The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1493 Plan (Thank you for being forty-eight years old!)

Zhang Chen woke up very early and couldn't sleep. He took a towel and said to Xiao Zhao: "Come on, Xiao Zhao, get up and wash your face. Don't stay in bed."

Zhang Chen wiped Xiao Zhao's urn with a towel while talking to Xiao Zhao. He told Xiao Zhao the current situation of their factory and told her the situation of the foreign trade company. Zhang Chen said, Xiao Zhao, I It feels like this is the most difficult time since we set up the factory. For the first time, we can’t see the end. For the first time, I feel a little scared.

Fortunately, you are no longer here and can't see these things, so you don't have to have so many worries. But Xiao Zhao, if you are still here, it doesn't matter if it is twice as difficult, we can still get through it together, right?

You are not here, there is no help from Hongmei, and neither Zhuangzi nor Meng Ping can be contacted. I don’t even have anyone with whom I can completely open my heart and communicate well. Xiao Zhao, I really feel a little lonely.

I'm still worried about Ganzi and Meng Ping. I don't know what will happen to them. Alas, I really have endless worries. Risk warnings for Tan Shuzhen and her listed companies have been issued. Their stock price has dropped from 16 Hong Kong dollars to more than 9 yuan. , I don’t know what will happen next, Tan Shuzhen and Brother Tan, the debt issue has not been resolved, and they have to worry about the stock price again.

This afternoon, I have a meeting with creditors, and I don’t know what the outcome will be. This matter has not been resolved, and their entire company is in panic. It seems to have an impact on their sales. The news has spread. It’s true that good things don’t go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles. There are rumors in society that Jinxiu Group is about to collapse.

If your company is about to close down, who would dare to buy your house? Don’t you think so, Xiao Zhao?

Xiao Zhao smiled at Zhang Chen without saying anything. Zhang Chen put his face against Xiao Zhao's. Xiao Zhao's face was cool. Zhang Chen felt as if he could smell the long-lost, cool fragrance again. Zhang Chen's nose twitched. , but the tears rolled down.

The financial tsunami triggered by the collapse of Lehman Bank quickly spread around the world. In order to demonstrate its responsibility as a great power and to save the deteriorating domestic economic situation, the Chinese government launched ten measures to further expand domestic demand and promote stable and rapid economic growth. , this is commonly known as the "four trillion plan."

The first of the ten measures is aimed at the real estate industry. Real estate, which has been continuously "suppressed" by macroeconomic control, suddenly serves as the "engine" to save the economic downturn.

The "urinal" of real estate has been taken out from the corner where it has been dusty for a long time.

On October 22, following the State Council meeting’s statement on “increasing the scale of affordable housing construction, reducing housing transaction taxes and fees, and supporting residents’ home purchases,” the Ministry of Finance, the State Administration of Taxation, and the Central Bank announced that starting from November 1 , for the first purchase of ordinary housing with an area of ​​90 square meters or less, the deed tax rate will be temporarily reduced to 1%.

To provide loans for residents to purchase ordinary self-owned houses and improved ordinary self-owned houses for the first time, the lower limit of the loan interest rate can be expanded to 0.7 times the loan base interest rate, and the minimum down payment ratio is adjusted to 20%.

At the same time, the central bank also lowered the interest rates on personal housing provident fund loans, with interest rates for each grade reduced by 0.27 percentage points.

These measures mark that since 2003, the government's regulatory policies on real estate have begun to shift towards supporting the development of the real estate market.

The following November 10, the State Council once again clarified that "the real estate industry is an important pillar industry of the economy, and it is necessary to promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market. The healthy development of the real estate industry has important implications for industries such as finance, steel, building materials, home appliances, and household products." It is crucial and plays an important role in promoting the upgrading of residents’ consumption structure and improving people’s livelihood.”

If we look back on the entire year of 2008, the national and local governments have issued so many policies for the property market, they are so complex, and the contrast between them is so great, it should be rare in the past ten years.

