The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1417 Four or Five Families in Yancun

Zhang Chen was very anxious in his dream. He wanted to clarify some things, but it seemed to be getting more and more confusing.

What he saw were fragments, none of them were complete. Just when he was about to let this scene continue, another scene was inserted. Zhang Chen was in his dream and wanted to pursue the previous scene. The picture interrupted him. When he looked at the new picture, before he could see what it was, another new picture came in.

Many people appeared in his dream, the ones who flashed the most were He Hongmei and Xiao Zhao, Xiaofang Huijuan and Tan Shuzhen, and even Lin Shuwan and Qu Tianlin. Zhang Chen in the dream didn't even know why he was dreaming of all the people. Women, even Liu Ligan and Meng Ping had never dreamed of them. When he thought about this, Liu Ligan, Meng Ping, and Li Yong suddenly appeared, but they seemed not to be there.

Zhang Chen even dreamed of many people from his past, which made him break out in a cold sweat. He saw Gu Shufang looking at him resentfully, and saw Liu Yun smiling at him. How could it be Liu Yun? It's been a long time since he saw these. The old people have come out, why is there no Jin Lili? When he was thinking this, Jin Lili appeared in a flash, as if she was not there anymore, and turned around and turned into Jia Jia.

There are many, many more people that he can tell in his dreams that he has never seen before in his life. Who are you, where are you from, where will you go next, how could I see you in my dream?

In the dream, Zhang Chen kept arguing and his mouth was dry. He could actually speak Chongqing dialect fluently. Just like Xiaofang did when he was with He Hongmei or Xiao Zhao, he could laugh and speak Chongqing dialect at the same time. He could also speak fluent English, which shocked Zhang Chen. He never knew that he could speak English.

Zhang Chen dreamed of Trinity School in New York, dreamed of those Gothic red brick buildings, he dreamed that he was going to school, no, no, no, it was Xiao Zhao who was going to school, no, no, it was He Hongmei who was going to school, no, no, it was. Xiaofang was going to school. Zhang Chen heard himself shouting in the dream, no, no, no, it was Zhang Xiangbei who was going to school.

He also dreamed that they were in Guijie, Chongqing. When he was trying to figure out whether they were in Guijie or Chongqing, the Liberation Monument was erected in the middle of Guijie, which shocked Zhang Chen.

He dreamed that Xiao Zhao died, He Hongmei died, and he himself died. He dreamed that the three of them were lying there side by side. He dreamed that Xiao Zhao said to him, "Cool", and then He Hongmei also said, "Cool", and Zhang Chen saw himself lying there with tears streaming down his face. He dreamed that he told them, wake up, wake up, wake up and it will be fine.

Zhang Chen dreamed that he wanted to wake up from this chaos. He was calling himself to wake up, wake up, but he just couldn't wake up.

Until he heard the phone ringing continuously, through the chaos, Zhang Chen opened his eyes. As soon as he opened his eyes, he felt as if a switch clicked, and then Everything was completely silent, and there was a white ceiling in front of him. All the chaos and noise disappeared when the "click" sounded.

Zhang Chen raised his ears and vaguely heard the sound of someone talking from the corridor. It seemed that one was standing inside the door and the other was standing outside. Someone walked over, said hello to the two of them, and left again. Far.

Zhang Chen waited for a while, and the phone on the bedside table rang again. Zhang Chen answered it and it was Cao Minfang. Cao Minfang told him, it's past six o'clock, Mr. Zhang, it's time for you to have dinner.

"Are you coming to the restaurant below to eat, or are you taking it to your room?" Cao Minfang asked.

Zhang Chen said the restaurant.

"Do I need to be in the lobby or in the private room?" Cao Minfang asked next.

Zhang Chen said, "How can I sit alone in a box in the lobby? I'll come down right away."

Cao Minfang said yes, can I order food for you?

Zhang Chen said yes, thank you, Cao Minfang!

