The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1511 The night bird flies away in fright

Jessica and Xu Qiaoxin were busy until about ten o'clock in the evening. They finally sorted out all the orders. Both parties signed the contract. Jessica put the contract into a folder and then put the folder into her bag.

All work is completed for both parties.

Zhang Chen called Xiao Wu, and the four of them went to the Ergu Food Stall in Longxiang Bridge for supper. Jessica was very interested in this place, and she also went to the market with Xu Qiaoxin to buy seafood.

Jessica and Xu Qiaoxin said that their Minneapolis city is an inland city in the United States, and it is rare to eat fresh seafood. If she wants to eat seafood, she will go to New York, San Francisco or Baltimore, but there are The seafood seems not as delicious as here.

Zhang Chen and Xu Qiaoxin Xiaowu said, "Of course not. I have eaten seafood several times in New York. I think Americans are a waste of resources. They cook all the seafood. How can it be delicious?"

After finishing their late-night snack, the four of them walked to Renhe Road. At this time of night, there were not many people around the West Lake, but there were many people coming to eat seafood. When they came, the car drove to the intersection of Renhe Road near the West Lake and found a parking lot. The place.

The four of them returned to the car. Zhang Chen and Xu Qiaoxin said to Xiaowu, "You go back. It's a little way. I'll send Jessica there."

Xu Qiaoxin and Xiao Wu got in the car and left. Jessica got into Zhang Chen's car. Zhang Chen started the car and drove forward to Hubin Road. He wanted to turn from Hubin Road to Pinghai Road and send Jessica back.

The car drove to the junction of Hubin Road and Pinghai Road. Jessica patted Zhang Chen's arm to signal him not to turn right into Pinghai Road, and then made a half circle with her hand toward the West Lake on the left.

Zhang Chen understood that she wanted to go around the West Lake, and Zhang Chen agreed.

Zhang Chen drove forward, turned left at Beishan Street, passed Wanghu Tower, drove to the intersection of Beishan Street, Shihan Road and Baidi, turned left onto Baidi, crossed the broken bridge and drove forward. At the door of Pinghu Qiuyue, Jessica motioned to Zhang Chen to stop.

Zhang Chen stopped the car and the two of them got out of the car. Jessica took a deep breath. Zhang Chen thought she was going to scream next, but she didn't.

Late at night, there is no one around the West Lake. From the depths of darkness, here and there, there will be screams or shouts. It is people like them who are still wandering around the lake, waking up the silence of the West Lake and giving it to the lake. The West Lake in the middle of the night brings a bit of vitality and mystery. You can't help but wonder who these people are, just like yourself, still enjoying the wind by the West Lake.

In Hangzhou in November, the air is crisp and a bit cold, but not to the point of freezing your bones. Such a cold wind blowing on your face will actually give people a refreshing and comfortable feeling like just getting out of the bath.

The two of them walked naturally towards the back road of Gushan on the opposite side. Along the lakeside path of Beili Lake, they can go all the way to Qiu Jin's tomb. They then go back to Gushan Road and pass by Xiling Seal Society, Louwailou and Provincial Museum, walking back here will just take you around the entire Gushan.

Jessica was walking on the left side of Zhang Chen. She stretched out her hand and took Zhang Chen's arm. Zhang Chen was a little surprised, but immediately realized that he was actually looking forward to it. Zhang Chen tightened his arm and clamped her arm.

Jessica leaned over, and through the windbreaker, Zhang Chen could feel the warmth of her body. Coupled with the rich scent of European and American perfume on her body, everything had a sweet smell. Here, In the cold early winter, there is a danger and temptation brewing that people can't help but fall into.

Neither of the two people spoke. At this time, it seemed that there was no need to speak. They walked forward silently. The wind blew through a large area of ​​residual lotus in Beili Lake, making a rustling sound, as if countless people were communicating. Their heads were whispering, and even their steps seemed to be drifting a little in this rustling whisper.

Zhang Chen secretly twitched his nostrils. Jessica's breath was all-pervasive, seeming to pull them out of this late night and bring them into a gentle land. This kind of breath was pink. If it matched with her golden hair and fair skin, Together, Zhang Chen felt that this color configuration was perfect, harmonious, and pleasing to the eye.

It's a bit like Matisse's floral paper-cut paintings, which make you want to dance when you look at them.

Zhang Chen had never had such an experience, such a close contact with a person of the opposite sex from a foreign land. This experience was enough to satisfy a man's vanity, desire and reverie.

Zhang Chen thought of the beautiful silhouette when he first saw Jessica in the car, looking out the window. That silhouette reminded him of countless famous paintings. The beautiful silhouette looking out the window seemed to It is an enduring theme of male painters. At that moment, Zhang Chen felt that the silhouette was very far away, so far away that there was a hint of mystery and indifference.

But now, this silhouette is leaning against him, and he can even feel the temperature of this silhouette. It is so real that it is impossible to refuse.

Zhang Chen turned his head and looked at Jessica. Jessica smiled at him. Even in the dark, her face was so bright.

