The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1503 Running at the End of the Road

At about ten o'clock in the evening, Lao Ni parked his car in an open space on the side of the road outside the village and walked into the village in the dark. The road leading to the village was a cement road. This road was originally built with donations from Lao Ni. , is the first cement road in more than a dozen surrounding villages.

When the road was just built, at night, the street lights along the way were lit up. People in the village liked to walk on this cement road. They felt like they were in the city. Children liked to play under the street lights, and there were also naughty children who would Stand under the street lamp, throw a stone upward, and compete to see who can knock down the street lamp.

Sometimes the street lamp was not smashed down, and the falling stone hit the person on the head. The person who was hit cried "Wow" loudly, and everyone fled in a hurry.

In the summer, every household moved the table to the cement road to have dinner. After dinner, the dishes and chopsticks were put away, and then there was playing cards and mahjong.

This road made the people in their village very proud at that time. When talking to people from other villages, they would not mention their own village name, but the village with the brightest light at night.

This cement road leads to the courtyard entrance of every household in the village, and the street lights also shine at the courtyard entrance of each household. Isn't it the brightest village?

But now, all the street lights on this road are broken. The villagers don't care about it, and the village cadres don't bother to take care of it. Everyone would rather go out at night with a flashlight than collect some money to repair the street lights.

In fact, Lao Ni still gives a lot of money to the village every year. He remembers that there is money for repairing street lights every year. However, when the money reaches the village, it is not repaired at all. Lao Ni does not know where it is used.

I don’t know how many times Lao Ni scolded the village cadres in person. When you scolded them, they laughed and said to Lao Ni, Zhigeng, you don’t know how much the village’s expenses are now. It’s a lot of work to deal with the various inspection groups every year. Can't handle it.

Tonight, when Lao Ni walked to the village in the dark, he was grateful to the village cadres. Fortunately, they had not repaired the street lights, otherwise he would not even dare to walk on this road, and would have to dig back through the fields and ditches. Go home.

Although Lao Ni can still walk home from all the paths with his eyes closed, the late rice harvest in the fields has been finished, and wheat and rapeseed seedlings are planted there. The fields are bare. People are walking in the fields, but others are far away. You can see it, it is more eye-catching than walking on the road.

It was already a bit cold in the November night. Lao Ni took a down jacket from the back seat and put it on his body. This down jacket served as his quilt at night.

Lao Ni wrapped his hands tightly in his down jacket and walked inside cautiously. People in the countryside go to bed early at night and get up early in the morning. Lao Ni looked at the village and saw that only a few sparse houses still had their lights on. Only then did Ni feel more relieved.

When we reached the entrance of the village, there was an archway. The archway was a newly built cement archway with the words "Civilized Village" written on it. Not far past the archway was Lao Ni's parents' home.

His parents' house is a two-story building with a large courtyard at the door. Usually only his parents are at home. During the Spring Festival, Lao Ni will bring his whole family back home. However, in the past two years, Lao Ni has been living in the house during the Spring Festival. He is very busy and rarely goes home. His wife takes his place and brings the whole family back.

Lao Ni's sister, who lives on the other side of the village, would come over every day to visit and bring some vegetables home.

Lao Ni's parents are both restless people. When the house was first built, Lao Ni poured cement into the entire yard and built a large fish pond with a rockery inside and a tree on the rockery. The powerful five-needle pine.

He also built flower beds and other things in the yard, but his father knocked them down, saying they were useless things. His father also knocked out the cement floor and turned the entire yard into a vegetable patch. The food was served.

Lao Ni saw that the two old men were working in the fields every day, and their health was getting better and better, so he gave up.

The output of a yard of vegetable fields is more than enough for the two elderly people and their sister to eat, and neighbors often come over to cut some of it back.

Lao Ni walked to the courtyard door of his parents' house, feeling a little strange. Why was the courtyard door open, but the two stainless steel doors were missing.

Lao Ni didn't have time to think about it, so he walked through the vegetable fields on both sides and walked in front of the house. Lao Ni was even more surprised. Why was the door in front of the hall not even closed? The hole was open and it was dark inside. When Lao Ni took a step closer, he realized , it’s not that the door is not closed, but that the door here is also gone.

Lao Ni felt panicked for a while. He thought that no one was living in this house anymore. In order to avoid those people who blocked the door and scolded him, his mother had gone to his sister's house or his brother's house in Shaoxing City.

Lao Ni crossed the threshold and reached out to touch the switch on the wall on the right side of the door. He pressed it several times, but the light did not turn on.

Lao Ni was wondering why even the lights were broken, when a voice rang: "Which one?"

It was his mother's voice.

Lao Ni quickly said: "Me."

"Zhigeng, is it Zhigeng?" I asked in a low voice.

Lao Ni said, it's me.

There was a rustle in the room, and a ball of light lit up, the light of a candle. Lao Ni hurriedly walked towards the room on the right in front of the hall. As soon as he reached the door, he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

Under the dim light, he saw that the room was empty, with nothing except a bed near the corner, supported by a few bricks and a board. Lao Ni's parents were getting up from the bed.

