The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1697 Wine in the Ward

Sun Hou and Huang Jianren are here, and with the second-rate goods, Meng Ping's ward is very lively. Chen Yaqin is watching from the side, and she is also very happy. She can see that Meng Ping is very happy today, he is really happy, not just pretending. of.

After knowing that he had this disease, although Meng Ping pretended to be very relaxed on the surface, Chen Yaqin could see that he was actually worried, and his body was getting worse day by day. Chen Yaqin looked anxious, but helpless. This was also What prompted her to call Zhang Chen was that she knew that Meng Ping would be happy when he was with them.

The knot in Meng Ping's heart also needs Zhang Chen and the others to untie it.

Not only after knowing that she had the disease, Chen Yaqin felt that it was even earlier. Something happened to Lao Ni long ago. Meng Ping and Liu Ligan were like two children who got into trouble. After escaping, Meng Ping was always in such a state. In a state of being anxious all day long, worrying about this and that.

I felt very guilty in my heart, feeling that I was sorry for this and that.

In front of Chen Yaqin, he tried his best to pretend to be the old Meng, but Chen Yaqin knew that the old Meng was gone and could not come back. Lao Meng's heart was always bitter. Chen Yaqin even suspected that the reason why Lao Meng was like this was Could getting cancer be related to his long-term inner depression?

Chen Yaqin had no better way. Apart from staying by his side silently, she felt that there was nothing she could do. She could never get into Lao Meng's heart.

Lao Meng's heart is like an isolated island, with high fences erected around it. His heart is never as easy-going as his appearance.

It wasn't until her daughter was born and grew up day by day that Lao Meng seemed to start to relax. This made Chen Yaqin feel hopeful and confident about their future, feeling that everything would be fine.

It was the first day in so many days that Chen Yaqin saw Meng Ping so happy. She felt very relieved. At the same time, she also sighed secretly. It would be great if such days could go on for a long time. Lao Meng has She has little nails and so many good friends and old colleagues.

Chen Yaqin finally saw the voice that she often heard on Lao Meng's phone before. The woman who often spoke to Lao Meng in a commanding tone. When they first met, they were briefly embarrassed and indifferent, but soon , Chen Yaqin felt her friendliness. Chen Yaqin knew that she liked Lao Meng very much, and also knew that she quickly accepted her and Xiao Nailie.

This is such a majestic woman.

There are also Sister Cao, Xu Jiaqing, Ye Yilan and that Li Yang. They are all such good people. Chen Yaqin hopes that today’s medicine will be effective, so that Lao Meng will be saved. There are so many people helping them. Lao How could Meng not be fine? Even God can't stand it, right?

All day long, Chen Yaqin prayed silently in her heart. Although she didn't know who to pray to. She didn't believe in religion or Buddhism, but she believed that somewhere in the sky, there was always a force that was stronger than everyone else. The power is strong, he will bless Lao Meng.

When it was time for dinner, Zhang Chen took Sun Hou, Huang Jianren, and Erguo out for dinner. After eating, they immediately returned to the ward. Zhang Chen asked Chen Yaqin to go back to the hotel early. Zhang Chen said, you and Qian Fang, also take Xiao Dingzi out to play. Play, Shanghai is still very lively at night.

Meng Ping said that she was right. Little Nailie had been living in that small place since she was born. She had no friends and was too timid. When she came to Shanghai, she took her to have some fun.

Chen Yaqin left, Zhang Chen and the nurse Lao Tao also said, if you have something to do, just go and do it, we are here.

Lao Tao was a little embarrassed. He said, "What if Master Meng wants to go to the toilet?"

The second guy shouted: "It's okay, it's okay, I just picked him up."

Lao Tao said: "He has to sit for a long time..."

"It doesn't matter, he was raised by force. If he doesn't pull me, I'll spank him. This is how I deal with my son." The second-rate guy said, and everyone laughed.

Lao Tao was also honest and wanted to explain: "Master Meng, it's not that he doesn't pull, but..."

