The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1698 A Night for Two (Thank you Zeng Canghai A!)

After everyone dispersed, Lao Tao cleaned up the ward, washed Meng Ping's face, and brushed his teeth. Lao Tao took out a folding bed from the cabinet behind the door, opened it, and placed it at the foot of the wall opposite the sofa. He took out the mattress and bedding from the cabinet and spread them out. He said to Zhang Chen:

"Master Zhang, why don't you take a nap?"

Zhang Chen said: "No, Master Tao, you go to bed first, I will just lean on the sofa later."

Lao Tao was a little embarrassed and said, "Then if something happens, can you call me?"

Zhang Chen said yes.

Zhang Chen asked Meng Ping: "Do you want to sleep?"

Meng Ping shook his head and said he was not sleepy yet.

Zhang Chen stood up, walked to the door, and turned off the ceiling lights in the room, leaving only the two floor lamps close to the ground on. The light in the room suddenly became dim.

Zhang Chen put the chair close to Meng Ping's bedside and turned it so that the back of the chair faced Meng Ping. He sat down, put his arms on the back of the chair, and rested his chin on his own arms. Zhang Chen and Meng Ping said:

"Let's chat casually. If you want to sleep, just close your eyes and sleep."

Meng Ping said: "I can't sleep, Zhang Chen. I always dream when I fall asleep. It's very strange. I dream about people I have never seen before. There are many, many people, and I have never seen any of them. You said , at that time, had I already gone to another world, and when I got there, should I go to investigate first?"

"Don't talk nonsense." Zhang Chen said, "In my dream, I also dreamed that I could speak English fluently. I went to the United States at that time?"

"It's possible. If you want Zhang Xiangbei, just go and have a look." Meng Ping said.

"I only think of him when the text message comes at night," Zhang Chen said.


"He is in the United States and uses my secondary card. As soon as he makes a purchase, the text message comes over."

Meng Ping chuckled: "I didn't expect you, Zhang Chen, to be so stingy."

"What's so stingy? I don't restrict his consumption. It's just that when he consumes, it's midnight here, and the text messages are dinging, which is a bit disturbing."

Zhang Chen said, "However, there is also an advantage, that is, when I see him spending money every day, I know that he is fine and safe, so I feel relieved. If there were no text messages for two nights in a row, I would be worried. You have to call."

"So you can't bear to turn your phone to silent?"

Zhang Chen nodded.

Meng Ping smiled softly and said, "When a son travels thousands of miles, the father is also worried."

After a while, Meng Ping added: "However, it is quite enviable. I hope that Little Nail will be like this one day, but unfortunately, I can't wait any longer."

"Don't talk nonsense, Xiaofang said that Iressa is a special drug. She knows many lung cancer patients who were saved by Iressa." Zhang Chen said, "By the way, Xiaofang also said, As long as your condition is under control and slowed down, she will help contact the MD Anderson Cancer Center in the United States, which is the best professional cancer hospital in the United States.

"The biggest benefit after going there is that there are some latest targeted drugs that have not yet been approved in China and can also be used in the United States. Xiaofang said that there is a targeted drug for the treatment of breast cancer, and she accidentally discovered it. , also useful for lung cancer patients.”

"Don't bother, Zhang Chen. I know that my body is completely broken. When I calm down, I can smell my body and it starts to stink." Meng Ping said, "Everyone's life journey , there are long and short, I am the short one, I accept my fate."

"What are you talking about, Meng Ping, what we are talking about now is your life, not one of your projects. If the project fails, it will be ruined. Life, as long as there is a little chance, can you not work hard? Don't you still want to see it? Growing up with small nails? You surrendered so damn quickly and gave up so quickly. Are you telling the truth?" Zhang Chen scolded.

Meng Ping stopped talking, but his heart was bleeding. He really wanted to tell Zhang Chen that it wasn't that he didn't want to, but that he couldn't. It was because this matter was beyond the scope of my ability, Meng Ping, and was out of reach.

It is impossible for those who are not truly dying and have their feet on the line of life and death to truly understand what is the desire to survive and what is despair.

Meng Ping sighed secretly.

Zhang Chen slowed down his tone and said to Meng Ping:

"The director of the MD Anderson Cancer Center is Xiaofang's senior at Yale University. They meet every time when they hold Yale annual meetings. They have a good relationship. Xiaofang will contact him today and say hello to him first. In their place, patients with appointments from all over the world have to wait in line for at least half a year, even if they are members of the royal family in the Middle East, Xiaofang will persuade him to jump in the queue for you."

"Thank you Xiaofang for me." Meng Ping said, "Zhang Chen, if I hadn't contracted this disease, we probably wouldn't know when we could see each other again. This time, I really want to thank you."

"What are you talking about? You shouldn't have left at that time. If anything happens, just face it. Let's find a solution together. There will be no obstacles that we can't overcome."

"We were just worried that we wouldn't be able to get through it. At that time, Qian Fang and the pole company were in such a situation. If you had no ability to settle these things, it would be up to you alone. That would drag you down too."

