The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1757 Idiot Wu (Thank you Huang Pipi!)

Cousin Liu Ligan and Wenwen Qianqian were chatting with Guan Hai in local dialect. Liu Ligan stood up and walked out. He walked to the door of the yard and looked towards the reservoir.

The entire reservoir is visually larger than half a football field, but Liu Ligan had read the "Ningyuan County Small Water Conservancy Project Property Rights Certificate" before and knew that the actual area of ​​the reservoir is actually larger than a football field because it is surrounded by mountains. The reason is that it looks smaller.

In summer now, reservoirs are different from rivers. Because the temperature is too high and there has been no rain in the mountains for a long time, the amount of water entering the reservoir is insufficient. However, more water evaporates due to the high temperature. Due to double flooding in the downstream, the demand for and use of irrigation is large. , now should be the dry season of the reservoir, or at least the normal water period.

But Liu Ligan saw that the water level in the Hongling Reservoir had not dropped much. The reservoir was close to the mountains surrounding the water surface. The places where water could not be flooded all year round were green. The places that were easily flooded by water were full of vegetation. It cannot grow. When the water level is low, a section of brown rock will be exposed, like a skirt for the reservoir.

Liu Ligan saw that the brown-yellow circle was only about half a meter, indicating that even in such a hot summer, the water level was only about half a meter shallower than during the wet season.

Liu Ligan watched for a while and then walked back. The mahjong players were still playing and watching. They were completely immersed in their own mahjong and turned a blind eye to Liu Ligan's entry and exit. Liu Ligan When I approached the office of the Brain Case, I heard that they were talking very lively. Even though Liu Ligan had been here for more than two years, he still couldn't fully understand the local dialect.

Liu Ligan didn't want to go in and join their chat, so he walked along the corridor at the door of the office towards the other end of the office building. When he reached the top room, Liu Ligan unexpectedly discovered that there was another person sitting in the office. , sitting at the table reading a book. Although the weather is hot and the sound of playing mahjong outside is very noisy, he sits here as if in trance and looks very cool.

Liu Ligan stood at the door and coughed. The other person raised his head and looked at him. Liu Ligan saw that the man was about forty years old. He wore a pair of deep black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose. One leg of the glasses was also covered with rubber glue. It has been a long time since the rubber tape was wrapped around it, and the tape has turned black.

Liu Ligan took out a cigarette from his pocket and asked him, "Do you smoke?"

The other party quickly waved his hand and said not to smoke.

Liu Lipole pointed to the table opposite him and asked, "Can I sit down?"

The other party said yes, yes.

Liu Ligan sat down at the desk opposite him.

"You have a nice place." Liu Ligan was speechless.

"What's good?" The other party pushed the glasses frame with his hand, looked at Liu Ligan, and asked seriously.

Liu Ligan originally just said it casually, but he didn't expect the other party to become serious. Liu Ligan had to say: "The scenery is good, and the air is also good."

The other party nodded: "This is true."

As the other party spoke, he casually took a piece of paper from the table, put it in the book as a bookmark, and then closed the book. Liu Ligan saw that what he was reading was an electrical engineering textbook.

The other party noticed that Liu Ligan was staring at his book, and he said mockingly: "I almost returned the textbooks in the university to the teacher. I have nothing to do these days. Find them out and take a look."

Liu Ligan was slightly surprised. He didn't expect that there would be a college graduate in such a small hydropower station that was about to close down.

Liu Ligan couldn't help but ask: "What do you do here?"


"Technician?" Liu Ligan was confused. Does this damn place need a full-time technician?

The other party seemed to know what Liu Ligan was thinking. He probably didn't even have anyone to chat with at ordinary times. Today, when he met someone who was willing to listen to his ramblings, he said honestly:

"When I graduated from college, I was assigned to work as a technician in the county water conservancy bureau. Anyone with skills and background would be promoted, either promoted or promoted. I, who have no skills and no background, are not treated well. , he is getting lower and lower, and he is always a small technician. When the management and office were separated, he was transferred here. In fact, hey, it is to free up the staff for others. "

The other party talked about his own affairs in a calm tone, without too much anger, but with too much helplessness.

"But, like you said, it's nice here, at least it's quiet." The other person added.

Liu Ligan smiled and said, "My surname is Liu, and my name is Liu Yang, from Pacific Ocean. What is your surname?"

"My surname is Wu, Wu Rengui." The other party said, "I heard that the town is going to sell this power station. Are you here to buy the power station?"

Liu Ligan said no, "Let's take a look. By the way, is this place worth buying?"

“I don’t know if it’s worth it, but as it is now, if the business is well run, at least it shouldn’t be a loss, and it won’t reach the stage of selling the power station.” Wu Rengui said.

"Oh, why?" Liu Ligan asked curiously.

Wu Rengui looked at the open door behind Liu Ligan. He waved to Liu Ligan and said, "Come here."

Liu Ligan stood up, walked over, and stood beside Wu Rengui. Wu Rengui waved his hand and said, don't stand here, blocking the light.

Liu Ligan moved and stood behind him. Wu Rengui took a piece of paper from the table, took out a pen from the pen holder, and wrote a series of numbers on the paper:


Liu Ligan looked at this string of numbers, puzzled. After Wu Rengui finished writing, he pushed up his glasses frame, then stared at Liu Ligan and asked, "Do you understand?"