From "strict regulation" to "appropriate relaxation" to "all-out rescue", from strengthening the construction of affordable housing to "further encouraging commodity housing consumption", from "restricting loans" to "lending", from "raising the deposit reserve ratio" to the "biggest interest rate cut in 11 years", from the game between the central bank and the China Banking Regulatory Commission on loosening restrictions on "second-home properties", to the final decision of the State Council...

Before the national team took action, various local governments had already issued bailout policies in advance in the face of the critical economic situation. Some people even jokingly said that the severe economic situation and pressure had forced all local governments to become "Xiaogang Villages". It was Fengyang, Anhui, where the Eighteen Red Handprints took the lead in secretly trying to implement the land contract responsibility system.

This time, local government policies have come before the central government. In fact, they have a premonition that the central government's policies will change.

At ten o'clock in the evening on October 21, the notice mentioned by Li Yong and Tan Shuzhen, "The People's Government of Hangzhou City issued several opinions to promote the healthy and stable development of the real estate market in Hangzhou" was quietly posted on and Hangzhou City Transparent House Sales Network, Hangzhou City’s real estate market rescue policy was officially launched.

Judging from the content of the bailout policy, it involves all aspects of home purchase, tax exemptions, second home loans, provident fund loans, etc., with a total of 24 articles in four major aspects. The long-awaited home purchase has once again caught the attention of the public. , it can be said that the Hangzhou City Government has basically exhausted the power that a local government can use, and fired every bullet.

The falling confidence of home buyers and real estate developers has rebounded amid the continuous rescue policies introduced by local governments and the central government since October.

In November and December, the Hangzhou property market began to slowly recover, and the market performance was significantly better than the so-called "Golden Nine and Silver Ten" that had passed and was not worthy of the name.

But all this has become strange and indifferent to Tan Shuzhen and the others, and they don't feel excited at all. The little sales and spring that quietly come back are not worth the impact of Liu Ligan's disaster. ?

Zhang Chen went directly to Tan Shuzhen's company. Tan Shuzhen, Lao Tan and Lawyer Yu were all waiting for him in the conference room. Zhang Chen asked Lawyer Yu, there will be a meeting in the afternoon. Do you have a plan?

Lawyer Yu said yes.

"What plan?" Zhang Chen asked.

Lawyer Yu looked at Tan Shuzhen and said to Zhang Chen: "I think this is just my personal opinion. Mr. Zhang, I think the more reasonable and possibly more acceptable solution to the other party is to acquire the security right."

"What do you mean?" Zhang Chen continued to ask.

"That's right. I think they must have gone to a lawyer in the past two days and conducted an investigation. The lawyer will tell them that Mr. Liu's signature and official seal are not actually that valuable. If they want to pay all their debts, It is impossible for us to bear the burden, and it will take a long time. There are many lawsuits, and it is still unknown when we will get the money.

“If the lawyer they consult is smart enough, he will definitely advise them that the greatest possibility and the best way is to share the debt, first get what you can get as soon as possible, and then fight for what you can get.

"In other words, they can get some actual benefits from us as soon as possible and get some cash immediately. For them, the debt has not disappeared, but it is just turning one of the debt collection channels into money and saving themselves a little bit. Loss.

"After getting part of the money from us, they can continue to pursue Mr. Ni and Mr. Meng for the other part. In this way, I think we can put forward our plan, which is to acquire Mr. Liu's company for 20% of the loan amount. guarantee.

"After we paid the 20% in cash, they promised that all the claims and debts between them and Mr. Liu would end here and be purchased and sold in one transaction."

As Lawyer Yu spoke, Zhang Chen kept nodding. When he finished speaking, Zhang Chen said, I think this plan is feasible, what do you think?

Zhang Chen asked Tan Shuzhen and Lao Tan. Tan Shuzhen and Lao Tan sat there without saying a word.

Lawyer Yu also looked at Tan Shuzhen and sighed.

Zhang Chen understood that they must have discussed this plan before he came. Judging from Lawyer Yu's expression and his special emphasis that this was just his personal opinion, it seemed that they had not reached a consensus. It should be that Tan Shuzhen did not agree to this. plan.

