The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 18 How about we go back?

The three people walked forward for a while, and someone from behind called out: "Master, wait a minute."

The three people stopped, turned around, and saw a person chasing after them. He was a customer sitting opposite them at another table in the snack bar.

"What's the matter?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Can you help me get one for the border defense permit?"

Liu Ligan shook his head.

"I'll give you money, I'll give you a hundred yuan."

Liu Ligan still shook his head.

"Two hundred, I'll give you two hundred, please help me get one."

Liu Lizhan hesitated a little, but Zhang Chen pulled him up and left. He said to the man, "I'm sorry, I really can't handle this."

They walked forward quickly and went far away. When they looked back, they saw that the man had not followed, so they slowed down.

"It's two hundred yuan from Zhejiang University of Technology. I'll catch up with you and paint two billboards. Why don't you do it?" Jin Lili asked.

"Yeah, I'm very excited." Liu Ligan said.

"You are pigs. You really think you are a criminal group. How can you do this kind of thing randomly?" Zhang Chen scolded, "Besides, I drew it for him, and he went through the customs with it. Silly, if he is Once the inspection comes out, serious inspection will begin at the dock, how are we going to get through?"

"Yes, why didn't I think of this? You are thinking far ahead. It seems that you have the potential to be the boss of a criminal group." Liu Ligan said.

"Stop being so pretentious, you're not bad either. You're from Zhejiang University, and your IQ is definitely not low. It's just that you were spoiled by the buns." Zhang Chen scolded.

The three people searched for a long time and finally found a shade tree. There were many people here. The three people sat down on the ground. The ground was still a little hot on their buttocks, so they couldn't care less.

Jin Lili asked: "Do you feel like we are homeless?"

"Yes, we are homeless now. We have no fixed place to live. We can't go back or go forward. We don't know what will happen next." Zhang Chen said, "Why, do you regret it?"

"I feel a little bit regretful when I think about our cozy little room and clean bed, but it's all gone now. Regret is useless," Jin Lili said.

"What I miss most now is sitting on our high roof with a hot pot of fresh beer."

Liu Ligan smacked his lips as he spoke. Jin Lili looked at him and cursed: "Don't be so hypocritical. Don't you miss Zhenzhen?"

"I don't want to think about it now. Look, what would happen if Tan Shuzhen was in a place like this?" Liu Ligan said, "It seems that there is no boundary."

"Really, we are the only working class who are suitable to be with these migrant workers." Jin Lili looked around and sighed: "Tan Shuzhen only plays young ladies, so she is used to applause and spotlights."

"She has also played prostitutes and nuns." Liu Ligan said.

"Come on, that prostitute of hers is Su Xiaoxiao. Su Xiaoxiao is the dream lover of Chinese bullshit literati of all ages." Zhang Chen scolded, "The little nun in "The Monk and Nun Association" is not an ordinary nun, she is a young lady. The romantic nun who lives her life.”

"It's true." Liu Ligan thought for a moment and smiled. He jumped up from the ground and said to them, "My mouth is dry. I'm going to buy some water."

Liu Lizhan walked toward the street under the bright sun, and came back after more than 20 minutes. He was holding two plastic bags, one with three bottles of water in it, and the other. Jin Lili took a look at it and shouted : "Did you buy steamed buns again?"

"No, when I passed by that small shop, the boss knew me and made sure to give it to me. Zhang Chen, people are full of praise for your handwriting." Liu Ligan said.

Zhang Chen smiled and didn't say anything. Jin Lili said happily: "Not bad, just two words. After exchanging so many buns, I can save money on dinner."

"No, pole, didn't you go buy water? There is one twenty meters away. Why are you going there?" Zhang Chen asked curiously.

"I went to the post office. Do you know where I am in the queue now?" Liu Ligan asked.

"How much?" Jin Lili asked.

"No. 170 or more."

"Why are you going to the post office? You haven't had enough of being rejected, and you want Tan Shuzhen's mother to scold you?" Zhang Chen asked.

Liu Ligan smiled sheepishly and said, "I'm going to send a postcard to Tan Shuzhen and tell her that we have successfully reached the opposite side of Hainan Island and are preparing to cross the sea tonight."

Jin Lili exclaimed: "Victory? It's enough to escape here in embarrassment."

They spent the whole afternoon in the shade of the tree, relying on steamed buns and water. During this period, they got up six or seven times, all in order to chase the changing shade of the tree. Every time they sat down in a different place, the ground was still hot. , Liu Ligan said, I guess we will be constipated.

Jin Lili said, yes, I was going to visit my aunt today, but this made my aunt go back.

