The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1418 The sea under the moonlight

After eating, Zhang Chen and Cao Minfang returned to Banmutian Resort Hotel. The two parted in the lobby. Cao Minfang and Zhang Chen said, "I'm in the office. If you need anything, Mr. Zhang, just call me."

Zhang Chen said yes.

Zhang Chen walked to the elevator. The elevator door opened, but Zhang Chen did not go in. Instead, he turned and walked towards the lobby. The lobby was in a mess. Their hotel bus had just picked up a busload of guests from the airport. They were here to attend. There was a meeting to appraise scientific and technological achievements. After getting off the car, someone went directly to the sofa to sit down. There were also many people gathered around the sign-in area.

Four or five other children were running around in the lobby, screaming.

Zhang Chen walked out of the hotel door, walked through the front garden, and walked towards the beach.

Although it was already past nine o'clock in the evening, there were still people swimming in the sea. The lifeguard was no longer on the high chair where the lifeguard was sitting. There was a pole pointing upwards on the chair, and there was a light on the pole. There was a lonely light.

There are many people on the beach, sitting, standing, or walking around.

Zhang Chen walked towards the other end of the beach, and walked to the place where he and Huijuan sat that night. He had left the noisy beach behind, and this was a quiet beach.

Zhang Chen sat down and looked towards the sea. The moon tonight is very big and round. The moonlight casts a bright silver light on the sea in the distance, as if there is a door where the sea and the sky meet. The moonlight can pass through. It goes all the way down to the bottom of the ocean.

In the sea under the moonlight, even the waves become gentle, fine and trivial. The entire sea is like a piece of dark blue wrinkled satin, which is uneven no matter how hard it is cut.

The sea breeze blowing on his face had taken away the heat of the day and became cooler. Zhang Chen picked up his mobile phone and opened the address book. The first one was Xiao Zhao's phone number. Zhang Chen stared at the phone and was very surprised. Just press it if you want.

For a moment, Zhang Chen was in a daze. He didn't know if Xiao Zhao's laughter and a long "Hey——" would come from inside once he pressed it.

Zhang Chen's hands were shaking a little. He felt like he was hanging between pressing and not pressing. What he was most afraid of when he pressed was the sentence "The user you dialed has turned off." It seemed that because of his pressing, he Xiao Zhao was scared away, and there would never be that long "Hey——" again.

Although he knew Xiao Zhao's phone, he turned it off himself and kept it lying quietly in the drawer of the bedside table.

Zhao Jingjing asked him, Xiao Zhao’s phone call, should the bank collection be stopped? Zhang Chen told her, no, don't stop. Zhao Jingjing understood.

Zhang Chen looked at the bright light in the distance and wondered if he could reach Xiao Zhao's side if he could get there and walk down from there.

Zhang Chen stretched out his left hand and spread his palm, palm facing up. The wind gently blew over his palm. He gently lifted his palm from bottom to top, as if weighing the weight of the breeze. , and then slowly bent his fingers, trying to catch the wind, but the wind still leaked out between his fingers.

Zhang Chen sighed and pressed the "∨" button with his right thumb. He kept pressing it. He pressed He Hongmei's phone number and stared at it without dialing.

He dug a hole in the beach next to him with his hands and buried the phone in it.

After his cell phone was buried in the sand, Zhang Chen felt that all contact with the outside world had been cut off and his world was pure. He sat there with his hands on his knees, trying his best to calm himself down and not think about Xiao Zhao or go anywhere. Thinking of He Hongmei, he emptied his mind and didn't think about anything.

He stared blankly at the sea in front of him. An easel appeared in his mind, with a stretched canvas placed on it. Then a palette appeared in his mind. He began to use his imagination to mix colors, and then painted one stroke at a time. Now, he wants to draw the sea under the moonlight.

