The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1756 Going to Hongling

The cousin took them to the Hongling Power Plant, which is also the Hongling Reservoir. He said that the power plant was still a habit inherited from the past few years. At that time, the Hongling Power Plant was a public unit, a county collective, a subordinate unit of the County Water Conservancy Bureau, and nearby villages. It is impossible for people here to enter the Hongling Power Plant. They recruit only residents.

At that time, the workers at the Hongling Power Plant wore denim overalls and large-toe suede leather shoes. They looked like working class people at first glance, and they looked very proud when walking in the village and town.

But later on, the concept of household registration became blurred, and the Hongling Power Plant gradually declined. In addition, there was no economic benefit, and it had long since turned from the golden phoenix to a wild chicken.

The power plant's affiliation has also moved from the county water conservancy bureau to the town. It is impossible for the town to reject it. The water conservancy bureau's organizational reform has implemented the separation of management and management. The ownership of these small water conservancy projects has been devolved to the town and township level. .

The decline of Hongling Power Plant has become a problem in the town, especially for such a small hydropower plant with only one turbine and an installed capacity of only 2,500 kilowatts. It is about the same size as a pump room, but there are still sixteen The workers are all regular workers with various connections. They have no place to work, so they are forced here. Every month, the town pays them wages.

This is what Wenwen was referring to when she said it was given away for free and no one wanted it.

They came out of the village, passed the cement bridge, and drove forward along the creek on the roadside. After driving for five or six kilometers, the creek reached the end, a three-way intersection. After crossing the bridge, the creek was no longer a creek. It is a small river, and the river is divided into two streams at the three forks, one flowing to Wenwen and Qianqian's village, and the other flowing to Liu Ligan's unknown location.

They drove forward for another seven or eight minutes, and the river reached its end. In front of them was a mountain col. At the mouth of the col, a dike more than twenty meters high was built. Behind the dike was the Hongling Reservoir, and at the foot of the dike, the river At the end of the building, there is a house. This house is the computer room of Hongling Power Station. The water of the creek flows out from under this house.

The house is not big, about 200 square meters. Outside the house is a yard of 300 to 400 square meters. The yard is covered with grass, and half of the yard wall has collapsed, so the iron gate is closed or not. Just the same, it stays open all year round.

Wenwen drove the car into the yard and parked in front of the factory. The door of the factory was closed and locked. On the door was written in white paint "The computer room is an important place and entry is strictly prohibited."

My cousin cursed: "The machine is broken again."

My cousin told Liu Ligan that the Hongling Power Plant was built in 1970. At that time, the lighting in our homes and the water pumps and rice threshers in the fields all relied on electricity from here. It is a pity that the equipment of this power station is so... Over the years, it has become old and worn out. Instead, it stops for more than half of the year. Anyway, everyone no longer relies on this place for electricity.

The four people got out of the car, walked out of the yard, and walked toward the foothills on the left side of the embankment. There was a staircase more than twenty meters high that led directly to the top of the dam.

Among the four people, only my cousin climbed the steps as if they were walking on flat ground. The other three people were all out of breath while climbing. Liu Ligan said:

"It shouldn't be. It's more than 20 meters, which is only six or seven stories high. How can I be so tired after climbing a six or seven-story building?"

Wenwen looked at him with a bad smile on her face. Liu Ligan asked, "Why are you laughing?"

Wenwen shook her head and said nothing. She looked up at her cousin in front of her and continued to climb. Her cousin had already thrown them away by a long distance.

Liu Ligan said: "I can't do it anymore, I can't do it anymore, I want to sit down and take a rest."

Qianqian, who was following behind, immediately punched her in the butt. Qianqian scolded: "You crawl so damn hard at night, why can't you crawl during the day?"

Wenwen, who was walking in front, also heard it and laughed loudly. She said, "Let him sit and see if he can sit down."

"Holy shit!" Liu Ligan reached out and touched the steps. The steps were hot, so he could only insist on continuing to climb up.

From the moment we got off the bus, we were exposed to the sun all the way, which exposed the oil on the three people's faces. Even though Wenwen and Qianqian were wearing straw hats, they were of no use.

Climbing to the top of the dam, Liu Ligan couldn't help but be overjoyed when he saw a green shade in front of him. He felt cooler. There were two houses in the green shade on the top of the dam. When he walked over, he saw that the outside of the house was still there. A yard is quite large, including the large flat land connecting the top of the dam and the adjacent hillside, totaling seven or eight acres.

The house is two two-story buildings, one is the office building of Hongling Power Plant, and the other is a dormitory building. It can be imagined that this power station, which seems inconspicuous now, was indeed a big local project at the time. For a long time, the slogans "Grasp the revolution, promote production" and "Prepare for war and famine for the people" were still written on the walls of the courtyard outside, but the colors have long faded.

They walked into the yard and walked towards the office building. The entire yard was covered by lush trees, providing a blanket of shade. As they walked into the yard, they heard the sound of mahjong being played. In the shade of the tree in front of the office building, there was a mahjong table. There were four people sitting at the table, and three or four people standing at the edge watching.

Seeing them coming in, some raised their hands to their cousin to say hello. Others looked at Wenwen Qianqian, then at Liu Ligan, and shouted:

"Wenwen, did you bring your man to our reservoir for a mandarin duck bath?"

