The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1758 The Rhythm of Making Money (Thank you for becoming the leader at three o’clock in the m

They returned to Wenwen's house for lunch. Wenwen's parents had already prepared a table of dishes and were waiting for them. At the dinner table, Liu Ligan asked his cousin how much the town was prepared to sell the Hongling Power Plant for.

"What are you doing? You don't want to buy that shabby place, do you?" Qianqian shouted.

Liu Ligan nodded and said, "Yes, I want to buy it."

The cousin said: "The negotiated price is 800,000, but there is a condition, that is, the sixteen people must also be taken away together, and there must be an agreement with the County Water Conservancy Bureau, which means that after you buy it, you must also ensure that There is no need to worry about the irrigation water downstream. The Hongling Reservoir has enough water since it was built and has never been without water."

"Go ahead and buy it. Those sixteen people are your sixteen grandfathers. It's not like you haven't seen them this morning." Wenwen said, "Are you so in need of grandfathers?"

My cousin nodded: "What Wenwen said still makes sense."

Liu Ligan remained calm, thinking to himself, even if I want Wu Rengui alone, it would be a good deal to join the fifteen people.

Of course, he couldn't do the calculations that Wu Rengui had made to him. He wanted to go to the Hongling Reservoir and wanted to buy it. He wasn't going there for the power plant. He was just going there. Wu Rengui calculated the accounts for him, and he felt more confident. In this way, after taking over the place, as long as it is managed properly, it can be guaranteed not to lose money immediately.

As for Wu Rengui telling him about the renovation of the hydraulic generator, it was an unexpected surprise and he could make a lot of money.

According to Liu Ligan's original plan, the place wanted to lose money for two years first, then break even, and then achieve long-term profitability.

Liu Ligan said: "Don't be afraid of people. People are needed there. If we really do it, sixteen people may not be enough. We still need to recruit people."

"Do we still need to recruit people? Sixteen people in a power plant are not enough. What do you want to do?" My cousin asked Liu Ligan in surprise.

Liu Ligan proposed to them what he originally wanted to do. He said:

"I want to make a farmhouse there, that is, to do tourism. Believe me, this kind of resource suitable for tourism is a scarce resource that cannot be copied. Now, the town may build another project like Hongling Reservoir. ?"

"This is impossible." My cousin said, "Not to mention the town, it is impossible for the entire county. Several large reservoirs in the county were built after learning from Dazhai. It is impossible to build them again now."

Liu Ligan nodded and said: "Yes, it can't be rebuilt. Now everyone looks at Hongling Power Plant as if it is worthless. In fact, they forget that it is a special product of a special period. Such a large reservoir and forest can be delimited with just one stroke." Come in, such a high embankment was probably made possible by everyone’s voluntary labor, right?”

"Yes." My cousin nodded, "At that time, people from several brigades in the town, old and young, went there, and it took more than two years to build it."

“It’s because of this that at that time, whether it was land, mountains or forests, or so much labor input, all without spending money, everyone thought it was worthless. In fact, its value was determined by whether it was spent or not. There, this account can also have another algorithm, that is, if you do the same project now, how much will it cost.

“If you go to acquire land and such a large area of ​​mountains and forests now, you probably won’t be able to acquire it even if you want to. Even if you have acquired it, you add in the construction costs of such high dam projects, resettlement costs, compensation costs for young crops and forests, etc. I estimate it is at least hundreds of millions of yuan.

"Don't settle historical accounts. Putting aside historical reasons, hundreds of millions of yuan is its true value, and it will become more and more expensive in the future. You say, if something worth hundreds of millions of yuan now costs 800,000 yuan, will you still think about it? Do you think it’s expensive?”

"Hey, hey, hey." My cousin said in surprise, "You are really a strange person. When you say this, it really makes sense. It seems that this is really the way to settle the account."

"It is." Liu Ligan said with a smile, "Cousin, you said earlier that it is impossible to build such a project now, but in fact, what you are thinking is that it is too expensive and we can no longer afford it."

"Haha, it's true. One is that it's expensive, and the other is that if we start such a big project now, there will be so many troubles involved. It gives me a headache just thinking about it. I just haven't thought about it. I can still calculate the consequences. Go back to the front." My cousin smiled.

When Liu Ligan said this, Wenwen and Qianqian also became excited. Wenwen patted Liu Ligan's hand and said:

"Come on, tell me, tell me about your farmhouse."

