The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1851 We have an appointment tomorrow night

While they were still eating and drinking tea, Yin Tao's phone kept ringing "ding, ding", and group messages came in one after another. The old lady smiled and said:

"Is he already attacking you? Who would be willing to let go of Bai Fumei who is on your lips?"

"These scum, I hope they die, and I can tear them all into pieces." Yin Tao curled her lips and said angrily.

While she was talking, she took out her mobile phone and looked at it. Sure enough, it was the men in the group who were chatting with her privately. They had different faces and postures. Some of them were like "I" offering a rose in a disgusting manner. There are people like "Curly" and "Director" who directly say hello, "Hi, beauty", and there are also people like "Zhe" who pretend to be a warm-hearted man and come to say hello:

"Taozi, did you drink too much last night? Are you okay now?"

"Fuck you, did you hide the message in the bathroom behind your wife's back?" Yin Tao cursed, and everyone else laughed.

Yin Tao turned off the "group message reminder" with a little hand, and the world became quiet.

In the afternoon, they roughly set up the framework of the entire play. Next, to make the play flesh and blood, more hard goods are needed. Xiang Nan and Yin Tao said:

"You go ahead and see how they continue."

Yin Tao said yes.

That afternoon, a group of them said goodbye to Lao Tao and went back to Yongcheng. The news about those people also followed Yin Tao like a shadow. While they were flirting with Yin Tao here, they were discussing it in the "men's gang". Yin Tao and the screenshots of the old mop chat were sent to Xiang Nan. He said to Xiang Nan:

"I can't help it. From time to time there will be pictures and videos that are inappropriate for children. Just ignore it, Captain Feng. These people probably can't live without these things every day."

Xiang Nan said okay, I understand, don't worry, I'm not a child either.

At this time, there was another scene in the "Men's Gang". They were obviously teasing Yin Tao with private chats, but in the "Men's Gang", everyone pretended not to be with Yin Tao. Contact, and even showed a disdain to contact Yin Tao.

Yin Tao and Xiang Nan knew that they were secretly competing with each other. In this way, they were trying to persuade other people to leave, while also leaving a way out and face for themselves in case they didn't get the chance.

Yin Tao thought for a while and said to Xiangnan, "I'll give them a shock bomb."

She posted in the "Qi Pa Control" group: "Hey, you idiots, stop chatting with me privately. If anyone chats privately again, I will publish the name and conversation and tell you that I won't read any of you guys." Not on."

After sending it out, the group was quiet at first, and then the girls "Little Fairy", "Xixi" and "Yesterday Breeze" became active, asking Yin Tao who he was, and they told you What's up? Send the conversation quickly.

"These idiots all think they are more beautiful than Takeshi Kaneshiro and more talented than Wang Xiaobo and Tao Zi. Show them how powerful they are and deserve to be so angry!" "Little Goblin" fanned the flames.

"Yes, these village boys, kill them to death, haha." "Xixi" was also saying.

All the men in the group were silent. Only "Little Fatty" was shouting, but no one paid any attention to him.

The old lady asked: "Do you have me, Taozi? If not, I will flirt with you now, with the beauty first, and everyone can tease her, otherwise the beauty will have no value in existence."

"Humph, okay, come on." "Peach" sneered.

"Xixi" @Lao Tuo: "I know, I think you would be such a failure without you."

Lao Mo @"Xixi": "What are you talking about? If I didn't flirt with you or Taozi, you should feel like a failure. I am a painter, and my aesthetic requirements are still very high."

"Xixi": "..."

Yin Tao also hit: "..."

The "little goblin" made a smiley face.

Xiang Nan looked at him and laughed, and said, "They are probably worried that you will spread his name."

"Did you see that the word 'Yao Yao' didn't ring out? She must be very nervous too. She's just afraid that Sister Yin Tao, the name you pronounce is 'me', how can she still get along?" said a girl next to her.

Ding You let go of the car and sat in the passenger seat to the south. He kept in touch with Lao Tuo to understand the situation of the group on both sides. Lao Tuo said to her:

"It's strange. There is also silence in the 'men's gang'."

Xiang Nan smiled and said: "It's not surprising, they are all beating in their hearts now. They don't know how to deal with Yin Tao, Bai Fumei who has a bit of a bad temper."

"The offensive strategy will be changed next." Lao Mo said with a smile.

Yin Tao put her phone away, breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I can finally have some peace and quiet for a while."

"Boss, I suppressed my psychological reaction and sacrificed my pure heart for the sake of the group. By the way, did I also block the gun for you?"

Yin Tao and Xiang Nan said, Xiang Nan smiled and said: "Okay, don't flaunt yourself, don't you just want rewards? I understand, if this drama is produced, I will give you the first credit."

Yin Tao chuckled.

Ding Yousong raised his head and looked at Yin Tao in the rearview mirror, and said calmly: "How do I feel? You are always enjoying it."

"Get out!" Yin Tao cursed.

