The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1461 In the blink of an eye, fireworks come in March

Zhang Chen called Xiao Wu over and asked him, what happened between you and Xu Qiaoxin?

Xiao Wu chuckled and said, "Nothing's wrong, Brother Chen."

"It's nothing. Then why do people complain to me and say that you don't dare to have a relationship with them?" Zhang Chen asked.

Xiao Wu hesitated and hesitated, and finally said, "It's not that I don't dare, but it's not good. I'm almost forty years old, and I'm still a girl in her twenties."

"Then what are you going to do? If you don't want to get married, do you still have to find someone about the same age as you?" Zhang Chen said, "Women around the same age as you are really basically what your aunt said, no?" If you are divorced, your ex-husband has an accident. Are you prepared?"

"But I'm still a college student." Xiao Wu said.

"What's wrong with the college student, Xiao Wu, do you think she's too young, or do you think she's highly educated? Do you think it's appropriate if she is illiterate?"

Xiao Wu was stunned for a moment and said, "I...I just think this is not good."

"Xiao Wu, do you feel inferior when you are with Xu Qiaoxin?" Zhang Chen laughed. "You feel that you are old and uneducated. Do you feel that you are not worthy of others?"

Xiao Wu nodded and said honestly: "A little."

"Then what should I do? You are too young. Educational level, how should I put it, is not the only criterion for measuring a person. You don't have a diploma, but many of your insights are better than those who graduated from university. The most important thing is Yes, Xu Qiaoxin still likes you, what do you think we should do?" Zhang Chen asked.

"There's nothing I can do. I just can't talk about it. I can't harm others." Xiao Wu said.

"Have you ever thought about harming others?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Of course not." Xiao Wu said.

"Then why did you fall in love with someone and harm them?" Zhang Chen continued to ask.

Xiao Wu was speechless, and finally he said: "No, it's the front... the front..."

"That's what I said before, right?" Zhang Chen asked, "You are older than her, and you are still a college student, right?"

Xiao Wu nodded.

"Do you like Xu Qiaoxin? Tell the truth, Xiaowu."

Xiao Wu looked at Zhang Chen, scratched his head in embarrassment, and said, "I like it a little bit."

Zhang Chen smiled: "That's okay. You like her and she likes you. This is more important than anything else. Do you understand, Xiao Wu? As for what you said before, it is objective reality and you can't change it. But there are A way."

"What can I do, Brother Chen?" Xiao Wu asked urgently.

"That means you are a little nicer to others, double your kindness. Knowing that people will like you is not easy, so you try your best to be nice to them. That is enough, do you understand?"

Xiao Wu nodded.

Zhang Chen picked up the phone, called Xu Qiaoxin, and told her, come on.

After a while, Xu Qiaoxin walked in. She saw Zhang Chen and Xiao Wu sitting face to face. She took a few steps forward and stood behind Xiao Wu. Zhang Chen motioned for her to sit. Xu Qiaoxin glared at Xiao Wu. , sat down beside him angrily.

Zhang Chen looked at her and couldn't help laughing.

"What are you laughing at, boss?" Xu Qiaoxin asked.

Zhang Chen said: "Xu Qiaoxin, starting from today, I will give you a month, okay? It will be your and Xiaowu's love month, okay? In this month, you will date me every day, go out to play for me, and you will eat." Can I reimburse all the money, money for going to the movies, money for doing everything?

"After a month, if you feel that you are suitable for each other, continue. If not, stop here. Stop entangled with each other. The most important thing is not to affect your work, okay?"

After hearing this, Xu Qiaoxin's face was filled with joy. She asked, Boss, did you really give him the order?

Zhang Chen is right.

"What do you say to this damn Xiao Wu?"

Zhang Chen smiled and said, "He said he likes you too."

Xiao Wu's face turned red instantly. Xu Qiaoxin looked at him and giggled. She stretched out her hand and punched Xiao Wu and cursed:

"You damn Xiao Wu, do you really have to give orders from the boss before you are willing to be nice to me? How embarrassing!"

Xiao Wu chuckled.

Affected by various unfavorable news at home and abroad, the Shanghai Composite Index began to embark on a downward slope from 6124.04 points on October 16, 2007. The snowstorm in the south approaching the Spring Festival intensified the panic in the market. Starting in January this year, the Shanghai Composite Index fell even more significantly.

To make matters worse, on January 16, 2008, the central bank announced that the deposit reserve ratio would be raised by 0.5 percentage points, and the stock market closed down 2.63%.

On January 21, 2008, it was reported that Ping An wanted to raise another 160 billion yuan. Ping An dropped to the limit, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index plummeted 5.14%, and the Shanghai Composite Index fell below the psychological mark of 5,000 points.

On the 22nd, the decline intensified, closing down 7.22%.

On February 5, 2008, the last trading day before the Spring Festival, the ban on one billion PetroChina shares was lifted, with a drop of more than 6%. The market closed again at the end of the year.

The investors who were deeply trapped and trapped were destined to spend the Spring Festival of 2008 in anxiety.

As the mainland stock market continued to fall, the stocks of mainland-funded companies in Hong Kong also began to fall. Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen said, damn, in the stock market, this money doesn’t feel like money. This company, it seems It doesn’t look like my business anymore. I have no control over it. It goes up today and down tomorrow. As soon as I wake up, my worth changes.

