The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1755 The Road Back Home

Liu Ligan brought an end to his and Wenwen's and Qianqian's real estate careers in Ningyuan.

Wenwen and Qianqian have returned to their roles as supermarket owners. They go to the store every day when they are happy. When they are unhappy, they lie at home or wander around the town. However, the scope of their shopping generally does not exceed this. This street in town.

After such a long period of operation in the supermarket, the top and bottom, the source of goods and the point of distribution below have become mature people. The actual business of purchasing goods and delivering goods to the subordinates in the supermarket does not require them to take care of much, as well as the warehouse supervisor. While they are in charge, they take a look, usually by visiting the store named after them, just like going home and chatting with the sales staff.

Occasionally, they talk to customers in Yongzhou or Chenzhou on the phone. Just like this, they usually call Liu Ligan. It seems that Liu Ligan is the real boss here. Anyway, they still have to call them. Go ask Liu Ligan.

Wenwen wanted to buy a BMW X5 for Liu Ligan. Wenwen and Liu Ligan said, you are now a big shot in this town. It is not good to drive our broken Hyundai anymore. Liu Ligan laughed, What's good about it is that my current radius of movement is no more than two hundred meters around me, and I don't even need a car.

But I bought it anyway. After buying it, this BMW X5 was parked at the entrance of "Qianqian Supermarket" every day. It often traveled far away, that is, when someone got married in the town, it was borrowed through friends or friends of friends. .

Every afternoon, Liu Ligan walked out of "Qianqian Supermarket" with a teacup in his hand. He would go to the warehouse to have a look and sit in "Wenwen Supermarket". When he came back, he would go to Manager Lin's office. boast.

When Mr. Lin saw Liu Ligan coming in, he asked him, "Why did you buy your X5 if you don't drive it? Why don't you buy a bicycle like me?"

"I use it to house the house. When it is parked in front of the supermarket, it is the house house. Do you understand?" Liu Ligan said.

Mr. Lin laughed loudly: "Then you might as well get the right stone lion and place it in front of the supermarket. I haven't heard that cars can also be used to control homes."

"Of course." Liu Ligan said, "If you go to a company to talk about something, the company's house is shabby and the office is the same as your old shabby office. There is no air conditioning. But when you walk to the door, What would you do if you saw their boss's Rolls-Royce parked there at a glance? Would you shrink your head and lose your voice when you see the boss?"

Mr. Lin thought about it and scratched his head: "You are really good at it. It seems that this car can really control your house."

"Of course. My X5 is parked in front of the supermarket. When a new supplier comes, the salesperson only needs to tell him that this is our boss's car, which will save a lot of nonsense." Liu Ligan said.

Mr. Lin kept nodding, taking Liu Ligan's joke seriously. After a while, he said: "It's really fucking weird."

"What's weird?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Why do things that seem unreasonable seem to make sense when you, Boss Liu, say them?" Mr. Lin said.

Liu Ligan laughed heartily and said, "Principles are not spoken but acted out. Everything I do makes sense, but others cannot see through it. Once I say it, it becomes clear."

"Just blow it." Mr. Lin said and shook his head.

For Liu Ligan, he really didn't need a car. The reason why he didn't insist on refusing was because he understood that Wenwen and Qianqian had always felt that they had taken advantage of Liu Ligan, and Liu Ligan would not accept any of their kindness. , they would feel sorry, and Liu Ligan would be left to them.

Liu Ligan's phone rang, and it was Wenwen. Liu Ligan picked up the phone, and Wenwen shouted on the phone: "Where did you die?"

Liu Ligan said: "Mr. Lin and I are studying documents."

"Come back quickly, my cousin is here." Wenwen said.

"Okay, I'll come right away." Liu Ligan said.

Wenwen's cousin is the village director of Wenwen's village. Every time this cousin comes to town, he will definitely come to Wenwen's place. No matter what time he comes, be it nine in the morning or three in the afternoon. No matter what you order, you will definitely have a drink with Liu Ligan when you come. Wenwen goes to the supermarket below and gets a bottle of white wine, and a few bags of peanuts, dried tofu, braised chicken feet and beef jerky. The two of them can have sex. .

My cousin especially likes to drink with Liu Ligan. While the two of them are drinking, his cousin will talk to Liu Ligan about his work and things in the village. Liu Ligan will help him come up with ideas. His cousin and Wenwen Say, your uncle likes the man you are looking for. Every time after drinking with him and returning to the village, he feels that the work of the villagers is much easier.

Wenwen giggled: "Then did I find it for the whole village?"

Her cousin also teased her: "Of course, you give me a picture of him, and I will go to the village to build a temple for him and worship him with the Teletubbies."

Wenwen and Liu Ligan laughed. The joke about Teletubbies was told by Liu Ligan to his cousin. He said that there was a person who dreamed about Teletubbies at night and told him a set of numbers. This person went to buy it the next day. After winning the lottery prize, the people in the village built a temple for Teletubbies and worshiped them every day, hoping that Teletubbies would bless them and win the prize.

My cousin and Wenwen said, "The town is going to sell the Hongling Power Plant. Wenwen, why don't you go and buy it?"

