The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1419 You still have us

Early the next morning, Zhang Chen and Cao Minfang went to the Tropical Botanical Garden. The botanical garden had begun to take shape. Zhang Chen saw it himself and felt satisfied with the progress here.

Jacques is still here. He is darker than the last time Zhang Chen saw him. Not only darker, but also more like a Hainanese. When he sits there and talks, he also likes to put one foot on the stool. And his current catchphrase is "Are you going to fall in love with me?"

Jacques said this sentence in Hainanese very clearly. This sentence sounded like a curse to Hainanese, but when it was uttered by a foreigner, it was a bit funny. Jacques was on the construction site and scolded this sentence, "Are you a prostitute?" , scolded the person "Are you a thief?", the person being scolded not only did not get angry, but actually laughed.

Cao Minfang and Zhang Chen said that Jacques now doesn't even want to stay in a hotel. He thinks it's too time-consuming to come and go, so he lives in the office of the preparation office every day. What's the point of eating? There is a big canteen on the construction site anyway. Eat with the workers.

Knowing that the food on the construction site was less meaty, Cao Minfang would bring braised vegetables to Jacques every time he came. Foreigners did not eat pig offal, but after Jacques tasted braised large intestine and braised pork belly, he felt that they were better than braised beef. It was delicious. When he saw Cao Minfang coming, he shouted with joy.

He is not stingy either. After getting these stewed meats, he would invite those who were scolded by him, "Are you dumping them?" to eat them together, which made Cao Minfang need to bring more and more every time.

Seeing Zhang Chen, Jacques took him up the mountain. When he reached the top of the mountain, Zhang Chen was even more amazed. It turned out that this mountain col was so beautiful when viewed from the top of the mountain. Looking at it now, Zhang Chen felt that he should add another word, that It’s just a variety of weather.

Lush tropical plants, well-proportioned, covered the entire valley. Zhang Chen felt that this scenery was very similar to the bird's-eye view shots from airplanes in those documentaries about the Brazilian rainforest.

Seeing Zhang Chen's surprised expression, Jacques grinned.

After going down the mountain, Zhang Chen and Cao Minfang went to see the villas that had been built. Jason and the others had designers here. After Zhang Chen saw it, he felt that there was nothing that needed to be modified, so he decided to move on to all the villas. Just follow this style and use this standard material, but each building will continue to be built in a different style.

After things in Sanya were finalized, Zhang Chen was about to return to Hangzhou. Cao Minfang drove Zhang Chen to the airport. The two of them walked to the first-class security checkpoint and stopped.

Cao Minfang and Zhang Chen said, Mr. Zhang, I don’t know what happened, but no matter what, you have to take care of yourself. You are the backbone of our company. You must take care of yourself. No matter how bad the situation is, you have to think about it. You and we.

Zhang Chen felt a little moved when he heard this. He told Cao Minfang, "I will do it. Don't worry, you should also take care of yourself. You have to work hard to have such a big thing in Sanya all on your shoulders."

Cao Minfang said it's okay. No matter how hard you work, you will have Mr. Zhang's support behind you and you won't be afraid anymore. So you can't fall. Do you understand?

Zhang Chen said yes, we are all from the theater troupe. If anything happens, we should treat life as a play and a small plot in a story. We will act out the play well, thinking that there will be an audience watching. You can't be embarrassed.

Cao Minfang nodded.

The two shook hands and felt it was not enough, so they hugged each other naturally before saying goodbye.

Zhang Chen returned to Hangzhou from Sanya. Wenwen and Qianqian also came to Hangzhou from Beijing. Wenwen saw Zhang Chen's first words and said to him, Mr. Zhang, Qianqian and I are both you. From Yiguo, we scolded Hongmei to death, but it was useless, do you believe it?

Zhang Chen smiled and said, I believe it.

"Oh, don't laugh." Wenwen said.

Zhang Chen put on a straight face and said seriously: "I really believe it."

Wenwen let out a long breath.

Zhang Chen asked the two of them, what would the factory do if He Hongmei left?

"Nothing to do, just do it as it is. It turns out that Qianqian is in charge of the factory, and Hongmei is just in charge of design. Now do it, and the drawings will be emailed to you. Qianqian also hired two more designers. By the way, Mr. Zhang, the difference is that Qianqian and I are both proprietresses, and now the factory is considered a partnership between the three of us." Wenwen said.

"Okay, then congratulations on your successful promotion to the boss lady!" Zhang Chen said.

"What the hell, I'd rather be like before and not have any worries at all. It's not good at all to be a bad boss. He worries about this and that every day," Wenwen said.

"Me too." Qianqian said.

"It's okay, you two are capable of doing a good job." Zhang Chen said, "By the way, you said you were worried about this and that. What are you worried about? Are you worried about business?"

"Don't worry about the business." Qianqian said, "I am in charge of the business on"

"What about the crew? Hongmei is gone, so the crew's business is gone, right?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Yes, she's not here, and there are others. In Beijing's film and television industry, those die-hards are not as familiar as me. I ask them to make my clothes, and they will give it to me. I don't have to worry about this business." Wenwen explain.

"Then what are you worried about?" Zhang Chen asked.

"We didn't understand. When it comes to fabrics and accessories, aren't they all imported by Hongmei? We don't even know where to buy them, and we don't understand what's good or bad." Wenwen said.

"This is not difficult. You can learn quickly. I will take you to Keqiao and Yiwu to identify a few major suppliers. You can ask them to ship to you in the future, especially for excipients. Just select If you choose the right factory, the quality is guaranteed. Each factory has its own positioning. No matter what comes from the same factory, it will not be too bad. I will introduce our suppliers to you."

