The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1494 Mr. Huang came to the door

After communicating with Lawyer Yu, Zhang Chen drove back to his company. When he got upstairs to the dynamic zone, he turned around the stairs. Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment. He saw Mr. Huang and Xiao Wu squatting on the flower bed and smoking.

Seeing Zhang Chen coming, they both jumped off the flower bed and stood up. Mr. Huang smiled at Zhang Chen and said:

"I took Master Wu and asked him for advice. When our younger brothers came back, they all said that Master Wu is very powerful. He can beat several of them who are over 1.8 meters tall by himself."

Zhang Chen smiled.

Xiao Wu and Zhang Chen said, "Then I'm going to Jinxiu?"

Zhang Chen said yes.

"There's no need to go." Mr. Huang said, "Master Wu, are you going to protect Mr. Tan? There's no need to go. I've investigated everything clearly. Mr. Liu has no other debts. Those people who were there that day are all here. Don't worry. None of them dared to look for trouble. The government and public security had already intervened in this matter, and a working group was stationed. Everyone could only follow the steps arranged by the working group.

"Whoever dares to look for trouble is not looking for trouble with Jinxiu, but rather without giving face to the government and public security. If he doesn't get the little money, he still has to live, so who dares to go?"

Zhang Chen listened and couldn't help but look at Mr. Huang with admiration. From just two simple conversations between him and Xiao Wu, this guy could understand that Xiao Wu went to Jinxiu to protect Tan Shuzhen. Moreover, he could also immediately take care of her. Things have been seen through and explained clearly.

Zhang Chen nodded and told Xiao Wu that there was no need to go.

Mr. Huang followed Zhang Chen into the office. Zhang Chen asked Mr. Huang to sit down. Mr. Huang sat down and said straight to the point:

"Mr. Zhang, don't you have a meeting in the afternoon? I will come over to communicate with you first. I can see this matter. The one who can really make the decision now is Mr. Zhang. It's not that Mr. Tan doesn't have this ability, but that she is obsessed with authority. Also, our strength does not allow us to do so. Nowadays, real estate companies are having a hard time. Most of the people who borrow money from us are real estate companies.

"To tell you the truth, I have also learned about Mr. Tan's company, and I know what I know. I just didn't expect that such a large company would have such tight cash flow now. But that's normal. It depends on the nature of the company. People who are engaged in real estate have a lot of money coming in and going out. Yesterday, money was leaking out, but today it has hit the bottom. I have seen too many."

Zhang Chen remained calm and waited for him to continue. Mr. Huang asked:

"Mr. Zhang, do you have any ideas for the afternoon meeting?"

Zhang Chen smiled and asked, "Mr. Huang, do you have any ideas?"

"Haha." Mr. Huang laughed and said: "Okay, Mr. Zhang, if you ask me, I will tell you what I think. This is not my opinion, and I have not communicated it with other creditors. It's just that after so many years, I've seen this kind of thing a lot, and I've dealt with it a lot.

"Many creditors are very aggressive when they first come up and push the debtors to death. In the end, they bring down their company and they don't get a penny back. They are already broke, so they won't break up with you. Mr. Zhang, does what you say make sense to me?"

Zhang Chen said, it’s interesting, please continue.

"So, the best way to deal with this kind of thing is for everyone to change their roles and think about it. Only by thinking clearly can the matter be done satisfactorily and the interests of all parties can be guaranteed to the greatest extent. Even after the matter is over, , everyone can still be friends.”

As Mr. Huang spoke, he changed the subject and said, "Mr. Zhang, I have thought about this matter. For now, the best way to solve this matter is for you to purchase the debt at a discount."

"What do you mean?" Zhang Chen asked.

Mr. Huang said: "What you want to break is Mr. Liu's guarantee. It is unreasonable and impossible for Mr. Liu to bear all this money alone, so I think you can use part of the cash to give Mr. Liu the guarantee." They will buy it back with guarantee, and they can continue to look for the rest whoever they want.”

Zhang Chen was secretly surprised when he heard this. He didn't expect that this guy coincided with Lawyer Yu.

Now that he has reached this point, Zhang Chen feels that he does not have to hide it. He and Mr. Huang said, "To be honest, we also want to propose a similar plan this afternoon."

"Haha, that's really what heroes think alike."

Mr. Huang smiled and said, his baby face was bright, contagious and sincere when he smiled. For a moment, Zhang Chen was in a daze. He didn't believe that this guy was a loan shark. Aren’t loan sharks all vicious men with green dragons tattooed on their arms?

Mr. Huang said: "Mr. Zhang, can you tell me what proportion you are prepared to pay?"

Zhang Chen said, 20%.

Mr. Huang thought for a while and said, it's almost the same. For a guarantee, this ratio is neither high nor low. However, there is a problem.

"What's the problem?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Can those Shaoxing people accept it?" Mr. Huang said.

"I don't know." Zhang Chen said frankly.

Mr. Huang smiled and said: "Whether you accept it or not depends on who will do the work and who will say these words. Coming from your mouth, these words will definitely be unconvincing. The final result will be just noise." After a while, they dispersed, waiting for the next time they come again, and then dispersed after another noisy period."

This is what Zhang Chen is most worried about. Zhang Chen asked: "Mr. Huang, you have a lot of experience. Do you have any good suggestions?"

