The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 187 Be optimistic about that land

After leaving the Urban Construction Bureau, Liu Ligan rode his bicycle, thinking as he rode, it seemed that the risk of Mr. Xie's factory being expropriated was gone, so he could rest assured.

Liu Ligan himself also laughed. What should you worry about? It's none of your business. Even if you are requisitioned, you don't need to worry about it. If you take a few bottles of wine from someone else, will it matter to you?

After scolding, Liu Ligan carefully recalled Director Wang's words, but he vaguely felt that his trip to the Urban Construction Bureau today seemed to be worth it. Director Wang not only relieved his worries, Liu Ligan felt, He also told himself a piece of good news, but Liu Li couldn't figure out what was so good about it.

Liu Ligan saw the gate of a unit on the roadside. The gate was shady, so he simply stopped the car and sat on the steps at the door for a while.

The security guard at the door came out and wanted to drive Liu Ligan away. Liu Ligan turned to look at him and took out his press card from his pocket and shook it. The security guard stepped back, not knowing that he was being slapped in Liu Ligan's face. The dark green color was frightened away by the press card in his hand.

Although there were reporters everywhere in Haicheng at that time and reporters were not valuable, they didn't even enter your door. They just sat at the gate, so there was no need to embarrass them.

Liu Ligan looked at the traffic and pedestrians coming and going on the street, and at the Hainanese women wearing hats woven with coconut leaves and carrying burdens. He gradually came to understand, got up, and went to find a public phone nearby. , called Mr. Xie and asked where he was.

Mr. Xie said he was in the company.

"I have something to tell you." Liu Ligan said to Mr. Xie.

"Okay, come here, I'll wait for you."

Liu Ligan rode his bicycle to Mr. Xie's entertainment city. He walked through the lobby on the first floor of the entertainment city, opened a small door, and went to the back. Mr. Xie's office was in a row of two-story buildings behind the entertainment city. In the house, upstairs is the dormitory for him and several management staff, and downstairs are two offices and a canteen. Mr. Xie's office is the innermost one.

When Mr. Xie saw Liu Ligan coming in, he quickly stood up and said cheerfully to Liu Ligan, "Xiao Liu, you have a good idea. Xiao Xiang told me that there has been action there today."

Liu Ligan smiled and said, yes, I have been there. On the way back, I discovered something, found some connections, and went to the Urban Construction Bureau.

"Why are you going to the Urban Construction Bureau? You don't build houses." Mr. Xie asked strangely.

Liu Ligan told Mr. Xie exactly what happened when he went to the Urban Construction Bureau and met with Director Wang. Mr. Xie was shocked and shouted:

"Longkun South Road is going to be built, how come I didn't know? Darling, it's true. If it passes by my factory, my house will be built in vain, and it will be a big fucking loss."

It’s no wonder that Mr. Xie was so surprised. This was an era before even the name mobile phone was born. The mobile phones in the hands of rich people could be worth several houses. They were also called Big Brother or Brick Phones. Not to mention the rapid spread of the Internet later.

Apart from newspapers and television, the channels for people to obtain information are hearsay. Government departments do not advocate the disclosure of government affairs. Instead, they believe that you, a common citizen, do not need to know about government affairs. To understand some internal situations, you must be like Liu Ligan used his connections to find out.

Not only Mr. Xie, but most people in Haicheng didn't know that a road called Longkun South Road was about to be constructed.

"Thank you, Xiao Liu, for being so thoughtful and asking for help for me. With this news from you, I feel relieved." Mr. Xie said happily, feeling as if he was surviving a disaster.

"I'm thinking about another thing, Mr. Xie, if you rent all the shooting range, will the army still agree?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Of course, my fellow countryman has been asking me for help, asking me if I can rent it all. The price is negotiable. Why do I need so much land? I don't even need any money. Even if I raise chickens there, I still have to spend money. Find someone to take care of the money." Mr. Xie said with a smile, "I have already fallen into the pit once, and I will fall into the pit a second time."

"If Mr. Xie can collect all the rent from his current factory, will he make any money?" Liu Ligan asked.

Mr. Xie thought for a moment and said to Liu Ligan:

"Of course there will be money to be made. It saves a lot of effort to rent out a warehouse, and you don't have to arrange several people. The water and electricity bills will be borne by the person who rents the warehouse. Apart from that, there are no other expenses. I even looked at the warehouse. Personal wages can be shared among the tenants, but now all the tenants have run away and cannot be found, so I am the only one to bear the responsibility."

