The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1416 Flying across the Yellow Sea (Thank you, Eternal Emperor Yan!)

When Zhang Chen went to the United States this time, Xiaofang drove to New York's John F. Kennedy Airport to pick him up. They stayed one night in New Haven, Connecticut, and went to Yale University the next morning to attend Xiaofang's graduation ceremony. That afternoon, they returned to New York.

In New York, Xiaofang first took Zhang Chen to visit the three high schools she had helped Zhang Xiangbei contact: Trinity School, Regis High School and Charleston School. Xiaofang and Zhang Chen said that in comparison, the reputation of Trinity School was The largest, they have the highest Ivy admission rate, but because their interviews are very strict, there are two other schools as backup.

After visiting these three schools, Zhang Chen was a little worried. He asked Xiaofang, do you have too high expectations for Zhang Xiangbei? You have found such a good school for him. Do you want to find a more ordinary school? .

Xiaofang said, "No need. I have been in contact with Sister Shuwan about Beibei's situation. I know that I am also comparing myself with the students here. Brother-in-law, it's because you have too little confidence in Beibei."

Zhang Chen said okay, you and Awan are experts, I am not, but of course I also hope that my son will succeed. If Zhang Xiangbei is really like what you said, I will only be happy.

Xiaofang looked at Zhang Chen and kept laughing. Zhang Chen asked, why are you laughing?

Xiaofang said, in the eyes of Grandpa Beibei, brother-in-law, you were also a trouble when you were a child?

Zhang Chen was right, it was true, he didn't even look at me seriously before I went to work.

Xiaofang laughed.

They then went to Chinatown in the southern tip of Manhattan, where they not only found stinky tofu but also spicy hot pot.

In the next two days, Zhang Chen spent time at the Metropolitan Museum, while Xiaofang went to a Wall Street company to report and look for a house.

On his last day in the United States, Zhang Chen originally wanted to visit Target, but Target’s headquarters is in Minneapolis, Minnesota, in the north-central United States. Xiaofang and Zhang Chen said that it was already closed. We are in Ontario, Canada, more than 1,800 kilometers away from New York.

Zhang Chen gave up even after thinking about it. He just had a phone call with Jessica, and Xiaofang was the translator on the side.

Jessica was very happy to know that Zhang Chen had arrived in New York. She said that she would come to New York tomorrow or welcome Zhang Chen to the Minneapolis American Market. Zhang Chen could only tell her regretfully that she was here to deal with the problem. It’s a personal matter, I’m going back to China tomorrow.

Jessica was also extremely regretful on the phone.

Target was not able to go, but Xiaofang still drove Zhang Chen to the Target supermarket in New York to have a look. There, Zhang Chen saw the products produced by their company and also saw the ones he designed himself. Xiaofang asked the salesperson about the product, and the salesperson told her that the sales situation was very good.

Xiaofang also took Zhang Chen around the Macy's flagship store in Herald Square in New York. Here, Zhang Chen saw almost all the world's famous brands. If Zhang Chen came here two years ago, he would definitely have I would like to think that the clothes I designed will one day have a place here, but now, Zhang Chen does not dare to have such extravagant hopes.

You have been beaten to disgrace in China, how can you still dare to expect to come to New York and Fifth Avenue?

Zhang Chen came back from the United States, and the jet lag hadn't even reversed yet. He went to Sanya the next day. Cao Minfang called Zhang Chen and told him that the first batch of fourteen villas in their tropical botanical garden had been built, and she hoped he could come and see it. Look, if there is nothing that needs to be modified, the second batch of fifty-four buildings will be built according to this standard and materials.

This is a big event, so of course Zhang Chen will go.

Zhang Chen got on the plane to Sanya dizzy, and fell asleep on the plane. In his dream, he always thought he was still on the plane flying from New York to Shanghai.

When the plane was about to land, Zhang Chen woke up and saw for the first time how the stewardess had changed from a black man to an Oriental. She also smiled at him and spoke Chinese. Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that he was flying from Hangzhou. On the plane flying to Sanya.

After the plane landed, Zhang Chen walked dizzily toward the exit. When he was almost at the exit, he remembered that he hadn't even picked up his luggage. Zhang Chen walked back to the carousel, and when he arrived at the first-class passenger luggage area, he saw the ground staff I have already picked up his luggage and are waiting for him.

Zhang Chen dragged his suitcase outside and walked to the exit. He saw Cao Minfang waiting for him. Cao Minfang saw him and said, I see it says the plane has landed. Why can't I get through when I call you?

Only then did Zhang Chen remember that his mobile phone had not been turned on yet.

Zhang Chen took out his mobile phone. As soon as he turned it on, the phone rang. It was Wenwen. Zhang Chen quickly picked it up.

"Mr. Zhang, oops, I'm so anxious! Why can't you get through on the phone?" Wenwen shouted on the phone as soon as the call was connected.

Zhang Chen said: "I was on the plane before and I just got off the plane now. What's wrong?"

"Mr. Zhang, have you come to Beijing? We are also at the airport. Which terminal are you at, Mr. Zhang?" Wenwen asked.

"No, no, I didn't go to Beijing, I went to Sanya." Zhang Chen said.

