The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1850 Continue the group life

At noon the next day, Xiang Nan made an appointment with Lao Tuo to have dinner together at the Tuxiangyuan Hotel upstairs in the dynamic zone.

Xiang Nan, Ding Yousong, Yin Tao, and the two girls all arrived, except Lao Tao.

"This guy can't get up, right? He drank a lot yesterday." Yin Tao remembered it and cursed: "I called early yesterday. These guys, as soon as they heard that it was free of charge, they ate as hard as they could. , we suffered a big loss.”

Ding Yousong smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, it's Mr. Zhang's treat anyway. Mr. Zhang said, let us make arrangements."

After glaring at Xiang Nan, Ding Yousong quickly said, "I'll call Lao Tuo."

He picked up the phone and dialed it. The phone beeped. At the same time, in the corridor outside, the phone rang faintly. A child's voice cursed:

"Lazy boy, lazy boy, answer the phone, answer the phone quickly."

Everyone in the box laughed. This was Lao Tuo's exclusive ringtone. The door was pushed open immediately, and Lao Tuo shouted: "It's coming, it's coming."

Lao Tuo sat down between Xiang Nan and Yin Tao. Yin Tao asked, "Are you drunk too much and can't get up?"

"What a joke, can this little wine knock me down?" Lao Mo said, "I got up early, I was collecting materials."

"The group has been quiet all morning. Are you collecting some ghost material?" Yin Tao asked.

"There is no war on the Western Front, but that does not mean there is no war on the Eastern Front."

The old man smiled slyly and said to Xiang Nan, "I have completely penetrated them. I used the photos of several actresses I met in Hengdian on my mobile phone and several pornographic videos to obtain the information." gained their trust.”

"How do you say it?" Xiang Nan asked.

"Yin Tao is right, the 'Qi Pa Control' group has been quiet in the morning, but do you know where they went? That place is very lively." Lao Tuo said.

"Tell me, where are you going?" Yin Tao asked.

“It turns out that the men in this group also have a WeChat group called ‘Men’s Gang’, and they are all there.” Lao Tuo said.

Besides the Momo group, is there a WeChat group? Both Xiang Nan and Yin Tao felt strange, and Xiang Nan also felt that it was really rewarding. If she couldn't get through this, she and Yin Tao really wouldn't know.

"I'll show you."

As he said this, Lao Mo picked up his mobile phone and was about to open it but then put it down. He said to Xiang Nan:

"Forget it, forget it, I won't show it to you, the content inside is unsightly, those pictures and videos, I'm a fucking man, I blush just looking at them, and those words, Yin Tao, I remind you, they The game has already started..."

"Start the game? What game will start?" Yin Tao asked.

"It will be a competition to see who can pick you up first, and then I will send you...your breast photos to the 'Men's Gang', and also have a live video broadcast." Lao Mo said.

"Go to hell, you bunch of hooligans!" Yin Tao cursed angrily.

"This is the true face." Lao Mo said, "Guess who is the most active in the 'men's gang'?"

"'Curly' or 'Director'?" Xiang Nan asked.

"I guess it's me." Yin Tao said.

"He is one of them, and the other one is 'Zhe'. By the way, Yin Tao, guess who the 'cat' left with last night?" Lao Mo asked.

"Is it 'Zhe'?" Yin Tao thought for a moment and asked Lao Tuo.

Last night, they had dinner at Tuxiangyuan Hotel, and then went to "Stapler's Daddy" to sing. While singing, "Cat" didn't appear. However, when they had midnight snack, "Cat" Come on, this midnight snack is invited by Yin Tao.

"Yes, it's him." Lao Mo said, "Zhe's wife is a nurse at the Women's Health Hospital. She worked the night shift yesterday and didn't get home until around nine o'clock this morning. Zhe took the cat back Home."

"This beast!" Xiang Nan cursed.

"That's not all. Let me tell you, 'Cat' thought she was dating someone in the group, and the other people didn't know. In fact, she slept with everyone, and the 'FHM' knew about it the next day. They were competing to see who could post better pictures and whose pictures were more high-definition. When 'Cat' was asleep, 'Zhe' took pictures of every part of her body and posted them in the group. At that time, they even secretly broadcast the video live."

"What a bastard, this bastard, I must teach him a lesson!"

Yin Tao was so angry that her lungs exploded. She felt that people couldn't be so shameless. They had to do this to others for free.

Listening to Xiang Nan, she felt so angry that her hands and feet went cold. She felt unworthy of "cat" in her heart. She thought about which girl was not the treasure in the eyes of her parents, but what parent would think that her treasure was in the eyes of her parents? Outside, people are ruining me like this.

Xiang Nan kept shaking his head, and the two girls said, "There seem to be people like this in our group, but I don't know if they have a WeChat group like the "Men's Gang".

"It's breathtaking." Lao Tuo said.

During this meal, they didn't have a serious discussion about the script. They were just angry and denounced the scandals in the group.

After finishing their meal, they went to the teahouse in the waiting area outside, asked for a private room, and sat down to continue chatting. Lao Tuo and Xiang Nan said:

"A Momo group, yes, is a small society, or a condensed society. For example, here, people have three aspects. One is that in their daily work and life, they look human-like, but When we arrived at the Momo Group, our appearance immediately changed, but when we were in the Momo Group, everyone was still pretending to be cool and a little bit polite to each other..."