Zhang Chen was about to hang up the phone when he suddenly remembered something. He asked Cao Minfang, are you busy now?

"Not now." Cao Minfang said.

"Then let's go to Banmutian Hotel to eat." Zhang Chen said.

When Banmutian Hotel opened last year, Zhang Chen didn't come. After it opened, Zhang Chen came to Sanya again, but that time he stayed for one night and then left. He didn't have time to go there. He originally planned to go during the Spring Festival. , but they didn’t come to Sanya during the Spring Festival this year, so they didn’t know anything about what this hotel would be like after it opened. They only knew that the business was very good.

Today, I can just go and have a look.

Cao Minfang said yes, "Then I'll notify Lu Hong and I'll wait for you in the lobby below."

Zhang Chen got up and washed up and went downstairs. When he arrived at the lobby, Cao Minfang was already waiting for him. The two of them drove to Renmin Road. From a distance, they saw the entrance of the Banmutian Hotel. It was full of cars and the parking lot was already parked. After a while, their security guards were directing the following cars to stop on the side of the road along Renmin Road.

The security guard saw Cao Minfang, greeted her and called Mr. Cao, and told them apologetically that you can only park here on the roadside, because the front is full.

Cao Minfang parked the car, and Zhang Chen got out of the car with her. There was still a few dozen meters to go from where they parked to the hotel. Although the sun had set in the west, the climate in Sanya was still very hot.

The two of them walked to the hotel. After walking a few steps, sweat started to pour out from their foreheads, but Zhang Chen was happy in his heart. He asked Cao Minfang, is it like this every day?

Cao Minfang said yes, it has been like this every day since it opened.

"The car is parked on the roadside like this, the traffic police won't come to take care of it?"

Zhang Chen asked. Cao Minfang looked at him and laughed. Zhang Chen himself felt that the question was abrupt. Of course the traffic police would take care of it, but if it was relevant, they could ignore it. Which hotel is not like this? Mr. Zhang, are you from an alien planet?

Zhang Chen knew that this was what Cao Minfang's look meant, and he also laughed.

Lu Hong was already waiting for them at the entrance of the hotel. When they approached, Lu Hong said sheepishly:

"Mr. Cao, when you called, the hall was already full, so we can only arrange for you to go to the private room."

Zhang Chen asked: "Is this hall better than the box business?"

Lu Hong said yes, there are performances in the hall, and everyone likes to sit in the hall outside.

Zhang Chen walked into the hall on the first floor to take a look. Sure enough, it was packed with seats. On the stage at the head of the hall, the Peking Opera "Sanchakou" was being performed. The sound in the hall was very noisy. Fortunately, this opera did not have any lines. , no matter how noisy it is, it doesn’t matter.

Cao Minfang smiled and said to Zhang Chen that it didn't matter what kind of performance we performed. Everyone wanted to see something new. The Huagu Drama Troupe from our hometown had been performing here for a month.

The lobby on the first floor was full, and the private rooms on the second and third floors were also full. They could only go to the fourth floor. Zhang Chen walked to the back yard that had been converted into a parking lot to take a look. It was also full of cars.

The three people took the elevator to the fourth floor. Lu Hong led them into the box and was about to go out. Cao Minfang asked, are you busy now?

Lu Hong raised the walkie-talkie in her hand and told her that they knew how to look for things.

Zhang Chen laughed and asked, "Lu Hong, aren't you from Hubei?"

Lu Hong nodded and said, yes, I am from Xianning.

"They know how to look for trouble?" Zhang Chen repeated Lu Hong's words. Lu Hong and Cao Minfang both laughed. They knew what Zhang Chen meant. He was laughing at Lu Hong. You are from Hubei, how can you speak like a Hainanese? .

Lu Hong's face turned slightly red and she said, "It's not like I stayed in Sanya for too long."