Lao Ni couldn't help but exclaimed, and his father quickly said, please be gentle.

When Lao Ni approached, his mother lowered her voice and scolded her harshly: "What are you doing back here? Do you know how many people in the village are looking for you? If they see you, you will suffer."

His father said: "Jiangang, who runs a textile machinery factory, also owed money and refused to pay it back, so he was hung from a tree for two days."

Lao Ni seemed to understand what was going on. He knelt down on the ground with a plop. He had already burst into tears and cried:

"Sweetie, Mom, I'm sorry, it was me who hurt you."

The old woman sighed and blew out the candle with a pop. She said, be gentle, be gentle, don't be heard by others, Zhigeng, get up quickly, the ground is cold.

Lao Ni moved to the bed, stood up and sat on the wooden board. He was still worried that the wooden board could not bear the weight of three people, so he only dared to sit on it with half his butt.

Lao Ni asked why this happened at home. His parents told him that all the things that could be moved at home had been moved away by those who wanted debts. Those who came late saw that there was nothing easy to take, so they moved the door and wall All the electricity meters were taken away.

When Lao Ni heard this, he became angry. He said, tell me who did it. These people have gone too far. Usually, if I don't take care of them or if they have trouble at home, they all come to me for help. They How could you do this?

Lao Ni's father sighed and said, what's the use of talking about this now? After all, it's you who owes them money, and you're telling you that you can go find them? It's better if they don't find you.

After listening to this, Lao Ni felt sad, and then he realized that he was no longer the same Lao Ni he used to be. If you still had the ability to find someone, you wouldn't have to hide all day long.

Lao Ni asked his parents why his sister didn't care about them.

His mother said, no matter what, her family has money in your factory, and she can't get it back now. The two of them are quarreling every day, so it's a good thing that your sister hasn't been kicked out of the house.

Lao Ni said no, get up and follow me to Hangzhou.

His father said, "Don't hide it from us. The people who came to ask for debts have all told us about your situation. Where else can you live in Hangzhou? They don't know where you might stay." How many times have I passed it?

Lao Ni was stunned. Yes, if they followed him, where else could they go? Like him, they lived in the car all day long and regarded the small roads in Qianjiang New Town as their home?

The old lady said, Zhigeng, please leave us alone. We are relieved to see that you are fine. At our age, we will not go out. I am afraid that if we leave this village, it will not be so easy to come back. In the end A handful of old bones with no place to bury them.

Lao Ni held his mother's hand, and every word of his mother's words stuck in his heart. He kept crying in the dark, feeling that although the world was so big, there was no room for him. When he was wealthy, he could fly in the sky in his own plane. When he was depressed, even if there was a hole in the ground, he would want to get in and hide.

The dogs in the village started barking, and the three of them pricked up their ears to listen. There seemed to be a faint sound of someone talking. My mother immediately panicked and said to Lao Ni, "Go quickly, Zhigeng, someone must have seen you. You Go quickly and take the small door at the back.

The sound got closer and closer. Lao Ni quickly stood up and ran to the front of the hall. He ran to the small door at the back. The small door was also an opening without a door. After running out, the backyard was an open space surrounded by a bamboo fence. Lao Ni opened the fence. Open the door and arrive in the fields outside.

The wheat seedlings in the field had already formed a layer of dew, soaking his trousers. Lao Ni ignored this and ran out of the village in a panic.

The louder the dogs in the village barked, the faster Lao Ni ran. It was so dark that he could walk in the field with his eyes closed. He was so panicked that he fell into a small river. In the countryside of Shaoxing, there are many places. There are criss-crossing rivers.

Lao Ni got up from the river. He was already wet. He continued to run outside the village, falling twice in the process. Water filled his shoes and down jacket, which made a gurgling sound when he ran.

Lao Ni ran to the side of the car. The barking of the dog was far away. When he stopped, everything was silent. Only his heart was beating. Lao Ni looked around. It seemed that no one was chasing him. Lao Ni Only then did I feel relieved.

Lao Ni opened the car door but did not get in. He also felt it in the dark night. His wet body was covered with mud. If he got into the car, the car would definitely be a mess.

Lao Ni took off his down jacket, grabbed the collar with both hands, and threw it hard, trying to get rid of the mud on it.

At this time, a motorcycle drove over from the opposite side. It suddenly stopped seven or eight meters away from Lao Ni. The motorcycle's headlights shined directly into Lao Ni's eyes. Lao Ni couldn't see clearly who the person opposite was.

The motorcycle was parked there, and Lao Ni could feel the rider looking at him.

The motorcycle restarted and drove towards the village. After a while, Lao Ni heard the sound of the motorcycle coming from a distance, and a voice shouted:

"Zhigen! Zhigeng! I saw Zhigeng on the road outside the village!"

Many houses in the village turned on their lights one after another. Lao Ni quickly got into the car, started the car and ran away.

Thank you for the reward at the age of 48! Thank you Xiaosheng Nianfang 48, Qdragon, Lu, and Shijiazhuang Jiaozi for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you a nice weekend!

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