The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 20 Coconut is broken

They got off the boat at Xiuying Port and walked out of the ticket gate. Immediately, many motorcycles came around and asked them where they were going.

Zhang Chen said where to find a job.

"Three dollars," the other person said, as if he knew where there was work to be found.

Zhang Chen was surprised. He said I wanted to find a place to work, but the other party still confidently said three dollars.

Liu Ligan asked about other motorcycles and said they were looking for jobs, and the other party also said three yuan.

The three people were hesitant, so they took three motorcycles and walked towards downtown Haicheng. The motorcycles were weaving through the traffic. Liu Ligan discovered that the cars on the road were basically Mercedes-Benz. At that time, the streets in Hangzhou were basically Xiali and even Santana are considered high-end cars. Unexpectedly, in this city, they are all Mercedes-Benz, followed by Bluebird and Crown.

"Haha, we are in the right place!" Liu Ligan shouted.

"What?" the motorcycle driver asked loudly.

"Nothing, nothing!" Liu Ligan shouted loudly.

In the car in front of her, Jin Lili was sitting on the back seat of a motorcycle, with her arms spread out. She felt like she was flying close to the ground like a bird, with the whirling coconut trees above her head, and the thin and weak morning sunshine, which she had never seen before. The blue sky and the plump coconuts.

Jin Lili thought, coconut coconut, why don't you drop one to welcome me!

The motorcycle took them and turned from Binhai Avenue into Longkun North Road. The junction of Binhai Avenue and Longkun North Road is the Haicheng City Government. Next to it is the Longzhu Building, behind it is the Financial Garden, and beyond that is the Huayin Building.

Jin Lili looked up and looked at the tall buildings piercing into the blue sky above her head, thinking in her heart how happy people must be to work and live in these buildings.

The motorcycle took them up the newly built South Bridge, turned left, and followed Haixiu Road, passing the Bank of China Building, DC City, and Wanghai Tower, until they reached the entrance of Haicheng Hotel and turned left. They saw this It was crowded.

The motorcycle stopped on the side of the road. The owner pointed to the opposite side and said to them, "Look for a job right here. They are all from mainland China."

The three people got out of the car, still a little confused. They saw that this was just an open space. There was nothing except a small simple wooden house on one side of the open space.

There are just people. A small open space is crowded with people. What jobs can be found here?

The three people crossed the road and walked over. When they got closer, they realized that the motorcycle driver had not lied to them. This was indeed a place to find jobs. At the end of the open space, there was a wall three to four meters high and twenty to thirty meters long. The walls are densely covered with recruitment notices, ranging from hotel waiters to newspaper reporters, company cleaners to company bosses, everything.

Many people stood under the advertising wall, writing down the addresses and phone numbers of each company with pens and paper in their hands.

There are people constantly holding ladders to post new advertisements. Every time one is posted, a large group of people will rush down to memorize it eagerly.

Zhang Chen and the others walked around here, their hearts surging. They had never seen such a recruitment scene before. They just felt that so many positions were waiting for them, and it was not easy to find a job.

They found that all the advertisements came from that wooden house. When they took a closer look, they found that the labor department had set up a point here. The employer took the business license and the written recruitment advertisement, paid the money, and handed the advertisement to They saw that there was no problem, and immediately arranged for someone to get a ladder to put the new advertisement on top of the old one.

There are also units recruiting people right here, and they are quickly surrounded by a circle. After listening to the people around them briefly introducing themselves, they point their fingers: You, you, you, go to the company for an interview tomorrow. .

They're shoving business cards into your hands, wrapping up their recruitment efforts before a staff member can come and shoo them away.

Then, under the eyes of everyone with infinite admiration, they got into the car parked on the side of the road and drove away.

In that wooden house, Liu Ligan bought a copy of the "Talent Information Newspaper" for 50 cents. This newspaper is also run by the labor department. It is very popular here, almost everyone has a copy. Except for one page, it reprints some local news and news. Apart from the leader's speech, other pages are filled with recruitment information.

The three of them, Zhang Chen, were carrying large and small bags and were not conspicuous here. There were many people like them.

