The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1510 Detachment of Women

Around nine or ten in the morning, Xu Qiaoxin called Zhang Chen and told him that Mr. Shentu and the others had arrived.

Zhang Chen said, okay, I'll be back soon, you guys start driving first.

Zhang Chen returned to the company and went to the conference room of the foreign trade company upstairs. As soon as he walked in, he was startled. He saw that they were all women. Shentu Hongyan, seven of them, plus Jessica and Xu Qiaoxin .

When Shentu Hongyan saw Zhang Chen, she called out: "Mr. Zhang, come on, come on, come on and do Hong Changqing."

Hong Changqing is the party representative in the movie "Red Detachment of Women". After this movie was released, it has been very popular. There are many women together, but there is only one man. That man, everyone calls him Hong Changqing.

Zhang Chen sat down and said with a smile: "Shentu, in Yiwu, is it popular to have female protagonists now?"

"Of course." Shentu Hongyan said, "Those men are dull and can't speak outside. They just run the factory at home, which is of some use."

"Where, they go to KTV at night and coax the little girls, each one is sweeter than the other. I didn't see that there are more and more KTVs in Yiwu and the business is so good."

Another woman said, and everyone laughed. Shentu Hongyan scolded: "Lingwei Ji (stupid woman), you won't teach him a lesson, teach him in one go?"

The one who was scolded for being a jerk turned red in the face, flattened his lips and said, "I'm not as powerful as you."

"Come on, don't be stingy, let me take care of your husband, no more, for one week, I promise to take care of him obediently." Shentu Hongyan said, and everyone laughed again.

There are seven girls, four from Yiwu, one from Pujiang, and two from Yongkang. Among them, Shentu Hongyan is like the eldest sister. They were also introduced to Xu Qiaoxin by Shentu Hongyan. Just for them.

After everyone had finished laughing, it was time to talk about business. Shentu Hongyan and Zhang Chen said, "Qiaoxin told us earlier about the three-month account period. With such conditions, Mr. Zhang, your factory will also promise?"

Zhang Chen is right.

"Why, Mr. Zhang? Did you agree to this Jessica because she is good-looking?" Shentu Hongyan asked.

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "Of course not, I believe her."

"Why do you believe her? You haven't been with her long." Shentu Hongyan asked doubtfully.

"This has nothing to do with the length of time." Zhang Chen said, "Whether you trust a person or not can be judged by a few things."

"whats the matter?"

"For example, during the Wenchuan earthquake, we stopped all their goods for more than half a month. They also suffered losses. Think about it, if a supermarket stopped selling goods for more than half a month, the losses would be huge. big?

"According to the contract, they can fully claim compensation from us. I was also prepared to compensate them at that time, but this Jessica, because she saw the pictures of the Wenchuan earthquake that Xu Qiaoxin sent her, I think she also understood, Why should we stop their goods and produce tents, but we won’t be compensated at all?”

As Zhang Chen spoke, Shentu Hongyan nodded and said, "That's it. This counts as one thing. It seems like she is still a good person."

"Also, I went to the United States. When I was in New York, I called her and she said she would come to New York to see me the next day. It was more than a thousand kilometers away. Moreover, she was the buyer and we were the sellers. Buyers are always higher than sellers, right? It stands to reason that I should go to see her, but why would she come to see a supplier?

"Although I didn't see her later because I was going back to China the next day, this incident still left a deep impression on me. I think she still values ​​our suppliers very much."

"It makes sense." Shentu Hongyan said, "It's more than a thousand kilometers away, or she likes you, and it's just a thread a thousand miles away."

Everyone laughed again.

Zhang Chen smiled and continued:

"Also, I'm not a fool. After this shipment incident, I have been learning about their company's situation, including asking people to go to their supermarket in New York. As a result, what she said is consistent with what I learned. , exactly the same, so I think what this person says can be believed."

"When they have money, they are very active in paying and never default on arrears." Xu Qiaoxin added, "Is that so, Mr. Shentu?"

"This...I don't know this. Our money is all paid to me by your company." Shentu Hongyan said.

Xu Qiaoxin said: "We will pay you only after we have received their money."

Shentu Hongyan nodded: "Well, they pay faster than other companies, and they are very trustworthy."

Zhang Chen said yes, trust is also formed over a long period of time. I have been dealing with them in the past few years, and I feel that they have never broken their promises or deliberately made things difficult. Although there is no fault in the goods, they say there is a defect here and there is a defect there. Even if there is something really wrong, we can still communicate and solve it very well, unlike some customers who ask you to pay compensation right away.

Xu Qiaoxin said: "What Mr. Zhang said is correct. Doing business with their company is very smooth. There are no messy things."

Shentu Hongyan Hongyan looked at the other women, she lightly patted the table and shouted:

"Okay, Mr. Zhang, if you dare to do it, I will follow you. What are you afraid of? There is nothing to be afraid of."

