The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1463 The King is Mighty

After all the positions were closed, Ren Rongrong could live a relaxed day. She watched the long and short battles on the market with a kind of pleasure that had nothing to do with herself.

Lao Ni opened the small window and asked her: "Mao Xiaomao, have all the bullets been fired?"

Ren Rongrong said, the position is already fifty, can’t it be taken down?

Generally speaking, when the futures position reaches 50%, it reaches the critical point of risk. Lao Ni said, okay, it depends on me.

Lao Ni continues to sell short.

The phone on Ren Rongrong's desk rang. It was Liu Yun. Liu Yun asked her to come over. Ren Rongrong went over. Liu Yun told her, "Tianjiao 0805, I think it has bottomed out, and the oil price is still rising. It's time to take advantage of this time." , pull it up.

Ren Rongrong smiled and said, I also have this plan. President Mao and the others are also waiting there. They have been waiting for three days.

"Okay, start closing positions on Monday, don't leave any chance to the other party." Liu Yun said.

Ren Rongrong said yes.

"There is no limit, as long as you win."

Liu Yun chased, and Ren Rongrong smiled. That means that for this battle, the funds that he can mobilize are far more than two billion. Isn't such a battle difficult to fight? Washing the dishes means washing the dishes into unilateral The market will continue to force positions step by step, as long as you, Lao Ni, dare to fight.

Back in his office, Ren Rongrong called Mr. Mao and told him that during the collective bidding stage on Monday, you can go in and make the trend happen. We are not afraid of full positions, and we will follow suit.

President Mao said yes, no problem, I will eat meat with you.

On Monday, April 28, there was a fierce beating before the opening of Yangzi Petrochemical. The main contract of natural rubber opened at 21110, an increase of 1.69%. Ren Rongrong and others followed up. After that, the price rose all the way, and finally reached the highest point of the day at 21585. At the close of trading, it rose 825 points, or 3.97%.

Chen Yaqin reminded Lao Ni that the market has changed, should we close the position?

"Close the position, what position to close? It has fallen so deep. Today is just a normal correction. We will continue tomorrow. We are still shorting. If we don't stop selling below 18,000, I will see who among them dares to fight me." Lao Ni said.

"However, the price of crude oil is still rising." Chen Yaqin said.

"Crude oil is crude oil, and rubber is rubber." Lao Ni said.

Chen Yaqin shook her head. She felt that Lao Ni was a little unreasonable, but there was nothing she could do about it. He was the boss. After Ren Rongrong left, Chen Yaqin said that he was the person in charge of the financial business department, but Lao Ni's hand had directly reached into In the financial business department, Chen Yaqin even suspected that Lao Ni was taking Ren Rongrong away just for her own sake.

On the one hand, Chen Yaqin also admitted that Lao Ni is not a fool or a fool. His board feel is very accurate and his shots are fierce and fast. This allowed them to make a lot of profits from several operations. However, Chen Yaqin felt that there was a hidden worry. She felt that Success again and again does not mean anything. In the financial market, you may win a hundred times, but if you lose once, you may lose everything.

The financial market judges heroes based on results, not processes. The result is always the next time, so every operation is not the final ending, but a process, and requires caution.

Lao Ni laughed at her, women are women, why is there almost no room for women in the financial market? That's because you women are too worried about gains and losses, and will miss great opportunities in vain.

He even told Chen Yaqin that your previous success was accidental. At that time, there were not many people doing this in the country. There were no tigers or monkeys in the mountains to be kings. Now look at the good traders in the country, are there any traces of women? Where did Rongrong go? She was so arrogant, why didn't you see her?

Chen Yaqin didn't know where Ren Rongrong had gone. When Chen Yaqin heard what Lao Ni said, she thought of the sleepless nights she and Ren Rongrong had spent together. She felt a little unwilling and felt that Ren Rongrong was not worth it, but she I don't want to say anything, and I don't want to argue. Just say whatever you want. If you say we are grass, we are grass. Who makes you the king?

