The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1502 Lao Ni’s Sky

Everyone got up and left the conference room. When they walked to the corridor outside, they found Liu Bang, the founder of Han Dynasty, and Lin Shuwan, also walking out of Lao Tan's office.

It turned out that they received a call from Lao Tan, telling them that Miss Cai, Tan Shuzhen, and Zhang Chen were having a meeting in the conference room. They knew that there was going to be a showdown tonight, so they rushed over. The meeting in the conference room was still going on. , they were waiting in Lao Tan's office.

Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, saw Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen coming out and asked anxiously: "Is there any result?"

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "Yes."

Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, let out a long sigh.

Miss Cai walked behind Zhang Chen and the others. She saw Han Emperor Liu Bang and Lin Shuwan, and heard the conversation between Han Emperor Liu Bang and Zhang Chen. Miss Cai asked:

"Brother Liu, Awan, why are you here? I understand. Is it because there is no good result today and I still have to be blackmailed by you?"

Liu Bang, the great ancestor of the Han Dynasty, said: "Blackmail is not possible, but friends may not be able to do anything."

Lin Shuwan said: "No, I know that as long as my brother is here, the matter will be solved."

Miss Cai smiled and said: "Fortunately it was resolved, otherwise would I have offended both of you?"

Everyone laughed.

Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, said, "Okay, you have worked hard. I heard that you haven't eaten well all day. Let's go for a midnight snack and celebrate by the way."

"What are you celebrating? Do you know how to solve it?" Miss Cai asked.

"I don't know." Liu Bang, the founder of the Han Dynasty, said, "It doesn't matter how we solve it. It's enough that it has been solved."

As soon as he heard that he was going for a late-night snack, Xiaohu immediately asked: "Uncle Liu, is that 'quackery' still open now?"

Zhang Chen said that they also serve late-night snacks there.

Everyone walked to the parking lot, and Lin Shuwan made sure to drag Miss Cai to ride in her Ferrari. She told Miss Cai, I want to take you for a ride around Hangzhou.

Xiaohu, Mr. Qiao and Lawyer Xie got into the car of Liu Bang, the great ancestor of Han Dynasty.

Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen got into Lao Tan's car.

"How was the matter resolved?" Lao Tan asked as the car was driving on the road.

Tan Shuzhen told Lao Tan the process and results of the meeting. Lao Tan sighed and said, thanks to Zhang Chen's help, not only did we get rid of the plague god, but we also got an extra three billion. Now, we will be saved. The financial shortage problem has also been solved. Zhang Chen, Zhenzhen and I really want to thank you on behalf of the thousands of employees of our Jinxiu Group.

Zhang Chen said, brother, please don't say that. It's the same sentence. We are all one family, and a family cannot distinguish between each other. If we distinguish each other too clearly, we will become divided.

Tan Shuzhen sighed in the darkness, Zhang Chen asked, what's wrong with you?

"I still feel that it is not appropriate to replace the chairman, and it is even more inappropriate for me to be the chairman. This makes me feel a bit like trying to occupy the magpie's nest." Tan Shuzhen said.

"You are overthinking. You only took over the position of chairman, and Zangzi's shares have not been reduced. What is inappropriate? Miss Cai is right. None of us can say when this guy Zangzi will appear. , without the chairman, all major decisions of your company will be suspended, and there is no way for the three billion to come in." Zhang Chen said.

"Zhang Chen is right." Lao Tan said, "The company cannot be leaderless. Even if the pole is not the chairman, he is still the largest shareholder and a member of our company. Zhenzhen, you can serve as the chairman and let the company return to normal as soon as possible. I am also helping the pole and preventing his assets from shrinking."

"The most important thing is that this matter has caused too much commotion. Zangzi and Meng Ping have not shown up yet. First of all, at this time, whoever shows up will be unlucky. All the creditors will stare at him like flies, so that He couldn't resist at all. Secondly, they probably couldn't figure out how to solve the problem, and they were all confused.

"Tan Shuzhen, now that you have taken over as the chairman of Jinxiu Group, you can calm down this matter as soon as possible and make the pole forgotten as soon as possible. This may be good for him and allow him to come back sooner."

As Zhang Chen said, Lao Tan and Tan Shuzhen thought about it and felt that what he said made sense.

They had a late-night snack at the Tuxiangyuan Hotel, and then sent Miss Cai and the others back to the Hyatt Hotel. They got off at the door. Miss Cai came over and said to Tan Shuzhen:

"Ms. Tan, can I ask you and Mr. Zhang to come to my room? I have something to tell you."

Tan Shuzhen said yes, she went to call Zhang Chen, and followed Miss Cai and the others upstairs. Lao Tan and Han Gaozu Liu Bang were waiting for them in the lobby downstairs.

The two of them followed Miss Cai into the room. Miss Cai closed the door and invited Tan Shuzhen and Zhang Chen to sit on the sofa in the living room.

She took out a piece of paper from her bag, stood there and hesitated for a moment, then said to the two people:

"I invited you here because I have a very personal matter. I want to ask your help. I hope that no one else will know about this except you two, including Brother Liu and Awan, okay?"