The three men laughed. Liu Ligan said, I want to write down this classic sentence and write it in my memoirs in the future.

Zhang Chen and Jin Lili looked down upon each other: You? Writing a memoir? Pull it down!

"Really." Liu Ligan looked at them and said seriously: "When I am gray-haired, I will sit in a wheelchair and slowly recall that there are one, no, five secretaries next to me, all of them are beautiful women. , they are all like that kid, who graduated from Peking University, they will look at me with infinite reverence, listen to me talk about my life in a slightly hoarse voice, and recall my life."

Zhang Chen and Jin Lili fell down laughing, and Zhang Chen cursed: "Then you snap, and you'll be in a wheelchair for the rest of your life."

When the surroundings darkened, Jin Lili hurriedly got up and wanted to rush to the dock. Zhang Chen said to wait a moment.

"What are you doing? It's already dark." Jin Lili asked confused.

"The people who are being inspected now have just had dinner and are still very focused. We have to wait until they are tired before going, so that we have a greater chance of success." Zhang Chen said.

"Wisdom, I said he has the potential to be the boss of a criminal group. He even thought of this." Liu Ligan said.

They continued to stay under the big tree, and many people left. Now there was enough space for them to lie down. Liu Ligan was about to lie down, and Zhang Chen grabbed him.

"What are you doing again, boss?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Although we are blind migrants, we cannot act like blind migrants. The inspectors will still judge people by their appearance." Zhang Chen said.

Liu Li laughed loudly: "Zhang Chen, are you not confident in what you draw?"

Zhang Chen said honestly: "I'm really a little nervous, it's my first time doing this."

"Okay, I will go to the front later, you will go to the middle, and Lily will go last. If I am caught, you can find a way to escape, and I will find a way to hold them back." Liu Ligan said.

At ten o'clock in the evening, the three people walked towards the pier. By the time they arrived at the pier and squeezed through the crowd to the queue to pass the inspection, it was already almost eleven o'clock. The three of them were holding Zhang Chen's paintings of border guards in their hands. He kept shaking his ID card towards the person sitting on a high stool with a pole in his hand. They didn't even look at it and just let them line up.

The three people's hearts were beating wildly. They moved forward slowly along with the queue. The end of the queue was a table. The border guards sitting behind the table checked the identity of each person in turn. permit and border defense permit to see if they correspond.

Liu Ligan was beating a drum in his heart. He kept looking back and said to Zhang Chen and Jin Lili, don't forget what I said to you. He felt that his throat was so nervous that it was itchy, his mouth was dry, and he couldn't even speak. .

Zhang Chen looked around, smiled bitterly, and thought to himself, this is the place, you just want to escape, where can you escape, are you going to fly out by stepping on the heads of the people around you? If you find out, you have to accept the arrest and explain to the police obediently as they agreed in advance. Just say that you bought it from someone else. You must not say that you made it yourself. The person who sold it to them has completed the transaction. Then disappeared.

Afraid of being overheard by the people on the side, the three people lined up in the queue and followed the queue forward while communicating in the local dialect of Yongcheng.

"The worst outcome is to be detained and then deported. We just used it to pass the inspection, but we didn't use it to do anything bad," Liu Ligan said.

"Will you be expelled from the unit if you are repatriated?" Jin Lili asked, "I don't care. Anyway, that lousy unit has already been expelled from the Earth before it fired me."

"It doesn't matter to me. At worst, I can go back and continue writing about the king. The kings don't care whether I am detained or not. It's just that my love is going to end." Liu Ligan said, "Zhenzhen's parents will probably kill me next." Got it."

"I've also thought about it. At worst, I can go back and draw ads for another two months before we run out again," Zhang Chen said.

"That's right, this time we will get the border defense permit before we come out." Jin Lili said.

"Have you ever thought that if we are deported, we won't even be able to get a border defense permit?" Liu Ligan said.

As soon as the words came out, Liu Ligan himself was shocked. Yes, why hadn't they thought about this problem? The three of them stood there, stunned by this question.

Zhang Chen said: "How about we quit? Go back and get the border defense permit and then come back. At worst, we need to borrow some money from someone?"

Liu Ligan and Jin Lili quickly agreed.

"Hurry up, hurry up." The people behind were pushing Jin Lili.

"Come here! Follow me!" someone shouted.

Only then did the three people realize that at the moment when they were standing hesitating, the people in line in front of Liu Ligan had already finished the inspection. There was a gap of one or two meters between Liu Ligan and the inspector. The one who patiently asked them to follow was the border guard who was checking.

There was no way to escape. Liu Ligan had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk a few steps and handed over his ID card and border defense permit.

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