The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1512 In the evening

In the evening, Xu Qiaoxin called Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen asked her, how are you doing there?

"Boss, I have to take a few days off." Xu Qiaoxin said, "This foreign trade company is still hesitating. I want to help this damn Jessica do their ideological work. If it doesn't work, I won't care. I will pry off their wall. Talk directly to their factory."

"Don't mess around." Zhang Chen said.

"I'm not messing around. I've already told Jessica and she agrees. She said that if it doesn't work, just place all the orders directly with us." Xu Qiaoxin said.

"Then there needs to be someone who is willing to take this order and be willing to produce it. Not everyone is Shentu Hongyan."

"I know, so I have to do ideological work for them." Xu Qiaoxin said, "I have figured out a truth."

"What's the reason?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Our factories alone can't do it. If more than half of the factories or foreign trade companies accept this condition that kills Jessica, then Target can be saved. The more factories and companies join, the better we will be." Safe." Xu Qiaoxin said, "Now, saving Target means saving ourselves."

Zhang Chen nodded: "Yes, Xu Qiaoxin, it is indeed such a truth, it is difficult for you to understand it."

Xu Qiaoxin giggled and said, "Is the boss allowed to take leave?"

"Of course." Zhang Chen said.

"Where is Xiao Wu?" Xu Qiaoxin asked.

"Of course he will protect you. If he leaves you and escapes, I will scold him." Zhang Chen said.


Xu Qiaoxin then shouted out of the phone: "Damn it, Xiao Wu, don't even think about it. The boss ordered you to stay with us."

"It's really troublesome." Zhang Chen laughed when he heard Xiao Wu scolding on the phone.

After putting down the phone, Zhang Chen decided to go to the Xiasha Factory. He hadn't felt the busy scene in the workshop for a long time. He even hadn't even been to the Xiasha Factory for a long time. He said that there was nothing going on in the factory, and there was Zhao Zhigang. Now, in fact, he felt guilty. None of the workers in the factory had any work to do. They were wandering around the factory area. Zhang Chen felt that he would feel a little embarrassed when he saw them.

Zhang Chen stood up and was about to go out. Tan Shuzhen walked in from the door. Zhang Chen was surprised and asked, "Why are you here?"

"If I pass by you, I will come up to try my luck to see if you are there. I want to have a meal." Tan Shuzhen said.

"Forgive me, forgive me, I don't want to eat Japanese food anymore." Zhang Chen said quickly.

"You can eat anything, as long as we eat together, I don't want to go home." Tan Shuzhen said with a gloomy expression.

Zhang Chen asked: "Tan Shuzhen, what's wrong with you? Did something happen to you?"

Tan Shuzhen shook her head. It's nothing. I just want to have dinner with you, can't I?

Zhang Chen said yes, and then thought: "Are you thinking about the pole?"

"Go away, who would miss him!" Tan Shuzhen cursed. After cursing, her eyes dimmed and she said, "However, I don't seem to be used to it without this guy hanging around in front of me all day, and I don't know. How is this guy doing now?"

Zhang Chen understood something about it, and asked, "Do you feel like you're missing a backbone?"

Tan Shuzhen sighed, nodded, sighed again, and said:

"It turned out that when I saw this guy, he looked nonchalant about everything, and I didn't feel so panicked. Now, when something happens, I feel like there is one less person to discuss it. Lao Tan is busy with projects now, and almost everyone in the company is looking at it. Not enough people.”

"Am I the one who supports you?" Zhang Chen said with a smile.

"Yes, is that okay?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

Zhang Chen picked up the car keys on the table and told Tan Shuzhen that it was okay. You can go with me to the factory first to feel the bustling production scene, and then we will go to dinner. You have nothing to do now anyway.

Tan Shuzhen said yes.

When they got to the car, Tan Shuzhen said to Zhang Chen, "Zhang Chen, I don't have any confidence in my heart right now."

"What's wrong?" Zhang Chen asked.

"The end of the year is coming soon, and our sales this year are very poor. It is estimated that we can only achieve 60% of the sales target at most." Tan Shuzhen said, "In this way, the annual report will be ugly. This has just become normal, and I am worried that if What should I do if the stock plummets again as soon as the annual report comes out?”

Zhang Chen understood that this was Tan Shuzhen's biggest worry, and it was also the reason why she felt that there was one less person to discuss with, and she was being pushed to the back. Indeed, when the new official took office, he couldn't start the fire, and even handed over a failing job. No one can bear this pressure.

"How is the overall sales situation now?" Zhang Chen asked.

"It's growing, but it's not very big." Tan Shuzhen said.

"Is it obvious?"

"Compared with September and October, November is still very obvious." Tan Shuzhen replied.

"Then it's okay." Zhang Chen said, "As long as this trend can be maintained in December, it will be fine. In such a big environment this year, you are definitely not the only one who is in a bad situation. I think you can write a letter to all shareholders when the time comes. In the letter, don’t hide anything, be sincere and tell them all the difficulties you encountered this year.