Wenwen shouted: "Why do I want that broken reservoir?"

Liu Ligan was curious and asked: "What about the Hongling Power Plant? It broke the reservoir again."

Wenwen and Liu Ligan said that the Hongling Power Plant is the Hongling Reservoir. It is right behind their village. The stream next to their village flows out of the Hongling Reservoir. There is a power plant on the dam of the reservoir. A generator can't produce much electricity. For many years, the money earned every year is not enough to pay workers. The town is trying to get rid of the burden.

"If you want to support those workers, no one will want it if you give it away for free, and you still want to sell it!" Wenwen snorted.

"Is that reservoir a domestic water source protection area?" Liu Ligan asked.

My cousin said no. The water from the reservoir is mainly used for irrigation. The irrigation water for their village and the two villages below comes from that reservoir, not for drinking. The village now uses tap water, and the water comes from the tap water in the town. The water supplied by the water plant comes from the Luocun Reservoir on the edge of the town.

Liu Ligan said okay, let's go over and have a look tomorrow.

"What do you want to do?" Wenwen asked.

"If you don't want to do anything, just look around." Liu Ligan said, "Anyway, it's just idle time, so let's just go on a trip."

"Where are the tourists going? Are you crazy?" Wenwen shouted, "I swam in that broken reservoir when I was still wearing crotchless pants, and now I still want to swim?"

Liu Ligan smiled and said: "Even if you are revisiting your old place and sleepwalking, can you accompany me on the trip?"

"Okay." Wenwen said.

The cousin told them: "You are coming tomorrow. Go to the brigade headquarters first, and I will accompany you there."

Liu Ligan and Wenwen both agreed.

The next day, Wenwen drove the BMW X5 and took Qianqian and Liu Ligan to the Hongling Reservoir. Before departure, Wenwen and Qianqian moved things from the supermarket to the X5. Yes, everything from tobacco and alcohol to cakes and candies, as well as Want Want gift packages. Liu Ligan looked at it curiously and asked:

"What are you doing, going back to open a supermarket?"

Wenwen glared at him and cursed: "It's not you who wants to go back. Do you think we are willing to go back? Do you think it will be easy for us to go back to the village? When we return to the village, the adults we see are not this table, that table, this class That class is the little grandpa and the little grandpa. The children we see call us aunt or aunt, can we not express our gratitude?"

"Harmful evil spirit!"

Qianqian cursed at the side, and Liu Ligan laughed loudly and said:

"How did I know that you are so popular in the village? I thought that going back to the village would be like a Japanese soldier entering the village to steal land mines, sneaking in and coming out quietly."

"Go away." Qianqian scolded, and she and Wenwen both laughed.

It was summer. When they set out in the morning, the sun was still red instead of white, and the wind was still a little cool. Wenwen and Qianqian scolded each other, but they were still happy when they really set foot on the road back home. Yes, the two people opened the car windows and sang songs like ghosts and howls, causing even the lukewarm chickens and ducks on the roadside to fly around in fear.

In fact, I was scared away by Wenwen's rickety car.

"Can you fucking drive well?" Liu Ligan cursed.

Wenwen scolded her back: "Don't worry about me. I don't see that I have only one car on this road. I can drive however I want."

"Okay, but don't drive off the road, okay?"

"Do you think I'm stupid?" Wenwen cursed.

Liu Ligan was too lazy to pay attention to her and went to call Qianqian: "Qianqian, the scenery outside is extremely beautiful, or we can shock it."

"Go away, you are not afraid of being bitten off by me." After Qianqian finished speaking, she and Wenwen laughed wildly.

The car drove over the arch bridge entering the village. The temperature outside was getting warmer. Wenwen closed the car window and continued to drive along the creek. After driving another three or four kilometers, she saw a cement bridge and turned right. After crossing the bridge, Liu Ligan suddenly understood why the bridge was built here. Looking down, he could vaguely see a village. Looking up, it was Wenwen's village.

This bridge was built in the middle of two villages. When Liu Ligan passed by it before, he still wondered why the bridge was built in this uninhabited place instead of being built directly on the edge of the arch bridge.

Wenwen drove into the village and slowed down. The scene in the village was very different from the bustle during the Chinese New Year. It was deserted. Young people and middle-aged people all went out to work in the world. The only ones left behind were Children and the elderly.

Someone saw their car, came over, knocked on the car window and shouted to Wenwen and Qianqian. Wenwen opened the car window and shouted back to Qianqian, slowing down the car so that more people could hear it. The sound came out of the house, and Wenwen screamed Qianqian.

By the time their car arrived in front of the old temple, there were already more than a dozen people following outside the car, chattering all the way and following the car.

Such a big commotion outside had already alerted the cousin in the village committee. He walked out with a cigarette in his mouth and hands behind his back, followed by Wenwen and Qianqian's parents.

Thank you Jue Xi for the reward at around 3 o'clock in the middle of the night. Thank you Hu Hu, Reading Lao Blind, lang68, If you don’t see a future, just remember the original intention, wangdq119, ﹉I love purple﹉, and book friend 20180803025635047 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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