The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1849 Call Zhang Xiangbei

Xiang Nan and Yin Tao taught Lao Tuo in this way. Lao Tuo also applied to join the "Qi Pa Control" and sang a song for forty-five seconds indistinctly. This time, no one made it difficult for him, and he didn't ask for much. Quite a few, it lasted exactly thirty seconds, and it seemed that women really liked to embarrass women.

The next step was the torture session, and Lao Mo was already prepared in his mind. By this time, he was typing just like he was writing lines. He was spouting lotus flowers, making witty remarks, and even swearing without a single curse word, which made everyone in the group unable to resist. , secretly thinking that the person who came today is another powerful character.

Lao Tuo successfully joined the "Qi Pa Control" as a painter, and his online name was "Lao Tuo".

This weekend, there will be another group gathering. It's so good that it will be held in a large box at the Banmutian Hotel. The time is 6:30 in the evening.

Xiangnan asked the two girls to choose a group gathering in Hangzhou this time. In this way, on Friday afternoon, Xiangnan called Ding Yousong, took Yin Tao and the other two girls, and set off to Hangzhou together. city.

Xiang Nan made an appointment with Lao Tuo, and they all had lunch together the next day. Yin Tao and the two girls told Lao Tuo all the materials they had collected, so that Lao Tuo would have a clear idea. Play and build a basic framework.

They arrived in Hangzhou before five o'clock. It was still early for the party. Yin Tao took the two girls to hang out in the center of Hangzhou. Xiangnan took Ding Yousong to Zhang Chen's office and reported there. Let’s take a look at the recent work of Yongcheng Wu Troupe.

When they sat down at six o'clock, Zhang Chen looked at his watch and told them to go downstairs for dinner. I want a private room.

Xiang Nan quickly said not to go downstairs.

Zhang Chen was surprised and asked why?

Xiang Nan then told Zhang Chen that they wanted to write a new play about the Momo group. They were currently collecting materials. Yin Tao and Lao dragged them to a gathering below. She was afraid of running into them when she went down.

"Just pretend not to know you when I meet you. Yin Tao and Lao Tuo don't have any wit?" Zhang Chen said.

"It's not that I'm afraid of meeting them, but I'm afraid of meeting people in their group." Xiang Nan chuckled.

Xiang Nan then told Zhang Chen that she had already joined this group and experienced life in it, but now she has withdrawn. Zhang Chen understood and said:

"Then let's go to Tuxiang Garden in Xiasha, okay?"

Xiang Nan quickly said yes.

"I'll call your mother and ask her to go there by herself." Zhang Chen said, and Xiang Nan quickly said no.

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "Why, today is the weekend, and you are willing to leave her to eat alone?"

Xiang Nan sighed: "Okay, count her in."

Zhang Chen called Tan Shuzhen and told her, Tan Shuzhen, I will treat you to dinner at the Tuxiang Garden in Xiasha.

"Zhang Chen, do you really want to invite me to dinner, or are you pretending?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

Zhang Chen said of course it was true.

"If you really want to invite me, you can't invite me downstairs. Do you have to go as far as Xisha? You can wash your feet after dinner downstairs."

"It's so verbose. I'm so picky about inviting you to dinner. Just say whether you want to go or not." Zhang Chen said.

"Not going."

"Okay, then the three of us will go by ourselves."

"You? Three? Who else? Liu Yun and Xiaofang are back? Didn't they just go to the United States the day before yesterday?"

Zhang Chen ignored her, but did not hang up the phone. Instead, he told Xiang Nan and Ding Yousong: "Xiang Nan, if your mother doesn't come, let's go."

When Tan Shuzhen heard this, she quickly shouted: "Come, come, who said I won't come? Hey, hey, Zhang Chen, what's the box number?"

Zhang Chen and Xiang Nan said "Let's go" again and hung up the phone.

Ding Yousong pointed to the phone in Zhang Chen's hand and said to him: "Mr. Zhang, Mr. Tan was on the phone just now. It seemed that she was coming too."

Zhang Chen and Xiang Nan laughed, and Zhang Chen said: "Don't worry, maybe she will have arrived before we arrive."

"But I didn't tell her which box." Ding Yousong said.

"Idiot, when we get to the door, the receptionist doesn't recognize her, so he won't tell her?" Xiang Nan said. Ding Yousong understood and smiled.

Yin Tao broke up with the two girls in the center of Hangzhou. They went to their group party. Yin Tao arrived at the "dynamic zone" and continued shopping in the market below. She deliberately stayed until 6:40 before going upstairs. She When we arrived at the "Nanping Evening Bell" box of Tuxiangyuan Hotel, there was a large table for eighteen people, and everyone was already there.

Yin Tao saw that Lao Tuo had also arrived and was having a lively chat with everyone. It was obvious that he had already melted into it.

The waiter pushed the door open. As soon as Yin Tao appeared at the door, everyone inside stopped chatting and looked at her. Yin Tao said calmly:

"I'm Tao Zi."

Several men stood up almost at the same time and said "hello" to her. Yin Tao smiled slightly, nodded casually, without looking at anyone in particular, said "hello" and walked over.

"Come on, beauty, sit here." Lao Tuo called to Yin Tao.

Yin Tao looked at him, but did not go over. Instead, she walked towards the two women and asked, "Can I sit here?"

"Okay, okay, I just want to fight with you." A round-faced woman said, "What the hell, you brought me to my door yourself."

Yin Tao giggled: "You are the 'little goblin', right? Hello, hello."

The "little fairy" was quite calm. She looked at Yin Tao and cursed: "You are indeed taller, whiter and prettier than me. No wonder these perverts' eyes went straight when they saw you."