Chen Yaqin had a kind of disgust and contempt for Lao Ni from the bottom of her heart. If it weren't for this account and Meng Ping's involvement, Chen Yaqin felt that she probably wouldn't be here anymore. She kept reminding Lao Ni this, reminding Lao Ni that, or She felt that if there was a major loss, Meng Ping would be among them, and she felt that she had the responsibility to help him guard it.

Although her relationship with Meng Ping had always been aloof, when Meng Ping came to Hangzhou, he would treat Chen Yaqin to dinner. After dinner, the two of them would go to the West Lake to hang out and watch movies. At that time, Chen Yaqin It felt like the two of them were very close, but they were both reserved, and neither of them broke the window paper.

When Meng Ping left Hangzhou and returned to Nanjing, Chen Yaqin felt that they were far away again. Chen Yaqin had never been to Nanjing. She didn't know what Meng Ping would be like when he was in Nanjing. She stopped Chen Yaqin from breaking the window paper. Another main reason is that Chen Yaqin doesn't even know if Meng Ping has a girlfriend or a home in Nanjing.

Chen Yaqin heard Qian Fang calling Meng Ping. With a woman's intuition, she could tell from the tone of Qian Fang's words that this woman was very close to Meng Ping.

Every time after talking to Qian Fang on the phone, Meng Ping and Chen Yaqin would be silent for a short time. Meng Ping didn't say anything, and Chen Yaqin didn't ask who the woman on the phone was.

Chen Yaqin didn't know what responsibility she had to help Meng Ping guard it, but from the bottom of her heart, she just believed that this was the meaning of her staying here.

Chen Yaqin is an arrogant person at heart, so arrogant that she does not allow herself to have flaws in Meng Ping's eyes. Therefore, she will not speak ill of Lao Ni to Meng Ping, making Meng Ping feel that she is a troublemaking woman. Many times, Chen Yaqin had the urge to remind Meng Ping and Liu Ligan, but she never did anything.

She was just silently doing her part and managing risks silently.

"Remove the stop loss line." Lao Ni and Chen Yaqin said.

"What?" Chen Yaqin was surprised.

"Remove the stop loss line." Lao Ni said, "The market will be very turbulent tomorrow, and I don't want to set up a defense."

"That's too dangerous." Chen Yaqin said.

"What's the risk? There's still more than half a month left before the delivery date. Who dares to make a deal on 0805? He's not worried about getting it in his own hands?" Lao Ni said.

When Lao Ni saw that Chen Yaqin was sitting still, he took it upon himself to remove the stop loss line. Everyone else in the office stared at him and Chen Yaqin, as if the air had frozen.

This move of Lao Ni can be said to have destroyed the trading discipline of their entire department. From the first day they came in, Baozhen and Ma Li were taught by Ren Rongrong and Chen Yaqin that trading discipline was more important than their own lives. thing.

Chen Yaqin bit her lip and suppressed her blush.

"No one is allowed to set a stop loss without my order, do you understand?" Lao Ni asked sternly.

Chen Yaqin threw the pen in her hand on the table, stood up and walked out. Lao Ni looked at the other people and asked sharply:

"Do you understand?"

Everyone else said, Got it.

The next day, Lao Ni started to make heavy moves, and other short sides followed suit. The long and short sides were in a stalemate, but in the end the long side prevailed and closed at 21,600, a small increase of 15 points.

On April 30th, followed by May 1st to 4th, the futures market was closed. At the beginning of today, during the call auction stage before the opening, Lao Ni led a few short sellers and launched a fierce attack. The market opened at 21510. , down 0.42% from the previous trading day's closing price. After the opening, it once fell to 21,450 points.

Mr. Mao was a little frightened and called Ren Rongrong to ask if he could still stand up? We are fully stocked.

At this time, Ren Rongrong had left her office and arrived at the large office area of ​​her department. She was about to speak when she saw Liu Yun walking in. Liu Yun looked at the big screen on the wall, clapped her hands, and said to everyone, Let's all do it. Wash out Xiaosan first.