Zhang Chen thought for a moment, and then he asked Lawyer Yu, Lawyer Yu, could you go to the office next door and sit there.

Lawyer Yu understood, he immediately said yes and stood up.

When Lawyer Yu went out, Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen said: "Tan Shuzhen, I think Lawyer Yu's plan is feasible. To solve this matter, it will definitely not work without some blood. If you think about it from the perspective of the creditors, they will not Promise, if this problem can be solved once and for all, that is also a way."

Tan Shuzhen looked at him and said: "Zhang Chen, you think I don't understand this. I didn't know that if we want to solve this kind of thing, we must bleed. But the problem is, I have to have blood first. Ten 630 million, 20%, that is, 326 million. In normal times, this is not a big sum of money and we can afford it. Today, it is really a penny that can stump a heroic man.

"We still have more than 90 million yuan in our account. Although the sales in various places are a little better than before, we are such a big company, and there are so many people here who want to eat, and there are so many hands reaching out. , they are all money that must be paid every day. We are already unable to make ends meet and are tightening our belts to get by. How can we have more than 300 million to deal with this?

"Also, whether it's cash on the books or daily income, this is the money of a listed company. How can it be moved? So many people are watching, and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange is also watching. Taking such a large sum of money Is it reasonable to pay for the losses caused by the personal actions of legal persons? If this announcement were made, our stock would not have plummeted to the bottom of the dog, but it would already be miserable.

"To take a step back, even if we have this money, we don't say that it is to fill this hole. We just say that it is a transaction between companies. When we get to Zhejiang Jinxiu, we will still be chased and asked, what is this transaction? What's going on? In the end, the paper can't cover the fire."

Zhang Chen listened, and what Tan Shuzhen said was indeed reasonable and reality. Before Liu Ligan's incident, Zhang Chen knew that their company's funds were tight, but he didn't expect it to be so tight. The guy on the pole always reported good things but not bad things. Zhang Chen didn't know that, so it was normal.

Zhang Chen said: "The matter must be solved. If it is not solved, I don't think we can even get back. Taking advantage of the fact that it has just happened, it is the best time to solve it. We must solve it. Time is running out." The longer it goes, the more disadvantageous it will be. When they cannot get back their losses in full from Lao Ni and Meng Ping, I am afraid that at that time, they will not even accept 20%.

"In my opinion, this matter needs to be resolved quickly. In this way, Tan Shuzhen, I will find a way to get the money. I can still get more than 300 million."

"You're crazy, Zhang Chen!" Tan Shuzhen shouted.

"Why are you so crazy? Then tell me, what else can you do?" Zhang Chen said with a smile, "Without these three hundred million, don't worry, I can still eat, drive my car, and my villa in Taohuayuan can still be maintained." Just take care of it, it won’t affect me.”

"No, Zhang Chen, this won't work." Lao Tan said, "I discussed it with Zhenzhen earlier. If it doesn't work, the worst case scenario is that this company will fail. Let's start a decoration company and start over."

"Zhang Chen, I knew you would come to act as this good guy. We had discussed it before and we would never drag you into this." Tan Shuzhen said.

"You are crazy. What is the difference between your company and my own company? Zangzi, you Tan Shuzhen, eldest brother, Yao Fen, which one of you is not my family? I can even risk death, am I, Zhang Chen, still a human being? ? To put it another way, if it was my company that had a problem today, would you refuse to save it? This matter has been settled, there is no need to discuss it. "

Zhang Chen stood up as he spoke: "I'm going to talk to Lawyer Yu and let him find a way to convince the other party. This is the plan. It's still our wishful thinking. We don't know whether the other party will accept it. If the other party can accept it, If we can solve the problem quickly, we will be happy."

Zhang Chen said and walked out.

Thank you to the forty-eight-year-old Xiaosheng, book friend 150517195207941, two fishes, and the reward at three o'clock in the middle of the night! Thank you for your monthly votes from Xiao Sheng Nian Fang 48, Cup Guy Api, Kankanshanshui, Book Friends 161122213501799, Daosheng 123, Humor Tribe, and Yuanxi! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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