The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1387 Once you start, you can’t stop

Liu Ligan and the others sold more than 10,000 houses and achieved a significant result, especially in such miserable days.

But Tan Shuzhen was happy for a while, but then she couldn't be happy anymore. She knew that the sale of more than 10,000 houses did not mean that their money was flowing, but that their company's funds would be tightened across the board. If you go down, you will have to live a hard life with careful calculation.

The reason is very simple, because after all, this is not a mortgage made in a bank. If they make a mortgage in a bank, the bank will give them the full payment of a house. If there are more than 10,000 houses, that is more than 100 billion. Life should not be easy.

But now, this part of the money is being cushioned by their company. Although it doesn't need to be so much, it is still a huge expense. Just relying on the deposit of more than 200 million, and the stable monthly payment The tens of millions collected are far from enough.

Some of the houses sold have been built, which is equivalent to helping them sell inventory, and some of them have not yet been built. These projects require continued investment.

Tan Shuzhen calculated that with the company's existing funds and monthly income, there would be no problem in maintaining the company's normal operations, but it would be a bit stretched to launch new projects, and it would be even more wishful thinking to acquire new land. .

This kind of life will probably continue until three to five years later. This group of customers will gradually turn into mortgage customers of the bank. The bank will pay them the house payment. At that time, their life will be easier.

Fortunately, under such a general environment, Tan Shuzhen's desire to acquire land was not high, and they were not at the point where they would immediately run out of land.

The most important thing is that for their entire company, while others are still struggling with sales, their company has almost reached the point where they have no houses to sell.

In this way, overall, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Liu Ligan walked into Tan Shuzhen's office. Tan Shuzhen told Liu Ligan her entire idea. She reminded Liu Ligan that in two years, at least two years, you have to put away your desire to be successful in the land auction market. Wait until the second half of next year, after the "Dragon Family" opens, and if your judgment is correct, big funds will come in.

"How can we do that? We are building houses. How can we do it if we don't take land for two years?" Liu Ligan said.

"I have also thought about the addiction of raising cards, but unfortunately my wallet does not allow it, brother." Tan Shuzhen and Liu Ligan said.

"I'll find a way. As long as the wallet is still there, there will always be a way to make it bulging." Liu Ligan said.

Tan Shuzhen looked at Liu Ligan and felt that he was dazzled by the victory. This was too frivolous to say. If you have a wallet, you can make it bulging. When you are in the troupe, you have a wallet like Blind Liu. Did you let it drum?

"Okay, okay, wait for the good news." Tan Shuzhen said, raising her hand impatiently and driving Liu Ligan out of her office.

More than an hour later, Liu Ligan walked in again with a smile on his face. Tan Shuzhen looked up at him and asked angrily:

"Purse full?"

"It's full." Liu Ligan said with a smile, "Is 1.5 billion enough?"

Tan Shuzhen opened her eyes wide and looked at Liu Ligan, wondering what he was doing.

Liu Ligan told her, and Tan Shuzhen also became happy. This was really a good way and a simple way.

Liu Ligan's method is very simple. From the more than 10,000 houses that have been sold this time, he pledges part of the house's accounts receivable and applies to Ms. Cai of Fubon Financial Holdings and others for 1.5 billion. Loans in RMB.

Fubon Financial Holdings' money was disbursed in the form of entrusted loans in the name of Taiwan-funded enterprises in mainland China through Mr. Qiao and Essence Trust's superior bank, Shenzhen Development Bank.

For these houses, he had already given them to Mr. Qiao's Anxin Trust, and Mr. Qiao and the others were collecting the monthly mortgage payments. For Ms. Cai and the others, the risk was controllable, so they gave them a very good deal. Low, annualized interest of 7%, for a period of five years, and can be repaid in batches. In this way, this part of the mortgaged house can be released in batches at that time.

"Ms. Cai and the legal persons of their Taiwan-funded enterprises in mainland China will arrive in Shenzhen next Monday. We will go there on Sunday afternoon."

Liu Ligan talked to Tan Shuzhen, and Tan Shuzhen agreed.

Just over two weeks after Liu Ligan's exhibition, the real estate fair in Hangzhou, which had been suspended in the first half of the year, was finally resumed. Of course Liu Ligan and the others had to attend.

Both Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen believed that this was a real estate fair that was destined to be impossible for the salted fishes to turn over, but it was also the most relaxing real estate fair for them. The reason why it was easy was not only because Miss Cai and the others had already received their money, They have food in hand and don't panic. More importantly, their company has no houses to sell, so it doesn't matter whether they actually participate or not.

Even if they participate, they have nothing to do and are destined to be just spectators.

Sales Director Xiao Lu told them that either I would send the sales lady and sales man who are in love to each project, and let them go to the venue to fall in love.

Tan Shuzhen looked at Liu Ligan and thought of his saying that "as long as the wallet is still there, there will always be a way to make it bulging." Tan Shuzhen teased him:

"Mr. Liu, now that the housing fair is still going on, you can find a way for us to have houses to sell."

Xiao Lu said: "At least it gives us something to do."

Liu Ligan said okay, I will find a way.

Tan Shuzhen and Xiao Lu looked at each other and laughed. You can figure this out, so why are you bragging?