As Zhang Chen said, Wenwen and Qianqian looked at each other and laughed.

Zhang Chen was surprised and asked, "Why are you laughing?"

Wenwen said: "This time, we originally came to ask Mr. Zhang to take us there. Unexpectedly, we didn't ask. Mr. Zhang said it yourself. I said that Mr. Zhang is not a stingy person and will not be angry. Hongmei, ignore us.”

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "Of course not. Besides, I'm not angry with Hongmei. No matter what she does, she always has her reasons for doing it."

Wenwen shook her head, sighed, and said: "Look, such a good man, that die-hard man, is so obsessed with me that he is willing to leave. Alas, Mr. Zhang, you don't like me. If you do Me, I will definitely be your girlfriend."

Zhang Chen laughed and said, "I don't dare, I'm afraid that the strong man will hit me."

Wenwen snorted and said disdainfully: "Him? Huh, I kicked him, and he didn't even dare to let out a fart. Mr. Zhang, don't be hypocritical. I know you don't like me. You have to like me." , we will book a room tonight."

Zhang Chen chuckled, a little embarrassed and didn't know how to answer this.

Wenwen said: "It doesn't matter if we can't be girlfriends, we are still friends, right?"

Zhang Chen said yes, whether Hongmei is here or not, if you have anything, just call me and I will definitely help.

"Did you see that?" Wenwen and Qianqian said, "I just said that Zhang is always reliable."

Qianqian nodded repeatedly.

The three of them were talking when Liu Ligan came back from get off work. When he walked in and saw Wenwen and Qianqian, he clapped his hands and laughed: "Haha, what day is it today? Double blessings come to your door!"

Wenwen sat on the sofa, raised one foot and faced Liu Lipole: "Don't mess around. You can treat us to a meal. If you want a hug, Mr. Zhang can do it, but you can't."

Liu Ligan scolded: "It's so callous. When did I fall to this level? I'm even worse than Zhang Chen."

"You are not as good as Mr. Zhang." Qianqian said.

"No way!" Liu Ligan clapped his chest with both hands, then opened it, stood there and said to them: "See clearly, this person will soon be the chairman of a Hong Kong listed company, Chairman Liu, Do you understand, if you don’t flatter me now, you will no longer be able to reach your heights soon.”

"Tch, even if you become the king, get away from me." Wenwen said, "We don't want to suffer twice and suffer the same sin again. Come on, Mr. Zhang, it's better for us to make him angry. "

Wenwen said, and sat on Zhang Chen's lap. Qianqian also sat over. When Liu Ligan saw it, he shouted, "I'll join in too."

As soon as he came over, Wenwen and Qianqian ran away, and Zhang Chen sat there laughing.

The four of them went to Tuxiangyuan Hotel. When they met Huijuan in the lobby of the hotel, Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan said, "You guys go up first."

Zhang Chen stood there and told Huijuan about the scene at the Ban Mu Tian Hotel in Sanya. Huijuan was very happy to hear that. Zhang Chen said, if you have time, go and have a look. They are also planning to do night food stalls.

"Are you going together?" Huijuan asked, leaving Zhang Chen embarrassed.

Huijuan smiled softly: "Looking at how scared you are, can I still eat you?"

Just as someone from Toshiba came in, Huijuan greeted them with a smile, and Zhang Chen went upstairs.

It was during the meal that Liu Ligan learned that He Hongmei had gone to Japan. Liu Ligan looked at Zhang Chen and cursed, Damn, this Sichuan girl is so heartless.

Next, everyone stopped mentioning He Hongmei.

The four of them finished their meal at Tuxiangyuan. Wenwen and Qianqian insisted that Liu Ligan treat them to a disco, and Liu Ligan agreed.

Zhang Chen said, you go ahead, but I won’t go. I’m an old man, so I’m still dancing.

Qianqian pointed at Liu Ligan and said, "Mr. Zhang, you are not old. You look like his little brother."

Wenwen took Zhang Chen's hand and said, "Go away, I'm just like you. I'm an old woman too. We get stronger when we get older, and we go crazy when we get older."

Zhang Chen couldn't defeat them and had no choice but to follow them to the disco.

At about one o'clock, after coming out of the disco, they went to Longxiang Bridge for supper. After the supper, Wenwen and Qianqian felt that they were still not satisfied, so they suggested going to watch an all-night movie. They arrived at Pacific Cinemas on Wulin Road. Wenwen said she wanted to buy a couple seat.

"No, no, I don't want to, then I want to sit with Mr. Zhang." Qianqian said.

Wenwen coaxed her and said, "Please feel sorry for yourself first. During the first movie, you accompanied that person. Can we switch over for the second movie?"

Qianqian pouted and agreed, while Liu Ligan stood aside and smiled.

After entering the cinema and sitting down in the couple's seat, Wenwen and Zhang Chen said, "Mr. Zhang, I don't care, we must be intimate and affectionate."

As she spoke, she got into his arms, leaving Zhang Chen at a loss.

Zhang Chen knew in his heart that whether it was Wenwen Qianqian or Liu Ligan, they were all absent this night because of one person. They were thinking of ways to prevent him from thinking about that person in their own way. Thinking of ways to make him happy.

Just like Cao Minfang said, they are telling him that you still have us.

Thank you for the reward of two fishes at one time and three o'clock in the middle of the night! Thank you for your monthly votes from Evergreen Yan Dadi, Humorous Tribe, Skull, Shi Yitan, Tianying 1978, Angry Adam, Shi Dao, I Have Ten Pieces of Heart, and Qianqian Dad! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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