The two people walked to the corner in front, stopped naturally, and stood face to face. They looked at each other, and the hot breath they exhaled had blended together, making each other feel the warmth of the other. Jessica stood there, Looking at Zhang Chen, her eyes and her smile made Zhang Chen feel a little strange.

This is not the Jessica who is so certain about everything. There is cat-like alertness and expectation in her eyes, and she seems to be ready to fall down docilely at any time, or to step aside in fright at any time.

This is not the uneasy Jessica. Her eyes are uncertain yet certain, flashing with swaying uneasiness and expectation in the dark night.

Behind her are the dark Baoshi Mountain and the dimly lit Beishan Street. Even closer, are the sparse shadows of residual lotuses and the sparkling Beili Lake.

Gu Cheng's poem suddenly popped up in Zhang Chen's mind. When you look at me, I'm far away. When you look at the clouds, they're very close. Zhang Chen felt that when he looked at Jessica at this moment, he seemed a little far away, but when he looked at it, Beili Lake and Gemstone Mountain are behind you, but they are very close.

For a moment, Zhang Chen began to fall into a trance. He felt that all of this seemed impossible. It was very possible that it was all his imagination and an illusion. He stretched out his hands and held Jessica's face. , Jessica's face was also warm, Zhang Chen firmly believed that all this was true.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhang Chen's hand touched Jessica's smooth back, and he was suddenly shocked. He was stunned as if he had been shocked by electricity, and then he woke up.

He broke away from the position where the two people were intertwined like branches, and said softly: "Sorry!"

Jessica's hand trembled, then she understood, and her hand slipped away.

The two stood there again, looking at each other, and Zhang Chen said again, "Sorry!" Jessica shook her head.

The two people continued to move forward. At this time, it was not Jessica holding Zhang Chen's arm, but Zhang Chen holding Jessica's hand.

Zhang Chen's head was dizzy. He didn't know what was happening. He wanted to pull Jessica closer to him again, start over with chocolate, and then continue and finish it.

But when he thought about it, his heart trembled. One voice said no, no, no, and another voice asked why it couldn't be done. This voice still said no, no.

"Wow!" A sound startled both of them, but it was not coming from someone out of nowhere, but the sharp cry of a bird on the lonely mountain, followed by the rustling of leaves, and a big The bird flew over their heads and flew towards Gemstone Mountain.

Both of them laughed out loud because of their fright just now. With this smile, both of them seemed to have calmed down a bit. The page just turned over, and Jessica held Zhang Chen's hand and shook it for a while.

Next, the two of them continued to walk forward. Zhang Chen didn't care whether Jessica understood or not. He talked to her about Lin Hejing and Fanghe Pavilion, Qiu Jin, Xiling Yinshe and Wu Changshuo. , talking about Gai Jingtian and Yu Quyuan, there are too many stories to tell about this lonely mountain.

Zhang Chen kept talking. He was worried that as long as he stopped talking, the idea of ​​​​pulling Jessica closer to him and starting with chocolate would resurface, and he had to keep talking.

Jessica didn't understand anything, but she listened silently and walked silently, holding Zhang Chen's hand. She could feel the conflict of this man. After calming down, she already felt that Zhang Chen was sorry just now. That's right, she must be sorry too.

Their relationship is client-to-client, and there are certain boundaries that cannot be crossed and are not in line with professional ethics, unless they want to mess up their relationship.

Jessica listened silently, she thought this Oriental man's voice sounded very nice.

They walked back to the parking place and got in the car. Zhang Chen drove the car to Pinghai Road in front of the Marco Polo Hotel and pulled over.

Jessica got out of the car and stood beside the car without leaving. Zhang Chen got out of the car after hesitating for a while. The two hugged next to the car, but this time they did not kiss. Jessica kissed Zhang Chen's cheek, I whispered "thank you" to him, turned around and walked towards the hotel.

Zhang Chen watched her off and watched her walk up the steps to the hotel door. When the light at the door slid down from her blond hair, Zhang Chen suddenly felt that he regretted it. He had the urge to start with chocolate, but he stood There was no movement there.

He watched Jessica walk through the lobby and disappear into the elevator.

Zhang Chen got in the car, started it, and drove forward for about a hundred meters. He pulled over and stopped again. He rubbed his face with both hands, and then sat there blankly, feeling empty in his heart, but he felt , he was right to break away just now. He cannot and does not like to make some relationships complicated, such as with customers or subordinates.

Zhang Chen suddenly understood why he had been avoiding Huijuan since returning from Sanya.

The next day, when Zhang Chen woke up, Jessica, Xu Qiaoxin and Xiaowu were already on their way to Ningbo.

Damn Jessica, Zhang Chen cursed and then laughed.

Thank you for the reward at three o'clock in the middle of the night, two fishes one above and one below, baby tin soldiers, flipping through books every day, and ranking third from top to bottom! Thank you to Lao Shen Xisang, Tengyun Tianxia, ​​Purple Hei, Book Friends 20190621133102536, Formello Blue, Why Can’t I Change My Name, and Galaxy’s monthly pass! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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