Yin Tao said thank you.

Entering the stage of getting to know each other, Yin Tao matched the names of the people one by one. Including her, there were five women present, including "Little Fairy", "Sisi", "Yao Yao" and "Yesterday Breeze" ", because the group announcement said that it was everyone A who paid for this party, and the "cat" did not show up.

The chat was quite normal. In fact, most of the people at their table didn’t know each other’s details. Few even knew which unit the other worked in. There weren’t many common topics. Naturally, they talked about where they were working. Hotel to eat.

"I" glanced at everyone, and his eyes especially stayed on Yin Tao's face for a few seconds. He finally said to "Zhe":

"'Zhe', you should have told me earlier when you booked this place. I know the boss here very well. I can give him a discount that will break my bones."

"This hotel belongs to Ban Mu Tian. Are you familiar with Zhang Chen, the owner of Ban Mu Tian?" Yin Tao asked, "Me."

"I" said "Yeah" vaguely. Yin Tao smiled and said:

"I don't know Zhang Chen very well. We have only met a few times. However, his son and I are classmates. By the way, let me make a call."

Yin Tao picked up the phone and dialed. The call was actually dialed to Ding Yousong according to their prior agreement. Ding Yousong picked up the phone and Yin Tao said:

"Zhang Xiangbei, I'm Tao Zi, I'm having dinner at your hotel, of course it's Hangzhou, yes, it's the one upstairs in the dynamic zone. What, which private room?"

Yin Tao put down the phone and asked, "Which box are we in?"

Two or three people answered together: "Nanping Evening Bell."

Yin Tao picked up the phone: "Hey, Zhang Xiangbei, Nanping Evening Bell, what? If you give us a free bill, of course you want it. I'll beat you to death if you don't."

Putting down the phone, Yin Tao told everyone, "We'll give you a free meal."

"Great!" Everyone clapped.

Yin Tao glanced at "me" secretly. "Me" looked a little embarrassed, and his face turned blue and white. Yin Tao looked at it and felt secretly amused, and felt very satisfied.

The table is too big, so group chat is not very convenient, and the topic quickly becomes small-scale. Lao Mo, "Zhe", "Curly Hair", "Director", and "Me" are chatting about the gay bar on Nanshan Road. With their own experiences, "Little Fatty" and "Three Fives", "Stapler's Dad" and "Lonely Captain" were chatting about the job that "Little Fatty" had just found.

Yin Tao and the "Little Fairy" and the other girls had their heads crossed and chatted. The Little Fairy asked Yin Tao where she worked.

"Splendid China." Yin Tao said, "What about you?"

"She is from the underworld, from Wenlong Lane Primary School." Before "Little Fairy" could answer, "Yesterday Breeze" rushed to speak.

Yin Tao was startled, and the "little fairy" quickly said: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid. The underworld is just one of my roles. Sometimes I am a judge, sometimes a policeman, and sometimes a lawyer."

Yin Tao was surprised and asked: "Then what do you do?"

"Guess, I've done everything I told you, including the underworld." "Little Goblin" said with a smile.

"What a mess, it's the police, the underworld and lawyers, all this..." Yin Tao had an idea, "Are you an actor?"

"Almost." said the "little goblin".

"Shameless, he's just a debt collector and has nothing to do with actors." "Sisi" scolded at the side.

"Of course it does matter. We are a formal company, okay?"

"Little Fairy" replied and continued to talk to Yin Tao:

"Every day, I have to send different text messages and make phone calls to each debtor based on their different circumstances. These bastards will definitely not answer the phone, so I immediately pretend to be a police officer and say that I have received a police report and that he has been suspected of financial fraud. , let him go to the police station to take notes, pretend to be a judge, tell him when the court session will be held, and ask him to appear in court..."

"Then what if they really come?" Yin Tao asked.

"You threw yourself into a trap when you came. Didn't we look for them and couldn't find them? We waited at the police station and the court door. When they came, they were taken away by us." said the "little fairy".

"It still sounds like a gangster." Yin Tao said.

"Just a little, otherwise I won't get the money." "Little Goblin" said, "But usually timid people, I pretended to be a lawyer and sent a text message, saying that I had prepared the materials, and when I wanted to sue him, he would go there obediently. If you return the card, you will at least pay the minimum payment."

Yin Tao became interested and asked, "What if it doesn't work?"

"Then let's make a big move. The person pretending to be a gangster is the most shocking. He said he was going to school to find his child or something." "Little Goblin" said.

"It's really wicked. I'm not scolding you, I'm scolding your company." Yin Tao said.

"Yes, I think it's wicked too." "Little Goblin" nodded, "We all said privately that if our boss has a child in the future, he will definitely have no butthole."

The women all laughed, and Yin Tao asked, "You pretend to be police officers and judges, aren't you afraid of people calling the police?"

"Who will report, those who owe money? They hide here and there every day, how dare they call the police?" asked the "little goblin", and Yin Tao nodded.

"By the way, are we the only women in our group?" Yin Tao asked, "I remember there was another 'cat', why didn't she come?"

"She won't come now. You might see her later. She's just a bastard."

"Sisi" cursed disdainfully, and Yin Tao saw that "Yao Yao" blushed when "Sisi" scolded "Cha Dao Bi".

Thank you to Quadratic VC, the vast sea and the sky, and the two fishes for the reward! Thank you CYTYP, Moral Flame, Snacks, Tiezhongshang 1, Forever White x, Zero Sunny, Tian Wai Wai Wai, ZL59, Lao Chen Tang, Rain Man, Very Ke Chang Fei, Void Broken Dreams, Lao Shen Xisang Monthly pass! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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