There were still three days before the opening of the real estate fair. Liu Ligan hurried into Tan Shuzhen's office and asked Tan Shuzhen, had the exhibition layout begun?

"It started the day before yesterday. What happened?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

"Inform them to stop immediately. They need to change the plan and ask Xiao Lu to come over. By the way, call Zhang Chen to come over immediately. His help is urgently needed here." Liu Ligan said anxiously.

"Hey, what do you want to do?"

Tan Shuzhen picked up the phone and asked Liu Ligan. Liu Ligan ignored her, stepped back a few steps, retreated to the corridor, and shouted towards the end of the corridor: "Old Tan, Old Tan!"

Old Tan walked out of his office, and Liu Ligan waved to him.

Tan Shuzhen shook her head. She called Zhang Chen first and then Xiao Lu. Xiao Lu's office was in the row of houses behind. She ran over after receiving the call.

Finally, Tan Shuzhen called the real estate fair and asked the person responsible for setting up the venue to stop and wait for orders.

The four people sat down in Tan Shuzhen's office. Liu Ligan said, we will immediately change the plan and remove all other projects. This time, our exhibition will focus on promoting the "Sky City" and Xixi Wetland projects.

The other three people were all surprised. Tan Shuzhen asked: "Is it time to launch 'City in the Sky'?"

The entire "City in the Sky" project has been deemed immature within their company and has been frozen. Even the more than 100 households that have paid for their houses have been refunded or replaced. , the entire project is completely closed, and even tourists cannot enter. In this way, they can reduce their staff on duty by two-thirds.

So even for this exhibition, they didn't show "City in the Sky".

The Xixi Wetland project is still an open space. Although the design drawings have been released and the construction application procedures have been completed, the construction has not even started. They have been pioneers in Hangzhou too many times. This time, according to Tan Shuzhen’s The idea is that they wait and see in Xixi Wetland first to see the overall situation before making any move. They don't want to regret it after building or selling.

All three people looked at Liu Ligan. Liu Ligan said that tying the Xixi Wetland project to the "City in the Sky" does not mean that the Xixi Wetland project will start immediately, but that if the "City in the Sky" is mentioned, Home buyers may feel that the "Sky City" is too far away from the main urban area. Nowadays, the media is hyping Xixi Wetland, and the concept of Xixi Wetland has almost become obsolete.

We put the two projects together, emphasizing that "Sky City" is not far from Xixi Wetland, giving people the illusion that the two projects are integrated, so that everyone will not feel that "Sky City" is too Far.

"This lie of yours is a bit ridiculous." Lao Tan said, "You said it's not far, but it's not far? When I actually went to take a look, I found that the 'City in the Sky' is still a long way from Xixi Wetland."

"Is the Xixi Wetland between the main urban area of ​​Hangzhou and the 'Sky City'? Is it in the same direction? It's easy to handle if it is in the same direction. We have all the themes for the display, which is called the twin pearls in the west of Hangzhou." Liu said the pole.

"The difference is five or six kilometers, but you are far enough apart." Tan Shuzhen said.

"China and Japan are separated by the Yellow Sea, and they are called a strip of water. Don't you think that strip of water is too wide?" Liu Ligan asked.

Tan Shuzhen scolded: "You are really good at bullshitting."

"Yes, the more you talk about it, the happier you will be." Liu Ligan said, "Don't worry about it. Not many people will really run to see where the 'Sky City' is and where the Xixi Wetland is. Trust me."

"Where does the confidence come from?" Tan Shuzhen asked, "Do you really think that Zhejiang Jinxiu is already a golden brand, and people don't need to go see it when buying a house. What will they accept if you give it to them?"

"We don't sell houses." Liu Ligan said.

"If you don't sell the house, Mr. Liu, then what will we sell?" Xiao Lu asked.

Liu Ligan looked at Tan Shuzhen and said to Xiao Lu: "Mr. Tan asked earlier, is it time to launch 'City in the Sky'? Yes, it's not yet time. It will take another year at the earliest to wait for Xixi Wetland It's getting hot, projects are coming up one after another, sales are pretty good, and the time is ripe for the reopening of our 'City in the Sky'.

"This time, whether it's the Xixi Wetland project or the 'Sky City', we only book rooms, not sell them, for 20,000 yuan per room number," Liu Ligan said.

"Selling house numbers again? Haven't you suffered enough from selling house numbers in 'Sky City'?" Lao Tan shouted.

"This time, this time." Liu Ligan said, "Furthermore, the house numbers we sell this time are different from all other companies. That is, if you don't want it when the sale opens, we can refund you unconditionally. .”

"Can customers return it if they don't want it?" Lao Tan asked.

"Yes, when the market opens in one year, the deposit can be refunded unconditionally without any reason." Liu Ligan said.

Tan Shuzhen asked: "Then what are we doing?"

"Why did you call me here?" Zhang Chen walked in and asked.

Liu Ligan smiled and said: "Rescuing a situation is like putting out a fire. Master, immediately come up with an exhibition plan that will brighten the blind people's eyes. I still have three days to get it out."

Thanks to the little brother who eats fish, I don’t know if anyone asks me, I read the book every day, and the little tin soldier for the reward! Thank you Da Dao Asan, Nanhai Langjun, Xixi Zi, and Book Friends 20191217033238847 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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