Others said: "Sister Hongyan, if you say we will do it, we will do it too."

One of the two Yongkang people said: "At worst, we will go to the United States together to beg for money. Fortunately, we can go to the United States to have fun."

Everyone laughed again, and Shentu Hongyan scolded: "Shameless, you already have two children, and you are still a little girl, are you still a little girl?"

"I want you to take care of it," the one scolded back.

"Her husband treats her as his little girl every day and says it feels like first love." Another Yongkang said, making everyone laugh.

When Shentu Hongyan saw that everyone else agreed, as long as the Pujiang guy didn't speak, Shentu Hongyan asked, "Hey, Juxian, how are you?"

The person who was called Juxian blushed and said, "In three months, I'm afraid that I won't have enough liquidity to pay for it."

"Are you stupid? You want a loan!" Shentu Hongyan said, "Now that we are doing foreign trade, as long as there are still orders and normal production, it is easy to get working capital loans. The higher authorities are asking banks to do this. Banks There are assessment indicators. The president of your Pujiang ICBC is my friend. If you want a loan, I will help you talk to him and I will definitely give you a loan."

Juxian nodded quickly and said, "Then I agree."

Shentu Hongyan thought of something, and she asked Xu Qiaoxin: "Qiaoxin, ask Jessica, if we need to advance so much working capital, can her bank interest be subsidized to us?"

Xu Qiaoxin asked Jessica, and Jessica told her. Xu Qiaoxin said that Jessica said yes, and she could increase the price of these orders by two points.

"That's it, deal." Shentu Hongyan stood up and said, "Do you want to give me a high-five?"

Xu Qiaoxin talked to Jessica, and Jessica stood up with a smile and stretched out her hand. Shentu Hongyan actually walked over, gave her a high five, and then shouted:

"Mr. Zhang, we also need to attack."

Zhang Chen smiled and said, OK.

That was settled.

According to the original process, Target should place an order to Zhang Chen's foreign trade company, and the foreign trade company would then place an order to the factory below. But now because of time constraints, the bosses of several factories happen to be here, so it will be reversed today. , it means that Xu Qiaoxin placed the order to the factory first in the afternoon, so that Shentu Hongyan and the others could go back with the order.

In the evening, Jessica signed a formal purchase and sales contract with Xu Qiaoxin.

Zhang Chen looked at his watch and saw that it was almost twelve o'clock. Zhang Chen said, let's go have lunch first and then come back to get the order.

Shentu Hongyan said: "Mr. Zhang, it's rare to see this Jessica. Can we treat her to you at noon today?"

Zhang Chen said yes, can I follow him to get some help?

Shentu Hongyan said, of course. Wherever our women's army goes, Hong Changqing won't follow us?

During the meal, this large group of women were laughing and noisy. When they returned to the company to make orders, they were still laughing and noisy. It wasn't until they left that Zhang Chen felt that the world suddenly became quiet.

Xu Qiaoxin smiled and said: "Boss, have you had a big fight?"

Zhang Chen said yes, with so many women together, there was no peace at all. Now I feel sorry for Hong Changqing.

Xu Qiaoxin laughed and said, "Look, the lover of your dreams is so happy."

Zhang Chen looked at Jessica. As expected, Jessica's face was filled with a smile that could not be concealed. No wonder, with so many factories implemented, it was impossible for her not to be happy.

In the evening, she and Xu Qiaoxin signed the formal contract, and everything in Hangzhou was over. Tomorrow, she would go to Ningbo to negotiate with a foreign trade company there. That foreign trade company had nothing to do with Zhang Chen and the others. , but Xiao Wu and Xu Qiaoxin will send Jessica there.

After returning from dinner, Xu Qiaoxin and Jessica sorted out the contracts on the conference table in Zhang Chen's office. The printer printed out a thick stack of more than 20 contracts, with each item number and number on each contract. Both people have to check the amount and delivery date carefully, which is still a lot of work.

They were busy there, so Zhang Chen walked out. He walked to the e-commerce department to have a look, chatted with Xiao Li and Li Wei, and then walked to Xiao Wu's room. The two of them sat and smoked, Zhang Chen's chin dropped. I checked Liu Ligan’s room and asked Xiaowu:

"The pole didn't even come back to get anything?"

"How dare he come back? He knows that if he comes back, I will definitely tie him up." Xiao Wu said.

Zhang Chen shook his head: "This guy doesn't know what he is doing."

"Actually, Sister Zhen is still very worried about him. During the few days I was there, Sister Zhen told me about Brother Gangzi every day." Xiao Wu said.

Zhang Chen said, I know, if these two people weren't interested in each other, they would have gotten married a long time ago. There are a lot of people chasing behind both of them. This time the pole is coming back, we have to tie them together.

Xiao Wu said yes.

Thank you to robingranite, Kankanshanshui, and reader 1196318977632641024 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all a happy life!

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