The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 186 Running around, all for others

Liu Ligan made an appointment with Vice President Xiang of the head office to meet at the warehouse the next morning.

Liu Ligan was worried that Yilin's mother didn't understand Mandarin well and couldn't speak clearly, so he decided to take her to see it himself, and then helped her hand over to Vice President Xiang.

Liu Ligan called a car and walked along the same road that he and Mr. Xie walked yesterday. It took more than an hour to arrive at the warehouse. Today, the iron door outside was wide open, and there was an open space inside. Liu Ligan saw four cars parked there and knew that they were all here to see the goods. One of them belonged to Li Yong's company.

Liu Ligan asked the Pengpeng car to park in the open space to wait for them. He took Yilin's mother in. When he arrived at the door, he met Vice President Xiang as he escorted Chen Qihang and Li Yong out. Chen Qihang and Liu Ligan said that they had all seen it. I'll send a truck over in the afternoon and get the goods out first.

Liu Ligan said yes.

The four of them chatted briefly. Li Yong and Chen Qihang got in the car and left. Liu Ligan introduced Yilin’s mother to Vice President Xiang. Vice President Xiang showed them. Yilin’s mother was very serious and took out a bottle. With pencils and an old exercise book that Yilin had not used yet, she wrote down every item, from quantity to specifications, and wrote them all very carefully. She couldn't write many words, so she drew pictures.

The drawing was really not very good. Neither Liu Ligan nor Vice President Xiang could see what she drew on the side. The thermos bottle was a circle with half a circle on the side. Even if it was a handle, the aluminum pot was also a circle. Adding a handle, when it comes to the teacup, it’s still a circle plus a handle. Liu Ligan smiled and said, aren’t they all the same? How to divide it.

Yilin's mother said, of course it was a good score. She flipped through the book and told them, isn't the thermos long? The long round one is the thermos bottle. The aluminum pot is flat. The flat round is the aluminum pot. This one has the smallest tea cup. , there is a point at the bottom, like a peach, which is the teacup.

Liu Ligan and Vice President Xiang were both amused by Yilin's mother.

Vice President Xiang asked Yilin's mother to bring a sample of each product, so that it would be clear. Yilin's mother said that she would bring several cars to pull the goods together tomorrow. Liu Ligan told her to come here and collect the goods. You handle the goods and checkout all by yourself. You can add some taps to each item before selling it to them. Let them give you all the money they sell every day, and you can settle here.

Vice President Xiang discussed with Yilin’s mother and decided the price of each item for her, and explained it clearly to the staff in charge of the warehouse, so that Yilin’s mother would go directly here to pick up the goods in the future, and the staff would be responsible for clearly registering the quantity of incoming and outgoing goods. Just report it to Vice President Xiang. To settle the payment, Yilin’s mother should go to the company to find Vice President Xiang.

Liu Ligan, Yilin's mother and Vice President Xiang said goodbye. When they got to the Pengpeng car outside, the driver of the Pengpeng car asked Liu Ligan if he was going back to Binya Village?

Liu Ligan said yes.

Then don't take the original path, it's much farther. The driver said to Liu Ligan.

Liu Ligan said yes, you can just drive.

The Pengpeng car carried them, and after driving for only ten minutes, they arrived at the South Bridge. It was indeed much closer. Yilin's mother remembered it carefully, and she would take this road tomorrow.

There are many construction workers building roadblocks at the South Bridge. It seems that after coming down from the South Bridge, the road leading here will be blocked.

Liu Ligan called the Pengpeng car to stop. He ran over and asked the workers, what was going to be built here?

The worker pointed behind him and told him Longkun South Road.

Longkun South Road? Where does it lead?

Then how do we know? We are not building roads, we are building roadblocks.

Liu Ligan stood and looked at the direction they were coming from. His heart skipped a beat. He thought that if Longkun South Road passed by Mr. Xie's factory, Mr. Xie would be in trouble. Land lease agreements generally have a force majeure clause. According to the terms of the contract, if government public facilities need to be requisitioned, it is considered force majeure, and the lessor does not need to compensate the lessee for any losses incurred.

This was a big deal, so Liu Ligan decided to help Mr. Xie understand it.

He returned to the Pengpeng car, which carried them on their way.

After Liu Ligan arrived in Haicheng, he passed by here every day and always wondered. Longkun North Road ended from Binhai Avenue to Nandaqiao. Past Nandaqiao, it was a wasteland and messy paths. This road ended. Why not It is called Longkun Road, but North Road. There is no road called Longkun South Road in Haicheng.

It turns out that Longkun South Road exists, but it is just about to be built. The section of road going south after getting off the Nandaqiao Bridge should be Longkun South Road.

