The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1501 Additional

"The purpose of our visit this time is to require your company to redeem its corporate bonds in advance in accordance with the original agreement between us, in view of the fact that the chairman of your company has provided external guarantees without authorization, resulting in huge operating risks." Lawyer Xie said.

Zhang Chen couldn't help but say: "But this risk has been resolved now, and the matter has been resolved."

"No," Lawyer Xie said. "Not only has the risk not been resolved, but it has continued to expand and may become uncontrollable."

"How is that possible?" Zhang Chen said.

"How is it impossible?" Lawyer Xie asked, "Which of you can contact Mr. Liu? Mr. Zhang, you? Or Miss Tan?"

Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen looked at each other, both speechless.

Lawyer Xie continued: "As far as we know, the reason why this incident was resolved was not that Mr. Liu Ligan stepped forward to resolve it himself, but that you, Mr. Zhang, stepped forward to help solve the problem without his knowing it. ?"

Tan Shuzhen had no choice but to respect the facts, so she could only nod.

"Mr. Liu has lost contact now. Whether it is us or you, does anyone know whether this is the only guarantee he has signed? Or whether he may behave similarly in the future. That is to say , your company’s potential contingent liabilities may be infinite. I said that the risk has not disappeared now, but is expanding. Am I wrong?”

Lawyer Xie looked at Zhang Chen and asked. Zhang Chen was speechless by his question. Although he knew that Liu Ligan had no other debts and could not sign other guarantees, what could he use to prove this?

They feel this way based on their understanding and trust of Liu Ligan. However, as the other party, it is impossible for them to control risks based on the assumption that Liu Ligan is a good person. They can only establish that Liu Ligan is a good person. It is based on the assumption that everyone is a bad person, but systems, norms, and written documents prevent bad people from doing bad things.

Zhang Chen understood this truth. He knew that the other party understood it better than him, so he said such words. However, Zhang Chen was still unconvinced. He said:

"According to your logic, any enterprise may have potential risks."

"Yes, it is indeed like this. Any company will have it. This is how mortgage guarantees appeared. We can't trust anyone but the consideration relationship." Lawyer Xie said, "The corporate bonds of your company that we purchased, your company is The equity owned by Mr. Liu was used as pledge, but this equity has depreciated seriously in the past few days, and the balance of consideration has been seriously tilted."

"But now, hasn't the stock price gone back up?" Zhang Chen said.

"Yes, we know that, but there is still a risk that it will continue to fall. As long as Mr. Liu does not appear, the risks I mentioned earlier will exist. As long as another similar thing happens, can you guarantee that the stock price will not plummet? Investors Do we still have confidence in your company? We cannot put ourselves in such risks," said Lawyer Xie.

"Then how do you feel that your risks are controllable?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

"It's very simple. Either you redeem the corporate bonds, or there is another way, which is to add additional guarantees to make the debt risk controllable." Lawyer Xie said.

Tan Shuzhen was shocked. It turned out that this was the purpose of the other party's trip. But now that it was at this point, she had no other choice. She had to save the handsome man even if she lost the car. Tan Shuzhen thought quickly, and finally she was cruel. , and lawyer Xie said:

"Yes, we can use the land in Jiang Village that we visited in the afternoon as an additional guarantee."

"Ms. Tan thinks it's okay, but we think it's not." Lawyer Xie shook his head and said, "First, we have learned about the value of that piece of land. It is overvalued and not worth the price you auctioned it for. Second, it itself forms part of the value of your company. If this land is pledged, the value of your company will be depreciated."

"When this announcement is issued, it will probably cause your company's stock price to fall immediately." Mr. Qiao said.

Tan Shuzhen was so angry that she thought about it calmly. What the other party said made sense, but the problem was, if even this didn't work, what more valuable thing could she come up with as additional guarantee? There was another way, but in fact He has been forced to the point of no where to go.

"We hope that your company can give us a clear answer on how to solve the current dilemma." Lawyer Xie said.

How to solve it, that is, there is no way to solve it. We don’t have the money, and you don’t want the land given to you. What other solution is there? Tan Shuzhen thought like this, but she couldn’t say that. She thought of Liu Bang, the great ancestor of the Han Dynasty, last night. If anything, they couldn't just talk about it all at once, so they had to delay it, so Tan Shuzhen and Zhang Chen fell silent.

Zhang Chen and the others were silent, and Lawyer Xie stopped talking. Ms. Cai had not spoken since Lawyer Xie spoke. She just looked at Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen with interest. Everyone was silent. The conference room was in a state of confusion. There was silence.

Mr. Qiao coughed and broke the silence. He said to Tan Shuzhen:

"Actually, Mr. Tan, there are not many ways. You don't have to keep an eye on yourself. You can look outward and think of other ways, such as adding a third-party guarantee."

