about how to explain your project clearly."

Zhang Xiangbei nodded, and he agreed. He did not take out his plan to Xiaofang, but told Zhang Chen and Xiaofang what he wanted to do face to face. This part , Xiaofang and Zhang Chen had heard Sun Xiangyang relay it to them last time, and they understood in their hearts, but they still listened patiently to Zhang Xiangbei.

Zhang Xiangbei's words were more organized and clearer than Sun Xiangyang's. Xiaofang and Zhang Chen listened, secretly approving.

When it came to the most critical last mile, Xiaofang became interested. She said to Zhang Xiangbei:

"What I heard you say before is very good, but the most critical thing about this whole process is the last mile. Whoever can solve the problem of the last mile can really break through the bottleneck and be able to quickly develop this industry." big."

Zhang Xiangbei nodded. He took out a piece of paper from his bag and handed it to Xiaofang. Xiaofang saw two pictures drawn on the paper. On them were a row of L-shaped cabinets, like The express cabinets in the community are the same. There is a small glass house underneath. Inside the house, there are also rows of cabinets. On the door of the house, the words "Zhai Xian Delivery" are written.

Xiaofang looked at this picture and couldn't help laughing: "It's still hereditary."

She forwarded the picture to Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen saw that although the drawing was not very good, the perspective was extremely accurate, and Zhang Chen also laughed.

"Is this your last mile?" Xiaofang asked, "Is it the way of express delivery cabinet?"

"Yes, but not entirely." Zhang Xiangbei said, "The form is the same, but express cabinets cannot solve the problem of preservation. These cabinets have a refrigeration function, a bit like the display cabinets in some restaurants. In this way, all Putting the vegetables inside can achieve the purpose of keeping them fresh, so delivery time is not a problem, and they can be delivered centrally instead of one household at a time."

"Bingo! Perfect!" Xiaofang's eyes lit up and she shouted: "Beibei, please continue."

Zhang Xiangbei nodded: "These cabinets are installed in the underground parking garage of the community or in the foyer of the building. According to the customer's order, we deliver them once in the early morning or morning every day, and again in the afternoon. Whether it is noon or noon When he comes back in the evening, he only needs to enter the pickup code to get his food without delaying for a minute.

“For us, because the delivery time is no longer so tight, and we don’t have to worry about whether the customer is at home or not, we can deliver on a large scale. A single cold chain truck can be used by hundreds of thousands of households in a community. It can be completed by two or three staff members, and there is no need to rely on thousands of human resources like Meituan and”

"What about this? What does this small house mean?" Zhang Chen asked.

"This is designed for those old communities. There is no underground parking lot or foyer in the old community. The corridors are also very narrow. There is no place to put cabinets. So you can find an open space in the community or even on the side of the road to set up With such an unmanned station, residents living in old communities can also enjoy the same services."

Zhang Chen and Xiaofang looked at each other. They both thought Zhang Xiangbei's idea was good.

"Actually, there is a solution." Zhang Xiangbei said.

"What's the plan, Beibei?" Xiaofang asked.

"For those homesteaders who need to buy groceries every day and find it troublesome to go downstairs to get them, we can also provide small cabinets that can be installed directly at the door of their homes, just like mail boxes and milk boxes. When they open the door, they can Got his food.”

Zhang Xiangbei said, Zhang Chen and Xiaofang both laughed, thinking that there were so many clever ideas.

"Zhang Xiangbei, there is a problem here." Zhang Chen said.

"what is the problem?"

"If these cabinets have a refrigeration function, wouldn't they be just large refrigerators? The power consumption and manufacturing costs will be very high, right?" Zhang Chen asked, "How do you pass on this cost?"

"No, these cabinets only need to have a refrigeration function, not a freezing function. They don't even need a compressor. They only need to use semiconductor refrigeration."

Before Zhang Xiangbei could say anything, Xiaofang interrupted and Zhang Xiangbei nodded.

"Semiconductor refrigeration, what does it mean?" Zhang Chen felt that Xiaofang's statement was very fresh.

"The principle is that of a car refrigerator." Xiaofang said, "It uses the thermo-electric effect of semiconductors to produce cold energy. There is no compressor or refrigerant. The production cost is very low, and it consumes very little power. The refrigeration elements are completely You can make the temperature in the cabinet reach a level 20 degrees lower than the ambient temperature, which is enough for refrigeration.”