Everyone responded together: "Yes!"

Ren Rongrong and President Mao said, "Did you hear it?"

"I heard it, I heard it was Mr. Liu's voice!" Mr. Mao said excitedly.

On this day, the short side had no chance anymore. Ren Rongrong and the others kept adding positions, and many short sellers who followed the trend ran away when they saw that the situation was not going well.

Lao Ni was also secretly surprised, where did the funds come from? The fighting power of these many parties was too strong.

Chen Yaqin and Lao Ni said: "It's settled."

Lao Ni quickly calculated in his mind that if he closed his position at this time, he would not only lose all the money he earned from the previous wave of falling prices, but would also lose more than 40 million.

Lao Ni glared at Chen Yaqin and shouted: "It's a flat, why not hit me again!"

Chen Yaqin sat still, Lao Ni passed over Chen Yaqin and shouted directly to Ma Li and Baozhen, "Didn't you hear what I said?"

Ma Li and Baozhen both looked at Chen Yaqin, and Lao Ni cursed: "What are you looking at? Who is the boss and who has the final say here?!"

Ma Li and Baozhen had no choice but to start the operation.

At about two o'clock in the afternoon, almost all the other short sides withdrew. Only Lao Ni and the others were still holding on. Some of the short sides that had withdrawn saw that the bulls were gaining momentum and quickly joined the bulls. A formation had formed on the market. One-sided market.

On the last day of April, Tianjiao closed at 21890 at 0805, with an amplitude of 470 points throughout the day.

Although Ren Rongrong and the others won, Ren Rongrong still felt a little scared. It seemed that Lao Ni's strength and tenacity were beyond her capabilities.

"Okay, tomorrow is May Day. Let's have a good rest for four days and fight again in four days." Liu Yun clapped her hands and told everyone.

The 1st to 3rd is the May Day holiday, the 4th is Sunday, and the futures market has stopped trading forever. By the time they enter the market to fight again, it will be Monday, May 5th.

"Boss, do you want to reward me?" Ren Rongrong asked.

Liu Yun smiled and said yes, I will treat your department to a buffet upstairs in the evening.

Everyone cheered.

Ren Rongrong returned to her office and sat down. She remembered that there was one more thing she had not done. She opened the small window and said to Lao Ni:

"Your Majesty, I have suffered a huge loss and cannot bear it any longer. I have already withdrawn."

There was silence on the screen. Old King Ni Ni ignored Ren Rongrong or Mao Xiaomao. He was also in his office, staring at today's market. In his mind, he was cursing the exchange and the May Day holiday. A fierce battle was going on. , why the hell did it stop, and it stopped for four days.

Lao Ni knew that many of the short forces had withdrawn. Looking around the entire battlefield, it seemed that he was the only one with the army. Lao Ni was cursing in his heart, so what if I am the only one left? I just want to show you what a king is.

Old Ni Yao recalled that there was a time when the polyester thread in Keqiao was very tight. Old Ni let out the wind and told all the suppliers that no matter what the price, I would buy it 500 tons more expensive than others. Entering Keqiao The polyester yarn just entered Lao Ni's factory.

Other factories were suffering from a lack of raw materials, production had stopped, and they were worrying about gains and losses. When calculating whether to follow up with Lao Ni, only Lao Ni's factory in Keqiao was operating at full capacity.

Lao Ni actually didn't have much money at that time. He had to run around borrowing money every day to pay for the truckloads of polyester yarn that were transported to the factory.

As a result, this round of shortage of polyester yarn caused an overall price increase in Keqiao's fabrics. The 510 tons that Lao Ni spent extra time allowed him to double his profit. In that battle, Lao Ni began to leave his peers behind. He walked forward in a hurry.

Lao Ni sat there and stared at the board. He felt that the heroic spirit he had back then was back.

Thank you for the reward of two fishes at around 3 o'clock in the middle of the night! Thank you to Tianying 1978, Tiezhongshang, Lu, fm Pipi, and Shuyou 161205193046744 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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