The two people nodded, and Zhang Chen said, since it is Miss Cai's personal matter, we will definitely not tell anyone else, don't worry.

"Thank you!" Miss Cai nodded and said, "I would like to ask you to help me find someone."

Miss Cai said, handing them the paper in her hand. Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen looked at it. There was a name and an address written on it.

"She used to live here. I went to this place yesterday. It has been demolished a long time ago and new communities have been built. But I only know this address. By the way, this person, everyone usually calls her A-Lian. But few people know her name," Ms. Cai said.

Tan Shuzhen said yes, I have many friends in the police and I will find them myself. Don't worry, Miss Cai.

Ms. Cai clasped her hands together again and said to them, "Thank you! I knew you could be relied on."

Lao Ni opened his eyes. The weather was very good today. Lao Ni saw outside the car window a piece of blue sky. A few birds were skating in the blue sky with their wings. There is only one plane in the graceful arc, walking in a straight line, dragging a white tail.

Looking at this plane, Lao Ni thought of his "Prime Minister No. 1" that was still parked at Xiaoshan Airport. When he thought of "Prime Minister No. 1", a string of laughter like silver bells seemed to ring in his ears. It came from the countless women he brought on the plane. Every woman who got on the plane seemed to have a particularly clear voice, and the cabin quickly filled up.

Lao Ni used to particularly like hearing such voices, so every woman he targeted would be taken on a plane to Hong Kong, Sanya, Kunming, Beijing, and every city they wanted to visit.

Lao Ni shook his head and blinked. The plane in the sky flew away and disappeared. The birds were left behind, continuing to glide as if nothing happened.

Lao Ni in the car thought of Lao Ni on the plane. Everything seemed very far away and strange. The person who looked very much like him seemed not to be him. Lao Ni in the car even had some doubts about what he had just seen. Was everything he imagined, and did he really own a Prime Minister No. 1 plane?

If I had a plane, why would I be trapped in this car?

Lao Ni himself was confused. He even doubted whether he had really seen a plane flying in the sky just in front of him. How could it be that he was dazzled?

Those birds didn't seem to know they were tired and were flying in the sky. They didn't care what Lao Ni was thinking, and they didn't care whether there was an airplane flying above them.

Lao Ni straightened his seat, sat up, and looked outside. He suddenly became nervous. He saw two sanitation workers who had just passed by his car. After they walked past, they whispered to each other and kept talking. Look back towards him.

They turned in from a path in front. Lao Ni saw that the path was deep and there was a house hidden among the trees. It seemed to be the building of the Qianjiang New Town Management Committee. Did they go and call someone?

Lao Ni quickly started the car and turned around to Fuchun Road. He turned left and drove straight ahead. He passed the Hangzhou City New Government Building that had been built but not yet put into use. He almost reached the Third Qianjiang Bridge and then turned left. A small road.

Here, it should be more than a thousand meters away from the place where he parked in front of him. Lao Ni pulled over the car, turned off the engine, put down the seat, and prepared to continue taking a nap.

Lao Ni himself didn't know why he was so easily sleepy and tired when he was sitting in the car with nothing to do all day long. He was climbing up and down next to women, which surprised the girls. As an old man approaching sixty, he still feels tired.

Lao Ni closed his eyes, but couldn't fall asleep. After he made that phone call to his daughter, and her daughter told him that his mother was being pressed for debt every day, and people often blocked the door to scold him, Lao Ni would often Thinking of this incident, I couldn't stop thinking about how strong his mother was. I didn't know how she could endure such humiliation.

Lao Ni really wanted to know how his mother was doing now. Lao Ni thought to himself, no matter whether you find out or not, I want to make a call.

Lao Ni wants to call his daughter and ask her, how is the empress doing now?

Lao Ni took out his mobile phone and battery from the middle of the truck, and installed the battery. When he found his daughter's number, he hesitated. He thought of his daughter's cries, and the sound was like a needle pricking her. It hurt him.

Lao Ni sighed, took out the battery again, and threw the battery and mobile phone back into the truck bed.

A group of children lined up and passed by his car. A teacher was leading them. They were first- and second-grade students from some elementary school. They came to Qianjiang New Town for an autumn outing. The teacher probably didn’t know the road well, so he led them indiscriminately. Bring them to this road.

Lao Ni watched the long team disappear around the corner, and then reappeared after a while. It turned out that this was a dead end road. Two female teachers were slapping each other and laughing. They were probably laughing at themselves. They were brought here.

Those children didn't care, they were still in high spirits. It seemed that as long as they left the classroom and went outside to do anything, their faces would be very vivid.

Lao Ni looked at their innocent looks. He couldn't remember what he was like when he was their age. He just felt a little envious in his heart. How great would it be if he could go back to when he was their age?

I will definitely live this life well again.

He must not be like now, driving a luxury car worth more than one million yuan, but wandering around like a dog. This luxury car is just a doghouse for him.

Not even a doghouse. Lao Ni muttered that the kennel did not need to be moved around.

Thank you for the reward of two fishes at three o'clock in the middle of the night! Thank you to Lao Shen Xisang and book friend 20200226135023200 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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