The three of them took a deep breath, looked at each other, and laughed. When they arrived here, they all felt at home. Their future on this island would start from here, and the work on the wall was , and the frighteningly high salary indicate that their future has various possibilities and is bright.

They saw on the wall that even the waiter's salary was 800 yuan, while in Yongcheng, even the county magistrate's salary was less than 200 yuan, and they themselves only had a little over 100 yuan. It seems that Hainan is indeed full of gold.

"Let's go inside first and see if there are any coconuts to pick up."

Jin Lili pointed to the coconut grove behind the advertising wall and shouted, that is Haicheng Park, which is also the People's Park. The same park, enter from the gate of Renmin Road, is called People's Park, and enter from here opposite the Haicheng Hotel, It's called Haicheng Park.

Since there are so many job opportunities, what are you worried about? You can just relax first.

"Okay, find a place. I will study it carefully and select it to see if there is any job that can fully display our talents." Liu Lipole shook the "Talent Information Newspaper" in his hand.

They didn't have time to pick up coconuts. Instead, they saw a coconut seller at the entrance of Haicheng Park, so they spent one yuan to buy a coconut. The boss killed the coconut and inserted a straw into it. Jin Lili was the first to grab it and drink it. After taking a sip, she frowned and almost spit it out. She gave the coconut to Zhang Chen and shouted:

"No way, why does it taste so bad? It tastes like rotten sweet potatoes?"

Zhang Chen took a sip and immediately spat it out. He felt that Jin Lili was right, this was the taste of rotten sweet potatoes.

Liu Lizhan took it and spit it out after taking a sip. He looked at the two of them and said, "Are we being cheated? Is this coconut broken?"

Zhang Chen and Jin Lili nodded, they also thought it was possible.

"I'll go find the boss." Liu Ligan took the coconut and was about to go back. Zhang Chen quickly stopped him, "Forget it, it's only one yuan. He's a local, so don't look for trouble."

Liu Ligan walked to the roadside and poured the water into the grass. Liu Ligan shouted to them: "Come here and take a look. Do you see that the coconut juice Zhenzhen drinks every day is milky white? This and It’s the same as dishwater, so it must be bad.”

Zhang Chen and Jin Lili looked at it and agreed that the coconut must be broken.

There are piles of men and women in the park. Many people are spreading newspapers on the ground and sleeping with their travel bags as pillows. It seems that they have slept all night and are not ready to get up yet.

The three of them found a shade of a tree and sat down. Zhang Chen took the newspaper from Liu Ligan and started reading. Jin Lili lay down with her head on Zhang Chen's thigh. She said that the people on the boat I haven't even straightened it yet, I'm exhausted.

Liu Ligan had nothing to do and stood up. He said I was going to go shopping and walked away.

About half an hour later, Liu Ligan came back with a serious look on his face. Zhang Chen asked him what happened. Liu Ligan shook his head and said to him: "The situation is very serious."

"What's the serious situation?" Zhang Chen asked curiously.

"Look at these people, do you know what they do?" Liu Ligan pointed at the piles of people not far away and said.

"What are you doing?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Hehe, here, let me tell you, it is a concentrated display of famous universities across the country. Did you see those piles, those from Peking University, then Tsinghua University, and the National People's Congress, here, yes, here, from the University of Science and Technology, in the pavilion There are also students from Fudan University and East China Normal University, and I also saw students from our Zhejiang University." Liu Ligan said.

"Shameless, you from Zhejiang University, do you really think that you are from Zhejiang University?" Zhang Chen scolded.

"Isn't this about meeting their comrades? Other schools are fine. When I got to Zhejiang University, they made sure to ask me which department I was in, so I escaped back." Liu Ligan smiled sheepishly, and Zhang Chen also laughed. laughing out loud.

"Damn it, there are always thousands of college students in this park." Liu Ligan cursed.

"What are they doing here?" Zhang Chen asked.

"They all have no jobs and no money, so they live in the park. Some of them have been living there for more than ten days and they all stink." Liu Ligan said.

Zhang Chen looked around, and suddenly he felt that the situation was getting serious.

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