The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 19 Night Sailing

The inspecting soldier glanced at the ID card and the photo on the border defense pass below, then looked up at Liu Ligan, then returned the things to him and let him pass.

Liu Ligan breathed a sigh of relief, quickly took a few steps forward, then turned around and looked at Zhang Chen and Jin Lili.

Zhang Chen and Jin Lili breathed a sigh of relief when they saw how relaxed the inspection was. Zhang Chen walked to the table and handed over his ID card and border defense certificate. The moment he handed them over, Zhang Chen's heart skipped a beat. one time.

He was different from Liu Ligan. He put his ID card under the border defense card. What was worse was that because he was so nervous just now, the sweat in his hands had soaked the words on the border defense card, and the carbon ink seeped out.

Zhang Chen wanted to pull up the ID card underneath to cover the blurred part of the border defense certificate, but it was too late.

Jin Lili also saw this situation. She was done thinking about it and was going to eat free meals from the country.

The inspector took Zhang Chen's certificate and was about to look at it——

"Rogue! Why did you touch my butt?" Jin Lili turned her head and yelled at the man behind her.

The person behind him was startled and confused. Just as he was about to defend himself, Jin Lili said to the border guard: "Uncle of the People's Liberation Army, this gangster, he touched my butt!"

The person behind him defended: "I didn't touch..."

Jin Lili shouted: "You just touched it!"

The person behind him stammered: "I, I... I just pushed you, urging you to hurry up."

The inspection soldier stood up and frowned. He returned the document in his hand to Zhang Chen and waved him over. He then glanced at Jin Lili, who was also holding her ID card and border defense certificate. She didn't even look at it. After waving her to pass, he pointed at the person behind Jin Lili and shouted:

"You! Come here! ID card and border security card! Show it to me for inspection!"

The three people walked forward hurriedly and kept looking behind them. When they saw that they were far away from the checkpoint, they stopped. Zhang Chen couldn't help but hugged Jin Lili and kissed her. Jin Lili cursed:

"It stinks so bad, I'm covered in sweat!"

"My cold sweat is like water. Lily, you are so awesome, you really look like Pan Dongzi." Liu Ligan said. They had all watched "Shining Red Star" when they were children, and they all applauded Pan Dongzi for his cleverness in evading inspection.

Jin Lili said proudly: "I have made a contribution to the country today."

"What contribution?" Zhang Chen asked strangely.

"I saved food for the country, free food for three people." Jin Lili said. Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen laughed, and Jin Lili also laughed.

The first floor of the cross-sea ferry is for loading cars, and the second floor is for the passenger cabins. There are more people crossing the sea than cars. Those cars, even in Hai'an Town, have a hard time reaching the pier. There are people all along the way. .

The cabin was quickly filled with people, but we had to wait for the cars below to be full before the boat could leave. The wait lasted nearly two hours.

The smell in the cabin is very bad. Although the windows on both sides are clear, there are people in the cabin 24 hours a day. Every time a guest gets off the cabin, the staff will take a mop and a broom and clean it randomly.

The three people all arrived on the side of the ship outside the cabin, leaning on the railing and looking outside. Under the weak light, the sea water was dark black. Jin Lili shouted in disappointment, "Why isn't this sea blue?"

Not only was it not blue, but it also smelled bad. The sea breeze blowing on their faces had a fishy smell. Fortunately, with a loud sound, the boat finally left the shore. When the Hai'an Pier was getting farther and farther away, the three of them finally relaxed. After taking a breath, Zhang Chen told them, bring them here, the criminal evidence.

The two people knew what Zhang Chen was talking about. They handed the border defense certificate to Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen was about to tear it up when Jin Lili shouted: "Wait a minute."

She took back her border defense card, tore off the photo on it, and then returned the border defense card to Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen stacked the three cards together and tore them off. Jin Lili shouted, "Your photo Not anymore?

"No, just let me be buried under this white foam." Liu Ligan said.

Zhang Chen and Jin Lili glared at him, and then Liu Ligan realized that he was too passionate and buried under the foam. He was not a water ghost. It was so unlucky, especially saying such words at sea.

