The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1699 An endless stream of people

At noon, Han Emperor Liu Bang, Wang Minsheng, Qu Tianlin, Lao Tang and Lin Shuwan came to Shanghai from Hangzhou together. Wang Minsheng brought a cake and a large bag of various snacks. He told Meng Ping, Brother Meng, listen. Say your daughter is here too and I made it specially for her.

Meng Ping quickly said thank you, thank you, thank you Minsheng!

Qian Fang immediately called Chen Yaqin and asked her to bring small nails. There are good things here.

Lin Shuwan didn't see Zhang Chen in the ward and asked, "Where is my brother? My brother is out? I'll call him."

Meng Ping quickly said: "Don't fight, he went back to sleep. He was here all night last night and didn't get much sleep."

Lin Shuwan said "Oh" and put the phone back into her bag.

Old Tang was scratching his head and laughing.

Lin Shuwan looked at him and asked: "Fat brother, you smile so stupidly, what's wrong?"

Old Tang said: "I called the king earlier, and he said he would come right away."

Lin Shuwan glared at Old Tang angrily, and Qu Tianlin said: "It doesn't matter if you are here, I haven't seen him in person for a long time, so I just watch it on TV."

Everyone laughed, and Meng Ping said: "Actually, we have always seen him on TV. We can't believe it. When did Zhang Chen become so eloquent? I am really happy for him."

Lin Shuwan said: "My brother is already very good at speaking, but he doesn't speak very well."

Qu Tianlin nodded and said, "Zhang Chen, if he wants to convince you of something, he always seems to be able to do it."

"What Sister Tian Lin said is true. I have experienced this before." Qian Fang said with a smile, "When he talks to you seriously with a straight face, you seem to have no choice but to accept it."

Lin Shuwan nodded like a chicken pecking rice and said: "Yes, yes, my brother is the general."

"He is Tang Monk type. If you are not convinced by him, he will keep talking until your head hurts." Meng Ping said, and the others laughed, thinking that his metaphor was very vivid.

"As my little brother, I have always been very optimistic about him." Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, said, "I recorded all the programs he broadcast on TV and passed them to my friends in Taiwan. They all said that he spoke very well. , very high level.”

"By the way, the king also said that we should go to their Tuxiang Garden for lunch at noon." Old Tang said.

"Okay, his hotel is not far from here." Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, said, "It's Urumqi Middle Road in front of the hospital. At the end is Huaihai Middle Road, and you can reach his hotel. His club is not far from here. Changshu Road.”

"Then we have arrived at my brother's territory." Lin Shuwan shouted.

"It's also our territory. Our cake shop is in Jing'an Temple and Anfu Road." Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, said.

A group of people were talking here. Chen Yaqin came over with Little Nail. Wang Minsheng gave her the cake and snacks. Little Nail’s eyes were staring at the cake and couldn’t leave. Chen Yaqin asked her to thank her uncle. Little Nail’s eyes He didn’t look up and said:

"Thank you, Uncle Cake!"

The adults burst into laughter.

"What makes you so happy?" Zhang Chen heard their laughter outside the door and walked in while laughing.

Lin Shuwan pointed to the small nail and said, "Brother, this kid has already changed his name to Min Sheng."

Little Nail didn't care about the adults' business. She had already eaten the cake. Wang Minsheng asked her if it was delicious, and Little Nail kept nodding.

Wang Minsheng said: "If it tastes good, uncle will take you to our store in the afternoon. There are many cakes there. You can see what you like to eat, okay?"

Little Nail nodded desperately.

Zhang Chen asked everyone to go to Tuxiangyuan Hotel for dinner. He asked Qian Fang and Chen Yaqin to go with Little Nail. Chen Yaqin said:

"You go, I'll be right here."

Meng Ping said: "It's rare for everyone to meet for the first time, so you can go too. There are nurses here anyway. Yaqin, when the time comes, you can toast everyone a glass of wine for me. Thank you everyone!"

Chen Yaqin said yes.

Zhang Chen asked Meng Ping if he wanted to eat anything. Meng Ping said, when I talk about your Tuxiang Garden, I want to eat too much, but it’s a pity here.

As he spoke, he pointed to his throat, and Lin Shuwan said, "Brother Meng, get well soon. When you get better, I will eat with you every day."

Old Tang shouted: "I want to have a drinking contest with you, Old Meng. It seems that we haven't decided the winner yet."

Meng Ping said with a smile: "The National Army is here, and you still dare to talk about fighting for wine. Even if you and I are tied up, you can't fight against a National Army. Only the Communist Army can deal with him."

A large group of people went to Tuxiang Garden. After a while, Xiaofang and Liu Yun also came over. Liu Yun, Lin Shuwan, Qu Tianlin, Han Emperor Liu Bang and Wang Minsheng all met for the first time. When they introduced each other, Liu Yun knew that Han The great ancestors Liu Bang and Wang Minsheng, the owners of the "Black Forest" cake shop, exclaimed in surprise:

"I often go to your store. The food in your store is so delicious. Does that Black Forest Milk Tea also belong to you?"

Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, said yes.

"Very good!"

Liu Yun said that she is very optimistic about the future development of the milk tea shop. She feels that as long as the store area and decoration are improved, it can become China's Starbucks. She is very interested in turning it into an international brand while developing domestically. , I am also going to develop abroad and strive to be listed in the United States. I wonder if there is any possibility of cooperation.

