The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1462 Natural Glue

After the Spring Festival, Lao Ni called in the chat room. He and Ren Rongrong said that the New Year is over and our goal this year is natural rubber.

"Go long or short?" Ren Rongrong asked.

"Go long." Lao Ni said.

In the chat room, everyone responded by saying yes, I understand, Your Majesty.

On February 13, the first opening day after the new year, although Lao Ni and Ren Rongrong were doing long with their small funds, the market still fell by 105 points, or 0.44%, indicating that there was a strong force in the market. The power of short selling exists.

Ren Rongrong wanted to give it a try to see how powerful Lao Ni was at mobilizing funds. The next day she stood still and neither their own funds nor Yangzi Petrochemical's funds entered the market.

The main force of natural rubber fell by 195 points, or 0.81%, on this day. The decline widened. Lao Ni did not seem to make any moves on this day. Ren Rongrong understood that either Lao Ni was still conserving his strength, or his The amount of funds was not as large as he thought. Faced with the aggressive short sellers, he did not dare to pour out all his money and kept it.

There is another reason. Ren Rongrong thinks that Chen Yaqin may be doing risk control.

Lao Ni opened the small window and asked Ren Rongrong: "Mao Xiaomao, you haven't done anything in the past two days?"

Ren Rongrong said: "I'm waiting for the king to take action. Didn't the king take any serious action?"

Lao Ni laughed and said, okay, let's stop the decline tomorrow and control the decline within 50 points.

Ren Rongrong said yes, I will listen to the king.

"Waiting for opportunities, understand?" Lao Ni said, "Attract more short funds to come in, but don't let them increase the decline."

Ren Rongrong said, I understand, within 50 points.

Ren Rongrong dialed Mr. Mao's phone number and told them, "You will listen to my instructions in the MSN dialog box tomorrow. Tomorrow will be a tug-of-war, fast in and fast out."

President Mao said yes.

Ren Rongrong knew Lao Ni's intention. The main force on the market is now strong enough, but the amount of funds is not large enough. Especially after the Spring Festival, those who do futures will usually close most of their positions before the Spring Festival, short positions or light positions. Hold a position to celebrate the New Year, just in case there are any emergencies in the international market during the Spring Festival holiday, causing the market to jump sharply and rise and fall as soon as it opens after the holiday, causing a huge impact.

At this time, everyone's positions are empty and pockets are full, but their judgment on the market is vague and has no sense of direction. If the reversal is too violent, many short funds are likely to follow the turn and become unilateral. In the market, there is not enough oil and water. Only by attracting more money from them can we keep them from losing their tail.

The reason why Lao Ni wants to control the decline within 50 points is that Ren Rongrong also knows what he is planning. What he is planning is to make the market look like a long-short stranglehold, but the short side still has the upper hand. In this way, it is already The short side entering the market will invest more funds in order to achieve a breakthrough.

The funds that have not entered the market will still hesitate after seeing this situation. If a big negative line is pulled out for the third consecutive day today, then the downward channel will be opened, and a huge amount of funds will come in to short. In that way, Once a downward trend occurs, it will be difficult to reverse it.

On this day, the amplitude throughout the day was 285 points. Yangzi Petrochemical, commanded by Lao Ni and Ren Rongrong, bought when the price fell sharply and sold short together when the price rose sharply. They always controlled the market. It is clearly felt in the market that not only the power of the short side is increasing, but the funds of the long side are also constantly increasing.

At the end of the day, the main natural rubber contract fell by 30 points, or 0.13%, which was completely in line with Lao Ni's expectations.

Ren Rongrong looked at it and was secretly surprised, feeling that this guy's control ability was too strong.

The 15th is Friday, and the futures market will be closed for the next two days. Lao Ni opened a small window and said to Ren Rongrong, "Mao Xiaomao, it's almost done. On Monday, the 18th, I will go in during the call auction stage and pull up the market." Get up, you chase and fight.

Ren Rongrong said yes.

Ren Rongrong leaned back and leaned on the back of the chair. She pressed her temples with the index fingers of both hands. She felt that she might have thought about things too simply. She wanted to finish the battle in one move and knock down Lao Ni with one move. Maybe he underestimated Lao Ni too much. He might not be killed so easily.

Ren Rongrong pondered, she felt that her biggest advantage now was that I was in the dark and others were in the dark.

Lao Ni obviously trusts this Mao Xiaomao very much. He won't say many things to other people in the chat room, but he will talk to her, Mao Xiaomao, even though he doesn't even know whether this Mao Xiaomao is a boy or a girl. But Mao Xiaomao followed her forward and retreat several times, and she had completely gained his trust. Especially because of her amount of funds, Lao Ni considered her someone he could rely on.

Ren Rongrong thought that Lao Ni didn't know her whereabouts at all, but she already knew very well whether Lao Ni was buying or selling short. Ren Rongrong felt that she should use this advantageous situation to weaken Lao Ni's power little by little, so that He, this fierce tiger, first turned into a sick cat, so that he could be 100% sure of winning with one move.

Just do it! Ren Rongrong patted the desk surface with his right hand and said to himself.