Zhang Chen tore up the border defense certificate and threw it into the sea.

After the last light in Haian disappeared, the ship sailed in the vast night sea. It didn't take long, and the sky in the distance became clear. Jin Lili shouted excitedly, is that Haicheng?

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan also became excited. The three of them looked at the transparent sky, which gradually turned into a bright light on the horizon, and then saw a trace of earth underneath the bright light.

Looking closer, I saw the outline of a city.

A crew member passed by them, and Jin Lili shouted: "Master, master, is that Haicheng?"

The crew member nodded without looking back. Probably, he had to be asked by countless such fussy voices in a day.

The boat sailed forward for a while, and they could already see the silhouettes of the tall buildings in Haicheng. Jin Lili said excitedly: "Look, look, there are so many tall buildings here. After all, this is Hainan, which is much better than Hangzhou. "

At that time, there were only four or five high-rise buildings in Hangzhou such as the Hangcheng Building. Except for the Xinqiao Hotel, which had just been open for a few years, all along Jiefang Road were short buildings. Even Jiebai was still in the old building.

The three of them looked at the brightly lit city that was getting closer and closer, and they all had a feeling that they were about to approach the New World. At this time, the boat stopped, the sound of the motor on the boat stopped, and then they heard the clang of the iron chain. There was a sound, the ship anchored in place, and suddenly everything became quiet on the side of the ship.

"Why did the boat stop?" Jin Lili asked.

"No, at sea, you can't feel it moving." Liu Ligan said.

"No, it did stop. There was no sound from the motor," Zhang Chen said.

The three people looked inside and outside the ship to confirm that the ship had indeed stopped, and suddenly became nervous.

"What's going on? You're not going to come back to check the border security certificate, are you?" Jin Lili asked.

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan's first thought was the same. A picture appeared in their minds. After a while, there will be a heavily armed public security border patrol speedboat approaching the ship. The inspectors with guns in hand will board the ship vigorously. The boat will be inspected one by one, and then they will line up, holding their heads in their hands, and be escorted from the boat to the speedboat by border guards armed with live ammunition.

"What should I do? We don't even have fake ones anymore." Jin Lili shouted.

"Fortunately, it's gone. If we were caught like this, we can still say that we thought the border defense certificate was useless and threw it into the sea. The worst we could do was to take us back to Hai'an. If there is a fake one, it's too late to destroy the evidence now, so we'll just wait to be arrested. Throw him into jail." Zhang Chen said.

They stood there and waited uneasily for a long time, but they did not see the patrol speedboat they imagined appeared. The three of them breathed a sigh of relief. Liu Ligan asked the people next to him, why did the boat stop?

The man also looked confused: "Is this Gaha?"

"I'll go inside and ask." Liu Ligan said and went into the cabin. After a while, he came out with a smile. Zhang Chen and Jin Lili were completely relieved when they saw it.

"We're queuing up." Liu Ligan told them, "The boat is parked here and we're queuing up."

"Queue?" Zhang Chen asked doubtfully.

"Yes, the berths at the pier are limited. You have to wait until the docked ship comes out and there is space before the ship can dock." Liu Ligan said.

The other two people finally understood.

"How much time do you need to wait in line?" Zhang Chen asked.

"I don't know, wait." Liu Ligan said, "The people on the boat told me to wait patiently. The boat at the dock will not come out until it is full."

The three people walked along the walkway along the side of the ship, found a dry place, and sat down, with nothing on their minds. There was moonlight above their heads, and the sea breeze kept blowing on their faces. The three people lay down on the luggage held in their arms. Go up and fall asleep.

When the sound of the motor woke them up, it was already dawn and the ship was preparing to enter the port. Now they could not only clearly see the tall buildings on the shore, but also the coconut trees on the coastal road and the cars passing back and forth.

"Is that a coconut tree? I saw a coconut tree, we are in Hainan!"

Jin Lili pointed to the shore and shouted loudly. Not only Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen, but also other people on the side of the boat were also infected by her shout. Everyone looked excitedly at this strange land in front of them.

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