"How naive." Zhang Chen scolded, "Do you think that if you leave, I will be able to escape? Can you just ignore me and do nothing to save me? Guanzi's brain is flooded, and so are you. There is also Lao Tan in his company. , Tan Shuzhen, Lao Wan, Yao Fen, can I leave these people alone? What difference does it make if he is here or not?

"You are here, Qian Fang and the others are angry, but you don't know them yet? If they sell iron, they will help you get out, right?

"I think even those people in Shaoxing panicked and desperately wanted to find you because, firstly, Lao Ni died, and secondly, you disappeared, and all their debts were unpaid.

"If you don't leave and we all sit down and talk face to face, I think there is nothing we can't communicate with. I have dealt with them and I think they are not that difficult to deal with. At that time, even if we couldn't pay back the whole thing at once, we would pay back part of it first. , the others will continue to be owed, I think as long as we show our sincerity, they can accept it."

"Zhang Chen, you have made things simple. Think about it, money is one thing, and Lao Ni died so mysteriously, and his family didn't look for us? How can we get away with it? In that situation, Even if we have a thousand mouths, we can't explain it clearly. Moreover, everyone is angry, and no one can handle things calmly and rationally.

"The local government will also use us as scapegoats. There are many people who are making trouble. They want to appease public anger and act indiscriminately. They will definitely target us. I am from the government myself. I know very well how they deal with this kind of group. The incident is about doing whatever it takes, and it’s best if someone has to shoulder all the costs, and we are the perfect fit.”

Meng Ping smiled bitterly and continued: "Times have changed. Now that I think about it, it is really not a big deal. Compared with my illness, it is even less of a thing. But at that time, we were really panicked..."

"The main thing is to save face, right?" Zhang Chen said, "So no matter how we call you, you just refuse to answer."

Meng Ping chuckled and said, "Really, how humiliating is this? How can I face it all at once? I, Meng Ping, have never been so humiliated in my life."

"The person is gone, but the face is not lost?"

Meng Ping shook his head. He couldn't accept these words anymore.

"Would you like some water?" Zhang Chen asked, and Meng Ping nodded.

Zhang Chen stood up, picked up the cup on the bedside table, walked to the water dispenser, took a quarter cup of hot water, went to the refrigerator, took out a bottle of Nongfu Spring, opened it, poured it into the cup, and left When he came back, he took out a straw from a pack of straws on the bedside table and put it into the cup. Then he put the straw to Meng Ping's mouth. Meng Ping raised his head slightly and started sucking.

After Meng Ping finished sucking, Zhang Chen wiped his mouth with a tissue. Meng Ping's head fell down, breathing heavily, staring at the ceiling above his head. When his breath became smoother, he sighed and said:

"Oh, Zhang Chen, lying in bed, I often think of how high-spirited I was when I was young. I went to Hainan alone. I thought I was fighting all my life. In fact, I was gambling. I put myself My life is all gambled, Zhang Chen, after I die, if you write a tombstone for me, just write that the life of a gambler is buried here, haha."

"Don't say such depressing words."

"Don't be discouraged. This is a happy explanation of the funeral. Zhang Chen, when you see the pole in the future, tell him that we have been defeated many times, and we have been defeated many times. However, the battles we have fought together in this life are still the same. Defeat is glorious, I have no regrets.”

"Don't talk nonsense, tell him yourself." Zhang Chen said.

"Okay, I told him myself, I told him, this bastard, I really miss him a little bit, I went and told him myself, I'll wait, wait, there will always be a day when we meet, I'll wait ,wait……"

Meng Ping kept talking, and finally turned into a murmur. When there was no sound at all, Zhang Chen stood up and took a look, and found that Meng Ping had fallen asleep.

Zhang Chen sat there, looking at Meng Ping who was sleeping. All the things that kept flashing in his mind were the past. Zhang Chen sighed in his heart and said, yes, Meng Ping, we fought together, and we have to fight again. Keep fighting, but I didn't expect that you would be a deserter now.

"Ouch..." Meng Ping screamed. Zhang Chen quickly stood up and looked closer. Meng Ping's eyes were still closed. Zhang Chen called softly: "Meng Ping, Meng Ping."

Meng Ping said nothing and continued to sleep. Zhang Chen understood that this guy could pretend during the day but still felt pain in his sleep.

Lao Tao was also awakened by Meng Ping's cry. He sat up on the bed and asked, "Is Master Meng okay?" while putting on his coat.

Zhang Chen said "shush" and said softly to Lao Tao: "Fall asleep."

Zhang Chen stood up, walked over and sat down on the sofa, face to face with Lao Tao.

Lao Tao said to him: "Master Meng is actually in pain. He just can't scream. I have been working as a nurse in the hospital for so many years. I have never seen anyone who can endure pain like this. There are others like him. Oops." He would scream all night, so he had to ask the nurse to give him Demerol, and he still wanted to take it right away."

Thank you Zeng Canghai A for the tip! Thank you Zeng Canghai A, Li Ruijin, Lao Shen Xisang, Tian Wai Wai Wai, and Book Friends 20191102113546718 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you a nice weekend!

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