The next afternoon, Yin Tao was practicing in the rehearsal hall. Her cell phone rang. The young practitioner sitting there resting heard it and called out: "Sister Yin Tao, phone."

Yin Tao walked over. The mobile phone in her bag was still ringing. She took it out and looked at it. It was an unfamiliar number. Yin Tao picked it up and asked:


"I'm 'Zhe', Taozi."

The voice of "Zhe" came from the phone, and Yin Tao understood almost immediately that this was what Lao Mo said and changed her offensive strategy. The reason why "Zhe" called her instead of chatting with her privately was because she was afraid of In case she sends the chat history to the group.

Yin Tao walked out with the phone and said, "Oh, it's you, hello."

"Not bad." "Zhe" smiled, although the smile was a bit dry: "What are you doing now?"

"Going to work, what else can I do?" Yin Tao said.

"You still have to work on Sunday? Your boss is too cruel." "Zhe" said.

"In our kind of work, there is no such thing as rest. I also want to..."

Yin Tao almost said, "I want to practice on my own," but as she spoke, she suddenly remembered that her unit in the group was not an actor in the Yongcheng Wu Opera Troupe, but a real estate company in "Splendid China". Yin Tao quickly said:

"In our kind of work, everything is project-based, as you know."

"I know, I know, by the way, your unit, I remember it is on Daxue Road, right? I happen to be passing by here, can I come and sit in your office for a while?" "Zhe" asked.

Yin Tao was startled and said quickly: "No, no, I'm not at work, I'm outside... I'm on a business trip in Yongcheng, we have a project here..."

Yin Tao thought about it and smiled slightly: "By the way, 'Zhe', if you are not afraid of far, you can come to Yongcheng to see me, and I will treat you to dinner."

"Really?" "Zhe" asked.


"Okay, how many days will you be in Yongcheng?"

"I'll be there until Friday."

"Okay, then I'll take leave tomorrow and go to Yongcheng to see you. I'll go there tomorrow morning." "Zhe" said anxiously, his voice stammering.

Yin Tao smiled to herself, she was really anxious. Yin Tao said, "There's no need to be in such a hurry, I'm very busy at noon, so if you come over tomorrow afternoon, I'll invite you to have dinner with me."

"Okay, then I'll come over tomorrow afternoon."

"Okay, I'll wait for you. Goodbye 'Zhe', no, no, it's not goodbye, but see you tomorrow afternoon." Yin Tao giggled, and after speaking to "Zhe", she hung up the phone.

Yin Tao stood there and smiled proudly. She knew that at this time, "Zhe" must be feeling ups and downs in his heart. She not only invited him to Yongcheng, but also invited him to dinner. After dinner, this The long night is too time for imagination.

The Bai Fumei in front of me seems to have reached her mouth.

Yin Tao laughed softly.

She looked up and saw that at the end of the corridor, the door of Xiang Nan's office was open. The light from the door spilled into the corridor outside. Yin Tao walked towards Xiang Nan's office. When she walked to the door, she saw that Xiang Nan was there, and Ding Yousong was there. Here, he is discussing with Xiang Nan how to incorporate pop music into this play.

Yin Tao walked in and told Xiang Nan what happened. Xiang Nan looked up at her and asked, "What do you want to do?"

"Didn't you say you want to continue the play? Let's see how the play ends and what this bastard's expression looks like after it's over." Yin Tao said.

Xiang Nan also became interested and asked, "What are you going to do?"

"When he comes, of course I will treat him to dinner. While we were eating, a man came over and I introduced him, 'This is my boyfriend'..."

Yin Tao said, and Xiang Nan couldn't help laughing: "Why does this scene look so like a scene in a TV series? Yin Tao, you are really bad. Did you do this on purpose?"

"Yes, they can play tricks on the cat, but I can't play tricks on them? Don't worry about this," Yin Tao said.

Xiang Nan waved his hands and said, "Okay, I don't care, but where is your boyfriend?"

"I can sacrifice my appearance and pretend to be your boyfriend." Ding Yousong and Yin Tao said.

"Go away, you little four-eyed guy, how can you do it?" Yin Tao said, "I've thought about it, let Xiao Han play my boyfriend."

Xiao Han is an actor in their troupe. He is over 1.80 meters tall, about the same height as Zhang Xiangbei. He is handsome and handsome, but he can't speak, and he looks a bit girly when he does.

"Then let Xiao Han sit there, just smile and don't talk." Xiang Nan said.

"It's okay, it's okay. You haven't seen that today's celebrities are all sissies. It's normal for this Bai Fumei to have a sissy boyfriend." Ding Yousong said.

Thank you to Quadratic VC, third from top to bottom for the reward! Thank you Pi Wusun, I still don’t understand, Hydrogen Oxide Disinfection Knowledge Bureau, Very Ke Changfei, I just love Xiaoshu, Fantasy in the Wind, ZL59, zpengyong1, stuck, my heart is falling for you, hgxhgxhgx, Luo Dashu’s monthly ticket! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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