Liu Ligan nodded and said, "Then I think Mr. Xie should rent out the remaining two-thirds of the shooting range, and also sign a twenty-year lease."

Mr. Xie was startled and couldn't help but look at Liu Ligan. Seeing that he didn't look like he was joking, Mr. Xie wondered: "What do you mean? I can't even use the house now, and I have to find one for myself." Carrying a burden?"

"This is not a baggage, it is a gold ingot. When you rent it, you will find a gold ingot." Liu Ligan said seriously.

Mr. Xie looked at Liu Ligan, puzzled. He felt that this guy had a very good brain. Why was he so confused when he spoke today? Mr. Xie shook his head. He said no, he couldn't do this.

"Absolutely capable!" Liu Ligan's eyes were shining, and he said to Mr. Xie: "The construction of Longkun South Road has started, and it will only be completed in one or two years at most. Director Wang told me that from now on, Longkun South Road will be Haicheng "The main road, think about it, will the houses on both sides of the main road be affected by the rising tide?"

"Who's going to rent it?"

"Many people will rent. Your current factory can only be used as a warehouse because it is in a remote location and there is no flow of people. Once Longkun South Road is opened and the flow of people and vehicles comes, your factory can not only be used as a warehouse, but also open What can't be done in hotels, entertainment cities, and shopping malls? Even if you do the same as a warehouse, the rent will be twice as expensive as what you are now, right?"

Mr. Xie was doubtful: "Is it true?"

Liu Ligan thought of his chat with Zhang Chen one night not long after he came to Haicheng. He said:

"Of course it's true. I remember someone told me that the quality of the economy is related to uphill and downhill. It won't always be downhill, nor will it always be uphill. Haicheng's current situation The economy has reached the bottom of its slope. Once it starts to go up and Longkun South Road opens again, the rent in this place will definitely increase exponentially."

Mr. Xie laughed loudly: "When that time comes, I will rent it again."

"Can you still rent it at that time? Even if you can rent it, the rent will be different, right? Everyone has seen that there is money to be made, so why not grab the head? This matter is now a business opportunity. The so-called business opportunity is an opportunity. Don’t lose it, once you lose it, it will be too late to regret.”

What Liu Ligan said, even a primary school student now knows that as long as it is related to land and houses, if you make a time difference, you will make money. At that time, not many people really cared about it. No one cared about houses and land, let alone No one is familiar with the one word that combines the two: “real estate.”

At this time, it was still half a year before the first wave of Hainan's real estate boom started, and two years before the Hainan real estate bubble burst, which shocked the whole country.

In Yongcheng, ICBC offers savings with prizes. The special prize is a house or 10,000 yuan. Those who are lucky enough to win the special prize will choose 10,000 yuan without even thinking about it. No one will want a house. The house has Why do you need a set if you live there?

Those who don’t have a house, as long as they have a unit and wait, sooner or later the unit will build a house, and they will always be allocated. And if you get 10,000 yuan, it will be a 10,000-yuan household. Even if you wait for 10,000 years, no one will for you.

Mr. Xie thought about it carefully and felt that what Liu Ligan said made sense. After all, he was born in a shopping mall. He also had personal experience with business opportunities. Even when selling cloth, he sold it when others did not dare to sell it. Others only dare to come here to wholesale one or two horses. When there is a small fight, I dare to go across provinces and go to Zhejiang to purchase goods by the truckload.

Liu Yun’s boss told Mr. Xie that this guy had business intuition. He was the one who came up with the idea of ​​their golf driving range. A man who didn’t even know how to play golf actually came up with the idea of ​​a golf driving range. The idea actually made money, which is amazing in itself.

"You ask first, Mr. Xie. I'm worried about his troops. Knowing that Longkun South Road is going to be built, they won't rent this land to you." Liu Ligan and Mr. Xie said.

Mr. Xie picked up the phone on the table and called his fellow villager. The two communicated in Liuyang dialect, and it was hard to win.

Liu Ligan could only hear a general idea. Mr. Xie told the other party that he planned to raise sheep here. The other party was very excited after hearing this and encouraged him to rent other land. The two also discussed the price, and Mr. Xie used the mourning weapon. As a plan, tell the other party that the land that has been rented now is so miserable. The other party means that we will discuss it and the price will be cheaper for you.

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