She stood up and walked out. She was going to Liu Yun and told her her thoughts. This time for the natural rubber battle, she needed to apply for 2 billion from Liu Yun. With these 2 billion, Ren Rongrong felt that she Not only can you fully test Lao Ni's strength, but you can also sting him.

On February 18, during the call auction stage before the opening, the short side was very powerful. When the market opened, it opened at 23660, which was a decrease of 0.61% from the previous trading day. After the market opened, Lao Ni opened a small window to Ren Rongrong shouted, and called in the chat room:

"Buy in! Buy in!"

Ren Rongrong and President Mao said, buy it.

Yangzi Petrochemical made a move, and the market turned around immediately. Lao Ni also came with a few 10,000 lots. The short side was stunned, the market turned red, and then won every victory, closing at the highest point of the day, 24220, an increase of 415 points. With an increase of 1.74%, Lao Ni and the others won.

"Continue tomorrow." Lao Ni and Ren Rongrong said.

The next day, during the collective bidding stage, Lao Ni and Ren Rongrong entered the market and directly raised the opening price to 24,500. After the opening, it once reached 24,550. But today the short side was obviously well prepared and fought all the way with a fierce offensive. , the two sides fought hard in the game, and at one point, Ren Rongrong almost used the two billion funds.

Lao Ni kept opening the small window and asked: "Mao Xiaomao, are there any bullets left?"

Ren Rongrong said: "Thirty percent of the position is taken."

Lao Ni understood that Mao Xiaomao still had bullets, but there were not many anymore. Lao Ni said, it's okay, I'll guard it while you rest.

Next, it was really Lao Ni who was resisting Kong Fang's attack. Ren Rongrong looked at it and was secretly frightened. She thought, this Lao Ni really shouldn't be underestimated.

Although the long-short game on this day was extremely cruel, Lao Ni managed to hold on. At the close of the day, it fell 65 points, or 0.27%.

"What a risk!" Lao Ni said.

"Yes, it's too dangerous. Fortunately, there is a king." Ren Rongrong said.

Through the screen, Ren Rongrong seemed to be able to hear Lao Ni's proud smile.

"Continue tomorrow and fight hard for another day." Lao Ni and Ren Rongrong said.

Ren Rongrong said yes.

The next day, February 20, was almost a replica of the previous day. The opening was still pulled to 24,500 points, and the intraday high reached 24,535 points. However, on this day, the bears launched a more violent attack. Lao Ni exclaimed , what kind of funds are so powerful, Mao Xiaomao, do you know?

Ren Rongrong said, I don't know.

But in fact, Ren Rongrong knew that their own funds entered the market at 24500 and went short, making a super short-term position. At 24020, when more funds from Lao Ni came in, Ren Rongrong and the others closed their positions.

The closing price on this day was 24035, a drop of 120 points, or 0.50%. The drop was wider than yesterday, but Ren Rongrong felt clear in her heart. She felt that she had touched the bottom of Lao Ni. She knew that if she continued to spend two billion, it would be What effect.

"Shoot out all the bullets tomorrow?" Ren Rongrong asked Lao Ni.

Lao Ni said yes, let’s do it.

The next day the market opened at 24200, Lao Ni and Ren Rongrong fought all the way. On this day, due to the lack of Ren Rongrong and his two billion, the strength of the resistance was significantly weakened, and they were retreating steadily. The highest price on the market climbed to 24980 that day. Finally, it closed at 24785, an increase of 750 points or 3.12%.

On the two trading days of February 22nd and 25th, Lao Ni clearly felt that the power of the short side was still strong, while he and Mao Xiaomao were the only two main funds, and there were no other big funds. Following up, after the market closed, Lao Ni opened a small window and told Ren Rongrong that he would clear out the long and start harvesting leeks tomorrow.

Ren Rongrong said yes.

On February 26, the main force of natural rubber pulled out a big negative line, falling 860 points, or 3.49%.

After a short period of long and short confrontation, Tianjiao began to enter a downward channel. By April 22, in two months, Tianjiao had fallen from a high of 24,980 on February 21 to 20,400 points. , it fell by more than 4,500 points. Whether it was Lao Ni, Yangzi Petrochemical or Ren Rongrong, they all made a lot of money.

"Hit, keep beating, hit it to 18,000 points." Lao Ni and Ren Rongrong said.

Ren Rongrong said yes.

Ren Rongrong knew in his heart that when Tianjiao was in such a miserable situation, especially since the old Ni Ni Wangshu was so popular, there would definitely be a lot of follow-up funds coming in. Their chat room now has many people who Ren Rongrong doesn't know.

Ren Rongrong and Mr. Mao said that starting from tomorrow, they would quietly close their positions with small orders and strive to close them all within three days.

"It's a great harvest!"

Mr. Mao shouted excitedly, and Ren Rongrong smiled. She said, wait, we will come back.

When he said this, Ren Rongrong felt that he looked so much like Hu Hansan in the movie "Sparkling Red Star". Hu Hansan's signature line was: "I, Hu Hansan, am back again."

Thinking of this, Ren Rongrong couldn't help but laugh. She said, I'm back, Lao Ni, you're going to bleed some, and you have to vomit out whatever you eat.

Thank you to Lao Chentang, Blue Changxiang, Sissi My Wife, and Zhongkai 727 for your monthly passes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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