He was completely immersed in it, just like what he said to Yao Fen on this beach that day, Miró was painting the sky with his eyes on the beach in Palma. He used his imagination to describe the scene one stroke at a time. , the canvas on the easel gradually began to become fuller, and in Zhang Chen's eyes, two moons and two seas appeared, and these two seas were closely connected.

I don’t know how long he painted like this, but Zhang Chen finally finished the last stroke. He squinted his eyes, as if the painting was right in front of him. This was his proud work, and the joy of success began. The words came out of his mouth.

But his body was already a little exhausted. This was a condition he would have every time he finished painting a work that he was satisfied with. He was too involved in his body and mind.

Zhang Chen fell down and fell on the beach. He looked at the moon above his head and laughed softly.

He lay there with his eyes closed for a while, then stood up and walked towards the hotel. The formerly noisy beach was now quiet, with only a man and woman lying there in a sweet posture, just like Zhang Chen and Huijuan that day.

They panicked for a moment when Zhang Chen approached, but when they saw Zhang Chen walking over indifferently, they continued. The moonlight shone in front of and behind them, and on their bodies, as if blessing them.

Zhang Chen walked into the hotel lobby. When Cao Minfang saw him coming in, she quickly stood up from the sofa and walked over. She was waiting for Zhang Chen.

"I called your room number and went to your room again, but you were not there." Cao Minfang said.

Zhang Chen nodded: "I went to the beach for a walk. The moon is very bright today."

"Are you... okay?" Cao Minfang asked.

"Very good." Zhang Chen smiled, "Do I look bad?"

Cao Minfang really wanted to tell Zhang Chen that since you received that call at the airport today, you have been in bad shape. Although we kept talking and communicating during dinner, your heart was not here.

Cao Minfang felt that Zhang Chen's condition today was a bit worrying, so before she went back, she called Zhang Chen's room phone and found that he was not in the room. She also knew that if he was taking a walk, he would definitely not want anyone to call his cell phone. Wait for him here.

Zhang Chen looked around and saw that the entire lobby was empty. Zhang Chen asked, are there not many guests staying in the hotel today?

"It's full." Cao Minfang said.

"Is it full?" Zhang Chen was surprised, "Then why is there no one in the lobby?"

"Don't even look at what time it is." Cao Minfang said.

Zhang Chen turned his head and glanced at the row of clocks behind the reception desk, and was startled. He saw that the Beijing time clock was already one o'clock.

"So late?" Zhang Chen asked.

"What do you think?" Cao Minfang thought for a while and finally said it: "I'm very worried about you."

"Worry about me, what are you worried about?" Zhang Chen asked.

Cao Minfang shook her head and said, "I don't know, but I'm just worried. You've been absent-minded all day today, even though you always wanted to focus."

"Am I absent-minded? No," Zhang Chen said with a smile.

"Then tell me, what did Lu Hong say to you earlier?" Cao Minfang asked.

"Didn't I tell you that there would be a night stall on the top floor of the hotel?" Zhang Chen said.

"What else?" Cao Minfang asked.

"And..." Zhang Chen thought for a moment, but couldn't think of what else Lu Hong said. Zhang Chen asked, "Did she say anything else?"

"I talked a lot, but they were all business matters, nothing important. Anyway, the reports are sent to Director Zhao and his friends every day. You can read them when you go back." Cao Minfang said, "I was really worried about you just now, so I called You didn’t answer your cell phone. If you don’t come back, I’m going to mobilize people from the hotel to go out and look for you.”

"Did you call me?"

Zhang Chen reached out and touched his butt pocket, but there was nothing there. Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment before he remembered that his phone was still buried in the sand. He said:

"I dropped my phone on the beach."

"Ah!" Cao Minfang was surprised and shouted: "Then let's go look for it quickly."

Cao Minfang walked to the main desk, asked for two flashlights, gave one to Zhang Chen who was still stunned, and said to him:

"Let's go, there's no one around now. In two or three hours, the beach in front will be full of people waiting to watch the sunrise."