Good great ancestor Liu Bang said yes, since you are my little brother’s friend, that is, my friend Liu Bang, the great ancestor of the Han Dynasty, of course we can cooperate together.

Liu Yun said: "Then when I take out the entire plan, I can come to Brother Liu to discuss the cooperation plan in detail?"

Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, said it was okay.

Xiaofang whispered to Lin Shuwan: "Sister Shuwan, I don't care, if Sister Liu Yun poached Brother Liu, then I will stare at you to death."

Lin Shuwan looked at Xiaofang and said, "Why are you staring at me? I don't know how to make milk tea."

Xiaofang giggled: "I'm not looking for you to make milk tea, I'm looking for you to industrialize and scale your LinkedIn Foreign Language School."

Lin Shuwan said: "Okay, we are all members of my own family. You can do whatever you say. Xiaofang, I will listen to you."

"Thank you, Sister Shuwan!" Xiaofang said.

After eating, Zhang Chen asked the chef to make chicken soup for Meng Ping. They took the chicken soup back to the hospital. Wang Minsheng led Xiao Dingzi to their cake shop. Xiaofang said, I will go too. I want to drink the food made by Brother Minsheng for me. milk tea.

Min Sheng said yes.

Liu Yun shouted: "Do you still have this kind of treatment? Then I'll go too."

Three adults and a child parted ways with the others.

In the afternoon, Liu Bang, the great ancestor of the Han Dynasty, left, and Wu Zhaohui and Wei Wenfang came again. Meng Ping said strangely:

"How do you know I live here?"

"The king forced him to tell us." Wu Chaohui said. Meng Ping was stunned for a moment before he realized that what Wu Chaohui was talking about was second-rate.

Wu Zhaohui asked Meng Ping: "Old Meng, where have you been hiding for so many years? We have been looking for you for several years, but to no avail."

"Why are you wanted for me?" Meng Ping asked out of curiosity.

"Looking for you and Mr. Liu, do you really think you can just slap your butt and disappear?" Wu Zhaohui said.

After Liu Ligan and Meng Ping disappeared, Wu Zhaohui always felt that Liu Ligan came to him to borrow money that day, but he did not lend it to him. He was very sorry for Liu Ligan. After a big quarrel with Wei Wenfang about this, although he was beaten by Tan Shuzhen and Zhang Chen persuaded them to reconcile, but Wu Zhaohui still complained about Wei Wenfang.

Wei Wenfang told him that fortunately he didn't borrow it. If he borrowed it, he would harm Mr. Liu. What did he do with the money? You still don't know?

Wu Zhaohui was still dissatisfied. He said: "It's our business whether to borrow the money or not. What we do with the money is Mr. Liu's own business. Anyway, if we didn't borrow it, it's just wrong and we're sorry for Mr. Liu."

Because of this matter, Wu Chaohui always had quarrels with Wei Wenfang. Wei Wenfang was very annoyed and said, "Okay, let's get Mr. Liu and Mr. Meng back, and I can apologize to Mr. Liu, okay?"

Wu Zhaohui shouted: "If you can get them back, you don't need to apologize. I will apologize to Mr. Liu myself."

Therefore, Wei Wenfang began to search for Liu Ligan and Meng Ping.

Qian Fang heard this from the side and was very interested. She came over and asked, "Why are you wanted?"

Wu Zhaohui told Qian Fang that all his company's drivers across the country have photos of Liu Ligan and Meng Ping in their cabs, and all couriers across the country have photos of Liu Ligan and Meng Ping on their bodies. They will report to the head office immediately and will be rewarded.

When Qian Fang heard this, he praised him greatly and offered a reward for his arrest. This is really a good idea. Wei Wenfang, you are really a genius.

"We have set up a dragnet, but we still haven't found you. Lao Meng, tell me honestly, where have you been hiding in the past few years?" Wu Zhaohui asked.

Meng Ping said: "An inconspicuous little place, Ningguo."

"We have a branch in Ningguo!" Wu Zhaohui shouted, "Ningguo is such a big-ass, but they didn't even notice you. No, I'm going to deduct the general manager's bonus. This is completely inaction."

Meng Ping smiled and quickly waved his hand and said, "Well, I really can't blame them. I just act like a coward and don't go out much."

"You go out so often that I can't see you. If you don't go out, it should be easier to find you. Don't you buy things online? Is there no express delivery?" Wu Zhaohui asked.

Meng Ping said to buy it, express delivery is also available, but they all use my wife’s account number, and the express delivery is always sent to my wife’s work.

"No wonder." Wu Zhaohui said.

"How about it, Wu Chaohui, the higher the Tao, the higher the demon, right?" Meng Ping smiled proudly, "I had a premonition that you would want me, so I'll let the golden cicada escape first."

"Shit, if you dare hide again, this time I'll even post a photo of your wife to see if I can catch you." Wu Zhaohui said.

Meng Ping quickly said: "Please let me go, please let me go."

Qian Fang and Wu Zhaohui said: "But Wu Zhaohui, you haven't found the pole either."

"That's right!" Meng Ping said, "The pole doesn't have a wife."

Wu Zhaohui looked at Wei Wenfang, and Wei Wenfang quickly said: "We need to continue working hard."

Thank you to readers 1297873838407110656 and Quadratic VC for the reward! Thank you to readers 1297873838407110656, Romantic Sakura for reading frequently, and 55hong for your monthly pass! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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