"Since it is not a water source protection area, you can raise fish, shrimp, and crabs in the reservoir, and engage in aquaculture. This aquaculture industry is different from other aquaculture. It is much more cost-effective for you to throw away the fry and crab fry than to deposit the money in the bank.

"There is a reservoir, not a river. As long as you don't catch them, they will always be in it. They can't escape. Year after year, month after month, all they grow is money. Isn't it faster than bank interest?

"They will also reproduce the next generation, that is, they are all in the reservoir, and they are all yours. The fish in Qiandao Lake can grow to more than ten or twenty pounds, and one fish costs several hundred yuan. , we are the same here and can do it.”

When Liu Ligan was talking, his cousin kept nodding and shaking his head. He sighed and said:

"No wonder you are able to make money, Boss Liu. Your method of settling accounts is just different from others."

Liu Ligan smiled and said: "I talked about aquaculture, but I didn't really engage in aquaculture. Although there is a development company in Qiandao Lake, they only release fry and catch fish but don't raise them. Why not raise them? Qiandao Lake If the lake is big enough, the fish will grow on their own, and every time they are caught, they are fish that have been growing for several years.

"Instead of being like many farmers who release them this year and catch them this year, so you have to feed them every day, we don't feed them, we don't raise them so intensively, and we let them grow naturally. In this way, we can even save money on feeds. Once you get down, you can say that you don't have to worry about them at all, and you won't be like them, who will empty out the entire reservoir and sell it out as soon as you catch them.

"Another disadvantage of intensive farming is that it will destroy the water body. Although the Hongling Reservoir is not a water source protection area, it is our own reservoir. I will not be so stupid as to make my own reservoir dirty."

Wenwen and Qianqian were confused. Wenwen asked Liu Ligan: "What on earth are you talking about? If you don't feed, catch or sell anything, then what kind of breeding industry are you engaged in?"

"That's right." Qianqian said.

"Didn't I say let them grow naturally? Do you know that fish that grow naturally are more delicious and more expensive than fish that are fed feed every day?" Liu Ligan said, "I don't Hey, just make them more valuable.”

Liu Ligan laughed as he spoke: "Of course, it's not that we don't catch or sell, but we catch and sell every day, and sell one fish for the price of three fish."

"Go away, you think fish buyers are all fools, and you still get the price of selling three fish for one?" Qianqian scolded.

"Of course, we can open a fish restaurant next to the reservoir. When the fish is on the table, can one fish still be sold for three dollars?" Liu Ligan asked.

Qianqian was stunned for a moment, then continued to say: "Go away, open a fish restaurant there, who would go there? Go to that corner just to have a meal?"

"It does happen. It's normal for people to drive for an hour just to have a meal. But it doesn't happen now. When everyone has a car, it will still happen." Liu Ligan smiled.

"Then you wait until everyone has a car before driving." Qianqian snorted.

"No need to wait." Liu Ligan said, "What if that place has food, entertainment, and accommodation, and becomes a tourist attraction? Will there be a flow of tourists? For example, in this season, if there is a swimming pool there, there will be There are motor boats, bumper boats and manned balloons. There is a greenway on the mountain nearby, which allows people to climb and jog. You can also rock climb by the water. Even if you fall, you will still fall into the water.

"That place also has accommodation. You can go there for a tryst, a date, or a concubine. You can also hold small meetings and training classes. Do you think anyone else will go?"

Wenwen and Qianqian opened their eyes wide, and Wenwen asked: "Is this your farmhouse?"

"Yes, can we do it?" Liu Ligan asked.

Wenwen and Qianqian nodded repeatedly, and their cousin stood up and said:

"Let's go to the town now. Wenwen, you arrange a place for the evening. I'll invite several leaders in the town to settle the matter today."

Wenwen said yes and everyone stood up. Wenwen's mother looked at the pile of things piled in front of the hall and asked Wenwen: "What should I do with these things?"

"Oh, you divided it up for us, we don't have time, we have to leave." Wenwen said.

Dinner was scheduled at the restaurant next door to "Qianqian Supermarket", and several bosses from the town came. Not only were they old acquaintances with Wenwen Qianqian, but they were also old acquaintances with Liu Ligan.

Hearing that Wenwen and Qianqian wanted to buy the Hongling Power Plant, the mayor looked not at Wenwen and Qianqian, but at Liu Ligan and said:

"Boss Liu, you have made contributions to our town. If this power station is handed over to other unscrupulous people, we are not at ease. If you buy it, we will definitely support you and give you the most favorable terms."