Everyone burst into laughter, and Wenwen cursed: "Believe it or not, I will tear your mouth apart."

Someone said: "Don't be afraid of tearing your lips, as long as you kiss them before tearing them."

Everyone burst into laughter again.

"Go away!" Wenwen looked at the person who said this and cursed: "If you want to kiss your wife, go ahead and kiss her with her big buck teeth. Don't accidentally bite your tongue off by her."

Everyone was enjoying themselves, and my cousin asked: "Where is the brain case?"

Someone pointed to the office building behind him and said, "Studying superior documents."

My cousin led the three people inside and walked to an open office door, probably for ventilation. There was a recliner inside the door. A man was lying on the recliner and fell asleep, with a mask covering his face. He was fanning a cattail leaf, wearing a pair of large trousers, and a vest on top. The hem of the vest was rolled up, revealing a large section of his white belly.

In the office, the ceiling fan on the ceiling kept spinning, lifting and lifting the newspapers on the desk, making a clattering sound.

The cousin stretched out his hand and patted the belly. The man shivered and angrily pulled off the fan on his face, revealing a brain. The brain was about to get angry. When he saw it was his cousin, he smiled. got up.

"Get up," my cousin said.

When the man saw Wenwen and Qianqian, he nodded to them and nodded to Liu Lipole. He sat up and stretched out a hand. His cousin took his hand and pulled him away. He stood up, kicked the deck chair made of steel pipes and canvas, and kicked it inward, creating a way in.

The cousin told Liu Ligan that the big brain was the director of the power plant. He pointed at Liu Ligan, but before he could speak, the big brain shouted: "I know, I know."

My cousin asked Wenwen Qianqian and Liu Lipole to sit on the wooden sofa, while shouting: "Pour water, pour water, climb on top of you, I'm dying of thirst."

Big Brain smiled and said: "I didn't invite you to come. You are so active and want to come to inspect the work. Who is to blame?"

He said this, but still took out a disposable plastic cup. There was no drinking water dispenser in the office. He picked up the drinking water bucket placed at the foot of the wall, held it, and poured the water into an enamel basin first, and then put the basin into The water in it was poured into cups one by one.

After returning with the water, he asked his cousin seriously: "What's the matter?"

"Bring my niece and the others here to see if the town wants to sell your place." said my cousin.

Big Brain looked at Wenwen and asked: "If you want to buy it, you can buy it. I am willing to work for you."

Wenwen said: "I don't want it. Seeing your pig head makes my head hurt."

Big Brain smiled, and his cousin said, "Boss Liu wants to come and take a look."

"Same, they are not from the same family." Big Brain said. It seems that this family is indeed well-known in and outside the town.

"Why did you guys stop working again?" asked my cousin.

"One of the shafts is broken. Parts are not available for the old machine. We have to find other factories to process it. We are waiting for the parts." Braincase said.

Liu Ligan saw a map posted on the wall that had turned yellow and was made out of blue blueprints from the early years. On it were the words "Schematic Map of Hongling Power Plant" in blue italics.

Liu Ligan stood up and walked to the map to take a look. He saw that the area of ​​​​the Hongling Power Plant included not only the Hongling Reservoir inside, but also the long strip under the dam including the machine room. Some of the mountains surrounding the reservoir are included. Liu Ligan asked:

"The mountains around the reservoir also belong to your power plant?"

Big Brain is right, "The mountains surrounding the reservoir and facing the reservoir are all ours."

"It seems that when the reservoir was built, it was assigned to your power plant. It turns out that part of it belongs to our brigade." My cousin said, and his brain was right.

"Do you have a warrant for this power plant?" Liu Ligan asked.

“The ones with land certificates and real estate certificates are those on both sides of our yard, the embankment, and the mountains. I remember only the forest rights certificate.”

"Can you show it to me?" Liu Ligan said.

"Of course you can take a look. Let me think about where these things are."

The big brain case said, walked to the desk, opened the side drawers one by one, but couldn't find any. He sat there and thought for a while, and then patted his head, as if he remembered, he removed the drawer from the drawer. Inside, he took out a bunch of keys and walked to the two locked wooden cabinets against the wall.

I opened a cabinet but still couldn't find it. I opened another cabinet and smiled happily: "I found it. I found it."

He took out a cardboard box containing leather shoes from the cabinet, put it on the coffee table, and opened the lid. Liu Ligan saw a cardboard box inside, which contained various documents.

Liu Ligan opened it and took a look. It not only contained the land certificate for the yard on the top of the dam, but the land area was indeed as he estimated, more than seven acres. It also contained the property certificates for the two houses and the factory below, as well as the property certificates for the mountains and forests surrounding the reservoir. The forest rights certificates and several forest rights certificates cover a total area of ​​more than 6,000 acres.

Liu Ligan also saw a copy of the "Ningyuan County Small Water Conservancy Project Property Rights Certificate" whose content overlapped with the previous certificates. It could be said to cover all the previous contents. The content of this certificate was very comprehensive, including mountains, forests, dams, reservoirs, The factories and office facilities are all listed on it, and its scope is consistent with the schematic diagram on the wall.

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