After Liu Ligan got home, Yilin's mother carried the big bag of samples home. Liu Ligan went out on his bicycle. When he reached Binhai Avenue, he thought about it and rode back to the small shop to give Jin Lili I made a phone call and asked Jin Lili, do you know anyone in Haicheng’s planning and urban construction department?

"What are you going to do? I know the director of the Provincial Planning Department. He should also be in charge of these departments in Haicheng." Jin Lili said.

"I want to see Haicheng's urban planning and understand a little bit about the situation." Liu Ligan said.

"That's all?"


"Then you wait in the shop, don't go away, I'll ask you right away." Jin Lili said and hung up the phone.

Liu Ligan parked his bicycle in the shop and went to the shed next to him to watch people playing billiards. Before he finished the game of billiards, the owner of the shop asked Liu Ligan to answer the phone. Liu Ligan hurried over and it was Jin. When Lily came back, Jin Lily asked Liu Ligan to write down a number and told him that this is Director Wang of the Planning Department of Haicheng Urban Construction Bureau. You go find him.

"By the way, he is in the office now. You can go there now, just because Director Luo introduced him." Jin Lili said.

"Where is the Urban Construction Bureau?"

"It's not far from us. It's the newly built building opposite Haicheng City Government."

Liu Ligan understood that it was at the intersection of Longkun North Road and Binhai Avenue, opposite the Haicheng City Government. He would pass by it every day by bicycle. The name of that building was Haicheng Urban Construction and Planning Complex. It looked like Haicheng City. The City Urban Development Bureau is in that building.

Liu Ligan arrived at the Urban Construction Bureau and found the Planning Department. Director Wang was very enthusiastic when he saw him and knew that he was introduced by Director Luo. Director Luo's secretary did not tell him what he was here for.

Director Wang handed his business card to Liu Ligan and asked Liu Ligan if there was anything he could do to help.

Liu Ligan thought for a moment, and instead of taking out his company's business card, he took out the business card of "Hainan Daily" and told Director Wang that he was here to learn about Haicheng's urban planning.

"Okay, okay, come with me." Director Wang took Liu Ligan to a room next door. In the middle of the room was a sand table with an area of ​​more than ten square meters. Director Wang and Liu Ligan said, "This We just asked Tsinghua University and Tongji University to help us do this, and this is our future Haicheng."

Liu Ligan didn't care about Haicheng in the future, he cared about the present.

"I saw today that Longkun South Road is going to be built?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Yes, work will start next week."

"Where is it?"

"Longkun North Road, from Binhai Avenue to South Bridge, after passing South Bridge, is Longkun South Road. Longkun South Road goes all the way south and will connect with the planned Yingbin Avenue."

"Yingbin Avenue? Where does this come from?"

"It goes from Longkun South Road to the airport."

"Airport?" Liu Ligan was confused, "How long does it take to get to the airport?"

Director Wang laughed loudly: "Reporter Liu thought it was Daying Airport? No, Daying Airport is no longer able to bear it. It was just a piece of land used by the China Southern Airlines troops in the early days of the founding of the province for temporary emergency use. Now it is in The core area of ​​Haicheng severely restricts the development of Haicheng. I am talking about the new international airport, and the new airport is in Meilan."

Director Wang picked up a billiard stick from the corner, pointed it on the sand table, and patiently explained to Liu Ligan where Longkun South Road was, where Yingbin Avenue was, and where the future Meilan Airport was. Where.

Liu Ligan vaguely felt that his judgment was correct. Mr. Xie's factory should be in the area crossed by Director Wang's billiard stick.

"After Longkun South Road is completed, it will become the main road in Haicheng." Director Wang and Liu Ligan said.

Liu Ligan asked Director Wang: "There is an old shooting range of the Armed Police Force over there at Hongcheng Lake. Does Director Wang know about it?"

"I know."

"Oh, Director Wang, let me ask a personal question. I have a friend who built a factory there..."

"I see, is it a factory run by a Hunanese? We passed by it during our inspection and even went in to rest for a while."

"Yes, I would like to ask if his area will be expropriated for the construction of Longkunnan Road? He is planning to start construction this year. If it is expropriated, it will be tragic."

"No, let him rest assured. The construction land on Longkun South Road was expropriated last year. The old shooting range is not within the expropriation scope. Longkun South Road happens to pass in front of the shooting range. After it is built, it will only be given to him. Convenient entry and exit.”

"You mean, Longkun South Road happens to pass in front of him?"

"Yes, the green areas on both sides of the road just touch the edge of the old shooting range."

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