Liu Ligan knew that he was talking about erecting the eighteen-story building, bringing glory to their faces, helping to set up the market, and increasing revenue for the town government. The most important thing was to The report was very good. One building completed two of the ten major events in the town that year.

The mayor looked at the secretary, who nodded, and the matter was settled. Hongling Power Plant was sold to Wenwen and Qianqian for 750,000 yuan.

Liu Ligan and Wenwen Qianqian toasted to several people in turn. The mayor looked at Wenwen and Qianqian and said:

"You used to be the female bosses in our town. From now on, you will be the female entrepreneurs in our town. Work hard. With Boss Liu helping you, you will definitely have a future."

Wenwen and Qianqian smiled brightly and quickly said thank you!

At night, while lying on the bed, Liu Ligan told them what Wu Rengui told them about the idea of ​​transforming the hydroelectric generator, and then settled the accounts for them. Wenwen and Qianqian were shocked. Wenwen shouted:

"So, from photovoltaic power generation alone, how many millions of dollars can we make in a year?"

Liu Ligan was right.

"Let me go, this fool Wu, it turns out that he is not fool Wu, but God of Wealth Wu!" Wenwen continued to shout.

Liu Ligan couldn't help laughing. He said, "Yes, have you ever seen the image of the God of Wealth? The God of Wealth looks silly."

Wenwen and Qianqian burst into laughter.

Liu Ligan said to them: "Don't worry about this matter. Take your time. The reservoir is already ours. When to transform it is our own business. The first step is to build the farmhouse. After the farmhouse is completed, we will Then we quietly renovated the power plant.”

"Why?" Qianqian said, "Wouldn't it be easier to make money if you reform earlier?"

"Money, money, money, you are obsessed with money." Liu Lipole tapped her on the head, "Making money also requires rhythm and steps. Do you understand?"

"don't know."

"Think about it, you bought a power plant for RMB 750,000 this year and will make millions next year. What will the people in the town think? These few people in the town have no idea, what will the people in the town think? Will everyone say that there is something fishy in this transaction, and say that these people in the town have caused the loss of state-owned assets? How much pressure will they feel?

"Do you think it's a good thing that everyone is jealous of you? Have you forgotten why I asked Chen Yong to be the CEO of the real estate company instead of you, otherwise you would have such peace? Just the relatives and friends who come to you to borrow money can probably do it Is the line from the street to the end of the street?"

When Liu Ligan was talking, Wenwen kept nodding, and Qianqian also said "oh", understanding.

"Let's build a farmhouse first. People see that we are investing every day. We have to spend money here and spend money there. By the way, you are also crying about poverty outside, saying that in order to build this farmhouse, you owe a lot of debt. I understand. No?"

Both of them nodded, and Liu Ligan continued:

"This farmhouse is different from the power plant renovation. The power plant renovation cost money, but it was all spent in the dark. The farmhouse cost a small amount of money, but every penny was spent in the open, where others can see it. Here A house, a house there, a road here, a dock there, everyone can see that you are spending money.

"Then, at the beginning, you thought it was impossible for the business to be booming all of a sudden. What would happen to others at this time? It's not that they are jealous of you, but they are waiting to see your jokes. Everyone thinks that you are similar to Wu Fool, who will buy Hongling Power Plant, at this time, we can start to quietly transform the power plant.

"Anyway, everyone is used to it being a construction site. No one will care about what we do. When the power station is renovated and the farmhouse business gets better, at this time, who knows what kind of money you are making?"

Wenwen and Qianqian both laughed.

"Work hard. This is the project you can rely on in the long term. Real estate is gone once a project is sold. This project is easy to sell, and I don't know what the next project will be like. It's very stressful. This is a long-term source of income. As long as there is still need for electricity, the hydropower plant will be a huge profit, do you understand?"

Wenwen and Qianqian nodded. As Liu Ligan spoke, he suddenly felt sad. He felt that these words seemed like parting words. However, it was really possible. Who knew when he would be there again? We have to flee, we have to leave here. With such a project, even if we are not here, these two die-hards can still maintain harvests despite drought and floods.

Liu Ligan thought this, his hands tightened, and both of them moved towards him.

Thank you for the reward at 3 o'clock in the middle of the night! Thank you for your monthly votes from readers 1184447179611103232, CYTYP, Tamagotchi, Tian Wai Wai, Hu Hu, Star Travel, Lao Dibowei, Tianying 1978, and Book Friends 20180512122110518! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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