Mr. Huang said that there was no suggestion. Mr. Zhang probably forgot who I was, right?

Zhang Chen was surprised and asked: "Who are you?"

"I am also a creditor, and I am one of the creditor representatives. Mr. Zhang, think about it. If you tell me something, whose words are persuasive? Even though we broke up on bad terms, we still meet in private and communicate with each other. Phone call, Mr. Zhang, you don’t have such an opportunity or possibility, do you?”

Zhang Chen nodded.

"Okay, Mr. Zhang, let me open the skylight and speak out. I am confident that they will accept this 20%." Mr. Huang said.

Zhang Chen understood immediately and asked, "Then what do you want?"

Mr. Huang laughed and said: "Mr. Zhang is also a sensible person. He knows that he can't afford to be early if there is no profit. If we don't have other requirements, I won't come. My request is very simple, that is, the portion given to us is 100 yuan." At the same time, this 40% must be our private transaction and cannot be known to others.

"Of course, in order to reassure Mr. Zhang that we will not trouble Mr. Liu again, we will also write something to show that we voluntarily give up the right to pursue Mr. Liu, and it is permanent."

Zhang Chen thought about it in his mind. If he said this, it would be equivalent to spending an extra 20 million to completely solve this matter. He felt that what Mr. Huang said was reasonable and the requirements he raised were not too high. , still within the acceptable range. The most important thing is that he does not seem to be bragging. He seems to have the ability and wisdom to persuade other people.

Zhang Chen said yes, "As long as you can convince them to accept this condition, I will agree to your request."

"Okay, then we have an agreement. If we can't convince them, I will be embarrassed to take the money." Mr. Huang said.

Zhang Chen said yes, it was a deal.

"By the way, Mr. Zhang, when you proposed this plan this afternoon, you said that your bottom line is to pay 10%." Mr. Huang said.

"Why?" Zhang Chen asked.

"You say 10 percent, and everyone takes a step back, and in the end it's 20 percent. If you say 20 percent from the beginning, and everyone takes a step back, you have to compromise to 30 percent in the end. solve."

Zhang Chen understood and said yes.

Mr. Huang stood up to say goodbye and left with satisfaction. He felt that his goal had been achieved. Their actual expenditure for this money was 90 million. If they could get 40 million from Zhang Chen and the others, there would still be 50 million left. Lao Ni's office building and airplane were in their hands. The most important thing was that he and Zhang Chen had a private deal, so the lawsuit was still based on 100 million.

In the end, after the court's judgment and disposal, what they can get will definitely be more than 50 million. The bottom line is that they can protect their capital. If they use their connections, they can still make money from this business.

After Mr. Huang left, Zhang Chen called Lawyer Yu and told Lawyer Yu everything about Mr. Huang's visit and what he said. Lawyer Yu said that it was good. If he could serve as a flanker, this matter could be solved.

"Lawyer Yu, does the promise he wrote have legal effect?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Yes." Lawyer Yu said, "This is their right. They can sue the borrower and the guarantor at the same time, or they can sue the borrower or the guarantor separately. It is his right to give up suing the guarantor. This letter of commitment It is effective."

Zhang Chen said yes, so I feel relieved.

At the afternoon meeting, Lawyer Yu proposed a plan to acquire security rights. All creditors agreed with this method and had no objections. However, everyone had strong opinions on the proportion of the acquisition.

Sure enough, as Mr. Huang expected, as soon as Lawyer Yu proposed the 10% ratio, the conference room exploded. Creditors expressed that they could not accept it, saying that this ratio was too low and impossible.

Some people say that even if we agree, those who did not come to the meeting will not agree, and we have no way to convince them.

That’s right, people on the side agreed, 10%, isn’t this a joke? I only got 17 million from here, and the rest has to go to Ni Zhigeng and that Nanjing man. Nanjing is so far away, and we don’t know what’s going on with that man.

That is, traveling to Nanjing every day is worse than traveling to Hangzhou every day. someone said.

"No, no, we absolutely cannot accept this ratio!" Mr. Huang shouted.

Director Miao was sitting there, and he saw that everyone was almost arguing. The creditors just didn't accept this ratio, but they didn't have their own plan.

Director Miao cleared his throat, raised his voice and said:

"Okay, everyone, be quiet and listen to what I have to say."

Everyone fell silent and looked at him. Director Miao continued:

"It seems that everyone agrees on the plan to acquire the security rights. The only objection is the proportion of the acquisition. Am I right?"

All the creditors nodded.

"In this case, our meeting today is still fruitful. It is a crucial first step. Everyone has reached an agreement on the method of disposing of claims and debts. As for the proportion of acquisitions, I don't think you will know it today. There is a result that needs to be discussed with the creditors who did not come.

"So, our meeting ends here today. After all your creditors go back, we will discuss it carefully and come up with a common result. We will still have a meeting here next Thursday afternoon, and you creditors will increase the proportion you request. Come out and see if Mr. Tan and the others can accept it.

"That's it for today, let's break up the meeting."

Everyone stood up and walked outside one after another. Mr. Huang quietly made an OK gesture to Zhang Chen, meaning that the next step is left to me.

Thank you stinky socks~~, A have a safe trip, book friend 120421012323923, book friend 20190104201758318, book friend 130221184047110 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all a happy life!

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