"Additional third-party guarantee? A guarantee of 4.5 billion?" Tan Shuzhen laughed and said, "Honestly, I don't know such a powerful third party, and I can't find such a guarantee."

"It's really dark under the lamp. Didn't you see it or didn't you see it? Mr. Tan, how could you not have it? Mr. Zhang." Lao Qiao looked at Zhang Chen and laughed: "The lakeside we went to see yesterday afternoon Oil Painting Gallery', I estimate it has this value."

Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen were shocked again. It turned out that these guys were waiting for them here, with such a big circle ahead.

Zhang Chen looked at the four people opposite and said, OK, I agree.

"No!" Tan Shuzhen shouted.

"Why not?" Zhang Chen asked.

"That oil painting museum is your hard work over the past few years." Tan Shuzhen said, "It can't just disappear like this."

"Then the Jinxiu Group is not the hard work of you and Ganzi, so it can be gone like this?" Zhang Chen asked, "Besides, it is just a guarantee, how can it be gone? Tan Shuzhen, you have to have confidence in yourself."

"Well said, Mr. Zhang." Miss Cai nodded, "Ms. Tan, Mr. Zhang is right. You must have confidence in yourself. If you don't have confidence, why do you want the management to increase its holdings? The art museum is just a guarantee. As long as you have confidence in yourself, When the time comes, if you repay the company’s debt on time, the guarantee will be released.”

"So, Mr. Zhang agreed to provide additional guarantee for Miss Tan and the others?" Lawyer Xie asked.

"I agree." Zhang Chen nodded. He looked at Miss Cai and said, "But I have three conditions."

"Say it, Mr. Zhang." Miss Cai raised her hand.

"First, the painting "Sister" cannot be covered by the guarantee." Zhang Chen said.

"I understand this." Miss Cai nodded, "I agree."

"Second, Lawyer Xie mentioned the consideration earlier. Let me talk about the consideration. Although the collection of my art museum has not been accurately calculated, according to the current auction market price, the most conservative estimate of our collection is, The value is also over RMB 30 billion, so I ask that you invest an additional RMB 3 billion in Jinxiu Group, no matter what form you use."

Ms. Cai nodded and said yes, if after the appraisal by the appraiser, your collection has indeed reached the value Mr. Zhang said, I agree to add an additional three billion. I will entrust Mr. Qiao to do the specific operation.

Mr. Qiao nodded: "Okay."

"Mr. Zhang, what's your third request?" Miss Cai asked.

"The third point is that after you take over, the museum's exhibitions should not be interrupted and the exhibition hall should not be closed. There are many people in the museum every day who come from all over the country..."

Before Zhang Chen finished speaking, Miss Cai raised her hand and interrupted him. Miss Cai said:

"Mr. Zhang, please rest assured that there will not be any changes to the art museum, and we will not move any collection. What we will do is to ask professional appraisers and appraisers to evaluate and appraise the collection, and then come up with a catalog of the collection. The collection catalog is an attachment to the guarantee procedure. Mr. Zhang only needs to sign and confirm it. All collections will remain in the art museum.

"There will be no changes in the art museum. Mr. Zhang, your original team will still be in charge."

Lawyer Xie was surprised when he heard this, and quickly said: "This way, our risk is too great. If there is a collection in this..."

"No, Mr. Zhang also knows that if something like that happens, he will be held criminally responsible. I believe Mr. Zhang will not take this risk." Ms. Cai laughed and said, "In mainland terms, he There is no need to take a trip into this muddy water. Whether Jinxiu Group is alive or dead, what does it have to do with him, Xiaohu, what do you think?"

Xiaohu smiled and said: "I admire Brother Zhang very much. I also think that he can stay out of the matter. I don't think he needs to take this risk. I agree to do so."

"Actually, we have to do this." Ms. Cai said, "To be honest, we want to take over the art museum, and I can't find reliable professionals. If we want to move these collections, the risk will be very high, and I have to worry about it. The safety of these collections, if they are damaged or lost, I will have to compensate Mr. Zhang, so it is best to leave them as they are."

"The chairman is thinking far ahead. I didn't expect this." Lawyer Xie said, and everyone laughed.

Miss Cai looked at Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen and said with a smile:

"Mr. Zhang has three requests, and I also have one request. Miss Tan, I ask you to convene an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders immediately and re-elect the chairman. You will be the chairman. Otherwise, a missing chairman will always be a threat to the company. , this is also for your own good."

"I agree too." Zhang Chen said.

"No." Tan Shuzhen said.

"Why don't you want it? If you don't want it, how will the three billion come in?" Miss Cai asked, "Let Mr. Qiao sign relevant documents with a chairman who can't be found?"

Thank you for your monthly ticket, Lu and Fu Sheng, Why Meng Meng! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all a happy life!

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