Zhang Chen knew that he was trying to say that it was difficult for Meng Ping to be convenient. He quickly waved his hand and said, "I know, I know. Don't worry, Master Tao. It doesn't matter if you come back later."

The second-rate guy was right: "You've worked hard too, go out and pick up some girls."

Old Tao chuckled and walked out.

Several people gathered around Meng Ping's hospital bed, bragging from all over the world. Although Meng Ping had collected fluid during the day, at night, he began to feel a little chest tightness again. He could not sit in one position for a long time and needed to be removed after a while. His bed rocked up so he could sit up a little more, then lowered a little later so he could lie down more flat.

At around ten o'clock, Sun Hou had a sudden idea and asked Meng Ping: "Old Meng, are you hungry? Do you want to drink?"

Meng Ping said he wanted it as soon as he heard it, and I was so fucking greedy.

"Come and drink if you're so greedy. We'll get some food back." Sun Hou said.

Zhang Chen stopped him and said, "I'm afraid this is not good. Can Meng Ping drink?"

"What are you afraid of? I'm already about to die. I'm not afraid of death. Why should I be afraid of drinking?" Meng Ping said.

The second-rate guy shouted: "That's right, Lao Meng, that's right. Those who are forced to be raised will die, and we will drink to death."

Zhang Chen looked at the second-rate guy and cursed, "Didn't you die?"

"I was raised by force. When I was young, I still had this ideal, but unfortunately it didn't come true later. It's not like you don't know, instructor." The second-hand guy said, and several people laughed.

Sun Hou and Zhang Chen said: "I think what Lao Meng needs most now is nutrition. No matter what he eats, it is good to eat more, so that he can have the strength to fight the disease."

Zhang Chen thought about Sun Hou's words and it made sense. Otherwise, he would have to rely on a little soup, a little porridge and glucose every day, which would not be enough.

Erhuo and Huang Jianren ran out to buy it. Zhang Chen told Erhuo not to be seen by the nurse, otherwise Professor Cui will scold me tomorrow.

The second-rate guy said he knew. He took off his down coat from the coat rack, put it on his body, grabbed the hem of the coat with both hands, fanned the outside twice and said, "I'm hiding in here."

Sun Hou shouted: "Okay, okay, go and come back quickly."

The two men ran out.

After more than half an hour, they came back with three stir-fries, a lot of braised vegetables, two bottles of white wine, and two bottles of Wahaha Nutrition Express.

Everyone carried the table to Meng Ping's bed and helped Meng Ping sit up. The second-rate guy took his down coat and stuffed it behind Meng Ping to make Meng Ping sit more comfortably.

The second-rate guy took out a disposable cup from his vest pocket and set it up. The four of them drank white wine and asked Meng Ping to drink Nutritional Express. Meng Ping refused and cursed, "Didn't we fucking agree to drink? Let me drink this." ? To drink this, there is milk in the refrigerator.

The second-rate guy scolded back, "You're forced to raise milk. Is the milk the same as this one? This one is sour and sweet, with the taste of first love, while milk just smells like a cow."

"Talented!" Huang Jianren raised his thumb and said to the second-rate guy.

Meng Ping insisted not to do it, and Sun Hou said, OK, let him drink.

The second guy also poured half a cup for Meng Ping. Meng Ping couldn't wait to take a sip. His throat was irritated and he coughed violently. It took a while before he stopped. No one dared to let him drink anymore. The second guy put the Nutrition Express on When I got in front of him and wanted to take away the half glass of wine, Meng Ping said, "Put it down and I'll take a whiff."

Next, he took a sip of Nutritional Express and sniffed the half glass of wine, or conversely, sniffed the wine and drank Nutritional Express.

Sun Hou looked at him really greedily and said, "How about we put the wine into the infusion bottle and call the nurse to put it in for you?"

"You are forced to raise a child, this is a good idea!"