Cao Minfang and Lu Hong said, "You should also sit down and report the situation in your hotel to Mr. Zhang first."

Lu Hong sat down and reported the situation of the hotel to Zhang Chen. Outside the window of the private room was the Sanya River. Under the afterglow of the setting sun, the entire Sanya River was shaded by coconut trees on both sides. At that time, Sanya, the city There are almost no high-rise buildings in the district. They are all short houses of two or three stories. These houses are also hidden in the golden light of the setting sun and green trees, and are filled with light and mist.

This haze of light made those moving on the roof seem a bit unreal, and it also made Zhang Chen distracted.

Lu Hong stopped reporting. She looked at Cao Minfang, and both of them looked at Zhang Chen who was staring blankly out of the window.

"Two, two, I have two empty seats here, do you know how to let them go?"

"Are you going to do it? There is a parking space and I don't know how to use it?"

A shout suddenly rang out from the intercom on the table in front of Lu Hong. It was the security guard in the parking lot. He was calling the security guard on Renmin Road. The security guard on Renmin Road scolded him. This sudden call and the intercom were all mixed up. The sound of electric current woke Zhang Chen up.

Zhang Chen saw Cao Minfang and Lu Hong looking at him and smiled sheepishly. He said, "The scenery outside here is nice. Mr. Lu, please continue talking."

Cao Minfang smiled and said, "Do you want to start from scratch?"

Zhang Chen asked: "What were you talking about just now?"

"Xiao Lu was just talking about having a midnight snack on the rooftop," Cao Minfang said.

"A midnight snack on the roof?" Zhang Chen asked doubtfully, knowing that he was completely distracted in front of him and he didn't hear a word about it.

Lu Hong recounted the matter again. She told Zhang Chen that many customers suggested that they have a late-night snack on the rooftop here. The current night food stalls in Sanya are all seafood, and locals like them eat them. I'm tired of it. If there were late-night snacks of their taste and there were performances, business would definitely be good.

Zhang Chen understood and said, "Just like the Lion Tower in Haicheng?"

Lu Hong looked at him with a blank expression, and Cao Minfang smiled and said: "The Lion Tower has no late night snacks for a long time, how could she understand it? However, the conditions for night food stalls in Sanya are better than those in Haicheng. In winter, Haicheng There are still a few months or two when the temperature is over 10 degrees Celsius, and people in Hainan have to wear down jackets, but Sanya will not have such days."

Zhang Chen nodded. From this point of view, of course it is. What Zhang Chen is worried about is that this building is an old building. Although they converted it into a hotel and installed an elevator outside, they have already reinforced it. But if the top floor When a food stall is opened and hundreds of people crowd in at once, can the roof of the building withstand it?

Zhang Chen told them his concerns, and Cao Minfang said that he had already had someone from the design institute take a look at it, and there would be no problem after it was reinforced. The house was old, but the construction quality at that time was still good.

Zhang Chen agreed to let them come up with the reinforcement plan first. If there is no problem with safety, they will do as you say.

When the food arrived, Zhang Chen saw that the food here looked like Zuan Hunan cuisine, but not quite like it. It looked like the food in Tuxiangyuan in Hangzhou, but not quite like it.

Cao Minfang told him that the dishes here were carefully researched by Fatty Fu and Huijuan. The purpose was to distance themselves from the dishes at Banmutian Resort Hotel. It would be meaningless if the dishes in the two places were the same. Now In this way, one table of customers has become a regular business of two stores. They will eat here and there, changing food.

Zhang Chen felt that this was really a good idea, and it was the first time he had heard of it.

Thank you, Tin Soldier, for reading books every day, two fishes one above the other, third from top to bottom, and a reward at three o'clock in the middle of the night. No matter who asks me, I don't even know the reward! Thank you Lao Chentang, AC777, Daosheng 123, Qianqian Dad, Book Friends 20191102113546718, Fanfan, Tiger, I have ten hearts of monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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