"But when you get into a group like the Men's Gang, your true colors are completely exposed." Xiang Nan said, "We can take three sections like this to reveal the complexity of people."

"Even in the 'Men's Gang', there are still people who are pretending." Lao Mo said. "For example, they all think that 'Little Fatty' does not have the resources in this area, so they did not drag him in. They dragged me in. First, they felt They are familiar with me and can trust me, and they think that I am a painter, I draw a lot of human bodies, and I am very familiar with women’s bodies.”

"What about pretending?" Xiang Nan asked.

"Like 'Three Fives', he is just pretending to be in the 'Men's Gang'. In fact, he doesn't have much experience at all. It can be seen that he may also be in the group. Apart from 'Little Fatty', 'Cat' is the only one who has no I had slept with him, but he kept talking about his sexual experiences again and again in the group. Those so-called experiences, you can tell at a glance that they were based on pornography.

"He brags every day and wants to be worthy of being in this group. This is also a very strange mentality."

As Lao Tuo said, both Xiang Nan and Ding Yousong nodded.

"Why are all men like this?"

Yin Tao sighed and said that the other two girls also said that joining this kind of group makes people quickly stop believing in love and think that men are just animals.

"Don't talk nonsense, I am not." Ding Yousong shouted, "At least Zhang Xiangbei is not either, are you right, Xiangnan?"

Xiang Nan nodded, of course she felt that Zhang Xiangbei was definitely not.

"Captain Feng, I take the liberty of asking you a question, is it okay?" Lao Tuo said.

Say yes to the south.

"Do you know the password of your boyfriend's cell phone? Will he be nervous when you pick up his cell phone?" Lao Mo asked.

"No, I know his password, and he also knows my password. However, we generally don't touch each other's mobile phones, let alone checking them, which is so boring and unnecessary." Xiang Nan said, "The password is not To guard against outsiders, there is nothing else to guard against between us."

Lao Mo nodded: "I really envy you."

"This actually doesn't mean anything." A girl shouted, "Boss, I'm not talking about you and Zhang Xiangbei, you guys are very good. I'm talking about the men in our group. They will say that they want to I got home and need to clean up my personal hygiene.”

"Cleaning personal hygiene, what do you mean?" Xiang Nan asked.

"Just before going home, clear all the text messages, WeChat messages and call records on your phone to avoid accidents. If you see the parking lot, park the car, and still sit there, busy with your phone, you won't People who make phone calls are usually doing this kind of thing.”

Lao Tuo said, Xiang Nan understands.

"Yes, there is a woman in our group. She racks her brains every day and thinks about how to crack the password of her boyfriend's mobile phone. When her boyfriend is asleep, she uses his fingers to open the fingerprint lock and drink When he was drunk, or when he was talking in his sleep, I would trick him into telling him his password, and every time he successfully cracked it, the two of them would have a big fight."

Another girl said, and everyone laughed. Xiang Nan said, "What's the point of having two people like this together?"

"You are wrong, this is very likely, it is their joy in life." Lao Mo said with a smile.

"Yes, that's right, the two of them are like this. Every time they quarrel, they quarrel until they break up, but they get better after a few days, and then they quarrel again next time. The man said in the group that he and his girlfriend broke up. Everyone thought he was farting," the girl said.

"There is another person in our group. He has two mobile phones. He carries one with him and another. He puts it in the office or in the car after get off work every day. He is outside and leaves phone numbers or WeChat IDs for all the women. , it’s all the office number.” Another girl said.

"Hey, let me ask you a question." Yin Tao said, everyone looked at her.

"You think, what's the point of putting on a show like ours, just to let everyone see how bad society is and how bad men are?" Yin Tao said.

"This is all relative. If there are no bad women, there will be bad men. Don't just speak from the perspective of women." Ding Yousong was dissatisfied and retorted.

"Why do I only speak from the standpoint of us women?" Yin Tao argued.

"Then you say, if every woman is pure and pure, and a man wants to be bad, where can he go to do bad things? Just like the 'cat' mentioned earlier, if she is not so casual, how can there be any in the 'men's gang'? So many pictures and videos?”

Ding Yousong asked, Yin Tao was speechless for a moment, she sighed and said:

"Okay, even if what you said makes sense, I just want to ask, what's the point of us rehearsing such a play, just let the audience watch it, don't trust each other, is it to make everyone not believe in love?"

Yin Tao said, the two girls nodded, and Ding Yousong also fell silent.

Xiang Nan thought for a while and said:

"It still makes sense. We just have to take out these ugly things and expose them to the sun. Only when they are exposed can the criticism be untargeted. At the same time, it also reminds many people that even if they are cats, I I feel that I must also remind her that if you don’t love yourself, no one will truly love you.”

"I agree with what Captain Feng said. The darker something is, the more it needs to be exposed to the sun. Sunlight is the best disinfectant. If you don't expose these things, they will not die automatically. It will get more and more intense." Lao Tuo said, "I think this is the meaning of our play. Realism is not only about praising virtues, but also criticizing realism. It cannot be lost at any time."

Thank you for your monthly votes from Wandering Mayfly, Remembering the Original Intention Without Seeing a Future, Book Friends 20170415095855427, Tao Sheng 123, Earthling Wizard, Xi Xi Zi, Yuan Xi, Xiao Sheng Nian Fang 48! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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