"I don't understand, what do you mean?" Liu Ligan said.

"Hey, this is a simple math question." Wu Rengui was a little dissatisfied that Liu Ligan couldn't even understand such a simple question.

Liu Ligan smiled and said: "I know this is a simple math problem, but I don't know the meaning behind each number."

"Okay." Wu Rengui sighed and began to explain to Liu Ligan:

"The installed capacity of this power station is 2,500 kilowatts. In theory, it can generate 2,500 kilowatt-hours of electricity per hour. Of course, there will be actual losses. The losses are calculated as 35%, so the figure is 0.65 ,do you understand?"

"Understood." Liu Ligan said, and Wu Rengui continued:

"That is to say, every hour, it can actually generate 1,625 kilowatt-hours of electricity. The amount of water here is relatively abundant. During the average dry, normal and wet periods, it is possible to work ten hours a day. That's it." 10', the on-grid electricity price here in Ningyuan is 26 cents. Finally, this number comes out. This is the daily income that the power station should have."

Wu Rengui pointed at the last number 4225 with his pen and told Liu Ligan. Liu Ligan was surprised and asked:

"It's more than 4,000 per day, which means it's more than 120,000 per month. So, you shouldn't be unable to pay wages here, right?"

Wu Rengui twitched the corner of his mouth: "So I said, it won't go to the point of selling the power station."

"Then why do you say that you can't even pay wages?" Liu Ligan asked, puzzled.

Wu Rengui tapped the "10" in the string of numbers with his pen: "This cannot be guaranteed. Even the average power generation of ten hours a day cannot be guaranteed."


"Old equipment is one of the reasons, coupled with poor maintenance and brutal operation. People here have to go on duty when the machine rings. If the machine doesn't ring, if they see it, they can play mahjong on it every day. If the machine is broken, Everyone is happy, so why doesn’t the machine break down often?" Wu Rengui asked.

"Holy shit!" Liu Ligan couldn't help but cursed.

Wu Rengui grabbed the piece of paper into a ball, threw a parabola, and threw the ball into the wastebasket behind the door.

"Have you ever told Guanbei about this?" Liu Ligan asked.

"If what I say is effective and if someone listens to my words, I won't be demoted from the Water Conservancy Bureau to come here." Wu Rengui smiled bitterly, "I am here now, and I regard myself as a piece of wood."

Liu Ligan understood, shook his head, and said, "It's a pity."

"Do you want to buy here?" Wu Rengui asked again.

Liu Ligan told him honestly: "It turned out that I just wanted to take a look. After hearing what you said, I am interested in buying it."

"Really?" Wu Rengui asked.

Liu Ligan nodded: "Really."

Wu Rengui straightened up, put his hands on the table, paused for a while, raised the front of his palms, and patted the table lightly:

"Okay, then I can give you another sentence. Do you want to listen?"

Liu Ligan said yes.

"I advise you to buy it." Wu Rengui said, "After buying it, if you can continue to invest, this place can make money."

"How to make money?" Liu Ligan asked.

"The equipment here is all from the 1970s. The technology of today's hydroelectric generators has been greatly improved. I have calculated the water volume and height difference here. In this place, it is completely possible to modify a generator with an installed capacity of 15,000. A thousand-kilowatt generator is fifteen thousand kilowatts. According to the previous formula, you can do the math yourself."

Liu Ligan made a rough calculation and was startled. He looked at Wu Rengui and asked doubtfully: "So much difference? Fifteen thousand kilowatts?"

"There is a company in Shaoyang that makes hydroelectric generators. You can go there and ask, or ask their technicians to come and have a look. I think they will give you the same answer as me. This is the result of scientific calculations, not magic. .”

"You don't have to look for them, I believe what you said." Liu Ligan said, "By the way, if we modify the generator like you said, how much investment will be needed?"

"The total investment should be within 1.5 million for the installation of new generating units, renovation of the substation, and partial adjustments to the dam body," said Wu Rengui and Liu Ligan.

"RMB?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Of course it's RMB. Our domestically produced small-capacity hydroelectric generators are very good," Wu Rengui said.

"Why are you here? I was looking for you everywhere. You're gone." Wenwen stood at the door and shouted impatiently.

Liu Ligan stood up, walked to Wu Rengui, picked up the pen and paper on the table, and wrote down his mobile phone number. He said to Wu Rengui:

"When you arrive in town, just call me, or go to 'Wenwen Supermarket' or 'Qianqian Supermarket' to find me. I'll buy you a drink and we'll have a good chat."

Wu Rengui looked at the phone number in front of him, without nodding or shaking his head, and there was no expression on his face.

Liu Lizhan patted him on the shoulder and walked out. After walking out for a while, Wenwen asked: "Why did you chat with such a fool for so long?"

Liu Ligan asked: "Who said he is a fool?"

"Who in this town doesn't know that Wu Fool from the Hongling Power Station was stupid at studying and had no place to work, so he came here." Wenwen said.

Thank you Huang Pipi, Quadratic VC, Jue Xi, for the reward of two fishes at three o'clock in the middle of the night! Thank you for your monthly votes from Huang Pipi, Xiao Sheng Nian Fang 48, Nan Ke Yimeng 79, Rain Man, wxd121, Yuanxi, Look at the Landscape, Book Friends 20170624233729264, Three o'clock in the middle of the night, Wu Yuehou, Book Friends 20180906223204934! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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