"You don't care about him. Your so-called net worth was originally drawn on a cake. You are just a fat man drawn on a cake. Why do you care so much?" Zhang Chen said.

Liu Ligan thought about it and realized that he was right. Anyway, the level of my net worth has nothing to do with my life. How much should I spend every day?

What made Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen feel a little relieved was that at the end of the year, all the real estate developers couldn't hold it in any longer and began to promote their properties to the market. They saw real estate advertisements of this kind in newspapers every day, including Some companies have started to play old tricks again, hiring a lot of people to queue up when listings open, creating a tense atmosphere for housing.

The actual transaction volume has not increased much, but at least the atmosphere has been created, making people feel that with the advent of spring, the real estate industry will also bloom.

After the Spring Festival, Liu Ligan went to Jiangcun even more frequently. Director Chu was stepping up the leveling of the plots of land he was interested in as expected. He told Liu Ligan that there was no problem. Mr. Liu, I guarantee that I can list it for you in May. Just prepare the money.

In March, good news kept coming to Zhang Chen and his three branches in Beijing, Shanghai and Hangzhou. Xiaomi called Zhang Chen and told Zhang Chen that the customization business in Li Yu was better than she expected. It's even better, but the club in Shanghai feels a little crowded because there are too many people coming every day. Some customers are already complaining, so the quality will decline.

Xiaomi wanted to expand another club in Shanghai, and Zhang Chen agreed.

In fact, not only the clubs in Shanghai felt a bit crowded, but also here in Hangzhou. Zhang Chen bought a yard on Yuhuangshan Road, near the Silk Museum, and prepared to decorate it. A week later, Xiaomi called him and told him. , I took a fancy to an old bungalow on Tai'an Road and asked Zhang Chen to go and have a look.

It was Liu Ligan who accompanied Zhang Chen to Shanghai. This house on Tai'an Road was designed and built by an Italian designer. Everything from marble to ceramic tiles inside was imported from Italy. After all these years, the craftsmanship can still be seen. Sophisticated.

After negotiating with the owner, Zhang Chen finally bought the house for 21 million.

Lao Wan, Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan said that now in Shanghai, more and more people are looking for old houses. The prices of new houses have not moved. On the contrary, the prices of these old houses are strangely rising.

In Beijing, with the Olympic Games about to be held, the value of those old courtyard houses in Beijing seems to have been discovered. In less than a year, the prices have nearly doubled. Asking Zhang Chen to buy another courtyard house, he felt that The price is too expensive.

Liu Ligan gave him an idea and said, you already have a courtyard house in Beijing. You can buy a commercial and residential building as a club. The decoration will be very modern, which will form a contrast with the courtyard house. In this way, customers will have a choice as to where they want to go. Just go wherever you want. Not everyone likes to walk in alleys. Isn’t it the case in Shanghai Jin Mao Tower that there are still customers there now?

Zhang Chen thought it made sense, so he bought a house of more than 800 square meters in a new building on Chang'an Street, and planned to use it to decorate his second club in Beijing.

Zhang Chen returned to Hangzhou, and the next few places were about Jason and Xiaomi.

When Zhang Chen came back from Beijing, Xiao Wu picked him up at Xiaoshan Airport. Zhang Chen asked, the one-month deadline has passed. How are you and Xu Qiaoxin doing?

Xiao Wu chuckled and said it was okay.

"What does it mean to be okay? Tell me clearly whether it is good or bad." Zhang Chen said.

Xiao Wu said yes, just...

"What is it?" Zhang Chen asked.

"She doesn't dare to tell her family yet," Xiao Wu said.

"Don't worry about it, it will happen naturally." Zhang Chen said, "If you are a girl outside, your parents will not accept your orders. Don't worry, Xiaowu, if Xu Qiaoxin really wants to be nice to you, her parents will not be able to do anything about it in the end. Is she kidnapped back?"

Zhang Chen returned to the office. As soon as he sat down, Liu Bang, the emperor of Han Dynasty, came in. He said that he came to say goodbye to Zhang Chen and was going back to Taiwan with Wang Minsheng.

Zhang Chen was surprised. He asked, Brother Liu, it has only been more than a month since you returned from Taiwan after the Chinese New Year. Why are you going back now?

"Go back and vote. We will vote on March 22. We must get rid of the DPP this time. Fuck you. If the DPP does not fall, both sides of the Taiwan Strait will not be well. We must elect Ma Ying-jeou this time."

As Liu Bang, the founder of the Han Dynasty, said, Zhang Chen thought of what he saw on the Dongsen News Channel four years ago. After Lien and Song Dynasty lost the election, the man standing on the stage of Kaidao shouted hoarsely in the rain, "I I'm a Taiwanese businessman, I came from Hangzhou in the mainland..." Liu Bang, the great ancestor of the Han Dynasty.

Zhang Chen said: "I wish you success, Brother Liu!"

"We must succeed this time, little brother. I organized more than two hundred people to go back. I also called Awan back. One more vote is one vote." Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, said.

Thank you for the reward of two fishes at around 3 o'clock in the middle of the night! Thank you for your monthly votes from Evergreen Yan Dadi, Wooden Man, Zi Zeng Yue, sdtwk, Tianying 1978, Kankan Shanshui, Hurricane 0669, Daosheng 123, and Lao Ze! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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