"So powerful? Then why can't it replace the traditional refrigerator?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Two points. First, its volume generally cannot exceed one hundred liters. If it is too large, the corresponding semiconductor refrigeration effect will decrease and the power consumption will also increase.

"The second is that if you want to reduce the temperature to below zero, one level of refrigeration fins is not enough. You need to solve this problem by connecting multiple levels of refrigeration fins in series. But in this way, the corresponding heat will also rise. If the heat dissipation If not done in time, the refrigeration element will be damaged.

"A household refrigerator with a capacity of one hundred liters is definitely not enough, and it certainly cannot be frozen. But here, these two shortcomings of semiconductor refrigeration are just avoided. The size of each box will not exceed One hundred liters, in addition, these boxes only need to be refrigerated to maintain freshness, and first-level refrigeration units are sufficient."

After Xiaofang finished speaking, Zhang Chen nodded and understood. Zhang Xiangbei continued what Xiaofang said:

"Its power consumption is very low, but in a community, as long as you occupy a place, it is equivalent to occupying an advertising space. Whether it is these cabinets or small houses, they themselves can be transformed into As a carrier of advertising, the monthly advertising revenue can not only cover the electricity bill, but also bring income to the property management company.

"For us, apart from the one-time investment in the early stage, there is no additional investment. For the one-time investment, I have calculated that if these cabinets are mass-produced, the cost per unit will be one hundred yuan. Within the space, this is affordable, and this cost can be earned back through indoor advertising.”

"Yes, Beibei. Even from the perspective of an investor, I would like to praise your plan as a very good one. If you came to me for financing, I can tell you that your plan impressed me. You put the last mile The problem is solved.”

Xiaofang said, Zhang Chen and Zhang Xiangbei both laughed.

Zhang Chen asked: "Zhang Xiangbei, what are you going to do next?"

"We have already registered the company. Zhou Ruoyi and Sun Xiangyang also resigned and came to work with me."

Zhang Chen and Xiaofang were surprised. Zhang Chen asked, "You mean, Fatty Sun quits being a police officer? Zhou Ruoyi also came out of that museum?"

Zhang Xiangbei said yes, the company has just started and I also need manpower.

"Did their parents agree?" Xiaofang asked.

"I agree. We got the business license. It was Zhou Ruoyi's father who took care of us. We got it in two days."

Zhang Xiangbei said and took out a business license. Zhang Chen opened it. He and Xiaofang saw that the name of Zhang Xiangbei's company was "Hangcheng Zhaixianshui Network Technology Co., Ltd." with a registered capital of five million.

"Is this registered capital actually paid?" Xiaofang asked.

Zhang Xiangbei nodded.

"Where did you get five million?" Zhang Chen was a little strange. He glanced at Xiaofang, who quickly said: "It has nothing to do with me. Like you, I just found out."

"The money I earned in the United States, the school's funds for graduates, Zhou Ruoyi and Fatty Sun also invested in it, and, and... and Xiang Nan's money, they were all put together."

Zhang Chen and Xiaofang both laughed, and Xiaofang said, "That's right, you guys are burning the boat."

Zhang Xiangbei nodded and said, "Both the Chinese and English domain names of our website have been registered. Also, the Trademark Office has also checked and found that no one has registered for 'Zhai Xianshui' yet..."

Zhang Xiangbei scratched his head as he spoke, and said to Zhang Chen sheepishly: "Dad, can you help us design a trademark?"

Zhang Chen said yes, I will design it for you tonight, and you can apply for registration tomorrow.

"By the way, I will help you redesign these cabinets and your station. Yours is a bit ugly." Zhang Chen said.

Zhang Xiangbei smiled and said quickly: "Thank you, dad!"

Thank you for the reward of two fishes! Thank you for dancing with my heart, Wandering Xiaoliu, Zhou Zhiya, Gongzi Mianzhi, Zhongkai727, If you don’t see a future, just remember your original intention, why can’t you change your name, Knowing your heart and your nature, Yuanxi, Once upon a time there was a mountain, Enlighten Sun, Roar The sheep, the fish-eating brother, and the eighty-tael monthly pass! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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