"It's over, it's over." Wenwen called out three times in a row, and then said: "Mr. Zhang, that die-hard Hongmei is going to Japan. She won't let Qianqian and I tell you. I really can't help it, so I run away. When I called you in the toilet, I couldn’t get through. I was so anxious! You made me sit on this toilet for more than half an hour.”

"Hongmei is going to Japan? On a business trip? When will she come back?" Zhang Chen asked a series of questions.

"I'm not coming back." Wenwen said.

"Ah!" Zhang Chen was surprised, "What's going on?"

Wenwen said: "What kind of film company did Hongmei work with..."

"Songzhu Films?" Zhang Chen said.

"Yes, that's right, this Songzi Yihua, and that director, who is still very famous in Japan, have been asking Hongmei to come and work in Japan. Hongmei has not agreed in the past two years, and this year, I don't know if she was asked What a ghost, she promised, she will leave soon." Wenwen said.

At this time, Zhang Chen was completely awake. He waved his hand towards Cao Minfang and told her to wait. He walked away to make a phone call. Zhang Chen asked Wenwen: "Where is Hongmei now?"

"She and Qianqian were checking in for their boarding pass. I came to the toilet. Mr. Zhang, please call her quickly, otherwise it will be too late. She got on the plane and flew away." Wenwen said anxiously. explain.

Zhang Chen said okay, I'll call her right away.

After hanging up Wenwen's phone, Zhang Chen immediately dialed He Hongmei. The call was connected, and the phone made a uniform "beep-beep-beep" sound, but no one answered.

Zhang Chen was holding the phone in his hand, feeling very anxious. When the even "beep-beep-beep" sound turned into a rapid "beep-beep-beep" sound, Zhang Chen dialed the redial button, and then there was a message from the phone. The sound of "beep-beep-beep" came, but no one answered.

Zhang Chen kept dialing again.

Zhang Chen thought of what He Hongmei had told him before, saying that if they broke up one day, one of the most likely ways would be like this. You called me, but I didn't answer, and we separated like this.

When Zhang Chen thought like this, he became even more anxious. He held the phone tightly with his right hand, his palms were sweaty, and the phone was almost crushed by him. He poked the redial button with his left hand so hard that the redial button was almost broken. Rotten.

The person on the other end of the phone seemed determined and refused to answer the phone.

Zhang Chen held his mobile phone and walked around restlessly. He walked from the waiting hall to the outside. The sun outside was bright and white, which made people feel dizzy. Zhang Chen walked back again, and after a while he walked out again, standing at the door again. Walk back.

Cao Minfang watched him coming in and out from a distance, like China Mobile, constantly moving, with the mobile phone placed to her ear, her mouth not moving, and she never spoke. Cao Minfang didn't know what he was doing.

Zhang Chen kept redialing the phone like this, listening to the beeping sound. It took more than ten or twenty minutes before he remembered that he dialed Wenwen's number. As soon as the call came through, Wenwen cursed:

"Oh, Mr. Zhang, why can't you get through on the phone again?"

Zhang Chen said: "I was calling Hongmei, but no one answered. Is Hongmei with you?"

"The one in front..."

Zhang Chen quickly said: "Go over quickly and let her answer the phone."

"Oh, it's too late, Mr. Zhang!" Wenwen almost cried, "She has already passed the security check!"

Zhang Chen was stunned.

"Hey, Mr. Zhang, hey, hey..."

Wenwen kept shouting on the phone. Zhang Chen lowered his hands and stood there blankly. After a while, he woke up and heard Wenwen's cry. He picked up the phone.

Wenwen said: "Mr. Zhang, just now that bitch from Hongmei told Qianqian that she asked Qianqian to tell you to forget about her."

Zhang Chen and Wenwen said, "Okay, I understand."

Zhang Chen hung up the phone.

Cao Minfang saw Zhang Chen answer a phone call and walked back a little lost. Cao Minfang asked with concern: "What's wrong with you, Mr. Zhang?"

Zhang Chen shook his head and said, "Nothing, let's go."

They arrived at Banmutian Resort Hotel and got out of the car. Zhang Chen and Cao Minfang said, I just came back from the United States yesterday, and my head is still dizzy...

Cao Minfang understood. She gave the room card to Zhang Chen and said to him: "Room 501, Mr. Zhang, please rest first, and I won't ask you to have lunch."

Zhang Chen said yes.

"You go up, Mr. Zhang, I'll ask the bellman to bring your luggage up." Cao Minfang and Zhang Chen said.

Zhang Chen said no, no, I can just bring it myself.

Zhang Chen dragged his suitcase upstairs and walked into his room. He sat down on the sofa in the living room outside, picked up the phone and dialed He Hongmei. By this time, the phone was turned off.

In this way, He Hongmei had been looking at her phone all the time, knowing that he was looking for her, just like she was sitting in front of the computer, changing the MSN status to offline or away, and quietly watching him online.

At this time, Zhang Chen understood that he and He Hongmei were over. There was no future. All futures had come to an end today. At this moment, He Hongmei's plane was flying over the Yellow Sea and heading for Tokyo.

Thank you Eternal Evergreen Emperor Yan for the reward! Thank you to Evergreen Yan Dadi, Cup Guy Api, Humorous Tribe, and Sample Thief for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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