The second-rate guy said that he was really ready to get up and do it. Zhang Chen quickly stopped him and said, "Can this wine be put into your body to satisfy your cravings? Isn't it worse than watching porn movies to satisfy your cravings?"

The idiot was stunned, scratching his head, and Meng Ping said, just like this, just smelling it like this is better than nothing.

Meng Ping mainly drank Nutritional Express and ate very little food. He would occasionally chew a chopstick for a long time. He told them that eating in his throat felt like eating sand. Only then did everyone realize that his esophagus , also damaged by chemotherapy.

There was a brief silence in the room, and everyone felt a little sad. Unexpectedly, the bold Meng Ping drank like a water-drinking Meng Ping. Every time he drank, Lao Meng would find someone to share a drink with. He was beaten down.

Meng Ping felt the strangeness in the atmosphere. He said: "Come on, you eat, I watch you eat, you can also satisfy your eyes, not only your eyes, your nose can also smell it, you can also satisfy your nose."

Sun Hou shouted: "Okay, let's eat freely, Lao Meng, watch carefully, we are just going to put on a fucking show."

The idiot's eyes were red. He put down his chopsticks and cursed: "You are forced to eat, you can't eat anymore!"

Fortunately, Lao Tao came back at this time. He was shocked when he saw the appearance in the ward, and quickly locked the door, fearing that the nurse would open the door and come in during the night.

Zhang Chen and Sun Hou invited him to come and eat together, but Old Tao couldn't resist them and sat down.

After he took a sip of Nutritional Express and took a bite of the dish, Sun Hou said, "Master Tao, this is a sealing dish."

Lao Tao looked at him and didn't know what he was talking about. Sun Hou said: "After eating and drinking, you are an accomplice. You can't be a traitor and go to the doctors and nurses to complain."

Everyone laughed, and with this smile, the atmosphere in the room was restored.

Lao Tao said: "I was shocked. I didn't dare to complain. I didn't dare to complain. Whoever complains is the old bastard."

They were busy until about twelve o'clock, and the nurse knocked on the door twice. Fortunately, after Lao Tao came back, he locked the door. Sun Hou and Huang Jianren then stood up and wanted to go back to the hotel. They told Meng Ping , I still have something to do at work, and I have to fly back to Beijing early tomorrow morning.

"Lao Meng, there are a lot of things before the holiday. I will come to see you after the Spring Festival." Sun Hou said, "At that time, you have to get up for me and go out to drink with us."

Meng Ping said yes and it was settled.

After that, he added, as long as I am still alive.

"Get out!" Sun Hou scolded, "If I don't come, you can't fucking die for me."

Lao Tao said quickly: "No, no, Master Meng is much better now than he was in the morning, and he will definitely get better day by day."

Sun Hou bowed his hands to Old Tao Gong: "Thank you, thank you, thank you Master Tao for your words."

The second-rate guy also wanted to go back. Zhang Chen said, if you drink, don't drive for me.

Huang Jianren said, go to the hotel and sleep with me.

The second-rate guy said, "Shit, I want to go back and sleep with my wife. Songjiang, it's all about stepping on the accelerator."

"Don't open it for me even if you step on the accelerator." Zhang Chen scolded.

"Okay, instructor, I'll make a call." The second guy said and took out the phone.

Zhang Chen asked: "Who are you calling?"

The second-hand guy rolled his eyes at him and said: "At this time, in the middle of the night, we have more than a hundred drivers delivering goods in Shanghai. I guarantee that after making the call, the car will arrive before anyone reaches the gate."

Zhang Chen said yes, you fight.

The second cargoman called back to the base, and sure enough, there were five or six cars nearby. The second cargoman told the dispatcher to send a driver over to help me drive the car back.

Thank you for the reward of two fishes at one time and three o'clock in the middle of the night! Thank you for your monthly votes from Tianwaiwai, Hurricane 0669, Book Friends 20190109214257174, End, Hao, Moral Flame, Captain Jim, Pi Wusun, and Book Friends 20180803025635047! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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