"Then tell them that the most difficult period is over now, sales have begun to grow in November and December, and the situation will definitely be better next year. Turn their attention to growth, and Instead of focusing on completing or failing to complete the sales task, as long as you give them confidence, the things you worry about will not happen.”

Tan Shuzhen said yes, I will do as you say.

As the two of them talked, Tan Shuzhen felt that her mood gradually became brighter. She said, "Zhang Chen, what should I do if I want to eat Japanese food again?"

"No cheating!" Zhang Chen shouted quickly.

Xu Qiaoxin stayed with Jessica in Ningbo for two days, and finally managed to talk through the foreign trade company, but talking through the foreign trade company was not enough. The foreign trade company, like their company, did not know how to produce its own products, so they still had to talk. factory.

Fortunately, Xu Qiaoxin was prepared when he went there. He showed the orders they signed with the factories below to show to those factories. People have a herd mentality. They felt that there were so many people from Hangzhou, Yiwu, Yongkang, and Pujiang. I'm not afraid at all. I have nothing to be afraid of. Several factories have agreed, while a few have not.

But Xu Qiaoxin looked at those products and found that Shentu Hongyan's factories could actually produce them. Jessica wanted to take back these products and ask Xu Qiaoxin to send them to Shentu Hongyan and the others for production.

Xu Qiaoxin called Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen said that for the sake of the overall situation, it was better not to offend the foreign trade company in Ningbo. Jessica, a foreigner, did not know how we Chinese people think. There are many things that others cannot do on their own. If you do it, he will be jealous again and want to tear it apart.

"What should we do?" Xu Qiaoxin asked.

Zhang Chen thought for a while and said, "We can introduce Shentu Hongyan and the others to the foreign trade company in Ningbo. They are all orders from Target. They should be able to take them."

Xu Qiaoxin agreed and called Shentu Hongyan, so the seven old ladies went to Ningbo again. The foreign trade company in Ningbo felt that this was like a pie falling from the sky, so they quickly signed the contract. Sign out with Shentu Hongyan and the others.

The matter in Ningbo is finally settled.

Then Xu Qiaoxin accompanied Jessica to Taizhou. The foreign trade company in Taizhou refused to agree to anything. Xu Qiaoxin got angry and said, "Grandma, from today on, you will not accept any orders from Target."

She frightened the other party into confusion, thinking, aren't you from a foreign trade company in Hangzhou? How could you become like a person from Target Company? But Jessica really listened to Xu Qiaoxin's words and called back to the United States to let her know. They directly removed the foreign trade company in Taizhou from their supplier list.

Xu Qiaoxin called Shentu Hongyan and asked her to help introduce factories near Yiwu that could produce these products. There really was nothing in the world that Yiwu people could not produce. Shentu Hongyan really found out about it through friends and friends of friends. These factories were found and brought to Hangzhou. Zhang Chen and Shentu Hongyan induced them and finally arranged all the orders.

Foreign trade factories are now having a hard time, with almost no orders. Banks are now carrying out layer-by-layer tasks and strongly supporting foreign trade factories. In addition, Target is a big customer. Anyone who does foreign trade doesn't want to fawn over, but usually it's hard to do so. , now that we have this opportunity, although the conditions are a bit harsh, everyone is still ready to take action.

Shentu Hongyan told them, I don’t know anything else, but if I were a Target company and someone helped me in this difficult time, I would definitely do business with him for the rest of my life.

This sentence speaks to the hearts of these factory owners. In addition, Shentu Hongyan is well-known in Yiwu. Everyone is looking at her because she has grown from more than 200 workers to eight people when making orders for Target. More than a hundred.

Looking at Zhang Chen's company, they are so strong that all these factories agreed.

Jessica and the others heard that it was done here, so they walked back from Jinjiang in Fujian. They were in Jinjiang, Quanzhou and Wenzhou. The journey was quite smooth. In this way, Jessica traveled to China for more than 20 days. Finally, there was a satisfactory result.

Back in Hangzhou, Xu Qiaoxin's first words when she saw Zhang Chen were, "Grandma, I think I can run a supermarket. From making faucets and bathtubs to flush toilets, shoes, toothpicks and razors to glasses and lighters, I All factories have gone.

Zhang Chen smiled and said, "Then let's open a supermarket?"

"No, no, no, I feel like vomiting when I hear the word supermarket. I didn't expect that opening a supermarket is so troublesome and requires so many things. I don't know how this damn Jessica managed it." Xu Qiaoxin shouted.

Zhang Chen and Xu Qiaoxin went to see Jessica off at Shanghai Pudong Airport together. When it was time to say goodbye, Jessica hugged Zhang Chen and Xu Qiaoxin and started crying, making them both very sad.

Thank you for the tip that I didn’t even know anyone asked! Thank you book friend 20200911160109750 for your monthly ticket! Thanks for all the reading and votes! Have a good evening everyone!

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