The two people took flashlights and arrived at the beach in front. Zhang Chen led Cao Minfang towards the beach. The man and woman were still there, but they had already put on their clothes and sat up, facing the sea, talking quietly.

They walked forward for more than ten minutes. As they walked, Cao Minfang asked suspiciously: "Did you remember correctly? Have you really walked this far?"

Zhang Chen turned back and looked at the beach over there. He was not sure in his heart. When he was walking in front, he judged the distance based on the sound of the sound there. Now it was quiet over there. How could he judge? Zhang Chen was standing there. After thinking about it for a while, he said to Cao Minfang:

"You ask them to turn on the light above the chair where the lifeguard is sitting."

Cao Minfang called the main station. After a while, the lone light came on. Zhang Chen looked at it and said he wanted to go over there.

The two of them walked for another five or six minutes. Zhang Chen looked back and said, "It's almost done. It should be here."

"Is it possible that it fell off on the way back?" Cao Minfang asked.

"Impossible." Zhang Chen said firmly.

"how do you know?"

"I'm sure."

Zhang Chen said, shaking the flashlight around, but he was complaining in his heart. The wind blew the sand, which had smoothed away the traces left by where he had been sitting and lying down, but where could he find his mobile phone.

Cao Minfang took out her mobile phone and dialed Zhang Chen's mobile phone, but apart from the sound of the waves caressing the beach, there was no phone ringing.

"It's impossible. Even if you can't hear the phone ringing, the phone will light up. You should be able to see it." Cao Minfang muttered.

Zhang Chen was embarrassed to tell her that he couldn't see it because the phone was buried in the sand. Because the phone was buried in the sand, they couldn't hear the ringtone, Zhang Chen thought.

They looked around. Cao Minfang and Zhang Chen said, maybe the screen of your phone was facing down when you fell. Let's look carefully.

This could explain what Cao Minfang said about why he couldn't see the lights, but Zhang Chen knew that the real reason was not this, but he still said hello.

Cao Minfang held a flashlight in one hand and her mobile phone in the other, constantly dialing Zhang Chen's number.

The two people separated for a while and then came together again on this beach. The more Cao Minfang searched, the more suspicious she became. She firmly believed that Zhang Chen's mobile phone could not be here. It must have been dropped on the way back. Zhang Chen also became more and more suspicious. The more he looked at it, the less clear he was about where he was sitting in front of him.

They searched for another ten minutes. Cao Minfang stopped and asked Zhang Chen: "Mr. Zhang, are you sure you dropped your phone here and couldn't have dropped it on the way back?"

Zhang Chen said: "One hundred percent sure."

"Okay, I'll call the people on duty from the Engineering Department and the Security Department to come over and help us find it together."

Cao Minfang said, she pressed the redial button one last time. If there was no response, she would call the main station to transfer someone.

Zhang Chen quickly stopped and said no, it was not about the large number of people.

What he was thinking in his mind was that no matter how many people came, he still had to be able to determine where to bury his cell phone. Otherwise, even if he sent a hundred people to this beach, they would still be busy ants.

"Stop, stop, stop, listen carefully!" Cao Minfang suddenly shouted. The two of them stopped and listened carefully. From the sound of the waves, they vaguely heard the ringing of the phone, and followed the sound to find it. In the past, that place turned out to be two or three meters away from them.

Cao Minfang looked around but didn't see a mobile phone. Zhang Chen knelt on the beach and dug with his hands. After a while, he raised his right hand, holding his mobile phone in his hand. The screen was on and the ringtone was crisp.

"Mr. Zhang, how did your mobile phone end up in the sand?" Cao Minfang asked strangely.

At this time, there was nothing to hide, Zhang Chen chuckled: "I buried it myself."

Cao Minfang couldn't hold it back and burst out laughing.

Thank you for your monthly votes to Hua'er and Youth, zpengyong1, Fantasy in the Wind, Skull, and Xiangzhi! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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